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Effects of Slander Glasswort (Salicornia herbacea L.) Extract on Improvements in Bowel Function and Constipation Relief (함초 추출물의 장 기능 개선과 변비 해소 효과)

  • Cho, Young-Sim;;Han, Young-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.326-331
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the effects of dietary slander glasswort extract on improvements in bowel function and constipation relief. Balb/C mice were used to measure transit movement of a charcoal meal after slander glasswort extract was added to their drinking water at 0.36, 0.72, and 1.5 mg/mL concentrations. The extract's constipation relief effects were investigated in Sprague-Dawley rats with loperamide-induced constipation by adding 2, 3, and 4 mg/mL of the extract to their drinking water, and by feeding yogurt containing 0.0, 0.25, and 0.50% slander glasswort extract mixed into a 10-fold amount of water. The mice receiving the extract at 1.5 mg/mL via drinking water had a 16.4% increase in the rate of transit as compared to the controls. In addition, the rats receiving the extract via drinking water and yogurt had increased in constipation relief from 128 to 156% and from 107 to 150%, respectively, as compared to the controls. Based on the results, slander glasswort is considered to have effects on improving bowel function and relieving constipation.

Furfural production from miscanthus and utilization of miscanthus residues (Miscanthus로부터 furfural 생산과 잔여물의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Bong;Yoo, Hah-Young;Lee, Sang Jun;Lee, Ja Hyun;Choi, Han Seok;Kim, Seung Wook
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.114.2-114.2
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    • 2011
  • Furfural is a versatile derivative. It can be utilized for a building-block of furfuryl alcohol production and a component of fuels or liquid alkanes. But in bio-process, furfural is a critical compound because it inhibits cell growth and metabolism. Furfural could be converted from xylose and usually produced from biomass in which hemicellulose is abundant. In this study, furfural production from miscanthus was performed and utilization of miscanthus residue was consequently conducted. At first, hydrolysis for investigation of miscanthus composition and furfural production was performed using sulfuric acid. Previously, we optimized dilute acid pretreatment condition for miscanthus pretreatment and the condition was found to be about 15 min of reaction time, 1.5% of acid concentration and about 140C of temperature and 60% (about 7 g/L) of xylose was solubilized from miscanthus. Using the xylose, furfural production was conducted as second step. Approximately 160200C of temperature was accompanied with the hydrolysis for pyrolysis of biomass. When the investigated condition; 180C of temperature, 20 min of reaction time and 2% of acid concentration was operated for furfural production, furfural productivity was reached to be 77% of theoretical maximum. After reaction, residue of miscanthus was utilized as feedstock of ethanol fermentation. Residue was well washed using water and saccharified using hydrolysis enzymes. Hydrolysate (glucose) from saccharification was utilized for the carbon source of Saccharomyces cervisiae K35.

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Exposure to Ethyl Carbamate by Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Imported in Korea

  • Hong, Kwon-Pyo;Kang, Yoon-Seok;Jung, Dong-Chae;Park, Sae-Rom;Yoon, Ji-Ho;Lee, Sung-Yong;Ko, Yong-Seok;Kim, So-Hee;Ha, Sang-Do;Park, Sang-Kyu;Bae, Dong-Ho
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.975-980
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    • 2007
  • Determination of ethyl carbamate content in imported alcoholic beverages in Korea and an exposure assessment were conducted. In gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/selected ion monitoring (GC/MS/SIM) analysis, 2.5-39, 8-263, 6.3-112, 11.3-23.5, 53-94, 8.5-38.5, 7-9.5, 21.3-31.5, 5-832.5, and 10.5364.8μg/L of ethyl carbamate were detected in imported beers, sakes, whiskies, vodkas, Chinese liquors, cognacs, tequilas, rums, liqueurs, and wines, respectively. The exposure assessment indicated that the exposure of Korean adults to ethyl carbamate were lower than 20 ng/kg BW per day, (the virtual safe dose) indicating that the amount of ethyl carbamate exposed through fermented food and alcoholic beverages including imported products are currently in the 'no significant risk level'. However, the present low exposure to ethyl carbamate through the imported alcoholic products was not due to the low contents of ethyl carbamate in imported products, but low consumption of the imported products. Therefore, given increasing importation of alcoholic beverages in Korea, reductions of ethyl carbamate content in imported alcoholic beverages, especially non-distilled products, should be required by regulating limits on the ethyl carbamate content in the imported alcoholic beverages.

Enhancement of Immune Activities of Natural Water-Soluble Sulforaphane by Nano Encapsulation Process (천연 수용성 설포라판의 나노입자화를 통한 면역 활성 증진)

  • Ha, Ji-Hye;Han, Jae-Gun;Jeong, Hyang-Suk;Oh, Sung-Ho;Kwon, Min-Chul;Choi, Young-Beom;Ko, Jung-Rim;Lee, Hyeon-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.402-408
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to investigate improving immune activities of natural water-soluble sulforaphane extracted from Brassica oleracea var. italica by nano encapsulation process. The nanoparticles of the sulforaphane extracted with ultrasonification process at 60C promoted human B and T cell growth, about 735 compared to the control. The secretion of IL-6 and TNF-α from T cells were also enhanced as 2.6×104pg/cell and 2.1×104pg/cell, respectively, by the adding nano samples. NK cell activation was improved about 8%, compare to the control in adding cultured medium of T cell added nano samples. It was also found that sulforaphane extracted from B. oleracea var. italica had highly inhibitory activity on hyaluronidase as IC50 about 200μg/m. It can be concluded that natural water-soluble sulforaphane samples by nano-encapsulation, each size is 200 nm, extracted from B. oleracea var. italica has high immune activities through higher efficiency of bio-activation than conventional extracts.

Development and Verification of a Hand-held Typed Monitoring System for Cardiac Output Measurement using Electrical Impedance Technique (전기적 임피던스 방법을 통한 hand-held 타입의 심박출량 모니터링 시스템 개발 및 검증)

  • Seo, Kwang-Seok;Sim, Myeong-Heon;Kim, Min-Yong;Yoon, Chan-Sol;Chung, Joo-Hong;Park, Sung-Bin;Yoon, Hyung-Ro
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.61 no.12
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    • pp.1932-1938
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    • 2012
  • The impedance cardiogram has been proposed as a non-invasive, continuous, operator independent, and cost-effective method for cardiac output monitoring. However, it can not be completely considered as non-restrictive method because of attached spot and band type electrodes. Therefore, we developed a improved convenient hand-held typed measurement system for cardiac output by electrical impedance technique. 80 subjects from Yonsei University and the surrounding areas, participated. All subjects measured stroke volume and cardiac output through Physioflow and developed system. To verify the developed system, statistical methods such as correlation, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, and the Bland-Altman analysis were used. The proposed system showed significant correlation in both male and female stroke volume(r=0.715, r=0.704) and cardiac output(r=0.826; r=0.804). From these results, it can be concluded that stroke volume and cardiac output could be improved convenient measurement using the both hands without the help of a specialist.

Prospects for e-Science In Korea : The role and impacts ol Korea-UK collaboration

  • Kim, Cha-Young;Suh, Jee-Hyun;Tomlinson, Mark
    • Korea Information Processing Society Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2008
  • The Korea UK e-Science Collaboration project has been aimed at supporting research and collaboration between Korean and UK researchers. Its goal is to benefit the nation by reducing cost and time in constructing the National e-Science Research Environment' by studying and benchmarking the cases in countries that have already procured advanced technologies in the area. Two joint workshops were held in a year where researchers from the two countries had the opportunities to share their research results with each other. Also, the project has supported exchanges of researchers fostering expertise in the field. In the course of the project, the e-Science Centre in the UK and KISTI have signed MoU(Memorandum of Understanding) in 2006. Moreover, there have been active research collaboration between Korea and the UK. The University of Southampton will share the BioSimGrid data with the Korean counterpart, and the University of York has provided the AURA software. In the future, KISTI and the UK NGS(National Grid Service) will organize a working group at OGF that will work mainly on the standardization of Parameter Sweep and bring it to lead the global standard. KISTI will include its own AURORA system into OMI-UK software stack, which will enable access to NGS resources through AURORA user application. The collaboration with the UK has opened up more opportunities for collaboration with other countries as well. KISTI and HLRS in Germany have agreed to share the COVISE and will have research exchanges. As such, it is expected that Korea will play a major role in e-Science research by building strategic and systematic collaborative relations with its International partners.

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Oxidative stability of extracts from red ginseng and puffed red ginseng in bulk oil or oil-in-water emulsion matrix

  • Lee, Sang-Jun;Oh, Sumi;Kim, Mi-Ja;Sim, Gun-Sub;Moon, Tae Wha;Lee, JaeHwan
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.320-326
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    • 2018
  • Background: Explosive puffing can induce changes in the chemical, nutritional, and sensory quality of red ginseng. The antioxidant properties of ethanolic extracts of red ginseng and puffed red ginseng were determined in bulk oil and oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions. Methods: Bulk oils were heated at 60C and 100C and O/W emulsions were treated under riboflavin photosensitization. In vitro antioxidant assays, including 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhudrazyl, 2,2'-azinobis-3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid, ferric reducing antioxidant power, total phenolic content, and total flavonoid content, were also performed. Results: The total ginsenoside contents of ethanolic extract from red ginseng and puffed red ginseng were 42.33 mg/g and 49.22 mg/g, respectively. All results from above in vitro antioxidant assays revealed that extracts of puffed red ginseng had significantly higher antioxidant capacities than those of red ginseng (p < 0.05). Generally, extracts of puffed red and red ginseng had high antioxidant properties in riboflavin photosensitized O/W emulsions. However, in bulk oil systems, extracts of puffed red and red ginseng inhibited or accelerated rates of lipid oxidation, depending on treatment temperature and the type of assay used. Conclusion: Although ethanolic extracts of puffed red ginseng showed stronger antioxidant capacities than those of red ginseng when in vitro assays were used, more pro-oxidant properties were observed in bulk oils and O/W emulsions.


  • Lee, Ju-Hyon;Min, Hyun-Gi;Lee, Jin-Sook;Kim, Myung-Rae;Kang, Na-Ra
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.554-560
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    • 2008
  • In posterior maxilla, it is difficult to achieve primary stability of implants due to sinus pneumatization, alveolar bone loss, and low bone quality. The accurate and objective primary stability assessment is important for good prognosis of implants. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the primary stability of the non-submerged, internal type implants with maxillary sinus augmentation using deproteinized bovine bone mineral by a resonance frequency analyzer, when residual alveolar bone height is under 8mm Materials and methods: A total of 20 implants was placed into 5 grafted maxillary sinuses in 5 patients. Deproteinized bovine bone mineral (Bio-Oss(R)) was used as graft material. SS II implants (diameter 4.1mm, and length 11.5mm, SLA suface)) were placed. All of the patients received maxillary sinus graft procedure by 1-step technique. Residual bone height was 1.37.8mm (mean 4.4mm) measured by panorama radiography. After implant placement, RFA was measured at 4,8,12,20 weeks. The results were divided into 2 groups; RFA value under 4mm and over 5mm of bone height. It was statistically analyzed. Results: 1. The primary stability of implants was increased with time 2. The RFA value was above 65 ISQ at 12 weeks 3. There was no correlation between RFA and residual alveolar bone height in maxillary sinus augmentation by 1-step technique. Conclusion: 1-step surgical procedure is a feasible option for patients with as little as 4mm residual alveolar bone height, when utilizing non-submerged, internal type implants with xenografts.

Material Design and Analysis of Coronary Artery Stents (관상동맥혈관용 스텐트의 구조해석과 재료설계)

  • Park, Joong-Gwun;Kang, Tae-Won;Lee, Kee-Sung;Kim, Tae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.362-367
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    • 2007
  • Stent is a tiny structure made with either ceramic coating and/or bare metal. Being approximately 12mm in diameter, it consists of holes, slots, or void space and is designed to cover entire medical lesions. Stent implantation into patients' arteries has been practiced for a little more than a decade in order to widen the blocked artery. The adoption of the stent has significantly improved the efficacy when compared with the previous medical practice by balloon angioplasty alone. Yet better biomedical performance of the stent is being demanded in order to eliminate the still existing problem of artery restenosis, which means the artery becomes narrowed again. Recent literature survey shows researches on ceramic coatings onto the stent surface, or material design to improve the mechanical response of the stent. This study focuses more on the material design and mechanical analysis. The results showed that the void configuration within the stent affects the mechanical response significantly. The rectangular shape was found to yield expansion at a relatively lower pressure than the elliptical slot for a slotted tube stent. The present results, when combined with research on coating at the stent surface, may provide stents with improved bio-medical performance.

Optimum Transplanting Time of Ostericum koreanum Kitakawa (강활 노두의 정식적기)

  • Hur, Bong-Koo;Sim, Yong-Goo;Kim, Young-Hyo;Kim, Soo-Yong;Choi, Kyong-Bai
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.41-44
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the optimum transplanting time of Ostericum koreanum Kit. cultivating under root apex propagation. Transplanting time per 10 days were from March 20th to May 1st. The results are follows : Soil chemical properties before experiment were well adapted upland including moderate fertility. Average temperatures during cropping seasons except March late were lower than normal years, but rainfall was abundant than that of normal years. The ratios of emergence and bolting were higher in the faster transplanting time. And also plant height, stem length and number of stem were well. Yield components of transplanted April 1st were well, and yield was 251 kg/10a. The yield was increased by 13% than that of March 20th. So optimum transplanting time is considered about April 1st.