• Title/Summary/Keyword: Character code

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A study on the Recognition of Noisy Korean Character Utilizing Mathematical Morphology (수리형태학을 이용한, 잡영이 많은 한글 문자의 자소분리 및 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Hwan-Soo;Jung, Dong-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07b
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    • pp.1392-1394
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents an algorithm to separate vowels from consonants in Korean characters captured in noisy images and to recognize them. The algorithm has been originally developed for the recognition of the usage code (which is represented by a single Korean character) in the license plates or Korean vehicles. It, however, could be easily adopted to other applications with minor changes, in which character recognition is needed and the environment is noisy. The key ideas or the algorithm are to localize the vowels utilizing the Hough transformation and to separate the vowels from consonants utilizing mathematical morphology. We observed that the presented algorithm effectively separates vowels even if the vowels and consonants are joined together after thresholding. We also observed that our algorithm outperforms some conventional algorithms especially when the input images are noisy. The details of the comparison study are presented in the paper.

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A Study on the Hand-written Number Recognition by HMM(Hidden Markov Model) (HMM을 이용한 수기숫자 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Meen Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.121-125
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    • 2004
  • In the most of recognizing systems of hand-written numbers. extraction of feature shape by using character elements shapes and a method of morphological analysis by using then extraction of feature shapes were usually used. In this paper, however, peculiar chain-code is used, and differential code which gets minimal value by differentiating the chain-code which is generated by the peculiar chain-code is made. We found this differential code is very successful in discriminating hand-written numbers according to the result of applying to most of the hand-written numbers. Testing recognition of hand-written numbers by HMM network. From the results, we can recognize of 96.1 percentage hand-written numbers but can not recognize extremely distorted hand-written numbers.

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Recognition of Various Printed Hangul Images by using the Boundary Tracing Technique (경계선 기울기 방법을 이용한 다양한 인쇄체 한글의 인식)

  • Baek, Seung-Bok;Kang, Soon-Dae;Sohn, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we realized a system that converts the character images of the printed Korean alphabet (Hangul) to the editable text documents by using the black and white CCD camera, We were able to abstract the contours information of the character which is based on the structural character by using the boundary tracing technique that is strong to the noise on the character recognition. By using the contours information, we recognized the horizontal vowels and vertical vowels of the character image and classify the character into the six patterns. After that, the character is divided to the unit of the consonant and vowel. The vowels are recognized by using the maximum length projection. The separated consonants are recognized by comparing the inputted pattern with the standard pattern that has the phase information of the boundary line change. We realized a system that the recognized characters are inputted to the word editor with the editable KS Hangul completion type code.

송본(宋本) "상한론(傷寒論)"의 한중(韓中) Code 비교(比較) 비교대어송본(比較對於宋本)"상한론(傷寒論)"적한국화중국지(的韓國和中國之)Code

  • Lee, Byeong-Uk;Sin, Sang-U;Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2005
  • 도금일(到今日), 동양의학재한중일삼국수저자기적특색이연구발전이래(東洋醫學在韓中日三國隨著自己的特色而硏究發展而來). 이차저한중일삼국위료동양의학적세계화(而且這韓中日三國爲了東洋醫學的世界化), 과학화부단지재진행협조화노력(科學化不斷地在進行協助和努力). 유우동양의학이경주상료세계화(由于東洋醫學已經走上了世界化), 저삼국재소용적의학술어화기유적나사문헌자료적교류수요취월래월고료(這三國在所用的醫學述語和旣有的那些文獻資料的交流需要就越來越高了). 가시재문헌교류화의학용어적표준화과정중발현료일개흔대적장애, 저개장애취시(這個障碍就是)unicode. 당연(當然)unicode시위료재국가지간사적저사정보령활교류이제정작성적(是爲了在國家之間使的這些情報靈活交流而制定作成的). 가시(可是)unicode제정지전(制定之前), 각국이경위료각각적수구이연발료적합자기적한자계통(各國已經爲了各各的需求而硏發了適合自己的漢子系統). 현재적(現在的)unicode취시용나사기유적한자(就是用那些旣有的漢子)code제정적(制定的). 유우(由于)unicode피저양제정종이산생불소계통상적모순문제(被這樣制定終而産生不少系統上的矛盾問題). 저사문제불근영향도료계통지외(這些問題不僅影響到了系統之外), 이차우조애료한의학정보적령활교류(而且又阻碍了韓醫學情報的靈活交流). 위료해결저사문제(爲了解決這些問題). 본인이상한론위연구대상래비교료일하한국화중국적한자(本人以傷寒論爲硏究對象來比較了一下韓國和中國的漢子)code차이(差異).

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Adaptive-learning Code Allocation Technique for Improving Dimming Level and Reducing Flicker in Visible Light Communication (가시광통신에서 Dimming Level 향상 및 Flicker 감소를 위한 적응-학습 코드할당 기법)

  • Lee, Kyu-Jin;Han, Doo-Hee
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, when the lighting and communication functions of the visible light communication system are used at the same time, we propose a technique to reduce the dimming level and flicker of the lighting. Visible light communication must satisfy both communication and lighting performance. However, the existing data code method results in reducing the brightness of the entire lighting. This causes deterioration of lighting performance and flicker phenomenon. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose an adaptive learning code allocation technique that allocates binary codes to transmitted characters and optimizes and matches the binary codes allocated according to the frequency of occurrence of alphabets in character strings. Through this, we studied a technique that can faithfully play the role of lighting as well as communication function by allocating codes so that the 'OFF' pattern does not occur continuously while maintaining the maximum dimming level of each character string. As a result of the performance evaluation, the frequency of occurrence of '1' increased significantly without significantly affecting the overall communication performance, and on the contrary, the frequency of consecutive '0' decreased, indicating that the lighting performance of the system was greatly improved.

A Recognition Method of Container ISO-code for Vision & Information System in Harbors (항만 영상정보시스템 구축을 위한 컨테이너 식별자 인식)

  • Koo, Kyung-Mo;Cha, Eui-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.721-723
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the size and location of the acquired container image while the container is loading and unloading in Harbors is not fixed. And it is difficult to get a good image for recognition because of the variation of external environment as those the size of container and where the yard-tractor stop is. In this paper, we estimate where the container ISO-code set is using Top-hat transform from realtime images and get an image to recognize container ISO-code using PAN/TILT/ZOOM camera. We extract the container ISO-code using Top-hat transform and Histogram projection. After binarization, we extract each character from complex background using labeling. We use BP(Backpropagation Network) to recognize extracted characters.

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An Approach to Segmentation of Address Strings of unconstrained handwritten Hangul using Run-Length Code (Rum-Length code를 이용한 제약없이 쓰여진 한글 필기체 주소열 분할)

  • Kim, Gyeonghwan;Yoon, Jason-J
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.813-821
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    • 2001
  • While recognition of isolated units of writing, such as a character or a word, has been extensively studied, emphasis on the segmentation itself has been lacking. In this paper we propose an active segmentation method for handwritten Hangul address strings based on the Run-length code. A slant correction algorithm, which is considered as an important preprocessing step for the segmentation, is presented. Three fundamental candidate estimation functions are introduced to detect the clues on touching points, and the classification of touching types is attempted depending on the structural peculiarity of Hangul. Our experiments show segmentation performance of 88.2% on touching characters with minimal over-segmentation.

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Consideration of CJK Joint Hanja Unicode when is used in AMI/HDB-3 Line Coding (AMI/HDB-3 회선부호화와 한·중·일 한자 유니코드 체계 고찰)

  • Tai, Dong-Zhen;Hong, Wan Pyo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.1011-1015
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    • 2013
  • This paper analyses the violation rate of CJK joint Chines character Unicode to the source code rule. In the paper, Chinese character 150ea in Chinese Unicode which have relatively a higher frequency in use of a character was chosen to study. The frequency rate in use of the 150ea characters is about 50% of the total frequency rate of the Chinese characters. The study was applied the AMI/HDB-3 line coding/scrambling and HDLC protocol, According to the analyses, the number of violated characters were 77ea of 150 ea, frequency rate in use 29%. Therefore, when the violated 77ea characters are replaced to the matched character codes to the source coding rule, the processing rate of the line coder can be improved about 37%.

Container BIC-code region extraction and recognition method using multiple thresholding (다중 이진화를 이용한 컨테이너 BIC 부호 영역 추출 및 인식 방법)

  • Song, Jae-wook;Jung, Na-ra;Kang, Hyun-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1462-1470
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    • 2015
  • The container BIC-code is a transport protocol for convenience in international shipping and combined transport environment. It is an identification code of a marine transport container which displays a wide variety of information including country's code. Recently, transportation through aircrafts and ships continues to rise. Thus fast and accurate processes are required in the ports to manage transportation. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a BIC-code region extraction and recognition method using multiple thresholds. In the code recognition, applying a fixed threshold is not reasonable due to a variety of illumination conditions caused by change of weather, lightening, camera position, color of the container and so on. Thus, the proposed method selects the best recognition result at the final stage after applying multiple thresholds to recognition. For each threshold, we performs binarization, labeling, BIC-code pattern decision (horizontal or vertical pattern) by morphological close operation, and character separation from the BIC-code. Then, each characters is recognized by template matching. Finally we measure recognition confidence scores for all the thresholds and choose the best one. Experimental results show that the proposed method yields accurate recognition for the container BIC-code with robustness to illumination change.

A Hierarchical Neural Network for Printed Hangul Character Recognition (인쇄체 한글문자 인식을 위한 계층적 신경망)

  • 조성배;김진형
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.33-50
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    • 1990
  • Recently, neural networks have been proposed as computaional models for hard prlblems that the brain appears to solve easily. This paper proposes a hierarchical network which practically recognizes printed Hangul characters based on the various psychological stueies. This system is composed of a type classification netwotk and six recognition networks. The former clessifier input character images into one of the six thper by their overall sturcture, and the latter further classify them into character code. Extperiments with most frequently used 990 printed hangul characters conform the superiority of the propsed system. After all, neural nework approach turns out to be very reasonable through a comparison with statistical classifier and an analysis of mis-classification and generalization capability.