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Difference of Ground Reaction Force and Center of Pressure Parameters according to Levels of Education during Chest Compression Resuscitation  

Han, KiHoon (Department of Physical Education, Pusan National University)
Gil, Ho-Jong (FILA Advanced Science and Technology Center)
Lee, Mi-Kyoung (Division of Kinesiology, Silla University)
Park, Joonsung (Division of Kinesiology, Silla University)
Kim, Jongbin (Division of Kinesiology, Silla University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics / v.31, no.3, 2021 , pp. 220-225 More about this Journal
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of levels of education on ground reaction force and center of pressure parameters during chest compression resuscitation. Method: Twenty male university students were divided into two groups; certified group (CG, n=10) and non-certified group (NCG, n=10). Two force plates were used to measure ground reaction force and center of pressure parameters during 30 times (three trials) chest compression resuscitation. Independent t-tests were used to compare ground reaction force and center of pressure parameters between two groups. An alpha level of 0.05 was used in all tests. Results: All chest-compression time parameters (total time, 1 systolic time, and diastolic time) in CG were significantly shorter than those in NCG (p<.05). Fy of the diastolic and Fz of the systolic in CG revealed significantly the larger GRF values and Fy of the systolic in CG showed significantly the smaller GRF value (p<.05). The standard deviation of Fz of the systolic and diastolic within the subject during 30 times chest-compression resuscitation revealed significantly the smaller values in CG (p<.05). Conclusion: First, CG performed chest compressions efficiently at an appropriate rate compared to NCG. Second, CG showed lower Fx and Fy values in both the mediolateral and anteroposterior axes compared to NCG, which reduced unnecessary chest-compression force consumption and minimized the movement in patients with cardiac arrest. Third, CG showed high Fz value of the systolic and low Fz value of the diastolic. Based on this, chest compression resuscitation was performed to increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients.
Chest compression resuscitation (CPR); Ground reaction force (GRF); Center of pressure (COP); Certified group and non-certified group;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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