• Title/Summary/Keyword: CL-data

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Competition of Adlay and Dominant Weeds, and Weed Control (율무와 우점잡초의 경합 및 방제효과)

  • Yoon, Seong-Tak;Yi, Eun-Sub;Kim, Ki-Jung;Yoon, Seung-Gil
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 1999
  • This experiment was carried out to establish effective weed control system in the cultivation of Coix lachryma-jobi L. The effect of annual weeds artificially transplanted on the growth of Coix lachryma-jobi L. were that the higher the density of weeds, the lower the yield considerably by reducing number of grains and tillers per plant. Among four weeds of Echinochloa crusgalli galli P. BEAUV., Digitaria sanguinalis $S_{COPOL}$., Chenopodium album L., and Portulaca oleracea L., weed of Portulaca oleracea L. reduced adlay yield most by 182.6kg/10a and it was judged to be the most injurious weed to adlay production. Among four weed control systems, which are one herbicide treatment, one herbicide treatment + one cultivating work with cultivator, two times cultivating work with cultivator and two times hand-weeding, the control system of 'one herbicide treatment + one cultivating work with cultivator' showed the lowest amount of weed growth by 7.34 weeds per $m^2$ in comparison with control plot of 35.00 weeds per $m^2$. Among four weed control systems, the system of 'two times hand-weeding' had much more amount of light penetration in adlay canopy with 791.9 mol than any other systems.

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Formulation of a reference coordinate system of three-dimensional head & neck images: Part II. Reproducibility of the horizontal reference plane and midsagittal plane (3차원 두부영상의 기준좌표계 설정을 위한 연구: II부 수평기준면과 정중시상면의 재현성)

  • Park, Jae-Woo;Kim, Nam-Kug;Chang, Young-Il
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.35 no.6 s.113
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    • pp.475-484
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    • 2005
  • This study was performed to investigate the reproducibility of the horizontal and midsagittal planes, and to suggest a stable coordinate system for three-dimensional (3D) cephalometric analysis. Eighteen CT scans were taken and the coordinate system was established using 7 reference points marked by a volume model, with no more than 4 points on the same plane. The 3D landmarks were selected on V works (Cybermed Inc., Seoul, Korea), then exported to V surgery (Cybermed Inc., Seoul, Korea) to calculate the coordinate values. All the landmarks were taken twice with a lapse of 2 weeks. The horizontal and midsagittal planes were constructed and its reproducibility was evaluated. There was no significant difference in the reproducibility of the horizontal reference planes, But, FH planes were more reproducible than other horizontal planes. FH planes showed no difference between the planes constructed with 3 out of 4 points. The angle of intersection made by 2 FH planes, composed of both Po and one Or showed less than $1^{\circ}$ difference. This was identical when 2 FH planes were composed of both Or and one Po. But, the latter cases showed a significantly smaller error. The reproducibility of the midsagittal plane was reliable with an error range of 0.61 to $1.93^{\circ}$ except for 5 establishments (FMS-Nc, Na-Rh, Na-ANS, Rh-ANS, and FR-PNS). The 3D coordinate system may be constructed with 3 planes; the horizontal plane constructed by both Po and right Or; the midsagittal plane perpendicular to the horizontal plane, including the midpoint of the Foramen Spinosum and Nc; and the coronal plane perpendicular to the horizontal and midsagittal planes, including point clinoidale, or sella, or PNS.

Development and Validation of Predictive Model for Foodborne Pathogens in Preprocessed Namuls and Wild Root Vegetables (전처리 나물류 및 구근류에서 병원성 미생물의 성장예측모델 개발 및 검증)

  • Enkhjargal, Lkhagvasarnai;Min, Kyung Jin;Yoon, Ki Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.10
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    • pp.1690-1700
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study is to develop and validate predictive growth models for Bacillus cereus (diarrhea type) vegetative cells, spores and Staphylococcus aureus in preprocessed Namul (bracken and Chwinamul) and root vegetables (bellflower and burdock). For validation of model performance, growth data for S. aureus in preprocessed vegetables were collected at independent temperatures (18 and $30^{\circ}C$) not used in the model development. In addition, model performance of B. cereus (diarrhea type) in preprocessed vegetables was validated with an emetic type of B. cereus strain. In primary models, the specific growth rate (SGR) of the B. cereus spores was faster than that of the B. cereus vegetative cells, regardless of the kinds of vegetables at 24 and $35^{\circ}C$, while lag time (LT) of the B. cereus spores was longer than that of the B. cereus vegetative cells, except for burdock. The growth of B. cereus and S. aureus was not observed in bracken at temperatures lower than 13 and $8^{\circ}C$, respectively. The LT models for B. cereus (diarrhea type) in this study were suitable in predicting the growth of B. cereus (emetic type) on burdock and Chwinamul. On the other hand, SGR models for B. cereus (diarrhea type) were suitable for predicting the growth of B. cereus (emetic type) on all preprocessed vegetables. The developed models can be used to predict the risk of B. cereus and S. aureus in preprocessed Namul and root vegetables at the retail markets.

Effective Tillering Pattern and Grain Yield on Different Seeding Dates in Barley (보리 파종기에 따른 유효분벽의 양상과 수량)

  • 신만균
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.460-472
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    • 1995
  • This study was aimed to provide understanding on the eco-physiological response of barley tillers as affected by difference in seeding date. Yield and yield contribution rates of tillers were investigated with the data of field experiments in the former Wheat and Barley Research Institute of Suwon, Korea from September 1982 to July 1984. When barley was sowed 15 days earlier than or at the locally recommended sowing date (i.e. October 5), it produced more mainstem leaves than the that sowed 15 days later than the local recommendation. The effective tillers (i.e. ear-bearing tillers) were observed in concurrently occurring leaves up to 10/0 (abbreviation of the 10th mainstem leaf) from early and optimum sowed crops, while 9/0 from late sowed crops. Tillering followed the production rule of Gatayama(l952) which has the linear leaf appearance pattern. Early sowing produced more effective tillers, but the highest production of effective ears (i.e. ears heavier than 0.505g) was noticed in sowing at the recommended date. The tillers in the axil of first leaf in mainstem (abbreviated as 1) produced more effective ears than other mainstem tillers (i.e. primary tillers such as C, 2, 3 and 4). The tillers from the axil of first leaf, whether they were primary or secondary, always performed better in the production of effective tillers, grains per ear, grain weight, and grain yield per ear than those from the axil of coleoptile or prophyll. Other tillers from subsequent leaves were also inferior in production with the order of their appearance, thus making first leaf tillers as the best performer(e.g. 1 against C, 2, 3, 4 of primary tillers, 11 and 21 against 1P, 12, 13, 2P, 22 of secondary tillers). Even though the first leaf tiller from the first mainstem leaf(i.e. 11) emerged at a same time with the fourth mainstem leaf tiller(i.e. 4), it was always a better producer of ears and grains. The above observations of hierarchy among tillers were persistent irrespective of cropping conditions and treatments. Sowing at the recommended date produced more effective tillers and grains per ear than early or late sowing. In early and late sowings, more grains per effective ear were observed by early sowing, whereas more grains per ear were produced by late sowing. The order of performance in production of effective tillers and ears per plant was as follows: optimum > early > late sowings. In optimum sowing the mainstems were the highest in grain weight per ear, while the first leaf tillers were the ones in early sowing probably due to winter damage on mainstem ears. Yield contribution by the tillers was greater with the following order irrespective of sowing dates: mainstem, 1, 2, 3, C, 11, 12 and Cl. The contribution of CP, 2P, 21 and 31 varied with sowings.

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Ore minerals and Genetic Environments from the Baekun Gold-silver Deposit, Republic of Korea (백운 금-은광상에서 산출되는 광석광물과 생성환경)

  • Yoo, Bong-Chul;Lee, Hyun-Koo;Kim, Ki-Jung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.1 s.176
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    • pp.9-25
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    • 2006
  • Baekun gold-silver deposit is an epithermal quartz vein that is filling the fault zone within Triassic or Jurassic foliated granodiorite. Mineralization is associated with fault-breccia zones and can be divided into two stages. Stage I which can be subdivided early and late depositional stages is main ore mineralization and stage II is barren. Early stage I is associated with wallrock alteration and the formation of sulfides such as arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, marcasite, chalcopyrite, stannite, galena. Late stage I is characterized by Au-Ag mineralization such as electrum, Ag-bearing tetrahedrite, stephanite, boulangerite, pyrargrite, argentite, schirmerite, native silver, Ag-Te-Sn-S system, Ag-Cu-S system, pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena. Fluid inclusion data indicate that homogenization temperatures and salinity of stage I range from $171.6^{\circ}C\;to\;360.8^{\circ}C\;and\;from\;0.5\;to\;10.2\;wt.\%\;eq.$ NaCl, respectively. It suggest that ore forming fluids were cooled and diluted with the mixing of meteoric water. Also, Temperature (early stage I: $236\~>380^{\circ}C,\;$ late stage $I: <197\~272^{\circ}C$) and sulfur fugacity (early stage $I:\;10^{-7.8}$ a atm., late stage I: $10^{-14.2}\~10^{-l6}atm$.) deduced mineral assemblages from stage 1 decrease with paragenetic sequence. Sulfur ($2.4\~6.1\%_{\circ}$(early stage $I=3.4\~5.3\%_{\circ},\;late\;stage\;I=2.4\~6.1\%_{\circ}$)), oxygen ($4.5\~8.8\%_{\circ}$(quartz: early stage $I=6.3\~8.8\%_{\circ}$, late stage $I=4.5\~5.6\%_{\circ}$)), hydrogen ($-96\~-70\%_{\circ}$ (quartz: early stage $I=-96\~-70\%_{\circ},\;late\;stage\;f=-78\~-74\%_{\circ},\;calcite:\;late\;stage\;I=-87\~-76\%_{\circ}$)) and carbon ($-6.8\~-4.6\%_{\circ}$ (calcite: late stage I)) isotope compositions indicated that hydrothermal fluids may be magmaticorigin with some degree of mixing of another meteoric water for paragenetic time.

Analysis of the Age-Dependent Change in the Blood Chemical Values from Hyline Brown Layer Chickens under Field Condition (하이라인 갈색 산란계의 일령별 혈액 화학치 변화 분석)

  • Son, Y.H.;Cha, S.Y.;Park, J.B.;Park, Y.M.;Ryu, K.S.;Jang, H.K.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2007
  • To evaluate the physiological status of laying flocks, the blood chemistry values were measured and analyzed in various ages under different feeding conditions. Total 671 birds from 48 Hyline brown hens flocks from 13 different poultry farms were bled at the ages of day(s) 1, 11, 21, 50, 80, 120, 180, 240, 300, 400, and 500. The 17 blood chemistries including glucose, lipids, proteins, enzymes, electrolytes and metabolic by-products were measured with an autoanalyzer. Blood glucose showed the highest at the hatching day not relate with the dietary carbohydrates and energy, but tended to decrease during the rest of growth stage in hens. Total blood protein, albumin and globulin increased depending on the ages even though dietary protein was decreased. Blood lipid was greatly changed at different growth stages. Cholesterol was the highest at hatching period and maintained consistently until the 120 days of age. It was increased in birds after 180 days of age. HDL was also highest in hatchery, but decreased greatly after 180 days of age. However, TG was the lowest at one day old, but was increased up to 10 times after 180 days of age compared to that of one day old. The enzyme activities were different. AST, ALT, and GGT showed comparatively contained consistently, whereas amylase was slowly decreased. Blood P, Na, K and Cl showed consistency, but Ca content was increased upto two times of the one day of age. The results from this study showed that the blood chemistry values were affected by the general metabolic status of the host with ages not by feeding conditions. Further, the standard data of age-dependent blood chemistry values in the laying flocks were obtained, which can be utilized for early detection of the changes in the physiological status occurred by the infectious or metabolic diseases. The results of these analyses seemed to be useful to increase the productivity of laying flocks through rapid and proper veterinary medical treatments.

Effect of Chronic Alcohol Feeding and 2-Acetylaminofluorene Treatment on Hepatic Mitochondrial ATPase Activity and Membrane Lipid Composition in Rats (만성 알코올 섭취시 2-Acetylaminofluorene 투여가 흰쥐 간 미토콘드리아 ATPase 활성도와 막지질 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김정희;류선영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.867-873
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    • 1995
  • This study was done ot investigate the effect of chronic alcohol feeding and acetylaminofluorene(2-AAF) treatment on hepatic mitochondrial ATPase activity andmembrane lipid composition. Male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 120~125g, were fed for 6 weeks on a liquid diet containing 35% of calories as ethanol. After 4 weeks of experiment diet feeding, 2-AAF(100mg/kg body weight) was injected twice a week intraperitoneally. Body weight and percent liver weight per body weight were significantly changed by ethanol feeding. Hepatic mitochondrial ATPase activity significantly decreased by ethanol feedings but not by 2-AAF treatment. In comparison to control, the ATPase activity of ethanol-AAF group decreased 29.3%. Since phospholipid(PL) content of mitochondria has an interaction effect between ethanol and 2-AAF treatment, 2-AAF treatment significantly increased phospholipid content in only ethanol fed group. Total cholesterol(C) level of mitochondria significantly increased by ethanol feeding. Consequently C/PL ratio of ethanol group was significantly higher than that of control group. The analysis of mitochondrial PL composition showed that cardiolipin(CL) significantly increased by 2-AFF treatment in control group. Phosphatidyl choline(PC) significantly increased by ethanol feeding, whereas PC significanlty decreased and phosphatidyl ethanolamine(PE) significantly increased by 2-AAF treatment. 2-AAF treatment also showed a significant increase in PE/PC ratio. Fatty acid patterns of mitochondria were also changed by either ethanol or 2-AAF although the severity of the changes was not great. These data suggest that the reduced mitochondrial ATPase activity in ethanol-AAF group may be a consequence of a changes in mitochondrial membrane lipid composition such as PE/PC ratio, C/PL ration and fatty acid patterns.

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Evaluation of Detector Dependency on Collimator in SRS: Compared Detectors; CC01, CC13, SFD (뇌정위적 방사선수술 시 콜리메이터 크기 변화에 따른 검출기 의존성 평가)

  • Bae, Yong-Ki;Bang, Dong-Wan;Park, Byung-Moon;Kang, Min-Yeong;Kim, Yeon-Rye
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To evaluate the detector dependency in the various collimator size for Stereotactic Radiosugery (SRS). Materials and Methods: This study was performed with 6 MV photon beam (Varian 21EX, Varian, US) and the measurement detectors are used by ion chamber CC01, CC13 (Wellhofer, Germany) and stereotactic diode detector (SFD, Wellhofer, Germany). SRS collimator size was used by ${\varphi}$5, 10, 20, 30 mm (Brain Lab, Germany). Percentage depth dose (PDD) was measured at SSD 100 cm and field size 10×10 cm from individual detectors. Ouput factor was measured by using same setup of PDD and with maximum dose depth. Data was normalized at field size $10{\times}10\;cm$. Beam profile was measured at SSD 100 cm in SRS collimator ${\varphi}$10, 30 mm and field $10{\times}10\;cm$ and a comparison of FWHM (full width half maximum), penumbra width (20~80%). Results: The CC13 detector was overestimated 16% than other detectors from the PDD in the 5 mm collimator. Output factors were underestimated CC01 28%, CC13 72% in the 5 mm collimator and CC01 9.6%, CC13 25% in the 10 mm collimator than the SFD. Maximum difference was 3% at the FWHM of the dose profile in the 10 mm collimator and difference of the 30 mm collimator was 0% at the FWHM. Penumbra width was increased CC01 122%, CC13 194% in the 10 mm collimator and CC01 68%, CC13 185% in the 30 mm collimator than the SFD. Conclusion: It is very important for accurate dosimetry to select a detector in small field. The SFD was considered with the most accurate dosimeter for small collimator dosimetry in this study.

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Effect of N-3, N-6 Fatty Acid and d-Limonene Treatment on Membrane Lipid Composition and Protein Kinase C Activity in Experimental Rat Hepatocarcinogenesis (쥐의 간 발암과정에서 N-3, N-6 지방산 섭취 및 d-Limonene 투여가 생체막 지질조성 및 Protein Kinase C 활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • 김미정;김정희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.1328-1336
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    • 2003
  • This study was done to investigate the effects of n-3, n-6 fatty acid and d-limonene on the hepatic membrane lipid composition, protein kinase C (PKC) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities in experimental rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Sprague-Dawley female rats were fed with two different types of dietary oil for 20 weeks. Corn oil (CO) and sardine oil (SO) were used at 15% by weight as a source of n-6 and n-3 fatty acid, respectively. One week after feeding, rats were intraperitoneally injected twice with a dose of diethylnitrosamine (DEN, 50 mg/kg body weight) and after 1 week 0.05% phenobarbital (PB) was provided with drinking water. Membrane fractional lipid composition showed that the content of cholesterol was higher in 50 group than CO group and also significantly decreased by d-limonene. The content of phospholipid was increased by carcinogen treatment but not affected by dietary oils or d-limonene. Membrane C/PL molar ratio was significantly decreased by d-limonene or carcinogen treatment in 50 groups but not in CO groups. Fatty acid composition was changed by dietary oils but not by carcinogen treatment or d-limonene. Cytosolic PKC activity was not significantly different by dietary oils, d-limonene or carcinogen treatment. However, membrane PKC activity was significantly increased by carcinogen treatment and decreased by d-limonene. Cytosolic GST activity was affected by d-limonene or carcinogen treatment in all dietary groups. These data indicate that dietary oils, d-limonene and carcinogen treatment can not change much membrane phospholipid composition. But membrane C/PL molar ratio was changed by carcinogen treatment and d -limonene although the effect was different between dietary oils. Therefore, it is suggested that different dietary oils and d-limonene can somewhat modulate the changes of membrane fluidity and activities of membrane bound enzymes like membrane associated PKC during carcinogenesis.

Optimization of Microbial Production of Ethanol form Carbon Monoxide (미생물을 이용한 일산화탄소로부터 에탄올 생산공정 최적화)

  • 강환구;이충렬
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2002
  • The method to optimize the microbial production of ethanol from CO using Clostridium ljungdahlii was developed. The kinetic parameter study on CO conversion with Clostridium ljungdahlii was carried out and maximum CO conversion rate of 37.14 mmol/L-hr-O.D. and $K_{m}$ / of 0.9516 atm were obtained. It was observed that method of two stage fermentation, which consists of cell growth stage and ethanol production stage, was effective to produce ethanol. When pH was shifted from 5.5 to 4.5 and ammonium solution was supplied to culture media as nitrogen source at ethanol production stage, the concentration of ethanol produced was increased 20 times higher than that without shift. Ethanol production from CO in a fermenter with Clostridium ljungdahlii was optimized and the concentration of ethanol produced was 45 g/L and maximun ethanol productivity was 0.75 g ethanol/L-hr.