• 제목/요약/키워드: Character Style

검색결과 437건 처리시간 0.041초

현대 패션에 표현된 한국과 일본 전통 복식 디자인의 조형적 특성에 관한 연구 (Formative Character of Korean and Japanese Dress Design in Modern Fashion)

  • 최인려;이선희
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.749-759
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    • 2007
  • As the traditional style is treated as one of the important themes in fashion recently, how to apply the formative character in Korean and Japanese traditional dress to modern fashion is searched through actual analysis of photograph material, Both design formative elements were confirmed by clothing and fashion department majors through visual data so that 20 pieces of them were selected as final analysis object. Korean traditional dress form in modern fashion emphasizes curvaceousness as plane division. On the other hand, that of Japanese shows straight line, layered, belt, big look through up & down connection style. Color in Korean traditional dress prefers white and original color and modern fashion displays the natural beauty through harmony of similar colors ; that of Japanese based on natural color such as persimmon color cherishes natural beauty and implicit moderation showing harmony of various original color with brilliance and neutral color. While texture in Korean traditional dress was fine and exquisite, that of Japanese preferred coarse and tactile ones. In motif, Korea was natural and geometric but Japanese variously used complex and geometric ones. Likewise, the result suggests that the formative character in Korean and Japanese modern fashion affects the modern dress format as new aesthetic sense and takes on more complicated and subtle aspect in basic form, not just use so far.

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여성 캐릭터 의류 브랜드 구매자의 충동구매에 영향을 미치는 마케팅 요인과 브랜드 이미지에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Marketing Factors and the Brand Image Influencing the Impulse Purchase Tendency of Women Who Buy Character Clothing Brands)

  • 신수연;이정미
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.833-842
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to (1) investigate on the impulse purchase tendency of women who buy women's character clothing brands and (2) to clarify the relationship between the women's impulse purchase tendency and the marketing factors, and the brand image. The subjects were 203 women in their twenties and thirties who had purchased the women's character clothing brands in last six months living in Seoul. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaire and were analyzed by frequency, percentage, t-test, clustering analysis and MDS(Multi-Dimensional Scale). The results of the study were as follows: (1)66.0% of the women were categorized as the group of high-degree of impulse purchase tendency and 34.0% of the women were identified as the group of low-degree of impulse purchase tendency. (2) In identifying the relationship between the marketing factors and the impulse purchase tendency, the group of the high-degree of impulse purchase tendency was affected by the marketing factors such as new and fashionable products, status of display, advertising and discout selling. (3) Brand image was not statistically significant according to the impulse purchase tendency. As a whole, 'Obzee' was recognized as unique-style and sexy brand, 'Time' and 'Mine' were thought as the reasonable-prince and basic-style brands, 'Deco' were clarified as the intellectual-image brand, and 'Ego' and 'Telegraph' were revealed as high-price-image brands.

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    • Acta Via Serica
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.119-138
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    • 2018
  • The dragon of the East was an object of worship and an authority to make rain, unlike the West. The dragon image, one of the positively accepted Chinese motifs with the blue-and-white porcelain of the Ming dynasty by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, was combined with gigantic saw-edged leaves to create a genre in Saz style. By combining Eastern dragons with plant motifs instead of clouds, dragons were no longer accepted as authority and nobility but as symbols of life and longevity. Unlike Iran and other countries, the image of dragons in Turkish miniature paintings has evolved into a unique style using Turkish calligraphy. The stylistic feature is that a thick black line that gives the impression of calligraphy forms the dragon's back or a huge saz leaf stalk and forms the axis of the screen. Most of the work was black ink drawing, not painting, and partly lightly painted. In the development stage, the dragon appears as a protagonist on the screen of the early works, but the dragon retreats to the latter half and the saz leaves play a leading role on the screen. A common feature in all paintings, whether early or late, is that they have a militant character and create tension on the screen. From the viewpoint of comparative culture, Turkish dragon miniature drawings of the 16thcentury Ottoman period and the Joseon dynasty are somewhat similar in that they are based on calligraphic character and desire for longevity and loyalty, and are drawn according to certain iconic principles.

7가지 리더십 관점에서의 성품 계발 타당성 연구 (A Study on Validity of Character Development in view of 7 Leadership Perspectives)

  • 박종진
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.183-186
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    • 2018
  • 성품 계발을 위한 핵심 덕목이 정해졌다면 이 덕목들을 이용해 어떻게 각 품성을 훈련하고 체화하는 것이 중요한 관건이 될 것이다. 이는 단순히 지식을 가지는 것만으로는 안 되고 핵심 덕목을 실천하고 체험 기회를 확대함으로써 가능하다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 성품 계발을 위해 7가지 리더십 관점에서 핵심 덕목을 나누고 설문조사를 통해 7가지 리더십 관점에서 성품계발의 타당성을 조사, 연구한다. 이를 통해 개개인은 자신의 성향에 더 필요한 품성들을 집중적으로 계발할 수 있다.

"백조의 호수"에 표현된 발레의상 연구 - 매튜 본의 "백조의 호수"를 중심으로 - (The Study on Ballet Costumes Expressed in "Swan Lake" - Centering around The Swan Lake by Matthew Bourne -)

  • 김선영
    • 복식
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    • 제55권7호
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    • pp.62-75
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    • 2005
  • This study is focused on main performers' stage costumes in the 'Swan Lake', a masterpiece of classical ballet, which Is newly represented by Matthew Bourne, a choreographer. The objectives of the study is to help understand a trend of costume in modern public performance and art. First, this paper is attempted to describe the concept and the elements of ballet costume, secondly, to consider the performance generally, and finally to analyze main performers stage costumes. This study was performed by two processes; The first was to visit theaters to view the performances in person: the classical ballet by the Bolshoi Theater Ballet, the performance by Korea national ballet academy and the Matthew Bonne's modernly redefined ballet. The second was to review the regarding literatures and DVD. There are two apparent characteristics of main performers' stage costumes in modern-style ballet compared with classic-style ballet. First, there is an approach to gender identity; the character of swan with the classic tutu that has been the culmination of femininity in the classic-style ballet, used to be represented in an established idea on ballet costume, is now substituted by a creative idea, male ballerina and trouser-style ballet costume. Second, there is an approach to breaking the convention on the purpose of emphasizing popularity arousing real sympathy and art value. Also, modern-style ballet introduces bare body and ffot rather than tutu and toe-shoes, and adapts items from casual outfit fitted in earh performer's character with a present-day life.

국내 캐포츠 스타일 전개 현황 및 디자인 분석 (제1보) (A Study on the Design and Current Status of the Domestic Caports Style (Part 1))

  • 박낭희;최윤미
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권9_10호
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    • pp.1253-1264
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    • 2005
  • The background, concept, and design characteristics of the Caports style, which comes into new domestic fashion trend of sportism, are discussed in this article. Analysis are performed with utilizing pictures, advertizements of fashion magazine such as Vogue Korea, Fashionbiz, Ceci, etc., and photographs from internet sites, domestic papers since 2002. The result of this study is as followings: New life style, arose from the change of social and cultural environment, such as increase in leisure time, fusion and well-being trend, begins to be reflected in caports style in the form of stress on utility and functionality. The caports style is a fusion style based on sports wear with character and fashion. And, it can be adapted as a sports wear and daytime wear. With respect to the form, it emphasizes healthy body line, and as for the material, it strikingly utilizes various and functional materials. It also shows active and cheerful image using bright color, and utilizes functional and decorative details such as line-tape, zipper, hood. The most important characteristic of the caports style is to present a new liberal style by mix & match, layering, and exposing

스톱모션 애니메이션 캐릭터 의상제작과정에 관한 사례 연구 (A case study on the costume making process of stop motion animation characters)

  • 김기훈;서지성
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.655-663
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    • 2012
  • Due to increased interest in character costumes, the field of animation character costume design is gradually developing into a specialized domain. The costume-making process for animation characters presents many differences from the costume-making process for regular apparel. However, there remains insufficient research on the actual process of making the character costumes used in stop motion videos both in Korea and abroad. The purpose of this study is to establish a costume design process for animation characters. Furthermore, this study presents a case study on the costume planning and making process for 3D stop motion animation characters. The character costume-making process was segmentalized into the following stages: character analysis stage, character modeling stage, and character costume making stage. In the character analysis stage, the investigator analyzed the character's movements, designed the character images, and analyzed the movements and motions of the animation characters. After completing character modeling, this study proposed a method for making the character costume. The style of the character costume was designed, and the structural design reflected the position and size of joints as well as the angle of movements. The patterns of the character costume were produced through dimensional tailoring after measuring the body size of the character. Afterward, the costume was completed after passing through the fitting and revision stages. The clothing material was selected to fit the colors and feelings shown in the illustration. To complete the costume after comparing it with the initial illustration, it was revised based on the assessment of its volume and overall atmosphere.

대학생의 성별에 따른 스트레스 및 성격특성 비교 - Lim's Character Style Inventory를 중심으로 (Gender Differences of Perceived Stress Type, Stress Response and Personality Characteristics of Lim's Character Style Inventory and Vulnerability of Personality in College Students)

  • 박영숙
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.118-128
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate perceived stressor, the characteristics of personality and stress responses of college students and to compare their gender differences. Method: This study was cross-sectional survey and participants were 146 college students. Data was collected by Perceived Daily Life Stressor Scale of college students, Lim's Character Style Inventory, Vulnerability of Personality, and Stress Response Index, demographic questionnaire from May to September, 2012 in two cities. Results: Friend relationship stressor(p=.024) and professor relationship stressor(p=.032) among daily life stressors of female students were significantly higher than male students. Fatigue(p=.009), anger(p=.046), somatization(p<.001) and total stress response(p=.049) of female students were significantly higher than male student. Challenge(p=.034) of LCSI of female students was significantly higher than male student and stability(p=.018) of male students was significantly higher than female students. Regression model of stress response in male college students was significant(F=35.18, p<.001) and influencing factors were vulnerability of personality and challenge($R^2$=.544). Regression model of stress response in female college students was significant(F=39.38, p<.001) and influencing factors were vulnerability of personality, perceived stress type, and sociability($R^2$=.612). Conclusion: These findings need to be reflected to develop stress management programs and mental health promotion programs for college students.

우리나라 남성 골프웨어에 나타난 패션 경향 분석 (An Analysis of the Fashion Trends Expressed on the Korean Men´s Golfwears)

  • 이효진
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.748-762
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the fashion trends of Korean men's golfwears and furnished the researchers of same major with reliable data base. Lately, Korean men were concerned about their appearance rather than social position. Moreover, they tried to express the needs of youthfulness with free lift through clothings. These trend had been showed itself not only development of golfwears, but also change of esthetic tastes of men's golfwears. First of all, the development of men's golfwears was affected by the major three factors out of many various factors. That is, popularization of golf by the international activities of Korean progolfers, appearance of young consumers after IMF and the casualization of the men's formal dress, the making an everyday dress of men's sportswears. The results of analyzing of fashion trends of the men's golfwears is as follow: 1. The characteristics with naturalness, comfort of men's golfwears was manifested casualization trends by the factors of downward tendency of golfer's age, 5-days working, men's biz casual preference, individual ism after IMF. 2. Men's character golfwears was showed by the ageless as a youthfulness expression, the Sportism as an international trend, 2002 world cup, etc. 3. All of golfwears have to be functional characteristics because the golf is an active sports spending long time in golf course. Unconstruction style was an important fashion trends of men's golfwears by using functional materials to meet the needs of consumers. 4. The men's clothing was deviated from a fixed idea called masculine after IMF. Moreover, this trend was increased by the appearance of lovely man, genderlessness and had an effect on men's golfwears. Consequently. men's golfwears was showed feminization characteristics as a feminine, sensitive style. In the future, Korean men will try to express their character and thought freely through golfwears, men's golfwears will be continued ‘beyond the golf course’ image reflecting in the future fashion trends.

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한국(韓國)과 일본인(日本人)의 식행동(食行動)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)(제1보(第1報)) -식기구류(食器具類)의 사용(使用)에 관(關)하여- (An Investigation of Dietary Behaviors in Korea and Japan (Part I) -On Employment of Dietary Equipments-)

  • 김천호
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 1989
  • As for the Japanese dietary style and dietary equipments, many are regarded, with the rice plant imported, as the influence of China and Korea, while traditional culture has recently changed in Japanese and Korean urban lives because of the increase of nuclear families and modernization of lives. Of 1,244 junior high school students of boys and girls in Tokyo and Seoul, we investigated the present situations of the employment of dining equipments October to November, 1987. The results obtained are as follows. More cases that each member of a family had his or her own dining equipment were found in Japan. The frequency of using chopsticks was high in both countries. Korean children, having no struggles, handled chopsticks better than Japanese children. As for the dishing-up of sidedishes, more than half of Japanese used their individual plates, while in Korean families they used whole dishes. As for the employment of dining equipments, Japanese people have established their own style because of the national character of delicacy and finicality. This kind of traditional habits were found much more in extended families than in nuclear families. In Korea, the traditional spirit and the broad-minded characteristics cherished in the continental circumstances were manifested in the employment of dining equipments and their strong national character will not easily accept the wave of modernization.

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