• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of Educational Contents

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A Study on Characteristics of Digital Learning Contents Space and Suggestion on Design Directions (디지털 학습콘텐츠 공간특성 분석과 디자인 방향 제시)

  • Kim, Mi-Shil;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2010
  • Technological development of information and communication have brought sharp changes to every sector such as society, culture, economy and education because of knowledge and information-oriented society. The number of classes has decreased, and some schools are closed or incorporated due to decrease of the population. Such phenomenon has brought changes to learning using digital technology and space. A change called digital innovation is characterized by interactive communication centering on the internet network. Therefore, it is very important to predict educational environment to be changed according to digital environment and to note how real learning space is changed. The development of digital technology in society in general presents two concepts of digital and contents, digitalized information. Such technology is recognized as a new paradigm in education sector and a new space is created through participation of instructors and learners in learning space. This study analysed cases of learning space of elementary schools based on bibliographical examination and related bibliography including data from academic presentations and news release to present developed leaning space. To present healthy and creative learning environment which can lead knowledge and information-based society in the future, the preface described the background, purpose, methods and range of the study, and analysed transitional processes of society and culture, digital learning contents, and learning space in education of elementary schools. Finally the study identified trends and cases of research on learning space and suggested digital learning contents space.

A Study on the Women's Hair Jewelry of Chosun Dynasty and a Plan for its Cultural Contents (조선시대 여성수식장신구 연구 및 문화콘텐츠화 방안)

  • Chung, A Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.483-484
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    • 2010
  • Accessories originated from men's ornamental instinct in the beginning as a body ornament. Women's accessories in the Joseon Dynasty have splendid structure and rich symbolism, so they are enough to be a target of the study for being contents of Korea's cultural archetype. Traditional accessories are the foundation of excellent formative and functional characteristics due to the extreme beauty of crafts. This study aims to develop archetype of excellent formative factors by making traditional accessories digitalized for perpetuation in order to apply them to the culture industry. In addition, it is to prepare the educational foundation by reinterpreting traditional accessories in a modern way. Therefore, this researcher intends to develop constituents of traditional accessories by means of digital images and suggest digital contents methods of accessory techniques by dividing constituents, techniques, materials, symbolic meaning, and attire and wear.

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A Study on the Development of E-book Contents for Fashion Online Entrepreneurship Education (패션온라인창업 교육을 위한 전자책 콘텐츠 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Hwa-Yeon Jeong;Eun-Hee Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2024
  • This study developed e-book content in order to use e-books as a tool to provide more efficient classes to learners who are familiar with smart devices and online spaces. E-book contents were produced using Sigil-0.9.10. The development process is as follows. Before e-book development, it is necessary to prepare manuscript files, image files to be inserted, fonts to be used, and e-book covers. After inserting the book cover images, it is necessary to register the table of contents using the title tag and register the free fonts. Also, a style must be created for text or images used in the main text connected to a file containing the entire text. Then, after separating the entire text file into separate files according to each chapter, the text is completed in turn. E-books were produced focusing on hyperlink functions so that educational content and various example images could be accessed. Currently, there is a lack of research on e-books as textbooks in universities within the fashion design major. In the future, if e-book contents are developed according to the characteristics of courses and the level of learners, they can be used as effective teaching tools.

Relationship of Participants' Characteristics and Organizational Effectiveness on Education Program -Mediating Effect of Communication- (교육참여자 특성과 조직유효성의 관계 -커뮤니케이션의 매개효과-)

  • Chun, Myung-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.394-403
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    • 2016
  • This research aimed at comprehending influence among education participants' characteristics (followership, sense of community, conscientiousness), organizational effectiveness, and investigating mediation role of communication. The results are as follows: First, followership and sense of community play an important role for communication. But conscientiousness did not affect communication. Second, communication has directly affected job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Third, the relation between education program characteristics and organizational effectiveness were mediated by communication. The findings of this study suggest the educational program is designed and developed based on employee's attitude of mind.

Study on the teaching efficiency and satisfaction levels of clinical practice instructors during clinical practice training for some dental hygienists and students (일부 치위생과 학생들의 임상실습교육 시 임상실습지도자의 교수효율성 및 임상실습만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Hey-Seung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.777-786
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The purpose of the is to investigate the teaching effectiveness of clinical practice instructors and the satisfaction level of dental hygiene majoring students in clinical practice training. Methods : Subjects were second and third grade 480 dental hygiene majoring students in Seoul and Gangwondo. Except 48 incomplete answers, 438 data were analyzed. Questionnaire consisted of general characteristics, teaching of clinical practice instructors, educational content, organization al skills, leadership, learning environment, evaluation skills and clinical practice satisfaction level. Results : 1. A strong positive correlation (r = 0.832) was found between teaching effectiveness and clinical practice satisfaction. A positive correlation more than 0.50 was found between the clinical practice satisfaction, encouragement and support for teaching effectiveness, educational contents, and leadership. 2. There were significant correlations between the encouragement and support (B = 0.209), educational content (B = 0.199), leadership ability (B = 0.257) and ability to create an environment (B = 0.084), evaluation ability (B = 0.083). Conclusions : Teaching effectiveness of the clinical practice instructors had influences on the clinical practice satisfaction. It is necessary to connect clinical practice instructions with satisfaction towards clinical practice to the students.

The Effects of Educational Contents and Organizational Characteristics on Learning Transfer and Organizational Effectiveness: Targeting Franchise Companies (교육콘텐츠 특성과 조직 특성이 학습전이 및 조직효과성에 미치는 영향 : 프랜차이즈 기업을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Min-Hee;Yoo, Yoo-Yeon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2022
  • Because of the need of actual performance of education, this study aims to understand how the factors of educational content and organizational characteristics affect organizational commitment and work performance, which are organizational effects, through learning transfer. As a result, task value, job relevance, and organizational compensation had a significant effect on learning transfer, learning transfer had a significant effect on organizational commitment and work performance, and organizational commitment had a significant effect on work performance. In order to increase the learning transfer of education, when specifying the connection with the actual job and strengthening the compensation system of the members, the learning transfer can be increased and eventually connected to performance. Since limited variables are considered, a more representative sample or professional group should be extracted through future research. In future studies, it will be possible to closely grasp the relationship between learning transfer and organizational effectiveness by setting representative samples and specifying variables.

A Study on the Educational Uses of Smart Speaker (스마트 스피커의 교육적 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Jiyeun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2019
  • Edutech, which combines education and information technology, is in the spotlight. Core technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution have been actively used in education. Students use an AI-based learning platform to self-diagnose their needs. And get personalized training online with a cloud learning platform. Recently, a new educational medium called smart speaker that combines artificial intelligence technology and voice recognition technology has emerged and provides various educational services. The purpose of this study is to suggest a way to use smart speaker educationally to overcome the limitation of existing education. To this end, the concept and characteristics of smart speakers were analyzed, and the implications were derived by analyzing the contents provided by smart speakers. Also, the problem of using smart speaker was considered.

A Study on System Development of School Health in Korea -Part II: Developmental Process and Foremost Tasks of School Health Education- (학교보건제도(學校保健制度) 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구 -제2부 학교보건교육의 발전과정과 향후 과제-)

  • Chung, Yeon-Kang;Chang, Chang-Gok;Park, In-Hwa;Shu, Sung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 1994
  • This study is designed to shed light on the current status of school health education in Korea and identify its problems. The findings of this study among other things pointed out that health education should be awarded the status on an independent subject in a bid to activate school health education and cope with its problems. Thus for efforts focused on the needs for establishing health education as an independent course as well as for enhancing the awareness of its importance. At this stage further efforts are needed to develop in-depth discussions and add greater variety to the curriculum. Firstly efforts should be made to recognize the health status of students at all levels, i.d., from kindergarten through university. Particulary at this stage when the entire society is going through changes in the types of health problems and disease pattern, the outcome of analyses on the types of health problems and health-related behavior can be used as basic data for framing the contents of school health education. Secondly more active efforts are required to single out the contents of health education and develop health education curricula assessment based on the findings of surveys on that of health education needs. Thirdly the development of school health education curriculum should be accompanied by that of more effective educational methods and materials. In particular, further efforts should be made to develop educational methods designed to make wider use of audio-visual equipments or apply behavior modification techniques so that school health education will be adapted to changed educational environment and the characteristics of health education. Fourthly and most importantly the training and production competent health education teachers is needed. This should be preceded by the amendment of relevant laws and administrative systems.

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Korean students' mathematics achievement according to the TIMSS-R international benchmarks - focused on the relationship with mathematics curriculum and text - (TIMSS-R 국제성취수준에 따른 우리나라 학생들의 수학 성취도 분석-교육과정, 교과서와의 관련성을 중심으로-)

  • 나귀수
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.383-401
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    • 2003
  • This study intends to examine the characteristics of Korean students' mathematics achievement according to the TIMSS-R International Benchmarks in the relation with mathematics curriculum and text. The concrete contents of this study are as followings. First, we consider the Korean students' mathematical abilities according to the TIMSS-R international benchmarks classified into Top 10% Benchmark, Upper Quarter Benchmark, Median Benchmark, and Lower Quarter Benchmark. Second, we examine the precent correct and the error-types of Korean students on the anchor items of such benchmarks. From these examinations, we grasp the mathematical titles that Korean students showed insufficient performance and lead the educational implications.

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A Study on the Planning Directions based on the Analysis of the Campus Plan (대학 캠퍼스계획의 분석을 통한 방향설정에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2009
  • The existing universities enlarged the scope, filled up the facilities. And many new universities are founded by increase of university students, the change of curriculum and extension of installations for new curriculum. However, the planning for university campus hinders desirable activities in campus and also the origin function of university, because of the problems caused by an application of a uniform planning standard that lacks in logical analysis and such a short step as the occasion demands for the growth and the change of the university campus changing more rapidly than any other field in society. This dissertation is for space program beginning from architectural explanation and basic planning concluding a general structure-planning for land utility, circulation planning, and building layout planning in order to find the practical solution for the applicable campus plan. The contents of this dissertation is summarized below. First, I studied the characteristics of the university, the structure of the university facilities and the expansion the development process of the campus. Second, through the case study of domestic campus planning, I analyzed the characteristics and the problems about space programming, facility layout planning, circulation planning and exterior space planning. Third, in the basis of the above analyses, I set up the directions of comprehensive campus master plan.