• Title/Summary/Keyword: Carcass Characteristics Meat Quality

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Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Yacon(Polymnia sonchifolia) By-products and Pine Needle Powder on Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Chicken Thigh Meat (야콘 부산물과 솔잎 분말을 사료에 첨가 급여한 육계의 생산성 및 닭 다리육의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chang-Ill;Kim, Young-Jik
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2013
  • This study was investigated the effects of dietary supplementation of Yacon by-products and pine needle powder on growth performance, carcass characteristics, pH, TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substance), WHC (water holding capacity), shear force, and meat color of chicken thigh meat. Broiler chicks were fed diets for five weeks containing 0% Yacon by-products and pine needle powder (Control), 0.5% Yacon by-products powder (T1), 1.0% Yacon by-products powder (T2), 0.5% pine needle powder (T3), and 1.0% pine needle powder (T4). There was no significant difference in growth performance among treatments, but mortality was decreased in diets by the supplementation of Yacon by-products and pine needle powder than that of control. The chicken fed control diet had higher cholesterol. LDL-cholesterol. triglyceride compared to those chicken fed Yacon by-products and pine needle powder regardless of concentrations, and HDL-cholesterol of control was lower than treatment. The pH and TBARS were significantly decreased by the supplementation of Yacon by-products and pine needle powder compared to the control (P<0.05), especially, pine needle powder group was significantly more effective in improving freshness compared to other test groups (P<0.05). The WHC and shear force were not significantly different. CIE $L^*$ and $a^*$ value of test groups showed significantly higher value compare to the control, however, no difference in the CIE $b^*$ values was observed among test groups. In conclusion, a supplementation of Yacon by-products and pine needle powder were effective in decreasing pH, TBARS, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol and increasing HDL-cholesterol concentration. Pine needle powder supplementation was most effective (T3 and T4).

Studies on the Meat Production and Woolskin Processing of Sheep and Korean Native Goats for Increasing Farm Income as a Family Subsidiary Work (농가부업(農家副業)의 소득향상(所得向上)을 위한 양육생산(羊肉生産) 및 모피가공(毛皮加工)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kwon, Soon-Ki;Kim, Jong-Woo;Han, Sung-Wook;Lee, Kyu Seung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.93-114
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    • 1978
  • The purpose of the study was to find out possible ways for increasing farm income through the sheep and Korean native goats farming, and to investigate meat productivity, wool productivity; woolskin utility, physiological characteristics and correlation between economical college animal farm of the Chungnam National University and sample farms in the suburbs of Dae jeon City were selected for feeding 20 heads of Corriedale wethers and another 20 heads Korean native kids as research materials for the periods of 5th May-26th November, 1977. The data such as growth rate, carcass, viscera weight, blood picture and plamsa components, hebage intake and economic traits were obtained and analysed. The result of the study are summarized as follows: 1. Meat production and quality 1) After 196days of feeding, the body weight of sheep and Korean native goats was increased by two times of those at the beginning of the trial, i.e. 20kg and 8kg respectively. 2) There was no significance of growth rates of sheep in housing and grazing. 3) The growth rate of Korean native goats were excellent at the mountainous areas of Gong ju-Gun where infectious diseases were not found 4) Accroding to the body measurements of 18-month-old sheep, percentages of hip height, body length, rump length, chest depth, chest width, hip width, chest girth and forearm circumference to the withers height were 103,%, 104%, 33%, 44%, 31%, 23%, 135% and 15% respectively, and those of hip height, body length, chest depth and chest girth of 8-month-old native goats to the withers height were 106%, 109%, 46% and 122,% respecitively. As a result, it was found that the percentage of hip height, body length and chest depth of Korean native goats were higher than those of sheep while that of the chest girth of goats was lower. 5) In the carcass data, 47, $52{\pm}2.27%$ of carcass percentage, $34.61{\pm}1.62%$ of lean meat, $26.07{\pm}2.51%$ of viscera, $9.75{\pm}1.4%$ of bone, and $20.95%{\pm}2.14%$ of woolskin for sheep, and $45.58{\pm}5.63%$ of carcass percentage, $27.62{\p}3.81%$ of meat, $34.86{\pm}4.16%$ of viscera, $11.66{\pm}1.83%$ of bone, $3.63{\pm}1.61%$ of skull and $9.26{\pm}2.41%$ of woolskin for native goats were obtained. 6) The contents of moisture, crude protein, crude fat and crude ash in native goat meat were much similar in both plots of housing and grazing. It was, however, known that the contents of moisture and protein were higher in grazinrg than in housing, while fat content was lower in grazing plots. 7) The weights of visceral organs shown similar tendency for both of sheep and native goats. For the weights of liver, heart, kidney and spleen, significance was not reconized among the treatments. Those of rumen, reticulum, small and large intestine were heavier in grazing than in housing, while the amount of visceral fat was heavier in housing. 2. Wool productivity and woolskin 1) The wool production of sheep for 7 months was $3.88{\pm}1.02kg$, and wool percentage, staple length, straighten length, wool growth per day and number of crimps were $9.27{\pm}1.48%$, 8. $47{\pm}1.00cm$, $10.63{\pm}0.99cm$, $0.40{\pm}0.04cm$ and $2.78{\pm}0.40$ respecitively. 2) The tensile strength and tear strength of woolskin treated by alum tanning were highest on the skin obtained from rump, i.e. $1,351kg/mm^2$ and $2,252kg/mm^2$ respectively, and they are in order of loin and shoulder. 3. Utilization and improvement of pasture. 1) The difference of herbage intake of native goats was not recognized between grazing and tethering, but the intake in the afternoon was s lightly higher than that in the morning. However the hervage intake of sheep was superior in grazing and in the afternoon. 2) The cultivation effect was lower in the native goat plots due to their cultivation abilities, in other words, the establishment rates of pasture by hoof cultivation were 60.25% in the goat plots and 77.35% in the sheep plots. 4. Correlation among economical traits. 1) The correlation between live weight of sheep and daily gain was higher. On the other hand, the correlation between other traits was not significant except that live weight, daily gain and lean meat percentage to the length of thoracic vertebrae. The live weight of native goats and meat production were highly correlated, and high correlation was also found between weights of carcass and meat. However, negative correlation was shown between viscera weight and live weight as well as daily gain. 2) The correlatoin between fleece weight of sheep and other traits such as live weight, daily gain and fleece percentage is very high at the 1% siginficant level, and this means that rapid-growth individuals can produce much fleece. 3) The correlation between the factors such as weights of live body, lean meat and viscera of sheep and body measurements, i. e. chest girth and body length was highest, and weights, of carcass and lean meat was highly correlated to chest width and depth. It will be therefore reasonable that the meat productivity estimates will have to be made on the basis of chest girth and body length. The meat production traits of native goats were highly correlated to the most of body measurement data, and the correlation coefficient between chest girth and weights of live body, carcass, lean meat and bone percentage was very high, i. e. 0.992-0.974 in particular. The correlations of meat production traits to chest depth, forearm circumference, body length were 0.759-0.911, 0.759-0.909 and 0.708-0.872 respectively. Therefore, the meat production of native goats will have to be estimated on the basis of chest data. 5. Blood picture and plasma components. 1) The number of erythrocyte and MCHC of native goats were $12.93{\times}10^6/mm^3$ and 36.14%, and those of sheep were $10.68{\times}10^6/mm^3$ and 36.26 respectively. The values of native goats were significantly higher than those of sheep. 2) The hemoglobin concentration, PVC, MCV and MCR of native goats were 10.92 g/100ml, $23.40{\mu}^3$ and 10.94 pg, and those of sheep were 11.73 g/100ml, 36.25 ml/100ml, $33.97{\mu}^3$ and 30.2 ml/100ml 8.43 pg respectively. The values of native goats were significantly lower those of sheep. 3) The number of leukocytes of native goats was significantly higher than that of sheep, that is, $11.64{\times}10^3/mm^3$ in native goats and $9.32{\times}10^3/mm^3$ in sheep. 4) In differential count of leukocyte, neutrophil was significantly high in native goats while lympocyte in sheep. On the other hand, the basophil, eosinophil and monocyte were not significant between native goats and sheep. 5) The amounts of total protein and glucose in the plasma of native goats were 6.2g/100ml and 53.6mg/100ml, and those of sheep were 5.6g/100ml and 45.7mg/100ml, which means that the values of native goats were significantly higher that those of sheep. The amount of total-lipid of native goats(127.6mg/100ml) was significantly than that of sheep(149.6mg/100ml). 6) The amount of non-protein nitrogen, cholesterol, Ca, P, K, Na and Cl were not different between native goats and sheep. 6. Economic analysis. 1) The gross revenue of a farm which fed native goats and sheep was 4,000won per head and the optimum size for feeding them in a farm as a subsidiary work is 5-10 heads. 2) Since there was no difference between housing and grazing, they can be fed in group for farm's subsidiary work. 3) They can be also fed by youths and house wives in the suburbs of cities, because labour requirement is estimated as only two hours per days for feeding 5 heads of native goats and sheep.

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Effect of Feeding Whole Crop Barley Silage- or Whole Crop Rye Silage based-TMR and Duration of TMR Feeding on Growth, Feed Cost and Meat Characteristics of Hanwoo Steers (청보리 사일리지 TMR 또는 청호밀 사일리지 TME 급여 및 급여기간이 거세 한우의 증체, 사료비 및 육질특성에 미치는 효과)

  • Jin, Guang Lin;Kim, Jong-Kyu;Qin, Wei-Ze;Jeong, Jun;Jang, Sun-Sik;Sohn, Yong-Suk;Choi, Chang-Won;Song, Man-Kang
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2012
  • Feeding trial was conducted with 80 Hanwoo steers (7.5 months of age, 204.4 kg body weight) for 680 days from growing period to late fattening period to examine the feeding value of whole crop barley silage TMR (BS-TMR) and whole crop rye silage TMR (RS-TMR) on body gain, feed cost, slaughter characteristics and quality characteristics of $longissimus$ $dorsi$ muscle. Dietary treatments were conventional separate feeding of concentrate and rice straw (control), feeding BS TMR up to middle fattening period and same diet as for control during late fattening period (BS-TMR I), feeding BS-TMR for whole experimental period (BS-TMR II), feeding RS TMR up to middle fattening period and same diet as for control during late fattening period (RS-TMR I) and RS TMR for whole experimental period (RS-TMR II). Sixteen castrated calves were assigned to each treatment (4 pens, 4 heads per pen). Pens in each treatment were randomly distributed. Feeding both BS silage TMR and RS silage TMR slightly increased body gain of Hanwoo steers at the stages of growing and early fattening, and increased (P<0.0001) at middle fattening compared to feeding control diet while control diet tended to increase body gain at late fattening stage compared to feeding BS-TMR I, BS-TMR II and RS-TMR I diets. Total body gain was slightly increased in Hanwoo steers fed both I and II for BS and RS TMR compared to that in control diet. Feed cost per kg gain per head was relatively low in the Hanwoo steers fed silage TMRs to that fed control diet. Carcass weight, back fat thickness and $longissimus$ $dorsi$ area of Hanwoo steers tended to increase but lowered (P<0.047) yield index by feeding silage TMRs. Feeding BS TMR slightly decreased marbling score but no difference was found in the number of head over grade 1 between diets. Control diet tended to improve yield grade compared to silage TMRs. Chemical composition, water holding capacity, drip loss, cooking loss and pH, color and fatty acid composition of $longissimus$ $dorsi$ were not affected by experimental diets and feeding duration of silage TMRs. Shear force, however, was increased (P<0.046) by silage TMRs without difference between them compared to control diet. Based on the results of the current study, BS TMR and RS TMR could improve body gain and reduce feed cost without deteriorating meat quality compared to separate feeding of concentrate and rice straw. Overall feeding value was similar between BS TMR and RS TMR.

Effects of Dietary Apparent Metabolizable Energy and Protein Concentrations on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Quality of Korean Native Ducks (사료내 에너지 및 단백질 함량이 토종오리 생산성, 영양소 이용률 및 도체 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chan Ho;Kang, Hwan Ku
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of dietary apparent metabolizable energy and protein concentrations on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and nutrient digestibility of Korean native ducks. In $2{\times}2$ factorial arrangement, 1-d-old Korean native ducks were completely randomized to experimental diets with 2,800 and 2,900 kcal of AMEn/kgofdiet, respectively, from 0 to 21 d of age. From 22 to 56 d of age, experimental diets 3,000 and 3,100 kcal of, and contained 16% and 17% CP, respectively. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. And BW gain were higher during 0 to 21 d (P<0.01) in AME 2,800 kcal/kg and CP 21% diet treatment than other treatments. As AME increased from 2,800 to 2,900 kcal/kg, feed intake was decreased (P<0.05) during 0 to 21 d. From 22 to 56 d of age, the, BW gain, feed intake and were not different among the treatments. Carcass ratio, relative weight per 100 of BW (wing, back, neck, breast, and leg), nutrient digestibility, meat color and nutrient composition in breast meat the treatments. In conclusion, diets with 2,800 kcal of AME/kg and 21% CP or with 3,000 kcal of AME/kg and 17% CP at 0 to 21 d and 22 to 56 d, respectively, were more efficient.

Effect of Dietary Mogchotan Supplementation on Fattening Performance, Fatty acid Composition and Meat Quality in Pigs (사료내 목초탄 첨가가 비육돈의 비육능력, 지방산 조성 및 육질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Min;Ahn, Byoung-Jun;Jo, Tae-Su;Cho, Sung-Taek;Choi, Don-Ha;Hwang, Sung-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.401-412
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of dietary Mogchotan(the mixture of charcoal and pyroligneous acid, 80:20, w/w) supplementation on fattening performance, fatty acid composition and the physico-chemical characteristics of meat in pigs. The present study was also stressed to investigate the possibility of industrial utilization of charcoal and pyroligneous acid as a livestock feed additive. Weight gain and feed conversion in pigs fed the Mogchotan supplemented diet were higher than those of the control group. In fatty acids composition, palmitic acid(C16:0) contents of Mogchotan treatment groups were lower than that of control group. However, Mogchotan supplementation increased C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3 contents when compared with control group pigs. Also, Mogchotan supplementation groups decreased saturated fatty acids level than control group. On the other hand, Mogchotan supplementation showed higher unsaturated fatty acids value, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids value compared to control group. The carcass pH of pigs fed the Mogchotan tended to be higher than control, but was not significantly different. The water holding capacity was significantly higher in pigs fed the 3.0% Mogchotan-supplemented diet than those of other treatment groups(p<0.05). Altogether, it has been suggested that dietary $1{\sim}3%$ of Mogchotan supplementation improved the fattening performance and meat quality in pigs.

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Effect of Garlic Stalk Silage on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Hanwoo Steers (마늘대 사일리지 급여가 한우거세우의 성장 및 도체특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Chu, G.M.;Lee, H.J.;Park, J.S.;Cho, H.W.;Ahn, B.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1007-1018
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding of garlic stalk silage on performance and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo steers. Feeding trial was conducted with 27 heads of Hanwoo steers and these animals were divided into two groups of control(rice straw) and garlic stalk silage. Animals consuming rice straw were fed concentrates and rice straw for 22 months from the 5 months of age and animals consuming garlic stalk silage were fed concentrates, rice straw and garlic stalk silage for 22 months from the 5 months of age. Animals fed rice straw and garlic stalk silage were fed 1.34 and 1.47, 1.69 and 1.74, 1.65 and 1.66% concentrates to body weight for the growing period, fattening period and finishing period, respectively. Animals fed rice straw and garlic stalk silage as roughage sources were fed 1.37 and 1.38, 0.65 and 0.63, 0.43 and 0.43% roughages to body weight for the growing period, fattening period and finishing period, respectively. Also, animals fed garlic stalk silage were offered 0.22 and 0.33% garlic stalk silage to body weight for the fattening and finishing period, respectively. Animals fed rice straw and garlic stalk silage as a roughage sources did not differ in average daily gain during the whole feeding periods. Animals of control group consumed less concentrates and roughage than those fed garlic stalk silage during the whole feeding periods. However, feed efficiency was not significantly different between both treatments. Beef yield including backfat thickness, eye muscle area and carcass weight was slightly lower in the animals fed garlic stalk silage than in the animals fed rice straw even though there were no differences between both treatments. However, beef quality including beef color, fat color, texture, maturity and marbling score was slightly higher in the garlic stalk silage-fed animals than in the animals fed rice straw although there were not statistically different between both treatments. Animals consuming garlic stalk silage was significantly(p<0.05) lower in shear value than those fed rice straw. Amino acid composition including essential amino acid and non-essential amino acid was not different between animals fed rice straw and garlic stalk silage. Eye muscle area of animals fed garlic stalk silage contained slightly higher oleic acid, less linoleic acid and arachidonic acid and more linolenic acid than that of animals fed rice straw only as a roughage sources. So eye muscle area of animals fed garlic stalk silage contained more mono-unsaturated fatty acid than that of animals fed rice straw and $\omega$6/$\omega$3 ratio was narrower in the animals fed garlic stalk silage than in the animals fed rice straw. Economic income was higher by 20% in the animals fed garlic stalk silage than in the animals fed rice straw. Therefore, It may be concluded that feeding of garlic stalk silage as a roughage sources to steers during the fattening period seems to improve meat quality, fatty acid composition and economic income.

Pork Quality Characteristics by Different Backfat Thickness (등지방 두께에 따른 돈육의 품질 특성)

  • Hah Kyoung-Hee;Jin Sang-Keun;Kim Il-Suk;Song Young-Min;Lee Jae-Ryong;Chung Ku-Young
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study was carried out investigate the changes of carcass characteristics, physico-chemical characteristics and fatty acid composition in crossbred pigs (Korean native breed ${\times}$ Landrace breed) by backfat thickness. A total 182 Pigs were divided into 3 groups by there backfat thickness, i.e., <11.80mm, $11.80\~25.01mm\;and\;25.01mm<.$ The live weight carcass weight and dressing percent of backfat thickness 25.01mm< group were higher compared to those for backfat thickness <11,80mm and $11.80\~25.01mm group, but the final grade were lower. The pH of backfat thickness 25.01mm< group were higher compared to those for backfat thickness <11.80mm and $11.80\~25.01mm$ group. Shear lone of 25.01 mm< group were lower than that of other groups. Water, crude fat content and cooking loss have no difference between the 3 groups. The hardness of backfat thickness 25.01mm< group were higher compared to those for backfat thickness <11.80mm and $11.80\~25.01mm$ group. The yellowness $(b^*)$ of meat and fat color in backfat thickness 25.01mm< group were lower compared to those for backfat thickness <11.80mm and $11.80\~25.01mm$ group. The stearic acid and saturated fatty acid content were higher compared to those for backfat thickness <11.80mm and $11.80\~25.01mm$ group but the linoleic acid and unsaturated fatty acid content were lower.

Studies on the Standardization of Carcass Quality Scores for Pork Quality Assurance (돈육 품질인증을 위한 도체 육질점수 표준화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan;Seo, Jong-Tae;Kwack, Suk-Chun;Lee, Jeong-Ill
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.424-431
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of intramuscular fat scores on pork quality assurance. Pork loins were collected from animals (110-120 kg body weight) slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse, assigned an IMF score (1-3) from and stored for 24 hrs at $-3^{\circ}C$. Samples were analyzed for chemical composition, pH, cooking and drip loss, shear force, meat color, and texture characteristics. The moisture, crude protein and crude ash content were not significantly different among the various IMF score groups. The crude fat content of the IMF score 3 group was significantly higher than the IMF score 1 and 2 groups (p<0.05). The pH values of the IMF score 2 and 3 groups was significantly higher than the IMF score 1 group (p<0.05). There was a no significant difference in shear force value and cooking loss among the IMF score groups. The purge loss content of the IMF 3 group was significantly lower than that of the IMF score 1 group (p<0.05). The increase in IMF score resulted in lower hardness, gumminess, and brittleness values. The hardness and gumminess of the IMF score 3 group were significantly lower than those of the IMF 1 score group. The adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and springiness were not significantly different among the IMF score groups. With regard to meat color traits, lightness ($CIE\;L^*$) was not significantly different among the IMF score groups. The $a^*\;and\;b^*$ values correlated positively with the IMF score. In general, the results of this study show that the CIE color values and drip loss had a positive correlation, while only redness was positively correlated with shear force and hardness. pH was negatively correlated with CIE color values and drip loss, while positively correlated with moisture content.

Quality Improvement of Effective Microorganisms (EM) Pork Produced by Using EM (유용미생물(Effective Microorganisms; EM)로 사양한 EM Pork의 육질 개선 효과)

  • Han, Seung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.734-737
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of effective microorganism (EM) treatment in feeding system of swine on carcass characteristics. EM pork, which reared with EM additives and EM activated liquids, and conventional pork (non-EM pork) were stored at $4^{\circ}C$. Chemical composition and storage stability of EM pork were compared with conventional pork. Cholesterol content at EM pork was 71 mg/100 g, which is lower than that of conventional pork (83 mg/100 g) when the meats were stored at $4^{\circ}C$ refrigerator. And EM pork (0.165 MDA mg/kg) showed higher antioxidant effect than control pork (0.184 MDA mg/kg). And also protein denaturalization at EM pork showed lower rate $(3.19\;mg\%)$ than that of conventional pork $(4.9\;mg\%)$ when the meats were stored at $4^{\circ}C$ refrigerator, showing that inhibitory effect of protein denaturalization was increased up to $35\%$ over the conventional pork. These results show that the EM pork had superior traits in terms of cholesterol level, lipid oxidation and protein denaturalization to the conventional pork.

Effects of Feeding Levels of Concentrate on the Growth, Carcass Characteristics and Economic Evaluation in Feeds Based on Rice-straw of Korean Black Goats (볏짚 위주 사양 시 비육 흑염소의 농후사료 급여 수준이 발육, 도체특성 및 경제성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sang Woo;Yoon, Sei Hyung;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Ko, Yeoung-Gyu;Kim, Dong Hoon;Kang, Geun Ho;Kim, Young-Sin;Lee, Sang Moo;Suh, Sang Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of feeding levels of concentrate feed on growth performance, meat quality and economic evaluation of Korean black goats. The 40 male Korean native goat were divided into four treatment groups T1 (1.5%), T2 (2.0%), T3 (2.5% feeding of concentrate feed body weight per day) and T4 (ab libitum) with ab libitum rice straw. Rice straw intake decrease as against feeding levels, however average daily gains were 22, 50, 69 and 94 g/day in T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups respectively levels (p<0.05). Dressing percentage were 41.77, 42.78, 46.12 and 49.78% in each group (p<0.05), also fat percentage were a significant increase according to feeding levels. In economic efficacy, T4 was higher than other treatment groups. In conclusion, both rice straw and concentrate feed ab libitum are good for feeding and management system on Korean black goats.