• Title/Summary/Keyword: Brazier

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A Study on the Brazier Effect of Laminated Plate Structures Having Different Material Constants for Each Element (재료상수가 상이한 요소로 이루어진 적층평판형구조물의 Brazier효과에 관한 연구)

  • 김재열;한상을;권택진
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 1996
  • When an initially straight thin cylinder is bent, there is a tendency for the cross section to flatten. This phenomenon was investigated by L.G. Brazier in 1927 and is called "Brazier Effect" or "Brazier Theory". The main characteristic is the reduction of carrying capacity due to the decrease of bending stiffness by shortening of thickness with the increase of external load. And the relationship of curvature-bending moment becomes a soft spring type as shown in Fig.2. In this paper, the Brazier theory on plate type structures is investigated from the following view points : (1) What is the Brazier effect? (2) the reason of the occurrence of the Brazier effect in plate type structures by using beam model and (3) factors which cause the brazier effect.

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Brazier effect of single- and double-walled elastic tubes under pure bending

  • Sato, Motohiro;Ishiwata, Yuta
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2015
  • The cross sections of hollow cylindrical tubes ovalise under a pure bending condition, and this reduces their flexural stiffness as their curvatures increase. It is important to accurately evaluate this phenomenon, known as the 'Brazier effect', to understand the bending behaviour of the systems considered. However, if the tubes are supported by an elastic medium or foundation, the ovalisation displacements of their cross sections may decrease. From this point of view, the purpose of this research is to analytically investigate the bending characteristics of single- and double-walled elastic tubes contacted by an elastic material by considering the Brazier effect. The Brazier moment, which is the maximum moment-carrying capacity of the ovalised cross section, can be calculated by introducing the strain energy per unit length of the tube in terms of the degree of ovalisation for the tube and the curvature. The total strain energy of the double-walled system is the sum of the strain energies of the outer and inner tubes and that of the compliant core. Results are comparatively presented to show the variation in the degree of ovalisation and the Brazier moment for single- and double-walled tubes.

A Study on the Inland Signal-fire in Chosun Dynasty (조선시대 내지봉수에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jae-Woong;Lee, Chul-Young
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.47-64
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    • 2009
  • This research was to analyze the inland signal-fire which is the main facility of military protective duty for safety of land in chosun dynasty. The results of this research were described separately as follows. 1. Five types of site plan of signal-fire were observed, which is circle, oval, rectangular, indeterminate form. The majorities were oval type. 2. Plan configuration of brazier which is separated with circle, rectangular type roughly was constructed with circle type generally. The height of brazier was about 3~4.5m. The diameter of brazier was 1.5~2.5m. Building base that protect ground moisture and infilteration of rainfall was found in 5 inland singal-fire, the height of it was about 0.3m~2.5m. 3. The heigh to protective wall remained until present was about 1m, the depth was about average 1.2m. 4. Entrance was mainly stairs or open type and average width was 1.0~1.2m. However the depth was almost observed as 1m, originally, it was estimated it has more depth. 5. The storage of inland signal-fire has rectangular dimension, several types of $1.8{\times}1.2m{\sim}5.7{\times}4.4m$, square(間) of $1{\times}1{\sim}2{\times}1$. The building material was stone and located below or near the brazier.

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An Analysis on Brazier Effect of Cylindrical Tubes Under Pure Bending by Upper Bound Method (상계 해법을 이용한 순수 굽힘하의 원형 튜브의 단면 면화 해석)

  • Koo, Sang-Wan;Kim, Nak-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.524-530
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a new model on deformation characteristics of cylindrical tubes under pure bending. The model is based on the upper bound method that minimizes total strain energy of a system. It does not assume inextensibility condition. Geometric relations and displacement fields are derived by analysis of deformation behaviors of elastic tubes. Simulations are calculated using numerical optimization and integration techniques. The results give information about cross-sectional deformation of cylindrical tubes. Simulation results are compared with available data in literatures, which show that this method predicts deformation characteristics of tube bending process.

The Prediction of Failure Load for an Unsymmetrically Stiffened Circular Composite Spar (비대칭으로 보강된 복합재 원형 스파의 파손하중 예측)

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Lee, Donggeon;Park, Sang Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.7
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    • pp.505-511
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    • 2020
  • The circular composite tubes have been used as a main spar of HALE-UAV(High Altitude Long Endurance-Unmanned Air Vehicle). In this paper, an analytical model is presented for the prediction of the failure load of unsymmetrically stiffened circular spar using a modified Brazier approach. This model was used to predict the moment carrying capacity of the unsymmetrically stiffened circular spar. From the results, we can know that a stiffened cap placed in the top sector of a spar increased the bending capabilities. Four point bending tests were conducted to estimate the effect of the cap on the failure load and compared with the proposed model. And numerical simulations were performed to analyze the behavior of stiffened circular spar. Comparisons of the results from the proposed model with those from experiments and numerical modes show good correlation.

Master Plan for Rural-Village in Embong-Myun, Asan-Si (아산시 음봉면 농촌 마을 조성 계획)

  • Yeo, Hwa-Sun;Kim, Dong-Chan;Kim, Chung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2008
  • Landscape is an environment factor for improving life, a social resource for establishing image and identity of the area and also a tourist resource for earning profit. Rural landscape is essential resources to activity rural tourism and local economy. But like this rural village by the development which economic high growth and scientific technique is quick searched the features or customs of the farming village of city brazier past and to be strenuous it became. The classification in like this objective against the rural village resources in this time research it led and against the culture application plan which will reach to grope it tried. Though this results, The opportunity where rural sightseeing is activated expects becomes.

An Analytical Study on the Youngjeob Dogam Mimiunsek Euigwae of Choson Dynasty (1609, 1610 year) (조선왕조(朝鮮王朝)의 영접도감미면색의궤(迎接都監米麵色儀軌)에 관한 분석적(分析的) 연구(硏究) (1609년(年), 1610년(年)의 의궤(儀軌)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Kim, Sang-Bo;Lee, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.445-457
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    • 1991
  • To analyze reception dishes of Choson Dynasty, the author studied historic book-Youngjeob Dogam Mimiunsek Euigwae (1609, 1610 year) in which the reception dishes for Chinese envoy in Choson Dynasty were described. The rescelts obtained from this study were as follows. 1. Youngjeob Dogam Mimunsek collected food items and necessities for reception of Chinese envoy from each administrative machinery, and they included cerials, fruits, seasonings, teas, wines, tablewares, medicines, etc. 2. The guest roms for Chinese envoy were arranged with table, chest, jar, wine glass, tableware, chopstick, spoon, incenseburner, brazier, candlestick, lantern, cloth, etc.

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A Study on the Architectural Planning of Plan Type and Area Composition in Medical Emergency Center (지역응급의료센터의 평면유형 및 면적구성에 관한 건축계획적 연구)

  • Kwon, Yongtaek;Roh, Jihwa
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2012
  • Recently, our country is caused with economic growth and development and city intensive brazier being caused by industrial accident, crime accident and suicide of traffic facility, it is caused by with Western dietary life and the emergency patient is to an increase tendency. And the life increases with medical development and the medical emergency demand of the old people are increasing. Approximately 80% of the patients are non-emergent patients who receive ambulatory care and the rest 20% of the patients are serio us- emergent patients Emergency patients because non-strategy it is doing with function as imported medical treatment and provides, equipment, the operation is being impossible with manpower tribal etc.

Jeongjo's Enjoyment of the Palace Garden (정조(正祖)의 궁원(宮苑) 유락(遊樂))

  • Hong, Hyoung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.10-25
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to investigate the reality behind Jeongjo's enjoyment of the palace garden. If I were to summarize the results of this research, they are as follows: First, The 'Sanghwajoeoyeon(賞花釣魚宴)' has the differentiation which decided and regularized the rules and the regulations with the annual meetings for the Kyujanggak(奎章閣). Jeongjo had held the events five times. Second, The 'Seshimdae(洗心臺) Excursion' is based on the tragic personal history of Jeongjo. There were four events. Third, Jeongjo had enjoyed the 'viewing of the waterfall(觀瀑)' of the Okryucheon(玉流川) where a lot of the water overflows right after it rains. This is worth the special mention with regard to the point that it is a temporary landscape and not an usual landscape. Fourth, As an event for the military officers, the 'Seoljungryonghohwe(雪中龍虎會)' was held seven times. This event had been held in the middle of the winter. And each of the attendees skewered a pheasant and roasted and ate it. Also, it emphasized the sovereign and the subjects being the partners of the joys and the sorrows by giving the alcoholic drinks and the music. Fifth, Jeongjo had consoled the hard work by the civilian subjects either by holding the brazier feast(煖爐會) in the winter or by granting the alcoholic drinks and the foods according to the historical facts of the brazier feasts. Sixth, Jeongjo was good at archery and enjoyed it. During the period of his reign, Jeongjo held twice Yeonsarye(燕射禮). Seventh, Jeongjo soothed his desire to get out of the busy everyday life at the royal palace garden. While appreciating the natural landscape of the backyard, he was awakened of the meaning of the Book of Changes(周易) in which all the things had been created and changed. Eighth, At the royal palace garden, Jeongjo actively prepared the place for enjoyment by the sovereign and the subjects together. It is judged that this is because, in order to materialize his political ideals, the support by all the subjects who had been close was needed. The limitation of this research is the fact that the research had been proceeded with limited to the translations, among the many old writings related to Jeongjo. With the accumulation of the excavations of the new thoughts and of the results of the translations, the researches that are deeper will be needed.

An Analytical Study on the Youngjeob Dogam Zabmulsek Euigwae of Choson Dynasty (1609, 1643 year) (조선왕조(朝鮮王朝)의 영접도감(迎接都監) 잡물색의궤(雜物色儀軌)에 관한 분석적(分析的) 연구(硏究) 식품(食品)의 재료(材料)와 소용기용(所用器用)에 관하여 (1609년(年), 1643년(年)의 의궤(儀軌)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Kim, Sang-Bo;Lee, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 1992
  • To analyze food material and table wares in daily reception dishes of Choson Dynasty, studied historic book 'Young jeob Dogam Zabmulsek Euigwae' (1609, 1643 year) described the daily reception dishes for Chinese envoy in Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. 1. Food material for reception Chinese envoy were vegetable, pickled vegetable, soup (?水), brown seaweed, kelp, green seaweed, garlic, pine mushroom, mushroom, driedfish, fish egg, shrimp, pork, pheasant, fowl, salted fish shrimp and etc, various fruits preserved in honey, green peajelly, buck wheat jelly and bean curd. 2. The table wares were rice bowl(鉢里), small bowl of porcelain(甫兒), water bowl(大貼), plate(貼是), small dish(鍾子), small earthen ware jar(東海), jar(缸), pottery(甕), table(盤), chopsticks(?), washbowl(洗面盆), earthen ware steamer(甑), kettle(釜), brazier(爐), measuring cup(升), unit of measure(合), meter(稱子), spoon(匙), chest (函), lid(蓋), large rice bowl(所羅) and bowl(椀).

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