• Title/Summary/Keyword: Calculation methodology

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Common Spectrum Assignment for low power Devices for Wireless Audio Microphone (WPAN용 디지털 음향기기 및 통신기기간 스펙트럼 상호운용을 위한 채널 할당기술에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Kweon;Cha, Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.724-729
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents the calculation of the required bandwidth of common frequency bandwidth applying queueing theory for maximizing the efficiency of frequency resource of WPAN(Wireless Personal Area Network) based Digital acoustic and communication devices. It assumed that LBT device(ZigBee) and FH devices (DCP, RFID and Bluetooth) coexist in the common frequency band for WPAN based Digital acoustic and communication devices. Frequency hopping (FH) and listen before talk (LBT) have been used for interference avoidance in the short range device (SRD). The LBT system transmits data after searching for usable frequency bandwidth in the radio wave environment. However, the FH system transmits data without searching for usable frequency bandwidth. The queuing theory is employed to model the FH and LBT system, respectively. As a result, the throughput for each channel was analyzed by processing the usage frequency and the interval of service time for each channel statistically. When common frequency bandwidth is shared with SRD using 250mW, it was known that about 35 channels were required at the condition of throughput 84%, which was determined with the input condition of Gaussian distribution implying safety communication. Therefore, the common frequency bandwidth is estimated with multiplying the number of channel by the bandwidth per channel. These methodology will be useful for the efficient usage of frequency bandwidth.

Calculation Model for Function & Cost Score based on Normalization Method in Design VE (정규화 기법 기반의 설계VE 기능 및 비용 점수 산출 모델)

  • Lee, Jongsik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2015
  • VE aims at reduction in a budget, improvement of function, structural safety and quality security for public construction projects. However, there is possibility for the structural safety and quality security review to be insufficient because related regulations are mostly composed of analysis on economic efficiency of design. In addition, due to the misconception about VE as a cost saving methodology, an alternative is being presented which still focuses mainly on cost saving, but with no objective evaluation of function related to cost. In order to improve this, the government adopted the reduction of life cycle cost and proposal of value improvement, and let people specify the cost and function of the original plan versus the alternative plan, and the value changes between them. However, it is written mainly into practical convenience rather than theoretical basis since a specific way is not suggested. The current method sets a different starting point by applying the attributional difference of function and cost. Furthermore, an evaluation standard for correlating is an important element in rational decision making for assessing and choosing an alternative. This paper analyzes the process and method of function & cost scoring when performing VE and suggests a mathematical normalization model in order to support rational decision making when selecting an optimum plan.

Comparative Study of Commercial CFD Software Performance for Prediction of Reactor Internal Flow (원자로 내부유동 예측을 위한 상용 전산유체역학 소프트웨어 성능 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Gong Hee;Bang, Young Seok;Woo, Sweng Woong;Kim, Do Hyeong;Kang, Min Ku
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1175-1183
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    • 2013
  • Even if some CFD software developers and its users think that a state-of-the-art CFD software can be used to reasonably solve at least single-phase nuclear reactor safety problems, there remain limitations and uncertainties in the calculation result. From a regulatory perspective, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) is presently conducting the performance assessment of commercial CFD software for nuclear reactor safety problems. In this study, to examine the prediction performance of commercial CFD software with the porous model in the analysis of the scale-down APR (Advanced Power Reactor Plus) internal flow, a simulation was conducted with the on-board numerical models in ANSYS CFX R.14 and FLUENT R.14. It was concluded that depending on the CFD software, the internal flow distribution of the scale-down APR was locally somewhat different. Although there was a limitation in estimating the prediction performance of the commercial CFD software owing to the limited amount of measured data, CFX R.14 showed more reasonable prediction results in comparison with FLUENT R.14. Meanwhile, owing to the difference in discretization methodology, FLUENT R.14 required more computational memory than CFX R.14 for the same grid system. Therefore, the CFD software suitable to the available computational resource should be selected for massively parallel computations.

Evaluation of Daily Load Curve by taking into consideration PEVs Charging·Discharging Station (전기 자동차의 충·방전 장소를 고려한 도시별 일부하 곡선 산출)

  • Choi, Sang-Bong;Lee, Jae-Jo;Sung, Back-Sub
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2020
  • This paper presented a methodology for calculating daily load curves per city by taking into account the charging/discharging location of electric vehicle. In other words, this is the daily load curve calculation algorithm by city, which takes into account the charging/discharging location of electric vehicles, so that the impact of loads generated by charging/discharging of electric vehicles on the power grid can be easily understood in certain cities. Specifically, in accordance with the PEVs share scenario, the PEVs discharge power was calculated to reflect both the characteristics of the arriving vehicle in the morning and the SMP plan after establishing a assumption that the electric vehicle arrived at work in the morning and the electric vehicle arrived at home in the afternoon for each of the charging/discharging locations, that is, work and home, of electric vehicles in the city. After calculating the daily load curve for each charging/discharging power type for the PEVs charging strategy, which takes into account both the characteristics of the vehicle arriving at home in the afternoon and the TOU fare system, it was analyzed by comparing the impact assessment on the grid by adding the existing load.

The Analysis of the Research Trends Related to School Health in Korea (학교보건 관련 국내 연구동향 분석)

  • Jung, Jeong-Sim;Kim, Jung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to identify the trend of school health research by analyzing articles related to school health for the last 10 years. this information can be used to guide research direction for the future. Methods : This study is a descriptive study that analyzed annual data. using an objective frame of evaluation about the methodology and research domain in each paper, all the papers included in the journals concerning school health from January 1993 to December 2000 were analyzed. The data was processed statistically by frequency and percentage. Results : 455 papers in 9 journals related to school health were published. The Journal of the Korean Society of School Health had 204 articles, the highest number of any journal. most of the articles were descriptive, but the number of experimental studies increased over time. the most common research subjects were students were the greatest ones, but the trend to study both parents and teachers increased near the end of the sampling period. the most common selection of subjects appeared to be based on convenience, but probability sampling gradually increasing annually. the most common research instrument was the questionnaire and the reliability and the validity of instruments were described in approximately half of the studies. The survey was the most commonly used method of data collection. The papers that met ethical issue in data collection were less than those that did not. In addition, the papers that provided the rationale for the calculation of sample size were less than those that did not. parametric statistics were the main methods of data analysis, but some advanced statistics were used more often than simple descriptive statistics in the latter part of the sampling period. In general, limit of the studies were not frequently mentioned but more recommendations were made. regarding the characteristics of the research area, the assesment domain was remarkable. The rate of school health problem assesment was the highest among research subjects. Sex- related subjects were the highest in detail research subjects. Conclusions : The research of school health has increased quantitatively, but it is difficult to ascertain its qualitative development. Therefore, on the basis of the research completed up until now, more school-based intervention studies and longitudinal studies need to be another target for the evaluation of the effects of the school health service. as well, policy suggestion through international and cross-sectional comparison studies are needed to assist in the establishment of the long term direction of school health.

Network Capacity Design in the local Communication and Computer Network for Consumer Portal System (전력수용가포털을 위한 구내 통신 및 컴퓨터 네트워크 용량 설계)

  • Hong, Jun-Hee;Choi, Jung-In;Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Chang-Sub;Son, Sung-Young;Son, Kwang-Myung;Jang, Gil-Soo;Lee, Jea-Bok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2007
  • Consumer Portal is defined as "a combination of hardware and software that enables two-way communication between energy service provider(ESP, like KEPCO) and equipment within the consumer's premises". The portal provides both a physical link(between wires, radio waves, and other media) and a logical link(translating among language-like codes and etiquette-like protocols) between in-building and wide-area access networks. Thus, the consumer portal is an important, open public shared infrastructure in the future vision of energy services. In this paper, we describe a new methodology for local communication and computer network capacity design of consumer portal, and also presents capacity calculation method using a network system limitation factors. By the approach, we can check into the limitations of existing methods, and propose an improved data processing algorithm that can expand the maximum number of the networked end-use devices up to $30{\sim}40$ times. For validation, we applies the proposed methode to our real system design. Our contribution will help electrical power information network design.

Modeling End-to-End Throughput of Multiple Flows and Efficient Route Selection in Wireless Mesh Networks (무선 메쉬 네트워크에서의 다중 트래픽 흐름을 위한 종단간 처리량 모델링 및 효율적인 라우팅 경로 선택 기법)

  • Wang, Xiaofei;Kwon, Ted Tae-Kyoung;Choi, Yang-Hee
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.272-283
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    • 2010
  • Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have gained a lot of attention recently. Based on the characteristic of WMNs as a highly connected wireless infrastructure, many efforts from research organizations are made in order to improve the performance of the flow throughput in WMNs. Therefore, it is very critical issue to establish efficient routing paths for multiple concurrent ongoing flows. In this paper, we propose a general modeling methodology to analyze the end-to-end throughput of multiple concurrent flows by analytical calculation taking into account the carrier sensing behaviors, interference and the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function mechanism. After the comparison of the average service time for each successful transmission at each node, we analyze the bottlenecks of flows, and hence obtain the maximum end-to-end throughput of them. By using our proposed model, it is possible to predicate the throughput of several candidate routing paths for multiple concurrent ongoing data flows, so we can select the most efficient route that can achieve the highest throughput. We carry out simulations with various traffic patterns of multiple flows in WMNs to validate our modeling and our efficient route selection mechanism.

Analysis of Scenarios for Environmental Instream Flow Considering Water Quality in Saemangeum Watershed (새만금유역의 수질을 고려한 환경유지용수의 시나리오 분석)

  • Kim, Se-Min;Park, Young-Ki;Won, Chan-Hee;Kim, Min-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.117-127
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    • 2016
  • In this study, analyzed scenarios of the environmental instream flow for water quality improvement in Saemangeum watershed. In order to get an environmental instream flow, Methodology is selected for Retention-Basin, reservoir expansion, new dam construction, Modification of water intake and drainage system, Rearrangement of plan for system which Yongdam and Seomjin river dam have been used water supply. The study composed of diverse scenario of Environmental instream flow increasement and analyzed the effect of improving the water quality by the QUAL2K model and calculation of runoff for saemangeum watershed by SWAT model. The following water quality indicators have been simulated in irrigation and non-irrigation period for BOD and T-P. When scenarios applied to water quality model, Improvement rate in the water quality for Total Maximum Daily loads of Mankyung B unit watershed during irrigation and non-irrigation period is BOD (28.70%), T-P (17.09%) and BOD (28.51%), T-P (28.68%) respectively. Dongjin A unit watershed during irrigation and non-irrigation period is BOD (14.39%), T-P (14.59%) and BOD (15.54%), T-P (19.46%) similary. Simulation results is to quantify the constribution of the improvement in the water quality. In particular, It was demonstrative that improving effect for water quality was evaluated to be great in non-irrigation period.

Estimation of the Liability Risk for Release of Chemicals at Chemical Plant (화학플랜트에서의 화학물질 누출사고에 대한 배상책임 위험도 산정)

  • Moon, Jung Man;Park, Dal Jae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.438-449
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    • 2020
  • This study is to improve the method of calculating the risk of liability that arise from release and dispersion of chemicals outside the plant in process industries such as chemical and petrochemical plants. To achieve this goal, the correlation factors with the risk of chemical release accident is derived by simulating release and dispersion of substances (14 types) designated by Ministry of Environment as preparation for accident, analyzing the cases of chemical release and effects of plant life damage. The method of calculating chemical liability risk was modified and supplemented based on the results obtained from the study. The correlation coefficient between the probit value of 14 chemical types and the liability risk by EURAM (European Union Risk Ranking Method) was -0.526, while the correlation coefficient with the modified chemical release accident risk was 0.319. Thus, the value from modified method shows that they appear to be correlated. According to modified calculating methodology, the correlation between ERPG-2 value and liability risk of 97 chemical types was -0.494 which is 19 times higher than existing liability risk correlation as absolute value. And the correlation coefficient of corrosion risk was 0.91. The standardized regression coefficients (β) value of correlation factors that affected the increase and decrease of risk were derived in order of Corrosion Index(0.713), ERPG-2 (0.400) and NFPA Health Index (0.0680) by values. It is expected that these findings this study result will also enable the calculation of reasonable chemical release liability risk for existing and new chemical, and will help use them as quantitative liability risk management indicators for chemical plant site.

Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Complex Fertilizers Production System by Using Life Cycle Assessment (전과정평가를 활용한 복합비료 생산 시스템의 온실가스 배출량 평가)

  • Jung, Soon-Chul;Park, Jeong-A;Huh, Jin-Ho;So, Kyu-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2011
  • Currently among the several methods to estimate an environmental impact of products, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technique is mostly used. The Ministry of Environment has been performed the carbon footprint labelling to give the carbon record of product by using this method. But the calculation of carbon footprint in primary agricultural product which is raw material of the processed food cannot be made because there is lack of methodology and LCI DB at agriculture sector. Therefore, LCA carried out to estimate carbon footprint, and established LCI DB for complex fertilizers (21-17-17 1 kg, 17-21-17 1 kg, 15-15-15 1 kg, Unspecified 1 kg) in the production system. The result of LCI DB analysis focussed on the GHG, and it was observed that the values of carbon footprint were $2.42E+00kg\;CO_2-eq.kg^{-1}$ for 21-17-17, $2.10E+00kg\;CO_2-eq.kg^{-1}$ for 17-21-17, $2.23E+00kg\;CO_2-eq.kg^{-1}$ for 15-15-15 and $3.56E+00kg\;CO_2-eq.kg^{-1}$ for Unspecified. For the analysis of LCIA (Life Cycle Impact Assessment) on complex fertilizers in the production system, the carbon footprint from pre-manufacturing phase is contributed to 98.96%, 98.81%, 98.88% and 99.30% on each complex fertilizer with 21-17-17, 17-21-17, 15-15-15, and Unspecified, respectively. These results will be used in basic data for estimation of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.