• 제목/요약/키워드: Business plan

검색결과 2,033건 처리시간 0.029초

단순간호활동에 관한 간호사 및 간호조무사의 태도조사연구 (A study on simple nursing activities for the registered nurses and nurse aides in the hospital)

  • 이정희
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 1990
  • Every country in the world has been trying to expand the basic health right for the peoples as W.H.O has established the goal 'health for AU' by the year of 2000. Related to this goal, our government authority has establish the policy 'the insurance of health for all' into effect from July 198\). Recently hospitalshave been making a ceaseless effort for the plan for the rationalization of its management the academic World is making it a subject of discussion by doing the secure of manpower at a resonable level and the increase of productivity by the manpower. As a result of the efforts the study was established to secure the numbers of nursing manpower at a resonable level and use the unskilled persons at the utilizing field and seek the possible area of their activity for more efficient service through the investigation of ablity of simple nursing activities of regiestered nurses and nurse aides for rational function according to the educational levels and talents. The method of study was established by the registered nurses and nurse and nurse aides(R.N 229, N.A 226) who are working in 15 hospitals with over 200 beds. This surrey was conducted from Mar 29, 1989 to April 8, 1989. The method to test the degree of importance, difficulties, and the abillity of performance of a simple nursing activities was classified into 35 activities on the basis of references on this field. The degree of importance was composed from point l(Not so important) to 5(Very important). the degree of difficulties. was composed as follows; very easy - Point 1 very difficult and complicated - Point 5. and the ability of performance was composed from point 1 to 5. The materials gathered through the survey were analyzed with frequency, mean standard deviation, percentage. t-test, Anova, pearson's coefficient of correlation, stepwise multiple regression. factor analysis, discriminant analysis. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1. The recognition values of the simple nursing activities of each group of registered nurse and nurse aides show; The degree of importance; 4.04 and 4.26 The degree of difficulties; 2.72 and 2.94 The ability of performance; 2.07 and 2.38 The brief summary shows there are little differences between who two groups the simple nursing activities turned out to be easy and simple work. 2. Regardless of the degree of importance, and difficulties, the ability of performance the important in fluencing of the degree of the simple nursing activities between the registered nurses and nurse aides was the order of educational level, hospital career, working career in wards and ages of the registered nurses and ages and hospital creer of nurse aides. The result was that the simple nursing activities could easily be familiar through the training of their working environment and period of experience. 3. Among the 35 simple nursing activities the items capable of resonable entrusting to the nurse aides are 5 that is helping bed-bathing, 8itz Bath, using bed pan, care while delivering patient, accompaying patient when visitor's check. There wasn't and differences between RN and nurse aides in performing the above 5 items. In anywhere. so we can say obviosuly that this nursing activities should be performed under the nursing system of which chief of nurse are supposed to supervise nurse aides as a possible function to be entrusted. In view of the above mentioned results, therefore, this partial functional job of the simple nursing activities can able be entrusted to the nurse aides through the regular training course. In case of these functional activities could be entrusted under, the responsibility of registered nurse, we can able suggest to for that there are the following advantages: 1.. In the nursing activities-affairs, the qualified guarantee of the nursing services can be kept and increased or promotoed with accommodation of the required nursing service and roles being expanded presently. 2. In the productivity of the hospital manpower, therefore, we have comt to view and consider in favourly that when an automational administration times would be come in the near future time to hospital affairs as a reality, to utilize the existing nures aides is better rather than investing so as to develop the other source manpowers or seek its for the efficient business management in the operational strategy or its policy.

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진행기준 수익인식 방법과 재무분석가 이익예측 - 미청구공사 계정을 중심으로 - (Unbilled Revenue and Analysts' Earnings Forecasts)

  • 이보미;박보영
    • 경영과정보연구
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 수주산업 기업의 진행기준 수익인식 방법이 재무분석가 이익 예측 정보에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 구체적으로 미청구공사 계정 잔액 보고여부 및 잔액 수준에 따라 달라지는 재무분석가 이익예측 정보의 특성을 살펴보았다. 미청구공사 계정 정보는 K-IFRS 도입 이후부터 제공되고 있으므로, 본 연구는 2010년부터 2014년까지 한국거래소에 상장된 기업 중 수주산업에 속한 453개 기업-연도 표본을 대상으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 미청구공사 계정 잔액이 존재하는 기업은 미청구공사 계정 잔액이 없는 기업에 비해 재무분석가 이익예측 정보의 정확성이 낮았고, 더불어 미청구공사 보고금액의 수준이 높아질 경우 재무분석가 이익예측 정보의 정확성이 감소됨을 확인하였다. 미청구공사 계정은 수주업체 수익(진행률) 인식이 발주자의 수익 인정 시점(실제진척도) 보다 먼저 인식될 경우 생성된다. 이는 진행률 측정 시 경영자의 재량적인 판단과 추정이 가능하기 때문이며, 결국 실제진척도와 진행률의 차이는 재무제표의 예측가치를 하락시킨다. 따라서 진행기준에 의한 수익인식 방법을 적용 시 미청구공사 잔액을 보고한 기업의 경우, 재무분석가의 이익예측은 보다 어려울 수 있음을 본 연구의 결과가 보여준다. 추가적으로 미청구공사 계정잔액을 보고한 기업은 재무분석가의 이익예측 성향이 낙관적인 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 경영자에게는 실제진척도를 반영할 수 있는 진행률 측정 방식의 도입과 더불어 진행률 측정시에 자의적인 조정과 추정을 줄이는 노력을 제안하며, 투자자들에게는 수주산업의 진행기준 회계처리의 특성을 감안한 투자와 분석을 권고한다. 아울러 본 연구의 결과는 정책당국의 수주산업 회계투명성 제고 방안에도 힘을 실어 준다.

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조정사건을 통해 살펴본 주요 쟁점사항과 해결방안에 대한 연구 - 부산지방노동위원회의 사례를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Main Issue and Its Solution Explored through Mediation Cases - Focused on the Cases of Busan National Labor Relations Commission -)

  • 송경수;김용호
    • 경영과정보연구
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.253-292
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    • 2011
  • 조정위원으로 활동하고 있는 동안 조정현장에서 경험했던 내용을 중심으로 지역노사관계의 원만한 관계 정립을 위해 조정제도의 시사점을 모색하고, 조정사례를 분석하여 노사관계에서 핵심적인 이슈가 무엇인지를 찾아 사전에 쟁의사건을 최소화할 수 있는 방안을 탐색하는 데 의의가 있다. 특히 쟁의의 쟁점을 사안별로 분석하여 이를 최소화함으로써 쟁의 발생을 사전에 차단하고 이를 통해 원만한 노사관계를 정립하고자 하는 목적도 함께 가지고 있다. 특히 노동쟁의 조정에 관한 구체적인 내용을 이해하기 위해서는 지방노동위원회의 구성과 역할에 대해 먼저 이해를 해야 할 필요성이 있어 이와 관련된 내용도 구체적으로 알아보고 사례분석을 통해 조정에 관한 일반적 이해를 구하고자 한다. 또한 지금까지 노동위원회에 조정 의뢰한 핵심이슈들을 중심으로 노동위원회의 위상제고와 핵심이슈 분석을 통한 합리적 노사관계 정립을 위한 대안적 연구를 진행한 연구들은 거의 없다. 따라서 핵심쟁점별로 분석된 내용을 토대로 단체교섭이나 임금 교섭시 노사가 취해야 할 접근방식에 대한 사전교육이나 숙지를 통한 협상력을 높일 수 있는 기법을 제고시키는 이론적 근거를 마련할 수 있을 것이다.

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커뮤니티 가든 조성을 위한 실험 연구 - 사하 장애인복지관 옥상을 대상으로 - (A Study on Experimental Construction of Community Garden - A Case Study on Rooftop of SAHA Disabled Welfare House -)

  • 김승환;윤성융;차민준;유연서;조지영;김윤선
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 커뮤니티 가든의 다양한 국내외 사례 및 선진 연구동향에 대해서 알아보고, 커뮤니티 가든의 개념에 대해서 참가자그룹이 주체적으로 운영해 나가면서 안전한 먹거리를 생산할 수 있는 커뮤니티의 장의 확보,지역을 활성화해 나가는 새로운 형태의 도시녹지 확보방안, 도시재생운동의 의미로서 정의해 보았다. 나아가 열악한 복지관 환경을 개선하기 위한 목적으로 실험적으로 시도하여 조성한 장애인복지관 옥상의 커뮤니티 가든 사례지를 대상으로 하여 이의 계획 및 공사과정, 파트너십 참여, 사업비용 분담 등의 과정을 고찰하였다. 본 실험적 조성사업의 예산확보를 비롯한 전 과정은 부산그린트러스트와 100만평문화공원조성범시민협의회가 주관 하였다. 공동모금회를 통한 스탠다드챠타드 SC제일은행의 50%의 기금분담과 자원봉사의 참여, 그리고 부산시와 사하구의 행정적 지원, 그 외에 다양한 파트너십에 의한 참여의 시도 및 역할 분담은 커뮤니티 가든 실험적 조성의 핵심이 되었다. 조성된 커뮤니티 가든의 공간은 장애인복지관 이용자들의 먹거리생산, 도시농업체험 프로그램에의 참여,원예치료, 커뮤니티의 장과 문화공간의 제공이란 점에서 성과가 있었다. 나아가 옥상형 커뮤니티 가든은 이동식과 고정식 플랜터를 조합 응용한 저비용형 옥상커뮤니티 가든의 개발이란 점에서 그 의미를 찾을 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 검토한 복지관의 옥상을 활용한 실험적인 커뮤니티 가든 조성사례는 도시환경의 개선, 커뮤니티 장의 확보, 도시재생 및 도시녹지의 확보 측면에서도 유익한 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 앞으로 커뮤니티 가든의 활성화에 기여할 수 있는 기초자료로서 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

ERP 도입 전 구성원의 저항 (A Study on Users' Resistance toward ERP in the Pre-adoption Context)

  • 박재성;조용수;고준
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.77-100
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    • 2009
  • Information Systems (IS) is an essential tool for any organizations. The last decade has seen an increasing body of knowledge on IS usage. Yet, IS often fails because of its misuse or non-use. In general, decisions regarding the selection of a system, which involve the evaluation of many IS vendors and an enormous initial investment, are made not through the consensus of employees but through the top-down decision making by top managers. In situations where the selected system does not satisfy the needs of the employees, the forced use of the selected IS will only result in their resistance to it. Many organizations have been either integrating dispersed legacy systems such as archipelago or adopting a new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system to enhance employee efficiency. This study examines user resistance prior to the adoption of the selected IS or ERP system. As such, this study identifies the importance of managing organizational resistance that may appear in the pre-adoption context of an integrated IS or ERP system, explores key factors influencing user resistance, and investigates how prior experience with other integrated IS or ERP systems may change the relationship between the affecting factors and user resistance. This study focuses on organizational members' resistance and the affecting factors in the pre-adoption context of an integrated IS or ERP system rather than in the context of an ERP adoption itself or ERP post-adoption. Based on prior literature, this study proposes a research model that considers six key variables, including perceived benefit, system complexity, fitness with existing tasks, attitude toward change, the psychological reactance trait, and perceived IT competence. They are considered as independent variables affecting user resistance toward an integrated IS or ERP system. This study also introduces the concept of prior experience (i.e., whether a user has prior experience with an integrated IS or ERP system) as a moderating variable to examine the impact of perceived benefit and attitude toward change in user resistance. As such, we propose eight hypotheses with respect to the model. For the empirical validation of the hypotheses, we developed relevant instruments for each research variable based on prior literature and surveyed 95 professional researchers and the administrative staff of the Korea Photonics Technology Institute (KOPTI). We examined the organizational characteristics of KOPTI, the reasons behind their adoption of an ERP system, process changes caused by the introduction of the system, and employees' resistance/attitude toward the system at the time of the introduction. The results of the multiple regression analysis suggest that, among the six variables, perceived benefit, complexity, attitude toward change, and the psychological reactance trait significantly influence user resistance. These results further suggest that top management should manage the psychological states of their employees in order to minimize their resistance to the forced IS, even in the new system pre-adoption context. In addition, the moderating variable-prior experience was found to change the strength of the relationship between attitude toward change and system resistance. That is, the effect of attitude toward change in user resistance was significantly stronger in those with prior experience than those with no prior experience. This result implies that those with prior experience should be identified and provided with some type of attitude training or change management programs to minimize their resistance to the adoption of a system. This study contributes to the IS field by providing practical implications for IS practitioners. This study identifies system resistance stimuli of users, focusing on the pre-adoption context in a forced ERP system environment. We have empirically validated the proposed research model by examining several significant factors affecting user resistance against the adoption of an ERP system. In particular, we find a clear and significant role of the moderating variable, prior ERP usage experience, in the relationship between the affecting factors and user resistance. The results of the study suggest the importance of appropriately managing the factors that affect user resistance in organizations that plan to introduce a new ERP system or integrate legacy systems. Moreover, this study offers to practitioners several specific strategies (in particular, the categorization of users by their prior usage experience) for alleviating the resistant behaviors of users in the process of the ERP adoption before a system becomes available to them. Despite the valuable contributions of this study, there are also some limitations which will be discussed in this paper to make the study more complete and consistent.

베트남결혼이주여성의 혼인의 특징과 국제결혼의 제도적 개선 방안 (Features of International Marriage of Vietnamese Immigrant Women and Plans for Institutional Improvement)

  • 문흥안
    • 법제연구
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    • 제44호
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    • pp.757-799
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    • 2013
  • 이 논문에서는 한국과 베트남의 사회 문화적인 이해와 상호 의사의 소통이 전제되지 않는 결혼의 위험성을 줄일 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 또 이혼한 후, 한국국적을 취득하지 못하여 베트남으로 귀환하는 이주여성이, 법적 조치를 완전하게 마무리 할 수 있는 방안을 제시하여 이들의 베트남에서의 재정착에 도움을 주고자 하였다. 전통적으로 자녀양육에 대한 집착이 강한 베트남여성이 모성본능을 뒤로 한 채 어쩔 수 없이 베트남으로 귀환하는, 한국에 남겨둔 한국인 자녀의 어머니에 대한 최소한의 윤리적 책임이 있기 때문이다. 구체적 방안으로 첫째, 혼인성립 절차를 강화한다. 베트남은 결혼 가족법 제14조에 의한 법집행을 엄격히 하고, 우리나라는 결혼사증 발급절차를 통하여 혼인의 진정성과 지속성을 담보하도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. 둘째, 국제결혼 당사자의 소양교육을 강화한다. 결혼이주를 희망하는 결혼당사자들이 각각 상대방 언어로 소통할 수 있는 능력을 함양하고 서로 상대국의 사회와 문화를 이해하도록 교육프로그램을 강화한다. 국제결혼중개가 베트남에서 불법적임을 감안하여, 한국과 베트남의 비영리단체를 중심으로 베트남에서 결혼이주희망 여성에 대한 한국어교육과 한국의 문화를 교육시킨 후 한국남성들과 교제를 할 수 있는 기회를 적극적으로 제공하는 방안을 강구할 필요가 있다. 향후 베트남결혼이주여성의 행복한 결혼생활을 담보할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 이들이 한국내에 정착하는 과정에서 지불하게 될 사회적 경제적 비용을 절감할 수 있으며, 베트남결혼이주여성의 인권보호에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 베트남결혼이주여성에게 책임없는 사유로 혼인이 단절되는 경우 간이귀화 요건을 완화하여야 한다. 남편의 사망이나 폭행을 피하기 위한 가출 등 이주여성에게 책임없는 사유로 이혼하는 경우, 이주여성에게 간이귀화의 요건을 완화하는 것이 합리적이다. 넷째, 이혼 후 베트남으로 귀환하는 여성들의 재정착에 장애가 되는 호적문제를 해결하기 위한 입법적 지원이 필요하다. 이혼한 베트남결혼이주여성의 귀환에 따르는 법률적 미비는 이들의 베트남 재정착에 큰 방해가 된다. 경제력 법률적 능력의 부족으로 이혼에 따르는 호적정리 하지 못한 경우, 베트남 정부뿐만 아니라 한국정부도 적극적으로 이의 정리를 위해 제도적 재정적 지원을 할 수 있는 방안을 모색하여 최소한의 윤리적 책임을 다 해야 할 것이다. 우선 우리나라는 대법원 등록예규 제361호에 준한 '한국남성과 베트남여성의 이혼에 관한 절차'를 제정해 이혼에 필요한 서류의 상호교부를 제도화함으로서 스스로 호적정리를 할 수 있도록 한다.

The current state and prospects of travel business development under the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Tkachenko, Tetiana;Pryhara, Olha;Zatsepina, Nataly;Bryk, Stepan;Holubets, Iryna;Havryliuk, Alla
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제21권12spc호
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    • pp.664-674
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    • 2021
  • The relevance of this scientific research is determined by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current trends and dynamics of world tourism development. This article aims to identify patterns of development of the modern tourist market, analysis of problems and prospects of development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. General scientific methods and methods of research are used in the work: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analysis of statistical data. The analysis of the viewpoints of foreign and domestic authors on the research of the international tourist market allowed us to substantiate the actual directions of tourism development due to the influence of negative factors connected with the spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Economic-statistical, abstract-logical, and economic-mathematical methods of research were used during the process of study and data processing. Results. The analysis of the current state of the tourist market by world regions was carried out. It was found that tourism is one of the most affected sectors from COVID-19, as, by the end of 2020, the total number of tourist arrivals in the world decreased by 74% compared to the same period in 2019. The consequence of this decline was a loss of total global tourism revenues by the end of 2020, which equaled $1.3 trillion. 27% of all destinations are completely closed to international tourism. At the end of 2020, the economy of international tourism has shrunk by about 80%. In 2020 the world traveled 98 million fewer people (-83%) relative to the same period last year. Tourism was hit hardest by the pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region, where travel restrictions are as strict as possible. International arrivals in this region fell by 84% (300 million). The Middle East and Africa recorded declines of 75 and 70 percent. Despite a small and short-lived recovery in the summer of 2020, Europe lost 71% of the tourist flow, with the European continent recording the largest drop in absolute terms compared with 2019, 500 million. In North and South America, foreign arrivals declined. It is revealed that a significant decrease in tourist flows leads to a massive loss of jobs, a sharp decline in foreign exchange earnings and taxes, which limits the ability of states to support the tourism industry. Three possible scenarios of exit of the tourist industry from the crisis, reflecting the most probable changes of monthly tourist flows, are considered. The characteristics of respondents from Ukraine, Germany, and the USA and their attitude to travel depending on gender, age, education level, professional status, and monthly income are presented. About 57% of respondents from Ukraine, Poland, and the United States were planning a tourist trip in 2021. Note that people with higher or secondary education were more willing to plan such a trip. The results of the empirical study confirm that interest in domestic tourism has increased significantly in 2021. The regression model of dependence of the number of domestic tourist trips on the example of Ukraine with time tendency (t) and seasonal variations (Turˆt = 7288,498 - 20,58t - 410,88∑5) it forecast for 2020, which allows stabilizing the process of tourist trips after the pandemic to use this model to forecast for any country. Discussion. We should emphasize the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that many experts and scientists believe in the long-term recovery of the tourism industry. In our opinion, the governments of the countries need to refocus on domestic tourism and deal with infrastructure development, search for new niches, formats, formation of new package deals in new - domestic - segment (new products' development (tourist routes, exhibitions, sightseeing programs, special rehabilitation programs after COVID) -19 in sanatoriums, etc.); creation of individual offers for different target audiences). Conclusions. Thus, the identified trends are associated with a decrease in the number of tourist flows, the negative impact of the pandemic on employment and income from tourism activities. International tourism needs two to four years before it returns to the level of 2019.

조선총독부 공문서의 기록학적 평가 -조선총독부 도시계획 관련 공문서군을 중심으로- (Archival Appraisal of Public Records Regarding Urban Planning in Japanese Colonial Period)

  • 이승일
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제12호
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    • pp.179-235
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    • 2005
  • In this article, the task of evaluating the official documents that were created and issued by the Joseon Governor General office during the Japanese occupation period, with new perspectives based upon the Macro-Appraisal approaches developed by the Canadian scholars and personnel, will be attempted. Recently, the Canadian people and the authorities have been showing a tendency of evaluating the meaning and importance of a particular document with perspectives considering the historical situation and background conditions that gave birth to that document to be a more important factor, even than considering the quality and condition of that very document. Such approach requires the archivists to determine whether they should preserve a certain document or not based upon the meaning, functions and status of the entity that produced the document or the meaning of the documentation practice itself, rather than the actual document. With regard to the task of evaluating the official documents created and issued by the Joseon Governor General office and involved the city plans devised by the office back then, this author established total of 4 primary tasks that would prove crucial in the process of determining whether or not a particular theme, or event, or an ideology should be selected and documents involving those themes, events and ideologies should be preserved as important sources of information regarding the Korean history of the Japanese occupation period. Those four tasks are as follow: First, the archivists should study the current and past trends of historical researches. The archivists, who are usually not in the position of having comprehensive access to historical details, must consult the historians' studies and also the trends mirrored in such studies, in their efforts of selecting important historical events and themes. Second, the archivists should determine the level of importance of the officials who worked inside the Joseon Governor General office as they were the entities that produced the very documents. It is only natural to assume that the level of importance of a particular document must have been determined by the level of importance(in terms of official functions) of the official who authorized the document and ordered it to be released. Third, the archivists should be made well aware of the inner structure and official functions of the Joseon Governor General office, so that they can have more appropriate analyses. Fourth, in order to collect historically important documents that involved the Koreans(the Joseon people), the archivists should analyze not only the functions of the Joseon Governor General office in general but also certain areas of the Office's business in which the Japanese officials and the Koreans would have interacted with each other. The act of analyzing the documents only based upon their respective levels of apparent importance might lead the archivists to miss certain documents that reflected the Koreans' situation or were related to the general interest of the Korean people. This kind of evaluation should provide data that are required in appraising how well the Joseon Governor General office's function of devising city plans were documented back then, and how well they are preserved today, utilizing a comparative study involving the Joseon Governor General office's own evaluations of its documentations and the current status of documents that are in custody of the National Archive. The task would also end up proposing a specialized strategy of collecting data and documents that is direly needed in establishing a well-designed comprehensive archives. We should establish a plan regarding certain documents that were documented by the Joseon Governor General office but do not remain today, and devise a task model for the job of primary collecting that would take place in the future.

고성과 작업시스템이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 인사관리 효과성의 조절역할을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Effect of High Performance Work System on Organizational Effectiveness - Focusing on the regulating role of HR management effectiveness -)

  • 김문준
    • 경영과정보연구
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.139-163
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 NCS 기업활용 컨설팅에 참여한 조직구성원이 인식하고 있는 고성과 작업시스템이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향과 이들 간 인사관리 효율성의 조절역할과 조직유효성과 조직성과 간에 대한 영향관계를 확인하고자 하였다. 본 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 적용한 설문결과는 통계적으로 최종 활용 가능한 145부에 대하여 SPSS 24.0의 통계프로그램을 활용하여 회귀분석을 실시하여 연구가설을 검증을 다음과 같이 하였다. 첫째, 가설 1인 고성과 적업시스템의 특성요인(선발시스템, 평가 보상, 교육훈련 경력기회, 구성원참여제도, 직무안정성)은 조직유효성에 정(+)의 영향관계에 대한 분석결과는 정(+)의 유의한 영향관계를 나타내어 채택이 되었다. 둘째, 가설 2인 조직유효성이 조직성과에 긍정적인 영향관계를 나타낼 것이라는 가설을 검증한 결과 정(+)의 영향을 나타내어 가설 2는 채택이 되었다. 셋째, 가설 3인 인사관리 효과성이 고성과 작업시스템(선발시스템, 평가 보상, 교육훈련 경력기회, 구성원 참여제도, 직무안정성)과 조직유효성 간의 조절역할을 확인하고자 조절회귀분석을 실시하였다. 이에 가설 3을 검증한 결과 선발시스템(H3-1), 평가 보상(H3-2), 교육훈련 경력기회(H3-3), 구성원 참여제도(H3-4), 직무안정성(H3-5)은 조직유효성 간에 인사관리 효과성은 조절역할을 나타내었다. 본 연구를 통해 나타낸 주요 시사점은 조직구성원들이 인식하고 있는 고성과 작업시스템은 조직유효성과 조직성과에 정(+)의 유의한 영향관계와 조직유효성이 조직성과에 긍정적인 영향을 나타냄에 따라 조직성과 향상을 통한 지속가능경영체계의 고도화를 위한 고성과 작업시스템과 조직유효성 향상 위한 인사 교육훈련 체계구축은 조직구성원의 공감대를 형성할 수 있도록 체계적이며 지속적인 실행방안이 요구되었다. 둘째, 인사관리 효과성에 대한 조절효과를 확인한 결과 고성과 작업시스템과 조직유효성 간 긍정적인 요인으로 조절역할을 실증적으로 검증하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 고성과 작업시스템을 통한 조직유효성과 이들 간 인사관리 효과성의 조절역할 및 조직유효성과 조직성과 간의 영향관계를 함께 검증한 부분이 선행연구와 가장 큰 차이점이라 할 수 있다.

중국 하북성 마을제 연구 - 하북성조현범장이월이룡패회중룡신적여인(河北省趙縣范庄二月二龍牌會中龍神的與人) - (A Study of Local Festival for the China Hebeisheng)

  • 박광준
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제36권
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    • pp.347-377
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    • 2003
  • China is a country with large agricultural areas and subject to frequent calamities. Drought is the top of them. It has been a key problem for development of agriculture in the country. In the long struggle against drought, Chinese have accumulated many rational and irrational experiences. The Dragon Kings Belief, which is popular in North China and discussed in a thesis, is one of their irrational experiences. The belief was passed together with Buddhism from India to China in the Tang Dynasty. After it settled down, it was incorporated with the local five dragons belief and a set of beliefs in dragon kings came into existence. The emergence of the dragon kings belief ended the history that the title of rain got was not clear in China and Dragon kings finally got the status. Irrigation is the lifeblood of agriculture in China. In a Chinese mind, Dragon kings are the most important gods who take charge of rain and thus offer the lifeblood. In understanding the nature and characteristics of Chinese traditional culture, it is important for us to make clear the origin and evolution of the belief, find out its nature, function and operation. In the every year beginning of February of the Fanzhuang calendar in the people of Hebeisheng Zhaoxian, would all hold a festival to offer sacrifices to the $^{{\circ}TM}^{\prime}longpai$. Longpai was regarded as the core of the temple fair, thus the native sons came to call this festival; "longpaihui". In this region the'Fanzhuang longpaihui'developed into a well knownand grand temple fair. It was able to attract numerous pilgrims with its special magic power, occupying a place in $China^{{\circ}TM}$ 'eryueer'festival with festive dragon activities. The dragon is a common totem among Chinese nationals. The belief worship of the dragon dates from the start time of primitive societies. Dragon oneself the ancients worship's thunder lightning. In the worship of the great universe, at first afterwards this belief with the tribe's totem worships to combine to become the animal spirit. In ancient myths legends, along with folk religion and beliefs all hold a very important position. The longpaihui is a temple fair without a temple; this characteristic is a distinction between longpaihui and other temple fairs. As for longpaihui must of the early historical records are unclear. The originator of a huitou system has a kind of organized form of the special features rather, originator of a huitou not fix constant, everything follows voluntarily principle, can become member with the freedom, also can back at any time the meeting. There is a longpaihui for 'dangjiaren', is total representative director in the originator of a huitou will. 'banghui' scope particularly for extensive, come apparently every kind of buildup that help can return into the banghui, where is the person of this village or outside village of, the general cent in banghui work is clear and definite, for longpaihui would various businesses open smoothly the exhibition provides to guarantees powerfully. Fanzhuang longpaihui from the beginning of February to beginning six proceed six days totally. The longpai is used as the ancestry absolute being to exsits with the community absolute being at the same time in fanzhuang first took civil faith, in reality is a kind of method to support social machine in native folks realize together that local community that important function, it provided a space, a kind of a view to take with a relation, rising contact, communication, solidify the community contents small village, formation with fanzhuang. The fanzhuang is used as supplies for gathering town, by luck too is this local community trade exchanges center at the same time therefore can say the faith of the longpai, in addition to its people's custom, religious meaning, still have got the important and social function. Moreover matter worthy of mentioning, Longpai would in organize process, from prepare and plan the producing of meeting every kind of meeting a longpeng of the matter do, all letting person feeling is to adjust the popular support of, get the mass approbation with positive participate. Apart from the originator of a huitou excluding, those although not originator of a huitou, however enthusiasm participate the banghui of its business, also is too much for the number.