• Title/Summary/Keyword: CW

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Hatching and Growing Performance of Three-Way Crossbreds of Korean Native Chickens (KNC) (한국토종닭 3원 교잡종의 부화 및 육성 능력)

  • Kang, Bo-Seok;Hong, Eui-Chul;Kim, Hak-Kyu;Yu, Dong-Jo;Park, Mi-Na;Seo, Bo-Young;Choo, Hyo-Jun;Na, Seung-Hwan;Seo, Ok-Suk;HwangBo, Jong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.399-404
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    • 2010
  • This work was conducted to evaluate the hatching and growing performance of Korean native chicken (KNC) 3 strains crossbred. A total of 360 female pullets were produced from $\times$ (A), CL $\times$ C (B), CG $\times$ C (C) and CW $\times$ C (D) crossbred kept in National Institute of Animal Science, Korea. Hatchability of A, B, C and D were 69.8, 70.7, 75.5 and 77.4%, respectively. Livability were not significantly different by 20 weeks among 4 strains. Body weight B was high compared to other strains at 20 weeks. The feed conversion ratio of 4 strains was no significantly different among strains at 20 weeks. These results suggested the basic data that needed to develope the new strains.

Microstructure and Hardness of Yb:YAG Disc Laser Surface Overlap Melted Cold Die Steel, STD11 (Yb:YAG 디스크 레이저로 표면 오버랩 용융된 냉간금형강, STD11의 미세조직과 경도)

  • Lee, Kwang-Hyeon;Choi, Seong-Won;Yun, Jung Gil;Oh, Myeong-Hwan;Kim, Byung Min;Kang, Chung-Yun
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2015
  • Laser surface Melting Process is getting hardening layer that has enough depth of hardening layer as well as no defects by melting surface of substrate. This study used CW(Continuous Wave) Yb:YAG and STD11. Laser beam speed, power and beam interval are fixed at 70mm/sec, 2.8kW and 800um respectively. Hardness in the weld zone are equal to 400Hv regardless of melting zone, remelting zone overlapped by next beam and HAZ. Similarly, microstructures in all weld zone consist of dendrite structure that arm spacing is $3{\sim}4{\mu}m$, matrix is ${\gamma}$(Austenite) and dendrite boundary consists of ${\gamma}$ and $M_7C_3$ of eutectic phase. This microstructure crystallizes from liquid to ${\gamma}$ of primary crystal and residual liquid forms ${\gamma}$ and $M_7C_3$ of eutectic phase by eutectic reaction at $1266^{\circ}C$. After solidification is complete, primary crystal and eutectic phase remain at room temperature without phase transformation by quenching. On the other hand, microstructures of substrate consist of ferrite, fine $M_{23}C_6$ and coarse $M_7C_3$ that have 210Hv. Microstructures in the HAZ consist of fine $M_{23}C_6$ and coarse $M_7C_3$ like substrate. But, $M_{23}C_6$ increases and matrix was changed from ferrite to bainite that has hardness above 400Hv. Partial Melted Zone is formed between melting zone and HAZ. Partial Melted Zone near the melting zone consists of ${\gamma}$, $M_7C_3$ and martensite and Partial Melted Zone near the HAZ consists of eutectic phase around ${\gamma}$ and $M_7C_3$. Hardness is maximum 557Hv in the partial melted zone.

Broadband Multi-Layered Radome for High-Power Applications (고출력 환경에 적용 가능한 광대역 다층 구조 레이돔)

  • Lee, Ki Wook;Lee, Kyung Won;Moon, Bang Kwi;Choi, Samyeul;Lee, Wangyong;Yoon, Young Joong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we developed a broadband multi-layered radome applicable for high-power applications. In this regard, we presented the wave propagation characteristics of the broadband multi-layered radome with the ABCD matrix and obtained the optimal thickness and the material constant for each layer by an optimization algorithm called "particle swarm optimization," implemented by a commercial numerical modeling tool. Further, we redesigned it in view of mechanical properties to reflect environmental conditions such as wind, snow, and ice. The power transmission property was reanalyzed based on the recalculated data of each layer's thickness to consider the limitations of the fabrication of a large structure. Under the condition of a peak electric field strength that is 10 dB above the critical electric field strength in air breakdown, we analyzed the air breakdown by radio frequency(RF) in the designed radome using the commercial full-wave electromagnetic tool. The radome was manufactured and tested by continuous wave(CW) RF small signal and large signal in an anechoic chamber. The test results showed good agreement with those attained by simulation.

A Study on the Torque Characteristics Depending on the Elastic Body Materials of a Hexadecagon Shaped Ultrasonic Motor (탄성체 재질 변화에 따른 16각형 초음파모터의 토크 특성 연구)

  • Cheon, Seong-Kyu;Jeong, Seong-Su;Lee, Byung-Ha;Ha, Yong-Woo;Kim, Myong-Ho;Park, Tae-Gone
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 2014
  • In this study, novel ultrasonic rotary motor of hexadecagon shape stator was proposed. Stator of the hexadecagon ultrasonic motor was composed of an elastic ring and ceramics. The elastic ring had sixteen sides and sixteen angular points. Eight ceramics were attached on the outer surface of the eight sides of the ring. When rotor of cylindrical shaft was inserted inside of the ring stator, central lines of the sixteen sides of the stator hold the shaft by the slight pressures(frictions). This slight pressure was a preload of the motor and it could be controlled by radius and thickness of the ring. When two sinusoidal voltages which have 90 degree phase difference were applied to each four ceramics, elliptical displacements of inner surface of the ring were obtained. These elliptical displacements of the inner surface rotated the shaft rotor through the frictions. The proposed hexadecagon ultrasonic motor was designed and analyzed by using the finite element method (FEM), depending on materials of the elastic ring. Based on the FEM results, one model of motor which showed maximum displacement at contact points was chosen and fabricated. And characteristics of the motor were compared with simulated results. When the motor was fabricated with these results, EL20ET0.5CT0.5CW2 model showed 115[rpm] speed about input voltage of 60[Vrms] at 65.6[kHz]. And the maximum torque of 6[gfcm] was obtained. From these results, the hexadecagon shaped ultrasonic motor can be used to actuator for optical device which needs detailed position control. Also it can be used to medical and portable device by reducing size and weight.

An Adaptive Contention-window Adjustment Technique Based on Individual Class Traffic for IEEE 802.11e Performance (802.11e의 성능 향상을 위한 개별적 클래스 트래픽에 기반한 동적 충돌 윈도우 크기 조절 기법)

  • Um, Jin-Yeong;Oh, Kyung-Sik;Ahn, Jong-Suk
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a technique for improving IEEE 802.11e EDCA's performance by dynamically adjusting each class's contention window size based on each class's traffic amount. For providing differentiated service differently from 802.11, 802.11e EDCA maintains four classes each of which specifies different static minimum and maximum contention window sizes. Since the initial window sites significantly affect the 802.11e performance, several window adjustment schemes have been proposed. One of the schemes known as CWminAS (CWmin Adaptation Scheme) dynamically and synchronously determines the four windows' site based on the periodically measured collision rate. This method, however, can lower the send probability of high priority classes since it can't differentiate their collisions from those of low priority classes, leading to the channel underutilization. For solving this problem, we propose ACATICT(Adaptive Contention-window Adjustment Technique based on Individual Class Traffic) algorithm which adapts each class window size based on each individual collision rate rather than one average collision rate. Our simulation experiments show that ACATICT achieves better utilization by around 10% at maximum.

A Study on Segmentation Process of the K1 Reactor Vessel and Internals (K1 원자로 및 내부구조물 절단해체 공정에 대한 연구)

  • Hwang, Young Hwan;Hwang, Seokju;Hong, Sunghoon;Park, Kwang Soo;Kim, Nam-Kyun;Jung, Deok Woon;Kim, Cheon-Woo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.437-445
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    • 2019
  • After the permanent shutdown of K1 in 2017, decommissioning processes have attracted great attention. According to the current decommissioning roadmap, the dismantling of the activated components of K1 may start in 2026, following the removal of its spent fuel. Since the reactor vessel (RV) and reactor vessel internal (RVI) of K1 contain massive components and are relatively highly activated, their decommissioning process should be conducted carefully in terms of radiological and industrial safety. For achieving maximum efficiency of nuclear waste management processes for K1, we present activation analysis of the segmentation process and waste classification of the RV and RVI components of K1. For RVI, the active fuel regions and some parts of the upper and lower active regions are classified as intermediate-level waste (ILW), while other components are classified as low-level waste (LLW). Due to the RVI's complex structure and high activation, we suggest various underwater segmentation techniques which are expected to reduce radiation exposure and generate approximately nine ILW and nineteen very low level waste (VLLW)/LLW packages. For RV, the active fuel region and other components are classified as LLW, VLLW, and clearance waste (CW). In this case, we suggest in-situ remote segmentation in air, which is expected to generate approximately forty-two VLLW/LLW packages.

A Design of Analog Predistortion Linearizer Using Even Harmonic Signals (짝수 고조파 성분을 이용한 아날로그 전치 왜곡 선형화기 설계)

  • Hwang Moon-Soo;Jeon Ki-Kyung;Kim Ell-Kou;Cho Suk-Hui;Kim Young;Kim Byung-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.1 s.104
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a new predistortion linearizer with controlling intermodulation distortion(IMD) signals. This linearizer achieves independent control of third- and fifth-order intermodulation distortion products using amplitude modulation with even harmonic signals. A vector modulator that modulate fundamental signal with both second- and fourth-order harmonic components generated by harmonic generator circuits, generates the inverse characteristics third-and fifth-order intermodulation signals of power amplifier and controls amplitude and phase of them with each other modulation factors. As a results, this linearizer is suppressed IMD signals of power amplifier effectively. The test results show that the third IMD is cancelled more than 25 dB and the fifth order IMD is cancelled about 18 dB for CW two-tone signals. Also, it's improved the adjacent channel power ratio(ACPR) more than 7 dB for IS-95 CDMA signals.

Analysis on Physical Traits of Sasang Types Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (임피던스 분석을 활용한 사상인의 신체계측 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Jin;Park, Soo-Hyun;Ko, You-Sun;Park, Soo-Jin;Eom, Il-Kyu;Kim, Byoung-Chul;Kim, Young-In;Baek, Jin-Ung;Kim, Myoung-Geun;Kwon, Young-Kyu;Chae, Han
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.433-437
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to measure circumference of four body parts of each Sasang groups with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), and evaluate its usefulness for Sasang type diagnostic test. We obtained the circumference measures of neck (CN), chest (CC), waist (CW), and hip (CH) of 91 college students using BIA and standardized by sex and age. The validity of Sasang group prediction with CC was evaluated. The Tae-Eum group (104.87${\pm}$5.19, 108.47${\pm}$4.96, 116.00${\pm}$9.39, 110.4${\pm}$5.29. neck, chest, waist and hip, respectively) has significantly (p<0.001) bigger circumferences than So-Yang (97.79${\pm}$3.82, 100.02${\pm}$4.21, 101.02${\pm}$7.88, 101.95${\pm}$4.06) and So-Eum (95.63${\pm}$4.67, 96.93${\pm}$4.80, 97.63${\pm}$7.72, 99.86${\pm}$4.40) groups at very four measures. Discriminant functions with CC can be used for Tae-Eum Sasang type diagnostic test with 91.2% of overall Percentage Correctly Predicted (PCP). Tae-Eum type-specific sensitivity was 73.3% and Tae-Eum type-specific specificity was 94.7%. The strength and weakness of measurement and standardization methods for Sasang type diagnostic test, and the methods for the standardization of physical traits with sex and age were discussed. Our study showed distinctive physical features of Tae-Eum type and the usefulness of BIA for the Sasang type diagnosis.

Feasibility Study of Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold Based Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for Locally Advanced Left Sided Breast Cancer Patients

  • Swamy, Shanmugam Thirumalai;Radha, Chandrasekaran Anu;Kathirvel, Murugesan;Arun, Gandhi;Subramanian, Shanmuga
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.20
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    • pp.9033-9038
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    • 2014
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) based volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) for locally advanced left sided breast cancer patients undergoing radical mastectomy. DIBH immobilizes the tumor bed providing dosimetric benefits over free breathing (FB). Materials and Methods: Ten left sided post mastectomy patients were immobilized in a supine position with both the arms lifted above the head on a hemi-body vaclock. Two thermoplastic masks were prepared for each patient, one for normal free breathing and a second made with breath-hold to maintain reproducibility. DIBH CT scans were performed in the prospective mode of the Varian real time position management (RPM) system. The planning target volume (PTV) included the left chest wall and supraclavicular nodes and PTV prescription dose was 5000cGy in 25 fractions. DIBH-3DCRT planning was performed with the single iso-centre technique using a 6MV photon beam and the field-in-field technique. VMAT plans for FB and DIBH contained two partial arcs ($179^{\circ}-300^{\circ}CCW/CW$). Dose volume histograms of PTV and OAR's were analyzed for DIBH-VMAT, FB-VMAT and DIBH-3DCRT. In DIBH mode daily orthogonal ($0^{\circ}$ and $90^{\circ}$) KV images were taken to determine the setup variability and weekly twice CBCT to verify gating threshold level reproducibility. Results: DIBH-VMAT reduced the lung and heart dose compared to FB-VMAT, while maintaining similar PTV coverage. The mean heart $V_{30Gy}$ was $2.3%{\pm}2.7$, $5.1%{\pm}3.2$ and $3.3%{\pm}7.2$ and for left lung $V_{20Gy}$ was $18.57%{\pm}2.9$, $21.7%{\pm}3.9$ and $23.5%{\pm}5.1$ for DIBH-VMAT, FB-VMAT and DIBH-3DCRT respectively. Conclusions: DIBH-VMAT significantly reduced the heart and lung dose for left side chest wall patients compared to FB-VMAT. PTV conformity index, homogeneity index, ipsilateral lung dose and heart dose were better for DIBH-VMAT compared to DIBH-3DCRT. However, contralateral lung and breast volumes exposed to low doses were increased with DIBH-VMAT.

Treatment of Nightsoil Sludge by Vermicomposting (Vermicomposting에 의한 분뇨슬러지의 처리)

  • Lee, Ju-Sam;Lee, Moo-Choon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 1996
  • In order to investigate the possibility of treating nightsoil sludge, the growth trend experiments with vermicompsting was performed and the stability of worm castings was evaluated by the analysis of minerals according to growth periods. Survival rate(SR) of earthworms decreased as earthworms grow up to 7 weeks. The growth period of the earthworms could be classified into two phases on the basis of the ratios of cast to feed ingested(ID). The growth period of the earthworms up to 3 weeks, the high percentage of dry weight of feed ingested(ID) is mainly utiliz-ed to an increase in fresh weight of earthworms, and after the 3 weeks, it is utilized to cast production in this experiment, respectively. The highest values of increasing rate(IR) and biomass of the earthworms(BE) were obtained at 3 weeks and those were 10.59mg/day and 14.48g, respectively. Between the increasing rate(IR) and biomass of the earthworms(BE), a highly positive correlation coefficient(p<0.001) ap-peared. The highest values of biomass of the earthworms(BE) and cast production(CW) were obtained at 3 and 7 weeks, respectively. All the concentrations of minerals except calcium(Ca) in worm castings was lower than the values in nightsoil sludge. It was considered that the major portion of minerals in nightsoil sludge may have been retained in the bodies of earthworms. And these values were lower than the regulated levels in organic fertilizers that the regula-tion standards. In conclusion, the worm castings are very stable for the use as soil conditioner or organic fertilizers.

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