• Title/Summary/Keyword: CL/P

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Clinico-Epidemiological Patterns of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients Attending the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka

  • Galgamuwa, Lahiru Sandaruwan;Sumanasena, Buthsiri;Iddawela, Devika;Yatawara, Lalani;Wickramasinghe, Susiji
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by Leishmania donovani is an endemic vector-borne disease in Sri Lanka. Over 2,500 cases have been reported since 2000 and the number of CL cases has dramatically increased annually. Total 57 clinically suspected CL patients attending the dermatology clinic in Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital were recruited from January to June 2015. Slit skin smears and skin biopsies were taken from each of the subjects. Clinical and epidemiological data were obtained using interviewer administered questionnaire. Forty-three (75.4%) patients among 57 were confirmed positive for L. donovani. The majority (77%) of infected patients was males, and the most affected age group was 21-40 years. Soldiers in security forces, farmers, and housewives were identified as high risk groups. The presence of scrub jungles around the residence or places of occupation (P=0.003), the presence of sandflies (P=0.021), and working outsides more than 6 hr per day (P=0.001) were significantly associated with CL. The number of lesions ranged from 1-3, and the majority (76%) of the patients had a single lesion. Upper and lower extremities were the prominent places of lesions, while the wet type of lesions were more prevalent in females (P=0.022). A nodular-ulcerative type lesion was common in both sexes. The presence of sandflies, scrub jungles, and outdoor activities contributed to spread of Leishmania parasites in an endemic pattern. Implementation of vector control programs together with health education with regard to transmission and prevention of CL are necessary to control the spread of this infection.

The Characteristics of Groundwater quality in the Pusan Area (부산 지역 지하수의 수질오염 특성)

  • 정상용;강동환;심병완
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 1998
  • 부산 지하수의 오염실태와 그 특성을 파악하기 위하여 1996년과 1997년에 분석된 지하수 수질자료 중에서 pH, TS, KMnO$_4$소비량, Cl, SO$_4$등을 통계분석 하였다. 각 성분의 평균치는 pH가 모두 7.3, TS는 216.0 mg/$\ell$와 242.3 mg/$\ell$, KMnO$_4$소비량은 2.6 mg/$\ell$와 6.3 mg/$\ell$, Cl은 35.7과 50.1mg/$\ell$, SO$_4$는 25.4와 33.9mg/$\ell$이다. 2년 동안 pH의 음용수 기준치 초과 비율은 0.55와 0.47%, TS는 1.89와 2.50%, KMnO$_4$소비량은 0.73과 1.17%, Cl은 1.41과 2.18%, 그리고 SO$_4$는 0.37과 0.86% 이다. 따라서 성분별로 비교해 볼 때, pH의 음용수 기준치 초과비율이 가장 적고, Cl의 초과비율이 가장 크다. Cl 및 SO$_4$이온의 음용수 기준치(각각 100 mg/$\ell$, 200mg/$\ell$) 초과지점과 이 이온들의 평균치보다는 훨씬 큰 100 mg/$\ell$이상되는 지점들의 분포를 분석한 결과, 해안가보다는 내륙에 더 많이 초과지점들이 분포한다. 따라서 부산지하수는 해수에 의한 영향보다는 내륙에서 생활하수나 기타원인(공장폐수, 오염된 하천수, 폐기물 매립 등)에 의한 오염이 훨씬 큰 것으로 보인다. 1996년에 5개 성분의 음용수 기준치 초과비율은 5.06%이고, 1997년의 초과비율은 6.87%로 전년도에 비하여 약간 증가하였다. 그러나 부산이 바다에 접하고 또한 인구과밀 지역임을 고려할 때, 부산의 지하수 수질은 양호한 편이다. 따라서 앞으로 부산 지하수의 보전 및 관리가 적절하게 진행된다면 부산에서 지하수는 시민의 생활용수로서의 역할을 증대해 나갈 수 있을 것이다.

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Thermostability of Polygalacturonase from Chinese Cabbage (배추 Polygalacturonase의 열안정성)

  • Cheong, Tae-Kyou;Moon, Tae-Wha;Park, Kwan-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.576-581
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    • 1993
  • Polygalacturonase(PG) was extracted from Chinese cabbage and partially purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and ion-exchange chromatography. Three fractions, D-PG, C-1 PG, and C-2 PG, were separated by CM-Sephadex C-25 column chromatography and FPLC Mono Q HR 5/5 or Mono S HR 5/5 column and their physicochemical characteristics were investigated. All three fractions had optimum pH and temperature of 4.5 and $65^{\circ}C$, and were stable in the range of pH $4.5{\sim}8.0$. These fractions were inhibited by 0.8mM $CaCl_2$ or 0.6M NaCl. In the thermal inactivation of PC isozymes at $65{\sim}80^{\circ}C$, z-values were $8.4{\sim}9.3^{\circ}C$ and D-values at $80^{\circ}C$ were In the range of $120{\sim}126s$. Thermodynamic constants were calculated from thermal inactivation data of the isozymes and were applicable to estimation of thermal process time of retort pouched Kimchi.

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Effect of Oyster Shell Calcium Powder on the Quality of Restructured Pork Ham

  • Choi, Jung-Seok;Lee, Hyun-Jin;Jin, Sang-Keun;Lee, Hyun-Joo;Choi, Yang-Il
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.372-377
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of oyster shell calcium powder (OSCP) as a substitute for phosphates in curing agent, on the quality of restructured pork ham. Restructured pork ham was processed under six treatment conditions: T1 (no additives), T2 (0.3% sodium tripolyphosphate), T3 (1.5% NaCl+0.5% whey protein), T4 (1.5% NaCl+0.5% whey protein+0.15% OSCP), T5 (1.5% NaCl+0.5% whey protein+0.3% OSCP), and T6 (1.5% NaCl+0.5% whey protein+0.5% OSCP). Addition of OSCP significantly increased the ash content and pH of restructured pork ham (p<0.05), but did not affect the cooking loss and water holding capacity values of restructured pork ham. Addition of OSCP had no effect on Hunter a and b surface color values of restructured pork ham, but did decrease the Hunter L surface color value (p<0.05). The addition of 0.5% OSCP showed significantly higher chewiness and springiness values of restructured pork ham, compared with the addition of phosphates (p<0.05). In conclusion, the addition of OSCP combined with low NaCl and 0.5% whey protein can be considered a viable substitute for phosphates in the curing agent, when processing restructured pork ham.

Solid-State $^{31}P$ NMR Chemical Shielding Tensors in Binuclear Platinum Diphosphite Complexes

  • 우애자;Leslie G. Butler
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.457-460
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    • 1996
  • The principal elements of the 31P NMR chemical shielding tensors have been determined for three binuclear platinum diphosphite complexes, K4[Pt2(P2O5H2)4·2H2O ("Pt2"), K4[Pt2(P2O5H2)4Cl2]·2H2O ("Pt2Cl2"), and K4[Pt2(P2O5H2)4Br2]·2H2O ("Pt2Br2"), by using a Herzfeld-Berger graphical method for interpreting the 31P MAS spectrum. The orientations of 31P chemical shielding tensor relative to the molecular axis system are partially assigned with combination of the longitudinal relaxation study of HPO32- and the reference to known tensor orientations of related sites; the most chemical shielding component, δ33, is directed along the P-Pt bond axis. A discussion is given in which the experimental principal elements of the 31P chemical shielding tensor are related with the Pt-Pt bond distances in binuclear platinum diphosphite complexes.

Scintillation Properties of Eu2+ ions doped LaCl3 Crystal (Eu2+ 이온을 도핑한 LaCl3 결정의 섬광 특성)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.600-604
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, the scintillation properties of $LaCl_3:Eu^{2+}$ crystal were investigated as new scintillator. This scintillation material was grown by a Czochralski method. $LaCl_3:Eu^{2+}$ was determined to have a hexagonal $P_63$/m space group with cell parameters a = b = $7.48{\AA}$, c = $4.37{\AA}$. Under 335 nm UV excitation, the crystal shows a broad emission band between 370 nm and 640 nm wavelength range, peaking at 430 nm. At room temperature, the crystal exhibits one exponential decay time component. The component of scintillation time profile of the crystal emission decays with a $2.82{\pm}0.72{\mu}s$ time constant. The energy resolution of the crystal was measured to be 8.8% (FWHM) for $^{137}Cs$ 662 keV ${\gamma}$-rays.

Effects of Reheating Conditions and Sodium Chloride/Phosphate Levels on Color Characteristics of Precooked Pork Patties

  • Choi, Ji-Hun;Choi, Yun-Sang;Han, Doo-Jeong;Kim, Hack-Youn;Lee, Mi-Ai;Kim, Si-Young;Lee, Ju-Woon;Jeong, Jong-Youn;Kim, Cheon-Jei
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.617-625
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to determine the effect of reheating methods on the color characteristics of precooked pork patties with various NaCl and phosphate levels. NaCl/phosphate levels for each formulation were as follows; N1 (1% NaCl), N1+P (1% NaCl+0.3% phosphate), N2 (2% NaCl), and N2+P (2% NaCl+0.3% phosphate). The reheating methods used were by electric grill and microwave oven. The surface color of the patties reheated by microwave showed more brown and less-intense red, and the phosphate-treated patties reheated by microwave were more reddish and less brownish. With increased amounts of added NaCl and phosphate, the internal color of patties was more reddish, and the phosphate-treated patties reheated by microwave had more brown than those reheated by electric grill. Among all of the treatments, there were no significant differences in surface color, internal color, and overall appearance. Thus, the color changes in reheated patties were influenced by reheating methods and phosphate.

Evaluation of steel corrosion and Concrete Freeze-Thaw durability on the Liquid non-chloride deicer (액상 비염화물계 제설제의 강재 부식성 및 콘크리트 동결융해 내구성 평가)

  • Lee, Beung-Duk;Kim, Hyun-Joong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.529-532
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    • 2008
  • Domestic area of most be happened chloride deicer damage. Because daily mean temperature is below 0$^{\circ}C$ from the area of domestic most. Use of deicing chemicals has been and will continue to be a major part of highway snow and ice control methods. Chloride-containing chemicals such as calcium chloride or rock salt are main deicers for the road. Extensive use of chloride deicers is, however, not only the source of substantial cost penalties due to their corrosive action and ability to deterioration roadway surface materials but also the source of environmental damages. Particularly, it has been recognized that chlorides present in deicing agents can significantly increase concrete surface scaling. In severe cases, scaling can result in dislodgement of coarse aggregate. This research estimates that pH and test of specific pollutants, dynamic modulus of elasticity for freeze-thaw test of concrete were higher than those NaCl, $CaCl_2$, and NaCl+$CaCl_2$(7:3, w/w), also weight losses for scaling test of concrete were much lower than those of NaCl, $CaCl_2$, and NaCl+$CaCl_2$(7:3, w/w).

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Effect of Different Conditions of Sodium Chloride Treatment on the Characteristics of Kenaf Fiber-Epoxy Composite Board

  • SETYAYUNITA, Tamaryska;WIDYORINI, Ragil;MARSOEM, Sri Nugroho;IRAWATI, Denny
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2022
  • Currently, biofibers are used as a reinforcement in polymer composites for structural elements and construction materials instead of the synthetic fibers which cause environmental problems and are expensive. One of the chemicals with a pH close to neutral that can be potentially used as a modified fiber material is sodium chloride (NaCl). Therefore, this study aims to investigate the characteristics of a composite board made from NaCl-treated kenaf fiber. A completely randomized design method was used with consideration of two factors: the content of NaCl in the treatment solution (1 wt%, 3 wt%, and 5 wt%) and the duration of immersion of fibers in the solution (1 h, 2 h, and 3 h). The NaCl treatment was conducted by soaking the fibers in the solution for different durations. The fibers were then rinsed with water until the pH of the water reached 7 and subsequently dried inside an oven at 80℃ for 6 h. Kenaf fiber and epoxy were mixed manually with the total loading of 20 wt% based on the dry weight of the fiber. Physical and mechanical properties of the fibers were then evaluated based on JIS A 5908 particleboard standards. The results showed that increasing NaCl content in the fiber treatment solution can increase the physical and mechanical properties of the composite board. The properties of fibers treated with 5 wt% NaCl for 3 h were superior with a modulus of elasticity of 2.085 GPa, modulus of rupture of 19.77 MPa, internal bonding of 1.8 MPa, thickness swelling of 3%, and water absorption of 10.9%. The contact angle of untreated kenaf fibers was 104°, which increased to 80° and 73° on treatment with 1 wt% and 5 wt% NaCl for 3 h, respectively.

Effects of Supplementation of Fat Sources, Ca and Mg on In Vitro Fermentation and the Performance of Finishing Hanwoo Bulls (지방의 공급형태와 Ca 및 Mg의 첨가가 In Vitro 발효 및 비육후기 한우의 성장성적에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, H.G.;Lee, D.H.;Choi, N.J.;Lee, S.R.;Choi, Y.J.;Maeng, W.J.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.613-624
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    • 2004
  • This study was aimed at investigating the effect of fat supplementation with divalent ions such as MgO and $CaCl_2$ on 1) in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics and insoluble fatty acid formation, and on 2) animal performance in finishing Hanwoo bulls. In in vitro trial, five different types of diets based on supplementation sources of fat and divalent ions, i.e. T=basal diet+4% tallow, T-Ca=T+0.5% $CaCl_2$, T-Mg=TA+0.5% MgO, T-MgCa = T +0.5% $CaCl_2$+0.5% MgO, T-caS =4% Ca salt tallow, were tested. Higher pH values were observed at 6 hr incubation(P<0.01) while higher amount of VFA were produced in diets 4 and 5 at 12 hr incubation(P<0.05). Nutrients(DM, OM, Crude protein and NDF) degradation tended to increase in divalent ions or Ca-salts treated tallow treatments compared with tallow treatment after 12 h. The amount of insoluble fatty acid increased by adding MgO or $CaCl_2$ to tallow or Ca soap tallow during incubation(P<0.05). In in vivo trial, thirty finishing Hanwoo(average BW 460kg) were divided into three groups based on fat sources and divalent ions, i.e. Control(EE 2.40), T-MgCa = control + tallow + $CaCl_2$ + MgO, T-CaS = control + Ca soap tallow (EE 5.30%). After feeding each diet for 80 days, average daily weight gain showed 0.89, 1.02, 1.17kg in diets 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The highest feed efficiency was observed(0.12) in diet 2 group, followed by diet 3 (0.10) and 1 groups(0.08; P < 0.05). In conclusion, the present results could be sununarized that the performance of Hanwoo bulls was improved by tallow with divalent ions without any negative effect on rumen fermentation.