• Title/Summary/Keyword: Certified group and non-certified group

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Factors Influencing Care Behavior of Certified Care Assistants for Older Adults with Dementia

  • Kim, Ji-yeon;Tak, Sunghee H
    • Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Korea is one of the most rapidly aging countries, accompanied by an increasing number of older adults with dementia. Certified-care-assistants are the primary care workers for these older adults. This cross-sectional descriptive study compared the factors influencing care behaviors among Korean and non-Korean certified-care-assistants in Korea. Methods: Participants, 113 Korean certified-care-assistants and 71 non-Korean certified-care-assistants, completed a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed to assess dementia knowledge, attitude and care behaviors toward older adults with dementia. To determine the differences in these two groups, t-test was used. A stepwise multiple regression was performed to identify factors related to care behavior. Results: Significant differences in dementia knowledge, attitude and care behavior toward older adults with dementia emerged between Korean and non-Korean certified-care-assistants. Factors influencing care behavior varied by group. Dementia knowledge and education level were the significant factors of care behaviors in Korean certified-care-assistants, whereas attitude toward older adults with dementia was the significant factor in non-Korean certified-care-assistants. Conclusion: Findings indicate that different factors influence the care behavior of two groups. These findings can be utilized to develop certified-care-assistants' training curriculum that needs to be tailored by nationality to improve the quality of care for older adults with dementia.

A case study on the family-friendly culture of non-certified firms for a family-friendly certification system improvement (가족친화인증제도 검토를 위한 미인증기업의 가족친화문화 사례연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Mi;Jun, Jong-Kun;Lee, Seung-Mie;Koo, Hye-Ryoung;Lee, Hyun-Ah
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.161-182
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    • 2017
  • This qualitative case study explored seven non-certified firms' family-friendly cultures and their responses to the family-friendly certification through interviews with the human resources managers. The results from the data analysis revealed within firm's differences and a gap among those firms. In addition, their responses to the family-friendly certification were classified into three categories: a positive group, indifference group, and negative group. From the results of the firms' various family-friendly cultures and the firms' various responses to the family-friendly certification, we suggested several issues on the family-friendly certification system's improvement and the government's management and supervision of the legal requirement to ensure workers' work-life balance and the firm's autonomy plan for its' own family-friendly culture.

Difference of Ground Reaction Force and Center of Pressure Parameters according to Levels of Education during Chest Compression Resuscitation (가슴압박소생술 시 교육수준에 따른 지면반력 및 압력중심의 차이)

  • Han, KiHoon;Gil, Ho-Jong;Lee, Mi-Kyoung;Park, Joonsung;Kim, Jongbin
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.220-225
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    • 2021
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of levels of education on ground reaction force and center of pressure parameters during chest compression resuscitation. Method: Twenty male university students were divided into two groups; certified group (CG, n=10) and non-certified group (NCG, n=10). Two force plates were used to measure ground reaction force and center of pressure parameters during 30 times (three trials) chest compression resuscitation. Independent t-tests were used to compare ground reaction force and center of pressure parameters between two groups. An alpha level of 0.05 was used in all tests. Results: All chest-compression time parameters (total time, 1 systolic time, and diastolic time) in CG were significantly shorter than those in NCG (p<.05). Fy of the diastolic and Fz of the systolic in CG revealed significantly the larger GRF values and Fy of the systolic in CG showed significantly the smaller GRF value (p<.05). The standard deviation of Fz of the systolic and diastolic within the subject during 30 times chest-compression resuscitation revealed significantly the smaller values in CG (p<.05). Conclusion: First, CG performed chest compressions efficiently at an appropriate rate compared to NCG. Second, CG showed lower Fx and Fy values in both the mediolateral and anteroposterior axes compared to NCG, which reduced unnecessary chest-compression force consumption and minimized the movement in patients with cardiac arrest. Third, CG showed high Fz value of the systolic and low Fz value of the diastolic. Based on this, chest compression resuscitation was performed to increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients.

The Effects of Basic Life Support Education on CPR Knowledge and Attitude of Undergraduates (기본 심폐소생술 교육이 대학생의 심폐소생술에 대한 지식과 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Yoon, Me-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study is a non-equivalent control group pre-post design, which attempted to observe the effects of Basic Life Support Education on undergraduate students' CPR Knowledge and Attitude. Methods: The subjects were 96 undergraduates in Jeonbuk. They were divided into two groups: an experimental group of 46 students and a control group of 50 students. The BLS education was given by three BLS instructors certified by the American Heart Association using a DVD. Data were collected from October 20 to November 15, 2010 and analyzed, using the ${\chi}^2$ test, t-test, and ANCOVA. Results: There were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the levels of CPR Knowledge and Attitude. The 1st hypothesis, that the CPR knowledge scores for the experimental group would be higher than those of the control group, was supported (F=157.58, p=.000). The 2nd hypothesis, that the CPR attitude scores for the experimental group would be higher than those of the control group, was supported (F=23.78, p=.000). Conclusion: This study showed that BLS education had a positive influence on undergraduate students' knowledge and attitudes toward CPR. We expect that BLS education will contribute to spreading knowledge of CPR and reducing mortality among heart attack victims, and we can see from this study how CPR training in combination with theory and clinical practice develops knowledge and practical ability.

The Effects of Laughter Therapy on Pain and Anxiety among Patients with Postmastectomy (웃음요법이 유방절제술 후 환자의 통증과 상태불안에 미치는 영향)

  • You, En-Sook;Choi, Yeon-Hee
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The design of this study is a nonequivalent control group, non-synchronized quasi-experimental study. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of laughter therapy on pain and anxiety of patients with postmastectomy. Methods: The participants were 33 patients admitted for mastectomy in a college affiliated hospital (17 patients in experimental group and 16 patients in control group from November, 2008 to March, 2009). The registered nurse who were certified as the 1st degree laughter specialist implemented the intervention once a day for 30 minutes from the 2nd day to the 6th day after surgery when visited them. Date were analyzed using t, Mann-Whitney U test, repeated measures of ANOVA, paired t-test, or ANCOVA. Results: The level of pain was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Since the level of pain in all participants was reduced as time passed, the interaction effect between time and group existed. The level of anxiety was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Conclusion: Based on the results, the laughter therapy may be recommended as an useful intervention to effectively reduce the levels of pain and anxiety among patients with postmastectomy.

Effect of LEDs Light of 633 nm Wavelength in Skin of Organism (633 nm 파장의 LED 광원이 생체 피부에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheon, Min-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.760-765
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    • 2008
  • Low power laser therapy is internationally certified and is known to be effective in stimulating DNA in living organisms, increasing protein synthesis and activating cell division, smoothing blood circulation, promoting cell activation, cell regeneration and function. It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-edemic, anti-fibrous dysplastic and neuralogic hyperfunctional effects. This study was intended to verify the effect of LED irradiation therapy on wound healing in cell and animal tests by applying LED irradiator using a laser and laser diode, which was independently designed and developed to emit beams of similar wavelength to that of a laser. This equipment was fabricated using a micro-controller and a high brightness LED, and designed to enable us to control light irradiation time, intensity and reservation. In case of cell proliferation experiment, each experiment was performed to irradiation group and non-irradiation group for tissue cells. MTT assay method was chosen to verify the cell increase of two groups and the effect of irradiation on cell proliferation was examined by measuring 590 nm transmittance of micro-plate reader. In the wound healing experiment, 1$cm^2$ wounds on the skin wound of SD-Rat(Sprague-Dawley Rat) were made. Light irradiation group and none light irradiation group divided, each group was irradiated one hour a day for 9 days. As a result, the cell increase of tissue cells was verified in irradiation group as compared to non-irradiation group. And, compared with none light irradiation group, the lower incidence of inflammation and faster recovery was shown in light irradiation group.

A Comparison Between Consumers' Perceptions of Korean and US Quality Certification Marks for Agricultural Products (국내외 농산물 인증마크에 대한 소비자 인식의 비교)

  • Park, Misun;Lee, BumJun;Ham, Sunny;Lee, Hanju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.557-566
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study is to determine how consumers perceive certification marks for agricultural products. The study examined three agricultural product certifications, such as the certification of environment-friendly agricultural products, Good Agricultural Procuts (GAP) certification mark, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) certification mark. A survey was utilized for data collection from adults over the age of 19 in November, 2013. A total of 390 questionnaires were distributed, and 300 of those were obtained for an analysis of the study. The results were as follows. First, consumers' awareness of, image of, and credibility on the agricultural products with the certification marks were not significantly different among the three certification marks except consumers' awareness. Second, consumers' purchase intentions for and willingness to pay for the agricultural products with the certification marks were not significantly different among the three certification marks. Third, these variables were not significantly different between buying group and non-buying group except consumers' awareness. Lastly, buying group and non-buying group were significantly different only in gender and marital status. The findings offer implications to the food and food service industry regarding consumers' purchase of certified agricultural products. Further, the study enforces the roles of food industry for environment.

A Study on Domestic and Foreign Research Movement of the Eco-tourism Certification/Designation System and Its Application in Korea (국내·외 생태관광 인증/지정제도 동향 및 국내 제도 도입 방안)

  • Choi, Hee-Sun;Kim, Hyun-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to provide sustainable measures for conservation and management to protect valuable natural/ecological resources, offer differentiated quality assurance services for eco-tourism products, and explore measures for eco-tourism certification/designation systems. To achieve its goals, the study discussed domestic and overseas trends and literatures that concern eco-tourism certification/designation system and investigated case studies that were presently operational. A group of experts and a group of non-experts were surveyed separatedly to investigate the awareness of the national eco-tourism certification/designation system. The results from the investigation indicate that Europe, since the late 1990s to early 2000, has actively introduced a system that establishes and operates a dedicated institution, and European members have created a cooperation framework to formulate international partnerships and develop standardized assessment benchmarks to adhere to the goals of the system, the period for certification was designated from one year to five years, and renewals were granted based on periodic monitoring and reassessment. In Korea, from early 2000, the Ministry of Culture, Sorts and Tourism and other organizations have certified product quality and assessed travel products and national park tour programs. The certification period was established to be set between one and three years, and the vast majority were not reassessed. Upon investigating the results for awareness of national eco-tourism certification/designation system, a high number of respondents agreed with the need to establish a eco-tourism certification/designation system (90% of respondents), and the respondents cited eco-tourism quality assurance, conservation of value, means to maintain established institutions, and environmental education and information as reasons for needing a certification/designation system. In Korea, a certification/designation system for the eco-tourism industry is presently in operation, but the system regulates target institutions based on their characteristics. Therefore, this study proposes its suggestions via various categories, including designated institutions, designated purpose, designated subjects, designated organization, laws, regulations, and incentives.

A Case Study about Non-regular Worker's Labor Dispute : Focusing on the Labor Dispute about Subcontract Company of Hynix Semiconductor Co. (비정규직 노사분규 사례 연구 : 하이닉스 사내하청 노사분규를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Chan-Seong;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Hye-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.386-396
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the non-regular labor dispute from beginning to the ends, thus, give guidance for future similar labor disputes. As a result of this study, firstly, subcontract company union negotiated with their companies, but after their companies was shut up, the union demanded negotiation with Hynix Co.(Hynix Co. contracted with union member's companies about cleaning job etc for every year). However, Hynix rejected the union's demand, because Hynix Co. do not have the legal obligation to negotiate with subcontract company union. Secondly, union members was to in unemployment and for the employment & negotiation with Hynix Co. they did illegal actions against Hynix Co. Thirdly, there was tried many efforts by NGO & government authorities etc to settle the disputes, and mediated, arbitrated by private expert(Certified Public Labor Attorney) Finally, both parties(that is Hynix Co. and subcontract company union) negotiated each other and settled the dispute without employment.

Psychological Characteristics of Psychiatric outpatients with High Suicide Risk : Using MMPI-2-RF (정신건강의학과 외래 환자 중 자살 고위험 집단의 심리적 특성 : MMPI-2-RF를 이용하여)

  • Nam, Jisoo;Kim, Daeho;Kim, Eunkyeong
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.8-19
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine whether the MMPI-2-RF serves as a useful tool to differentiate between the subtypes of high risk of suicide among psychiatric outpatients. Methods : Patients were recruited from the department of psychiatry of university hospital. Participants were diagnosed using DSM-5 criteria by board certified psychiatrists. Their medical records were reviewed retrospectively. And participants were put into 4 groups (Suicide ideation, Suicide attempt, Non-suicidal self-injury, and general psychiatric diagnosis as a control group). For statistical comparison, the MANCOVA with gender as a covariate was used. Results : The results indicated that as previous research with non-clinical sample suggested, psychiatric outpatients with high suicide risk also have significantly higher Emotional/Internalizing Dysfunction, Helplessness/Hopelessness, Suicidal/Death Ideation, Demoralization, Cognitive complaints, Cynicism, Dysfunctional negative thoughts than general psychiatric patients group. But group differences within the high suicide risk patients have not been observed. However, suicide attempt group and NSSI group has higher Behavioral/Externalizing Dysfunction, RC4, AGG than general psychiatric patients group. But there was no difference between suicidal idea group and general psychiatric patients group. Conclusions : There was no group difference observed between all three subtypes, which mean the MMPI2-RF may not be the useful diagnostic tool to navigate high suicide risk subtypes. Even though there was no difference observed in the suicide ideation group, suicide attempt group and NSSI group have higher aggression and externalization. So those indexes could serve as a useful marker to investigate riskiness of suicide related symptoms.