• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bring-up Attitude

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An Investigative Study on the Recognition for the Talented Children Education, Classified with Parents' Upbringing Styles (학부모 양육태도에 따른 영재교육에 대한 인식도 조사연구)

  • Won, Eun-Sil;Oh, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.265-292
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    • 2008
  • This thesis was projected for the purpose of looking into the recongnition of the talented children education, classifying with parents' up-bringing styles, and it classified parents' upbringing styles with affection, refusal, and autonomy, aiming at 189 parents whose children are enrolled in public kindergartens located at three urban districts, J City, G City, and I City, and four rural districts, J County, M County, O County, and I County, and investigated the recongnition for the talented children education,, basing on four kinds of inclination. The results are as followings. First, it is important to activate parent education for the talented children, to help parents, who bring up children with refusal attitude, to give their children sufficient affection, to offer children the chances to express freely and explore, to give children possible permission, and to accept children completely, Second, the cultivated experts with specialized culture and disposition are necessary to grasp the peculiarity of talented children in respective fields. Third, the establishment of the expert talented children education institution specializing in research is necessary Fourth, at the national level, no-fee education for the talented children has to be carried into effect, the national talented children education agencies have to be established widely, researches for the talented children have to be established, the experts for educating talented children have to be brought up, and research expenses have to be supplied to respective talented children education agencies.

Cultural Psychological Exploration on Suicide (자살: 문화심리학적 관점에서의 조망)

  • Hyo-Chang Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.165-178
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    • 2010
  • The present study was to explore the suicide from the perspective of cultural psychology. The result was that: First, the main reason to commit the familial suicide in korea is due to cultural characteristic. Korean people does not think the relationship of parents and children is separate or independent. So, When they can not bring up their child, Korean parents commit the familial suicide. Second, many people commit suicide not individual problems but interpersonal problems. This result reveal that Korean people think relationship between the people is very important. Third, there art too many alcohol problem in korea. The reason is generous attitude about alcohol problem. Fourth, suicide of man due to economic problem on the other hand, women due to personal health problem. The reason of this is cultural characteristics of korea. In traditional Korean culture, the family responsibility rest with man and the household affairs responsibility rest with women. Also, it is suggested that further psychological researches must be performed in the serious consideration of the indigeneous characteristics of Korean culture.

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Research Trends and Problems on Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe (대순진리회 수행 연구의 경향과 과제)

  • Cha, Seon-keun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.24_1
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    • pp.315-349
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    • 2014
  • This paper was carried out to bring the researches on Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe which have been at a standstill after analyzing the directions of studies on Cultivation Practice and diagnosing its problems, in addition to that, the paper was also conducted in a way of discussing the research directions in the future. This work enables scholars who have interests in Daesoon Thoughts to easily comprehend over the length and breadth of Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe as well as help them understand what level of researches regarding Cultivation Practice has been demanded. Furthermore, this paper will be a step-stone for scholars to ponder how and on what perspective they approach a wide variety of studies on Daesoon Thoughts. The problems reflected on the previous researches on Cultivation Practice are summarized as follows: first, except a few researches in general, problem recognition, research target, style, method, and content are not diverged from the frame defined by Jang Byeong-Gil, who set it up in Daesoon Religion and Thought (Daesoon Jonggyo Sasang) in 1989. Proliferating overlapped researches without developing problem awareness is of great concern. And such researching climate has gradually set in. Secondly, there are numerous researches intending to reveal the researcher's forceful attitude implying faith. Thirdly, most of the previous researches neglect to focus on defining the range of researches. Fourthly, when defining concepts, more thorough insight is needed. Lastly, the researches on analysing symbols and attempting signification analysis are relatively few, only to find many errors. To solve these problems, this paper suggests to develop theories which back up Cultivation Practice by researching on the fields of theory of mind-nature(心性), theory of mind-qi(心氣), theory of pain, Religious Ethics, viewpoint of God/gods, and psychology. Secondly, all the symbols and meanings of elements shown in Cultivation Practice need analyzing more elaborately sophisticatedly and more in-depth. In order to fulfil this goal, by adapting the recent trends of historical studies, it is essential to attempt to engraft Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe on cultural phenomena, to analyze thick layers of meanings beneath its surface, to interpret differently, utilizing various perspectives such as focusing on the gender problems, and to extract true meanings out of Cultivation Practice by analyzing everyday events which can occur in real cultivation practices. Thirdly, the terms and concepts regarding Cultivation Practice base the principle themselves. Fourthly, by utilizing methodology of comparative studies on religions, the comparative researches on cultivation practice of different religious traditions are also needed. Lastly, the history of aspects on Cultivation Practice such as transition of mantras, processes which have been conducted through proprieties of prayer and training should be collected and classified. In this context, this work is very important since it helps understand the aspects of transition of originality and characteristics in Cultivation Practice of Daesoonjinrihoe according to passage of time.

A Study on the Anterior Decision Design Factor in Product Development - An Approach to the Multi-Sequential Design Process (제품개발에서 디자인의 선행적 결정인자(先行的 決定因子)에 대한 연구 - 다원적(多元的) 디자인 프로세스로의 접근 -)

  • Kim, Hyeon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1996
  • After the callapse of the 80's bubble economy. consumers tend to consider the fundamental values of a product such as price, usage, and quality more significantly than ever before. Due to this change in attitude. the most important factor in a consumer's decision for choosing a product becomes the quality of a product that safisfies consumer's practical values whith convincing features and logical differentiations devoted to fundamental values. Under the circumstances. Factor Oriented Process and Multi-Sequential Process are proposede not just as merely defining concept through study of consumers' needs. but as methods of gaining competitive edge and eatablishing corporate identity in market, competition by bringing out consumers' various wants and needs to lead them to a specific product. Factor Oriented Process emphasizes the analysis of factors within the process itself, especially the synthesis of factors which would bring about new solutions as its special feature and acts as a logical element for further design development. Thus, the synthesis process consists of re-organizing analyzed factors, andduring this process, analyzing correlation between the restrictions of factors would lead to discovery of 'dominant factors'. Afterward, design basis may be formed with design concepts proposed by several concept codes made up of one dominant factor and other associate factors. Multi-Sequential Process is an extensive approach to discover differentiated design proposals through careful examination of dominant factors within the product, and furthermor, to discount 'anterior factor' (directional factors that decide design directions based on multi-value criteria) for self-determined decision of design directions.

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User-based Theories and Practices on Virtual Reality (가상현실에 관한 사용자 관점의 이론과 실제)

  • Chung, Dong-Hun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.3-29
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to understand immersive media such as virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, 360-degree videos etc. from the perspective of user-based approach. 3D videos were once expected as the next-generation industry, but soon it further evolved into UHD and are now followed by immersive media represented by virtual reality. As the virtual reality plays an important role, the current research tries to bring up implications that can be applied to the industrial field along with academic understanding through six theoretical approaches related to virtual reality such as media richness, interactivity, presence, body-ownership, user experience, and visual perception. These six theories were used in immersive media studies such as 3D videos. Media richness and interactivity are the main factors forming positive or negative attitude, presence explains why users are immersed, user experience accounts for total psychological reaction, and visual perception explains how complex the experience of seeing is. Especially, although there is less media research applied, the body-ownership is likely to be not only used in virtual reality research, but immersive media research. The user-based theories related to virtual reality will provide various implications for immersive media researchers as well as hardware and content creators of virtual reality.

Effect a Presentation Product has on the Repurchase Action (증정상품이 소비자의 재구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Gi-Seon;Kim, Hong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.193-224
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    • 2006
  • When we look into the market economy of our country recently, we learn that the mind of consumption after IMF crisis is very shrunk and the market is led into a serious slump of consumption. For an approach to survive the contraction of the market and the market competition, enterprises command a variety of sales promotion strategy, out of which presentation is a sales promotion strategy to give the same product. The price-discounted strategy through the provision of donation commodity may induce the temporarily-discounted commodity not to be sold to the consumers or make a damage of the images of the brand, or arouse the price war against other companies, or lower the sense of the quality of the commodity. Therefore, it is necessary for a company to meet the end users' demand and also maintain the evaluation of the quality on the consumers' products highly. Therefore, in this study, we have attempted to study and analyze the consumers' satisfaction level and reliability on the donation goods in order to suggest the orientation of the presentation promotion strategy in accordance with the changes of the sales market. In addition, we tried to understand how the recognition, consumers' satisfaction level and reliability on the presentation goods had on the repurchase. With such objectives in this study, we could make an analogy of the following significance and suggestion of study. Firstly, in order to survive a serious competition market, enterprises must execute the product presentation along with diverse events instead of commanding the sales promotion strategy through a simple product presentation. This strategy can be an alternative to lower the danger a person-to-person product presentation may bring about. That is to say, we shall not lower the quality and value of the products but enhance a new image to customers through a product donation occasion together with an event as a new marketing pioneering method. Secondly, during the period of the current economic depression, if a company provides the consumers with an opportunity free of charge through the present special event period and the practical events, it will affect the advertising effect of the goods, the introduction of the customers and customers' repurchase. For this purpose, the company has to heighten customers' preferences by selecting the items customers are liable to prefer and closely analyze the consumers' response and market for such an objective. Thirdly, with the internet age, as the market has a tendency to increase In the number of consumers who do shopping in the internet, the marketing strategy has to build up the strategy of the presentation product instead of a simple offline strategy. For example, a company shall have to draw attention or attraction from end users who intend to do shopping through the online by a product planning expo or a presentation product corner. Fourthly, the excessive sale promotion strategy of presentation products may bring about even a reverse effect on the value of the goods or consumers' attitude as seen above. Therefore, a company has to relay' the value as to the price' to the consumers instead of the sales promotion strategy of donation products just for a temporary sales volume. Conclusively, even if we put the value with a reasonable price through the presentation product strategy in the past, we shall have construct the strategy by providing some plus factors in the price such as the provision of the upgraded products or services instead of just presentation, or the invitation of the events related to diverse events or culture arts from now on.

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Effect a Presentation Product has on the Repurchase Action (증정상품이 소비자의 재구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Gi-Seon;Kim, Hong
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.375-404
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    • 2007
  • When we look into the market economy of our country recently, we learn that the mind of consumption after IMF crisis is very shrunk and the market is led into a serious slump of consumption. For an approach to survive the contraction of the market and the market competition, enterprises command a variety of sales promotion strategy, out of which presentation is a sales promotion strategy to give the same product. The price-discounted strategy through the provision of donation commodity may induce the temporarily-discounted commodity not to be sold to the consumers or make a damage of the images of the brand, or arouse the price war against other companies, or lower the sense of the quality of the commodity. Therefore, it is necessary for a company to meet the end users' demand and also maintain the evaluation of the quality on the consumers' products highly. Therefore, in this study, we have attempted to study and analyze the consumers' satisfaction level and reliability on the donation goods in order to suggest the orientation of the presentation promotion strategy in accordance with the changes of the sales market. In addition, we tried to understand how the recognition, consumers' satisfaction level and reliability on the presentation goods had on the repurchase. With such objectives in this study, we could make an analogy of the following significance and suggestion of study. Firstly, in order to survive a serious competition market, enterprises must execute the product presentation along with diverse events instead of commanding the sales promotion strategy through a simple product presentation. This strategy can be an alternative to lower the danger a person-to-person product presentation may bring about. That is to say, we shall not lower the quality and value of the products but enhance a new image to customers through a product donation occasion together with an event as a new marketing pioneering method. Secondly, during the period of the current economic depression, if a company provides the consumers with an opportunity free of charge through the present special event period and the practical events, it will affect the advertising effect of the goods, the introduction of the customers and customers' repurchase. For this purpose, the company has to heighten customers' preferences by selecting the items customers are liable to prefer and closely analyze the consumer's response and market for such an objective. Thirdly, with the internet age, as the market has a tendency to increase in the number of consumers who do shopping in the internet, the marketing strategy has to build up the strategy of the presentation product instead of a simple offline strategy. For example, a company shall have to draw attention or attraction from end users who intend to do shopping through the online by a product planning expo or a presentation product corner. Fourthly, the excessive sale promotion strategy of presentation products may bring about even a reverse effect on the value of the goods or consumers' attitude as seen above. Therefore, a company has to relay 'the value as to the price' to the consumers instead of the sales promotion strategy of donation products just for a temporary sales volume. Conclusively, even if we put the value with a reasonable price through the presentation product strategy in the past, we shall have construct the strategy by providing some plus factors in the price such as the provision of the upgraded products or services instead of just presentation, or the invitation of the events related to diverse events or culture arts from now on.

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Watt, Who is he? (와트, 그는 누구인가?)

  • Choi, Jun-Seop;Yu, Jae-Young;Im, Mee-Ga
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.108-122
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    • 2017
  • This research paper is to examine James Watt who led the 1st industrial revolution successfully. His great work was called monumental achievement in the human history of civilization. Here, we looked over the Watts' educational environment during his infant, juvenile, and adolescence period and also, his learning attitude about his own field through literature review. The basic infra of soft and hard wares for the industrial revolution through the process of R & D on new developing steam engine resulted from the very industrial revolution and its R & D environment were to be investigated. The useful information and knowledge from this process of the research are able to give an appropriate educational guidance to bring up the development of creativity in schooling systems. And also a lesson from the past could be used to provide the desirable direction for the 4th industrial revolution which is just begun to start now. The main results from this study are as follows; First, Watts' parents positively guided him onto the technology of manual field because they recognized their son was interested in technology field. The parents' attitude stimulated and guided his sons' self-development, had been equal to the aims of education. Second, Watt made a chance of making friendships with professors of Glasgow University. He spontaneously had done self-directed learning for getting knowledge and technology, and thus he became an expert of practical engineer and theorist. Third, the Lunar society, which was jumping over one's social position in their society of the 18th century through new thinking way, leading new ages had been very good R & D social infra for Watt to open and connect new advanced level of science and technology in his age. This society provided a study environment fields for their members to exchange their ideas of scientific curiosity and freely inquiry, technology informations. They had discussed and understood the issues to be occurred in their own fields and accumulated necessary knowledge for problem-solving, respectively. Such as this R & D system environment will be also considered in the modern research group. Fourth, the entrepreneur such as Boulton, who understand technology and grasp its value in future, is needed. The system of 'grue of management' will support the researcher with financial support, which is necessary in R & D. And the researcher like Watt who takes pleasure in technology itself and study eagerly in his field without financial problems, that is, 'grue of technical expert' is essential when leading to success in the industrial revolution.

Development of Indicators to Assess the Quality of Ubiquitous-Ecological Cities (유비쿼터스 에코시티 평가지표 개발 및 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Saem;Jeong, Yeun-Woo
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2011
  • A Ubiquitous-Ecological City (U-Eco City) is the new urban paradigm integrated with ubiquitous-city (U-City) connecting the high-tech IT technology to the urvan space with the concept of the sustainable eco-city. As a U-Eco City is attempted for the first time domestically and internationally, there is insufficient discussions for its develoment goal, planned design proposal, technology and service element and others. Even if there are plans to build up it, policy and technology, service structuring business and others, it is difficult to assess how it would bring the efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present the indicators system to assess a U-Eco City. The results of this study revealed the following; First, the conceptual framework, which was established to achieve sustainable urban quality, can be suggested by establishing its notion of the U-Eco City. The concept of a U-Eco City as established in this study suggests that the economic development in growth-oriented level has to be conducted not only quality of urban environment but also in terms of sustainable to consider the complex impact of various development; Secondly, the developed assessment system has heightened the completeness as the evaluation index through the attitude survey. As a result of questionnaire survey with the subject of specialists and interested party of this study, the urban qualitative aspect is formulated for the stability as a relatively important aspect. For the urban continuity aspect, society, environment and economy have all similar importance, but the environment element was shown to be highest. And finally, subject area was selected on the basis of the evaluation system and the analysis was made on the basis of the implementation design plan of the area. As a result of the assessment, safety and economy have shown to be high. This is indirectly indicated for the priority in economic growth driven development plan unlike the importance of environmental continuity obtained through the attitude survey. When planning on urban development, there is a need for supplementing the environment part and it has to present the connection plan between the economic growth and environmental continuity.

The Study of Korean-style Leadership (The Great Cause?Oriented and Confidence-Oriented Leadership) (대의와 신뢰 중시의 한국형 리더십 연구)

  • Park, sang ree
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.23
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    • pp.99-128
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    • 2008
  • This research analyzes some Korean historical figures and presents the core values of their leaderships so that we can bring up the theory of leadership which would be compatible with the current circumstances around Korea. Through this work, we expected that we would not only find out typical examples among historical leaders but also reaffirm our identities in our history. As a result of the research, it was possible to classify some figures in history into several patterns and discover their archetypal qualities. Those qualities were 'transform(實事)', 'challenge(決死)', 'energize(風流)', 'create(創案)', and 'envision(開新)' respectively. Among the qualities, this research concentrated on the quality of 'challenge', exclusively 'death-defying spirit'. This spirit is the one with which historical leaders could sacrifice their lives for their great causes. This research selected twelve figures as incarnations of death-defying spirit, who are Gyebaek(階伯), Ganggamchan(姜邯贊), Euljimundeok(乙支文德), Choeyoung(崔瑩),ChungMongju(鄭夢周), Seongsammun (成三問), Yisunsin(李舜臣), Gwakjaewoo(郭再祐), Choeikhyeon(崔益鉉), Anjunggeun(安重根), Yunbonggil(尹奉吉), Yijun(李儁). Through analyzing their core values and abilities and categorizing some historical cases into four spheres such as a private sphere, relations sphere, a community sphere, and a society sphere, we came to find a certain element in common among those figures. It was that they eventually took the lead by showing the goal and the ideal to their people at all times. Moreover, their goals were always not only obvious but also unwavering. In the second chapter, I described the core value in a private sphere, so called '志靑靑'. It implies that a leader should set his ultimate goal and then try to attain it with an unyielding will. Obvious self-confidence and unfailing self-creed are core values in a private sphere. In the third chapter, I described the core value in a relative sphere, the relationship between one and others. It is '守信結義'. It indicates that a leader should win confidence from others by discharging his duties in the relation with others. Confidence is the highest leveled affection to others. Thus, mutual reliance should be based on truthful sincerity and affection toward others. Stubbornness and strictness are needed not to be prompted by pity simultaneously. In the fourth chapter, I described the core value in a community sphere. It is '丹心合力'. For this value, what are required to a leader are both his community spirit and his loyalty to one's community. Moreover, the strong sense of responsibility and the attitude of taking an initiative among others are also required. Thus, it can be said that the great power to conduct the community is so called fine teamwork. What's more, the attitude of the leader can exert a great influence on his community. In the fifth chapter, I described the core value of death defying spirit in the society sphere. This value might be more definite and explicit than other ones described above. A leader should prepare willingly for one's death to fulfill his great duties. 'What to do' is more important for a leader than 'how to do'. That is to say, a leader should always do righteous things. Efficiency is nothing but one of his interests. A leader must be the one who behaves himself always according to righteousness. Unless a leader's behaviors are based on righteousness, it is absolutely impossible that a leader exerts his leadership toward people very efficiently. Thus, it can be said that a true leader is the one not only who is of morality and but also who tries to fulfill his duties.