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A Study on Activation of Online Performances Using Sac on Screen Project Analysis  

Kim, Gyu-Jin (세종대학교 무용학과)
Na, Yun-Bin (고려사이버대학교 문화예술경영학과)
Publication Information
The online performance market is increasing due to recent pandemic events. However, due to the short introduction time of domestic online performances, there is a lack of related prior studies or success stories. In addition, most of these projects are short-lived projects or poor profits, so it is necessary to study how to activate them. The Sac on Screen project, which has been in progress since 10 years ago, has its own imaging experience, and the screening works and screening venues are also diverse, so it is an object of study. In addition, since annual satisfaction surveys are conducted, the business was evaluated based on the voice of customers from the data of the past three years. Based on the analyzed results, a free and paid version of the business model canvas was drawn through a group of experts. As a result of this synthesis, the following major implications were drawn. First, expanding research on online performances, second, needing a sense of responsibility for quality management of content, third, increasing diversity in content selection, and fourth, enhancing the liveliness of online performances, Fifth, efforts are needed to attract private investment and develop value-added products.
Online Performance; Visualization of Performance; Streaming Performances; Sac on Screen; Business Model Canvas;
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  • Reference
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