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Study on Military Policy of North Korea  

Kim, Sung Woo (동명대학교 군사학과)
Publication Information
The North Korean regime, Kim Jungun's foreign policy is changed frequently. And their military policy has no gravity. North Korea has developed nuclear weapons and long range missile. Now they have Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile. These activities redound a great threat in Korean peninsula. There are a no possibilities to give up its nuclear weapons and missile development. For the peace in Korean peninsula, we should make North Korea to abandon its nuclear himself through effective sanctions. Now China should effort to control North Korea. To reduce the threat we should coordinate the strategic interests of China and US. This study is to predict the North Korea military activities to analyze "military policies."
The North Korean regime; military policy; nuclear weapons; Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile; strategic interests of China and US;
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  • Reference
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