• 제목/요약/키워드: Body Proportion

검색결과 733건 처리시간 0.02초

향후의 승용차 차체 스타일 비례의 변화 예측 (A Prediction of Change on the Body Style Proportion of the Future Passenger Cars)

  • 구상
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2000
  • 승용차의 차체 비례는 시간의 경과와 시장에서의 승용차 특성 변화에 따라 변화되어 왔다. 일반적으로 세단형 승용차에서 캐빈의 비례는 승객을 위한 공간이라는 의미에서 더욱 중요성을 가진다. 그러나 이러한 캐빈의 비례도 각각의 모델의 컨셉트에 따라 변화되어 왔다. 국내 승용차의 캐빈 비례는 초기모델에서 통일된 전략이나 방향성을 보이지 않으나, 후기 모델에 가서는 특정한 비례로의 통일성을 보이고 있다. 이들 비례는 3박스 구조로 나뉘어 있는 차체의 소형과 준중형의 세단형 승용차에서는 축간 거리와 그린하우스의 비례가 각각 58%와 57%이며, 중형 승용차에서는 두 비례 모두 56% 정도로 계산되는데, 이것은 실내 공간 비례가 중형승용차보다 소형과 준중형이 더 높은 것을 알 수 있다. 소형 승용차와 세단형 승용차의 실내공간 비례는 향후에도 증가하여 60%의 비율에 근접할 것으로 예측되며, 이 경향은 중형 세단형 승용차에서도 나타날 것으로 보인다.

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두신지수별 정면체형과 인체비례 모듈러 연구 -한국 성인남성 20~30대를 대상으로- (Anterior Somatotype and Body Proportion Modulor by Head Ratio -For 20s-30s Korean Male-)

  • 정선영;남윤자
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.217-232
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    • 2015
  • Clothing design considers the concept of human body proportions. This paper proposes an anterior somatotype and body proportion modular by head ratio for 20s to 30s Korean males. Anterior somatotype is classified into 18-types with 13 ratios that consist of 7 heights and 6 widths divided by stature. A total of 18-types are expressed in numerical values that represent the percentage of the stature and geometrical figures represented on the grids one unit is 1% of the stature. The torso is divided by 6 modules that are side neck to shoulder, shoulder to axillary, axillary to waist, waist to navel, navel to hip, and hip to crotch. Head and leg can be estimated as numerical information of stature and torso. Morphological characteristics of anterior somatotype are analyzed by 4 factors based on results and 18-types named by simple signs. We develop a new classification of anterior somatotype that integrate vertical and horizontal characters of body proportions. The use of integrated classification in the clothing industry is expected to increase the clothing fit.

Dietary behaviors and body image recognition of college students according to the self-rated health condition

  • Kim, Mi-Joung;Lim, Ye-Rom;Kwak, Ho-Kyung
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2008
  • This study was done to investigate the relationship between the perception of body image, body weight satisfaction or dietary behavior and self-rated health status in Korean college students. Subjects, 285 college students, were divided into three groups (healthy, normal, and unhealthy) according to the answer for the self-rated health question. Information about demographic status, self-rated health condition, height and weight, perception of body image, satisfaction of body weight, concern for body weight control, dietary behavior, nutritional knowledge, and health-related characteristics collected by a self-reported questionnaire. The proportion of men and women in each group was not significantly different. The academic year, major, experience of nutritional education, and type of residence were not significantly related with self-rated health but the pocket money range was significantly associated (p<0.05) with self-rated health. The proportion of subjects rated their health as unhealthy was the lowest in 210-300 thousand won pocket money range and was increased in less than 210 thousand won or over 300 thousand won pocket money ranges. There were no significant differences for age, height, weight and BMI between the groups. The body image perception and body weight satisfaction levels of healthy group was significantly higher than those of unhealthy group (p<0.01 and p<0.001, respectively), but the level of concern for body weigh1 control in healthy subjects was significantly lower than that in unhealthy subjects (p<0.05). The proportion of subjects reported as healthy was significantly increased with increased frequencies of following food behaviors; weekly use of protein foods (p<0.01), vegetables (p<0.05) and dairy products (p<0.01), and food habits such as "regularity of meal time" (p<0.01), "eating in moderation" (p<0.05), and "eating breakfast" (p<0.001). Overall results suggested that the college students have tended to have a better perception of health when they have better body image perception, body weight satisfaction and dietary behaviors.

인체비례와 척도에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Proportion and Scale of Human Body)

  • 오영근;윤도근
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제12호
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 1997
  • A human body can be called the scale of all things and the most perfect and sensual presentation of form. Its beautiful proportion has been used as the most important measure of all the natural organic beings. The attitude of research based on the human scale is so traditional both in East and West, and especially in the field of architecture. It has been the ground of most standards in various buildings and cities from the ancient times. This study aims to examine the way the human body has been investigated in history and to find out how it is applied and expressed as the scale in architecture or interior spaces. It takes a step forward from mere research of proportion by studying even the emotional and psychological relations between space and human beings. It may contribute to the creation of the space for human beings.

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소비자용 가상모델 개발을 위한 성인여성 체형구분 및 가상모델치수 분석 (An Analysis of Women's Somatotype and Virtual Fitting Model Size for the Development of Virtual Fitting Models for Consumer)

  • 강여선
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제40권5호
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    • pp.894-909
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed a somatotype that was more suitable to a virtual fitting model and to improve the reality of a virtual model size. We analyzed 1,868 women 18-59 years old from the 6th Size Korea data. First, factor analysis was done for abstracting new criteria for dividing the somatotype; subsequently, we selected the waist height proportion to stature (body proportion) and drop (torso shape). Next, the cluster analysis was done with these criteria and 7 body proportion types and 11 torso shapes were distinguished. A virtual model size for the most common somatotype was also developed by a regression analysis of constituting sizes of each factor that was compared with body sizes well as with Clo's virtual model size. The model of this research showed a high similarity in sizes with body as well as improved better realisty than the Clo model which presented size problems such as longer limbs, bigger bust, smaller waist and a smaller arm circumference than the real body.

여자 청소년용 가상모델 개발을 위한 체형구분 및 설계방법 연구 (An Analysis of Young Girls' Somatotype and the Design for Virtual Fitting Model)

  • 강여선
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제41권6호
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    • pp.1109-1123
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed a somatotype of teenager's that was suitable to improve the reality of a virtual model size. We analyzed 843 teenagers 12-18 years old from the 6th Size Korea data. First, factor analysis was done for abstracting new criteria and dividing the somatotype; subsequently, we selected the waist height proportion to stature (body proportion) and drop (torso shape). Next, the cluster analysis was done with these criteria; subsequently, 5 body proportion types and 7 torso shapes were distinguished. A virtual model size for 4 somatotype with more than 50 persons was also designed by a regression analysis that constituted sizes for each factor. The designed model size was compared with body size as well as with Clo's virtual model size. The research model showed a high similarity in sizes with body as well as improved reality over the Clo model that presented size problems such as low waist height, bigger bust, and smaller thigh circumference than the real body.

남성의 신체 크기 인식에 따른 디자인 선호도 (Design preference of male according to the Consciousness of Body Size.)

  • 이정임;조장현;김종서;이연심;노영미
    • 자연과학논문집
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the design preference according to the body consciousness for 20~26 years old male. The consciousness of body size and the satisfaction with body proportion were investigated. And the relationship between the body consciousness and the design preference was analyzed. Most subjects thought their body size was proper generally and their body proportion was proper or a little unsatisfied. The subjects preferred 'Round neckline', 'loose sleeve', and 'loose and long tops'. They didn't like the style that tops are under pants on the waist. They also preferred 'loose and long pants'. When the subjects chose clothing design, especially 'V-neckline tops' and 'short pants', they considered their height. They also considered their girth size and it meant they thought much of looseness. There was not any preference in clothing design according to the consciousness of height. The most significant relationships between the size consciousness and the preference in design was found in tops more than pants. The higher satisfaction with their body proportion was connected with the higher preference in some design. From all these result, it was found that the preference of clothing design could vary according to the consciousness of body size. The results from this study could give the important tips to improve the satisfaction with the clothing for each person.

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유아복 설계를 위한 하반신 체형 분류 (Classification of Lower Body for Pre-School Children′ Apparel Design)

  • 박찬미
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to extract information of lower body type's classification on pre-school children. To this end, 325 younger children living in the capital area and aged from 4 to 6 were sampled to be subject to the measurement of their somatotypes. The results are as follows. 1. The changes in the physical types of pre-school children, as they growing older, show the following tow peculiarities, first, in terms of vertical change, the height grows so rapidly that the proportion of the lower part of the body gets longer. And second, in terms of horizontal change, their growth is more distinctive in the width and the girth than in the thickness, which transforms their body into more or loss a dumpy form. 2. The analysis of the lower body of pre-school children allows us to distinguish two types of group. The first type has a smaller body, short in every part of body, which represents the body of four year-old children. On the contrary, the second type show much bigger body, especially the lower part of the body having a longer proportion, and it represents the body of six year-old children. the physical type and the gender have no relation, which means that we cna fidn both male and female children uniformly in both types.

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아동복 설계를 위한 신체계측분석 연구 (An Analysis of the Body Measurement for Children′s Clothing Design)

  • 윤정혜;조윤주;박정순
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.293-306
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to analysis children's measurement and to provide the fundamental information for he clothing design which can reflect the characteristic of their bodies. An anthropometric database used for this study was the 1992 national anthropomatric survey of Koreans. The results obtained are as follows; (1) Children showed the significant difference of their growth in accordance with the increase of their ages. There were also the difference between body and girls. Height, length of items grew most promthy. For example; boys from 10 to 11 and girls from 10 to 11 again their height mostly. (2) In character of body proportion, significant difference were found in accordance with their ages and sex. However, in the items of height, length noticeable changes of proportion could not be found because there were hardly any actual difference of size means while girth items appeared differently. (3) There were significant factors from the result of factor analysis of body dimension. The fist factor ; grith, depth, breath. The second factor ; height, length. (4) We can class three groups with the results of cluster analysis of body dimension.

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The analysis of body type of Chinese women by the age - Focusing on the Body Index -

  • Kim, Eun-Hee;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2006
  • This study aims at strengthening the national competitiveness of Korea's clothing industry as it provides substantial information on type characteristics and body types for Chinese women and improves the fitness of clothing, considering human proportion in the production of clothing products for export to China. This study measured for 1,381 women between 19 and 50 aged residing in Beijing and Shanghai, China from June 23 to August 7, 2004 by the simple random sampling. Data was analyzed by used SPSS/WIN 10.0 Program. As for the of method of this study, the technical statistical analysis, F-test, and Duncan-test were made. The results of this study are as follows. As age increases, the shoulders seem higher with less curvature on waist, while the front has turned into the straight silhouette with the side turned into the flat silhouette without curvature, and waist and belly turn into the body type of short and thick.