Solid-State $^{31}P$ NMR Chemical Shielding Tensors in Binuclear Platinum Diphosphite Complexes


The principal elements of the 31P NMR chemical shielding tensors have been determined for three binuclear platinum diphosphite complexes, K4[Pt2(P2O5H2)4·2H2O ("Pt2"), K4[Pt2(P2O5H2)4Cl2]·2H2O ("Pt2Cl2"), and K4[Pt2(P2O5H2)4Br2]·2H2O ("Pt2Br2"), by using a Herzfeld-Berger graphical method for interpreting the 31P MAS spectrum. The orientations of 31P chemical shielding tensor relative to the molecular axis system are partially assigned with combination of the longitudinal relaxation study of HPO32- and the reference to known tensor orientations of related sites; the most chemical shielding component, δ33, is directed along the P-Pt bond axis. A discussion is given in which the experimental principal elements of the 31P chemical shielding tensor are related with the Pt-Pt bond distances in binuclear platinum diphosphite complexes.



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