• 제목/요약/키워드: China's Threat

검색결과 92건 처리시간 0.027초

중국의 해양전략 (China's Maritime Strategy)

  • 이원봉
    • 정보학연구
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.35-56
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    • 2009
  • After Chinese reforms and market opening, China actively started working on ways to attach importance to the ocean and it's maritime strategy has been developed and carried out by external and internal factors. We can take two things as external factors attributed to China's marine strategy. The first one is maritime environment change in the East Asian region and the second one is the strategic importance of Taiwanese Straits and the South China Sea. And we can take about national strategy, security strategy, and change of foreign policy as internal factors. China recognizes the ocean as a major step to achieve a goal of national development. The main goal of China's marine strategy in the 21st century is to secure marine transportation and marine resources and to make peaceful maritime environment in the ocean to keep up with their economic development by opening itself to the world. China has strengthened their defense abilities to act against threat of national security by modernizing sea forces and increased national power by building up the marine power. It is expected that China will continue to seek more aggressive maritime strategy on matters of national security as well as pour heir efforts into making economic development and obtaining energy resources. This will also be one factor making new dynamics between countries in and around the East Asian region.

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중국의 방공식별구역(ADIZ) 선포와 역내 안보적 함의 (China's recent establishment of its ADIZ and its implications for regional security)

  • 신창훈
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권33호
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    • pp.148-177
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    • 2014
  • The regional security and stability in Northeast Asia has become more complicated because of a sudden establishment of China's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on 23 November 2013. One dimensional conflicts on the territorial sovereignty over the islands between the regional States has developed into the two dimensional conflicts like maritime delimitations among the States concerned since they have all ratified the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea which adopts the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone regime. Moreover, due to the notion of the outer limit of the continental shelf, the conflicts have developed into three dimensional ones in order to acquire more natural resources even in the seabed. To make matters worse, such three dimensional conflicts have expanded to the airspace as well. The paper will analyze what implications the sudden declaration of China's ADIZ have for the regional security in Northeast Asia from the perspectives of public international law. To this end, the paper 1) starts with the debates on the legal nature of the ADIZ, 2) identifies the Chinese government's political motives for the establishment of the ADIZ over the East China Sea, 3) assesses the responses of the regional States and the USA to the China's establishment of the ADIZ, and then 4) discuss what implications the overlapped ADIZ of the three key States in the region have for the regional security and stability.

제주 해군기지의 역할과 전망 (Roles and strategic functions of the Jeju Naval Base)

  • 이춘근
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권39호
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    • pp.140-162
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    • 2016
  • The construction of Jeju Naval Base was finally completed and donated to the Republic of Korea Navy on February 26th this year. There is no doubt that the new base will contribute to the substantial augmentation of Korea's naval power and maritime security. However, we should note that the new naval base took a long and hard twenty-three years to be completed. In the 21st century, Korea should adopt a new strategy that can fulfill the security requirements of Korea for the new age of international relations. The 21st century is characterized by globalization, and in the world of globalization, a national boarder has become meaningless. In the late 20th century, after the Cold War, trade between countries have greatly increased and so did the importance of the seas. Having transformed from an agricultural country into a commercial country, Korea went from a continental state to a maritime state. Korea has become the 9th largest trading state, and obviously, the importance of the sea has become significant. Korea's national strategic focus needs to be on the sea for national survival. Thus, since the 1990s, the Korean Navy has planned to build the Jeju Naval Base. Jeju, due to its geopolitical characteristics, is extremely important to the 21st century Korea's economy and national security. Jeju is the starting point of the sea route that reaches out to the world, and at the same time, the ending point of the sea route that heads towards Korea. Jeju is located in the center of Northeast Asia and thus, Jeju Naval Base is extremely important for the area's security and order. Jeju Naval Base will be very useful not only for the maritime security of Korea, but also for keeping peace and order in Northeast Asia. Jeju Naval Base was the minimal effort against the six sea route security threats towards Korea. The six sea route threats are: 1) Threat from North Korea; 2) China's Threat towards Korea's sovereignty; 3) China's treat towards Korea's fishery; 4) Threat from Japan; 5) Threat towards Korea's sea routes; 6) Threat from recent phenomena of isolationism of the United States. Jeju Naval Base is built for both warships and civilian ships--such as cruise ships--to use. Just like the United States' Pearl Harbor, Jeju Naval Base will become not only the largest military base, but a beautiful tourist site.

북한군사정책 특징 연구 (Study on Military Policy of North Korea)

  • 김성우
    • 융합보안논문지
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    • 제16권3_1호
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2016
  • 북한은 그동안 핵을 고도화하고 미사일의 발사 거리를 늘려왔다. 북한이 대화를 통해 핵을 포기할 가능성은 이미 사라진 것으로 보인다. 김정은은 중국 특사가 미사일 발사를 말리기 위해 평양을 방문했는데도 비웃듯이 로켓을 쏘아 올렸다. 상황이 이런데도 대화로 문제를 해결할 수 있을 것인가. 한반도 비핵화의 유일한 길은 실효적인 대북제재를 통해 북한이 스스로 핵을 포기하도록 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 중국은 어떤 형태로든 역할을 해야 한다. 한국 내에서는 북한의 핵 미사일 위협에 대한 자위 차원에서 고고도미사일방어체계(사드)의 도입은 물론 핵무장 여론이 높아지고 있다. 이런 흐름은 중국의 전략적 이익에 부합하지 않을 것이다. 본 논문은 북한이 앞으로 어떤 행보를 해 나갈 것인가를 예측하기 위해서는 북한의 '군사정책'이 될 것이라는 가정 하에 김정은 체제의 군사정책 특징을 분석하고 전망하여 의미 있는 시사점을 찾고자 하는데 목적이 있다.

중국해안경비법(Coast Guard Law)(2021): 위협과 공격을 위한 도구 (The China Coast Guard Law (2021): A New Tool for Intimidation and Aggression)

  • 라울 페드로조
    • 해양안보
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.1-44
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    • 2021
  • 중국의 새로운 해양정책법(Maritime Policy Law: MPL)은 중국해안경비대 등의 중국 해양경찰 기관들의 임무를 규제하고, 중국의 주권, 안보, 권리, 이해관계를 보호한다고 주장한다. [하지만] 중국이 본토 주위 및 남중국해에서 넓은 해역에 대한 권리를 주장하고 있다는 점에서, MPL은 훨씬 광범위하게 적용될 수 있다. 중국이 제기하는 대부분의 해양 주장이 국제법에 부합하지 않는다는 점을 고려하면, 이렇게 해양법 집행 관할권을 광범위하게 적용하는 것은 문제의 소지가 많다. MPL이 분쟁해역 또는 공해에서 외국선적 선박에 대한 관할권을 주장한다면, 이는 국제법 위반이다. 무력 사용에 관한 MPL의 많은 규정 역시, 해양법 집행 관할권의 사용에 관한 국제 규칙 및 기준을 위반한 것이며, 모든 국가의 영토 온전성이나 정치적 독립성에 반하는 위협이나 무력사용을 금하는 유엔헌장에도 위배된다. 중국은 MPL을 남중국해와 동중국해에서 불법적인 영토 및 해양 주장을 제기하기 위한 구실로 사용할 수 있으며, 다른 연안국의 배타적경제수역 내 자원 권리 행사를 방해하기 위한 구실로도 사용할 수 있다.

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21세기 중국 국가이미지의 형성과 전파 (The Propagation and Construction of China's National Image in $21^{st}$ Century)

  • 왕웨이민;최연
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2011
  • 중국의 국제적인 위상이 높아짐에 따라 국가이미지를 능동적으로 형성하고 이를 국제적으로 홍보 내지 전달하는 것(이를 '국가이미지의 전파'라고 한다)은 '소프트파워'로서의 중국의 위상을 나타내고 '중국위협론'을 타파하며, 국제사회에서의 발언권을 획득하는데 있어서 중요한 방식이다. 본고에서는 우선 국가이미지의 기본개념과 관련이론에 대하여 논의하고 나아가 중국의 '책임있는 대국'으로서의 이미지의 포지셔닝과 함의를 탐색하여 중국 국가이미지 형성을 위한 '입체적 커뮤니케이션'의 대안을 제시하고자 한다. 아울러 '입체적 커뮤니케이션'수단으로 뉴미디어 커뮤니케이션, 광고 커뮤니케이션, 국제적 스포츠 경기 및 중대한 국제적 사건의 마케팅, 공공외교와 공공관계의 발전을 제시하고 있다.

중국 경제성장의 제약요인이 한국 통상환경에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of the Restrictions in Chinese economic growth on Korean commercial environment)

  • 송일호;이계영
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.457-479
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    • 2013
  • 중국의 경제적 부상(rise)으로 부민강국이라는 중국의 꿈이 구체화하고 있다. 중국경제의 고도성장은 전 세계에 커다란 충격을 줄 것이다. 세계의 공장과 세계의 시장으로 영향력을 확대하고 있다. 그러나 중국의 지속적 경제성장 실현에는 여러 제약요인이 존재한다. 급격한 성장의 부작용으로 중국사회는 관료의 부패, 부의 양극화등 많은 사회적 난제를 가지고 있다. 국제적으로는 중국 위협론과 주변국과의 영토분쟁이 있다. 최근 중화민족주의의 출현에 대한 주변국의 견제도 심각한 제약요인이 되고 있다. 중국 내부적으로는 관료사회의 부패만연, 공산당 통치능력 약화, 차별적 경제발전전략에 따른 부의 양극화, 농촌문제의 심각성, 사회적 불안정, 사회보장 체제 미비, 동부 연해지역과 서부 내륙지역의 발전격차, 소수민족 문제, 환경오염과 에너지자원 부족으로 인한 지속가능한 성장의 제약등 여러문제로 구소련같이 국가가 해체될 가능성도 상존한다. 사회 양극화의 심화는 사회주의 혁명당시 지지기반인 농민과 노동자들을 공산당에 실망하게 하여 공산당 일당집권의 명분을 위협할 가능성이 있다. 에너지 자원 부족, 환경오염등 문제는 한국기업과 경제에 위기를 가져다줄 것이다. 특히 한국경제에 미칠 중요한 영향은 경제 성장방식의 전환이다. 투자와 소비의 균형, GDP중심성장에서 탈피하여 소비, 환경중심으로 전환된다. 금융, 환경, 문화, 교육, 의료, 사회복지관련 산업등 서비스 산업이 성장할 것이다. 중국의 성장모델 변화는 한국의 중간재 산업에 큰 시련을 안겨 줄 것 이다. 중국은 성장을 소비중심으로 맞추면서 구조조정을 시작했다. 기계, 자동차, 반도체, 철강, 화학 중심인 대중국 수출산업 비중을 줄이고 서비스산업 비중을 늘려야 한다.

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한(韓).중간(中間) 세이프가드 관련분쟁(關聯紛爭)의 전개(展開)에 따른 우리나라의 대응(對應) (A Study of the Dispute Between Korea and China on the Safeguard Measure)

  • 이원근;장동식
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제22권
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    • pp.255-285
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    • 2004
  • After more than 15 years of negotiations, China was finally able to achieve the WTO membership, opening up new trade opportunities for China as well as existing WTO members. China accepted a special safeguard mechanism as one of its WTO- plus commitments. And in response, Korea has since introduced China special safeguard rules, which in simple terms, allows an invocation of safeguard measures against Chinese product imports under more lapse conditions than would normally be allowed under the existing general safeguard rules. China also introduced new safeguard rules in November 2001 in an effort to increase transparency in its operation of safeguard measures. However, the current article contends that the new rules pose a serious threat to free trade in the form of the retaliation provision, which enables China to take unilateral retaliatory actions against safeguard measures on Chinese product imports, It indicates that the provision could be operated in an arbitrary manner as the US Super 301, and lead to infringements of WTO disciplines. This paper indicates that the foregoing elements could lead to mort trade disputes between Korea China regarding safeguard measures and subsequent retaliations on the hills of the so called the Garlic War. The current article goes on to offer policy recommendations toward deterring such disputes. First, it recommends a more active invocation of Korea's own retaliatory provision against China's unilateral actions at least to gain negotiating leverage. Second, it sites problems involving China's still conspicuous state-trading practices, and proposes to raise issues again China to induce more faithful implementation of WTO disciplines Final, it stresses the importance of preventing disputes before they arise, and suggests several specific preventive measures.

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동북아 해양경찰 증강 동향 (Strengthening Trend of Coast Guards in Northeast Asia)

  • 윤성순
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권43호
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    • pp.175-199
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    • 2018
  • Recent marine territorial disputes in the East China Sea and the South China Sea have come to us as a great threat. China, which has recently established the China Coast Guard and has rapidly developed maritime security forces, is trying to overcome the various conflict countries with its power. Japan is also strengthening intensively its maritime security forces. Since Korea, China, and Japan are geographically neighboring and sharing maritime space in Northeast Asia, there is no conflict between maritime jurisdiction and territorial rights among the countries. The struggle for initiative in the ocean is fierce among the three coastal nations in Northeast Asia. therefore, Korea needs more thorough preparation and response to protect the marine sovereignty. As the superpowers of China and Japan are confronted and the United States is involved in the balance of power in strategic purposes, the East Asian sea area is a place where tension and conflict environment exist. China's illegal fishing boats are constantly invading our waters, and they even threaten the lives of our police officers. The issue of delimiting maritime boundaries between Korea and China has yet to be solved, and is underway in both countries, and there is a possibility that the exploration activities of the continental shelf resources may collide as the agreement on the continental shelf will expire between Korea and Japan. On the other hand, conflicts in the maritime jurisdictions of the three countries in Korea, China and Japan are leading to the enhancement of maritime security forces to secure deterrence rather than military confrontation. In the situation where the unresolved sovereignty and jurisdiction conflicts of Korea, China and Japan continue, and the competition for the strengthening of the maritime powers of China and Japan becomes fierce, there is a urgent need for stabilization and enhancement of the maritime forces in our country. It is necessary to establish a new long-term strategy for enhancing the maritime security force and to carry out it. It is expected that the Korean Coast Guard, which once said that it was a model for the establishment of China's Coast Guard as a powerful force for the enforcement of the maritime law, firmly establishes itself as a key force to protect our oceans with the Navy and keeps our maritime sovereignty firmly.

Supercritical fluid extraction effectively removes phthalate plasticizers in spores of Ganoderma lucidum

  • Li, Pan;Liang, Zuan-hao;Jiang, Zhuo;Qiu, Ziyou;Du, Bing;Liu, Yu-bing;Li, Wen-zhi;Tan, Li-hao
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.1857-1864
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    • 2018
  • Phthalate plasticizers residue in food is a serious threat to public health. Spores of Ganoderma lucidum are easy to be contaminated with phthalates during collection and processing. In this study, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was performed to remove phthalates in spores of G. lucidum, and the effects on acid and peroxide values of spores' oil were also evaluated. The results showed SFE removed 100% of the residual di-iso-butyl phthalate, di-n-butyl phthalate and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate in the spores of G. lucidum. No significant differences in polysaccharides content and fatty acid composition were observed between SFE and control spores. However, the triterpenoid extracts of SFE spores had a 7.45% increase, significantly higher than that in control spores. Accelerated oxidation tests further implied that SFE could improve the stability of spores' oil. Our results suggested SFE is a potential approach to remove phthalate from food related products.