• Title/Summary/Keyword: Canvas

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Web-based Geovisualization System of Oceanographic Information using Dynamic Particles and HTML5 (동적 파티클과 HTML5를 이용한 웹기반 해양정보 가시화시스템)

  • Kim, Jinah;Kim, Sukjin
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.660-669
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    • 2017
  • In order to improve user accessibility and interactivity, system scalability, service speed, and a non-standard internet web environment, we developed a Web-based geovisualization system of oceanographic information using HTML5 and dynamic particles. In particular, oceanographic and meteorological data generated from a satellite remote sensing and radar measurement and a 3-dimensioanl numerical model, has the characteristics of a heterogeneous large-capacity multi-dimensional continuous spatial and temporal variability, based on geographic information. Considering those attributes, we applied dynamic particles represent the spatial and temporal variations of vector type oceanographic data. HTML5, WebGL, Canvas, D3, and Leaflet map libraries were also applied to handle various multimedia data, graphics, map services, and location-based service as well as to implement multidimensional spatial and statistical analyses such as a UV chart.

Skinny Smudge Tool (스키니 스머지 툴)

  • Woo, Seung-Beom;Kwak, No-Yoon
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 2009
  • This paper is related to a skinny smudge tool based on the image segmentation for a master shape. The smudge tool is the popular graphic tool embedded in Adobe Photoshop. The smudge tool is used to smear paint on your canvas. The effect is much like finger painting. You can use the smudge tool by clicking on the smudge icon and clicking on the canvas and while holding the mouse button down, dragging in the direction you want to smudge. A disadvantage of previous smudge tool is to also smear pixels in the undesired region according to generating the target image as blending all pixels in a diameter of the master. In this paper to reduce the disadvantage, the skinny smudge tool based on the image segmentation for a master shape is proposed. The proposed skinny smudge tool has the advantage of applying the smudge effect to the desired regions regardless of the background as the master shape adhered closely to the contour shape is extracted by color image segmentation.

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Painterly rendering using density of edges (에지 밀도 정보를 이용한 회화적 렌더링)

  • Lee, Ho-Chang;Park, Young-Sup;Seo, Sang-Hyun;Yoon, Kyung-Hyn
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2006
  • The ultimate objective of painterly rendering is to express an inputted image as if it is hand drawn. The factors to express this painterly effect are thickness of the brush, direction, texture and the establishment of criteria judging if the produced brush will be drawn on to the canvas. In this paper, the algorithm using density of the edges in determining the criteria whether the brush will be drawn onto the canvas is proposed. Density of edges refers to the quantity of edge in the specific area. And uses the method of finding the location of the brush to be drawn as a unit of dynamic grid as well as expressing consistent directional through direction interpolation. Also, the texture is expressed using various textured brushes. Considering density of edges,We can express detailed area and abstract area. And it result in more human effect of oil painting.

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A Study on Activation of Online Performances Using Sac on Screen Project Analysis (Sac on Screen 사업 분석을 통한 온라인 공연 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Gyu-Jin;Na, Yun-Bin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.114-127
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    • 2020
  • The online performance market is increasing due to recent pandemic events. However, due to the short introduction time of domestic online performances, there is a lack of related prior studies or success stories. In addition, most of these projects are short-lived projects or poor profits, so it is necessary to study how to activate them. The Sac on Screen project, which has been in progress since 10 years ago, has its own imaging experience, and the screening works and screening venues are also diverse, so it is an object of study. In addition, since annual satisfaction surveys are conducted, the business was evaluated based on the voice of customers from the data of the past three years. Based on the analyzed results, a free and paid version of the business model canvas was drawn through a group of experts. As a result of this synthesis, the following major implications were drawn. First, expanding research on online performances, second, needing a sense of responsibility for quality management of content, third, increasing diversity in content selection, and fourth, enhancing the liveliness of online performances, Fifth, efforts are needed to attract private investment and develop value-added products.

Study of the Development of Color Cosmetics Package Design Reflecting Art Marketing (아트마케팅을 반영한 색조화장품 패키지디자인 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6472-6477
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the trends of an illustration artist's art marketing widening its area in recent years and proposes a design concept of color cosmetics. Art marketing is a type of culture marketing and means marketing through exhibitions, performances and other artistic activities. Free artistic sensibility expression in which the artistic motif is melted into a product beyond the works of a particular artist, and the product, in turn, can be reflected in the canvas, has attracted attention. The works of illustrators are widening their area into the item in life not canvas. This paper proposes the color cosmetics design that reflect art marketing. The main target who proposed the design concept was trend-oriented and in their early to mid-20s with a strong personality, showing a strong tendency of attracting attention and being recognized. To emphasize the design concept of color cosmetics packaging design, the progressive image of the target class was reflected through brilliant and intense color combination. The cultural value and meaning are provided as the artistic mood becomes a part of life.

2D Virtual Color Hairstyler with Skinny Smudge Tool (스키니 스머지 툴을 이용한 2D 가상 컬러 헤어스타일러)

  • Kwak, Noyoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.776-783
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    • 2009
  • This paper is related to a 2D virtual color hairstyler using skinny smudge tool. The smudge tool is the popular graphic tool embedded in Adobe Photoshop. The smudge tool is used to smear paint on your canvas. The effect is much like finger painting. You can use the smudge tool by clicking on the smudge icon and clicking on the canvas and while holding the mouse button down, dragging in the direction you want to smudge. A disadvantage of previous smudge tool is to also smear pixels in the undesired region according to generating the target image as blending all pixels in a diameter of the master. In this paper to reduce the disadvantage, the skinny smudge tool based on the image segmentation for a master shape is proposed. The proposed skinny smudge tool has the advantage of applying the smudge effect to the desired regions regardless of the background as the master shape adhered closely to the contour shape is extracted by color image segmentation.

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Web-based 3D Face Modeling System for Hairline Modification Surgery (헤어라인 교정 시술을 위한 웹기반 얼굴 3D 모델링)

  • Lee, Sang-Wook;Jang, Yoon-Hee;Jeong, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2011
  • This research aims to suggest web-based 3D face modeling system for hairline modification surgery. As public interests in beauty regarding face escalate with era of wide persoanl mobile smart iCT devices, need for medical information system is urgent and increasing demand. This research attempted to build 3D facing modeling library deploying conventional technology and proprietary software available. Implications from the our experiment found that problems and requirement for developing new web based standard. We suggest new system from our experiment and literature review regarding relevant technologies. Main features of our suggested systems is based on studies regarding hair loss treatment such as medical science, beauty studies and information technology. This system processes input images of 2D frontal and profile pictures of face into 3D face modeling with mesh-data. The mesh data is compatible with web standard technology including SVG and Canvas Tag supported natively by HTML5.

A Study on the Facade in Depth of Architecture - Focusing on works of Paul $C\acute{e}zanne$ - (건축 입면의 깊이에 관한 연구 - Paul $C\acute{e}zanne$의 회화를 중심으로 -)

  • Yook, Ok-Soo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2006
  • To begin with the purpose of protecting human life from the exterior in the prehistoric age, architecture was nothing but a shelter without any relation between the exterior and the intoner. But, today, with the community developed, architecture can not be resisted with her own function and have to change of the reciprocal one. Different with the oriental architecture, we can see, western architecture has developed in the stream of the form. The main idea of the space in terms of the relation, above all, is mostly concerned with relation between the exterior and the interior like between the architecture and the city. So the role of the facade in depth is the intermediation which consist to the relation in the exterior and interior of architecture. Considering a relation between two elements; the exterior and the interior, we can be inspired in the case of paintings, especially in the works of the Paul $C\acute{e}zanne$. $C\acute{e}zanne$ originally show the depth of space by different disposition of three parts : the background, the objects and intermediate space between the former. For instance, different with the other painters who put the background rear in the canvas and objects in the front of the background, $C\acute{e}zanne$ took the background and objects a same value and assure a depth in space by virtue of the intermediate space. Finally, by putting the background in forward of layer in the canvas and objects situated behind the background, the depth of the space can be occurred. Same as the idea of $C\acute{e}zanne$, Giuseppe Terragni and jean Nouvelle in architecture also intensify their effects through the activation of intermediate space between the interior facade and exterior frame. Not limited in the relation with the architecture and the city, space in relation gives us a higher quality of architectural promenade in depth.

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Semiquantitative Dynamic Headspace GC-MS Analysis for Organic Compounds Outgassed from FAB Materials of Air Shower (에어샤워부품의 용출 가스 중 유기화합물의 반 정량적 Headspace GC-MS 분석)

  • Park, Hyun-Mee;Baig, Soung-Woo;Kim, Young-Man;Lee, Kang-Bong
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.412-422
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    • 2000
  • The polymeric FAB materials of air shower used in clean room of wafer industry have been outgassed with the dynamic headspace (ca.$100^{\circ}C$) for half an hour, and analyzed using GC-MS. The air in the clean room running air shower was sampled using sorbent tube method, and the organic compounds adsorbed in the sorbent tube were extracted using Soxhlet extraction method, and analyzed using GC-MS. The analytical results from FAB materials of air shower (electric over current relay, acryl plate. polycarbonate window, filter, fan housing, steel galvanized cold plate and canvas buffer) indicated that most of chemicals were originated from polymer fragments of FAB materials. Their analytical results have been compared with those from the air of clean room running air shower. These comparative results could lead to identify whether the sources of trace organic contaminants in clean room air are originated from the polymeric FAB material of air shower.

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A Study on Pointillistic Rendering Based on User Defined Palette (사용자 정의 팔레트에 기반한 점묘화 렌더링에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Sang-Hyun;Yoon, Kyung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.554-565
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    • 2008
  • The French neo-impressionist painter, George Seurat, introduced pointillism under the theory that the individual pigments of colors on the canvas are reconstructed on the human retina. Pointillism is a painting technique in which many small brush strokes are combined to form a picture in the canvas. When such a painting is seen from a far, the individual stroke color are unnoticeable and they are seen as intermixed colors. This is called juxtaposed color mixture. In this paper, we present a painterly rendering method for generating the pointillism images. For expressing countless separate dots which shown in the pointillism works, we propose a hierarchical points structure using Wang The method. Also a user defined palette is constructed based on the usage that Neo-Impressionist painter works on his palette. Lastly, based on this, a probability algorithm will be introduced, which divides the colors in the image(sampled by hierarchical point structure) into juxtaposed colors. A hierarchical points set which undergone juxtaposed color division algorithm is converted into brush strokes.

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