• Title/Summary/Keyword: Background Color

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A Study on Extraction of Central Objects in Color Images (칼라 영상에서의 중심 객체 추출에 관한 연구)

  • 김성영;박창민;권규복;김민환
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.616-624
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    • 2002
  • An extraction method of central objects in the color images is proposed, in this paper. A central object is defined as a comparatively consist of the central object in the image. First of all. an input image and its decreased resolution images are segmented. Segmented regions are classified as the outer or the inner region. The outer region is adjacent regions are included by a same region in the decreased resolution image. Then core object regions and core background regions are selected from the inner region and the outer region respectively. Core object regions are the representative regions for the object and are selected by using the information about the information about the region size and location. Each inner regions is classified into foreground or background regions by comparing values of a color histogram intersection of the inner region against the core object region and the core background regions. The core object region and foreground regions consist of the central object in the image.

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A Forest Fire Detection Algorithm Using Image Information (영상정보를 이용한 산불 감지 알고리즘)

  • Seo, Min-Seok;Lee, Choong Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 2019
  • Detecting wildfire using only color in image information is a very difficult issue. This paper proposes an algorithm to detect forest fire area by analyzing color and motion of the area in the video including forest fire. The proposed algorithm removes the background region using the Gaussian Mixture based background segmentation algorithm, which does not depend on the lighting conditions. In addition, the RGB channel is changed to an HSV channel to extract flame candidates based on color. The extracted flame candidates judge that it is not a flame if the area moves while labeling and tracking. If the flame candidate areas extracted in this way are in the same position for more than 2 minutes, it is regarded as flame. Experimental results using the implemented algorithm confirmed the validity.

A Study on Fashion Color Preferences According to the Fashion Interest and Lifestyle of the New Silver Generation (뉴 실버 세대의 패션관심도와 라이프스타일에 따른 패션 색채 선호도 연구)

  • Lee, Semi;Koo, Sumin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.38-56
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    • 2021
  • The New Silver Generation, which includes retired baby boomers, is eschewing traditional lifestyles, remaining socially and economically active, and striving to enjoy their lives. It is necessary to understand the preferences, sensibilities, and fashion propensities of such individuals. Thus, this study analyzed the New Silver Generation's fashion color preferences and proposed fashion color scheme guidelines that could be used in the fashion industry. First, surveys were conducted in people of the New Silver Generation aged from 55 to 65 years. The survey questions included the following: fashion color preferences, fashion sensibility and taste preferences, fashion interests, lifestyle, and demographic background. Second, the survey was conducted to identify differences in color preferences based on respondents' fashion interests and lifestyles. Next, to compose color palettes for the survey, 45 colors from the Munsell color system were chosen at random. The major research results were as follows: It was shown that socializing- and health-preferring individuals wore achromatic color, leisure-preferring individuals wore P color, and self-preferring individuals wore B color. The commonly worn colors were achromatic colors. After the age of 55 years, health- and leisure-preferring individuals often wore R color and RP color, respectively. Thus, this study proposed a color scheme arrangement that used achromatic colors, such as black and white, as the main colors list for the four lifestyle types.

Evaluation of Color Stability according to Shade of Temporary Crown Resin Using Digital Spectrophotometer: In Vitro Study

  • Ku, Hye-min;Jun, Mi-Kyoung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2022
  • Background: Temporary crown resins are used prior to prosthesis placement, indicating the importance of aesthetics. The aim of this study was evaluate the color stability of various staining solutions according to the color of temporary crown resins using VITA Easyshade V. Methods: The temporary crowns used were the powder-liquid type and included four shades. A total of 36 specimens were fabricated in the form of disks with a diameter of 1.8 mm and a depth of 2 mm. They were divided into four groups of nine each, and staining was performed for seven days by precipitation in 3 mL of three staining solutions composed of distilled water, black coffee, and red wine. Color and color stability evaluations were performed by a trained examiner using a digital spectrophotometer (VITA Easyshade V). Color stability was analyzed using the ΔE value. Results: Because of the color stability evaluation using the ΔE value, the difference between three and seven days was significant in the specimen I and III groups (p<0.05). Further, post hoc analysis showed that the ΔE value of red wine was significant, indicating that the color stability in red wine was low. The ΔE values in group II between days three and seven were statistically significant (p<0.05). Post hoc analysis showed that distilled water, coffee, and wine had the highest ΔE values on day three. On day seven, the ΔE value for wine was significant, and the color stability was low. There was no significant difference in group IV according to the staining period and staining solution; therefore, color stability was high (p>0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that most temporary resin restorations exhibited color stability in the staining solution. The darker the color of the temporary resin restoration, the higher the color stability against extrinsic staining.

Fire Detection Algorithm Based On Motion Information and Color Information Analysis (움직임 정보와 칼라정보 분석을 통한 화재검출 알고리즘)

  • Choi, Hong-seok;Moon, Kwang-seok;Kim, Jong-nam;Park, Seung-seob
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.180-188
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose a fire detection algorithm based on motion information and color information analysis. Conventional fire detection algorithms have as main problem the difficulty to detect fire due to external light, intensity, background image complexity, and little fire diffusion. So we propose a fire detection algorithm that accurate and fast. First, it analyzes the motion information in video data and then set the first candidate. Second, it determines this domain after analyzing the color and the domain. This algorithm assures a fast fire detection and a high accuracy compared with conventional fire detection algorithms. Our algorithm will be useful to real-time fire detection in real world.

A Saliency Map based on Color Boosting and Maximum Symmetric Surround

  • Huynh, Trung Manh;Lee, Gueesang
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, the saliency region detection has become a popular research topic because of its uses for many applications like object recognition and object segmentation. Some of recent methods apply color distinctiveness based on an analysis of statistics of color image derivatives in order to boosting color saliency can produce the good saliency maps. However, if the salient regions comprise more than half the pixels of the image or the background is complex, it may cause bad results. In this paper, we introduce the method to handle these problems by using maximum symmetric surround. The results show that our method outperforms the previous algorithms. We also show the segmentation results by using Otsu's method.

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A New Face Detection Method by Hierarchical Color Histogram Analysis

  • Kwon, Ji-Woong;Park, Myoung-Soo;Kim, Mun-Hyuk;Park, Jin-Young
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.138.3-138
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    • 2001
  • Because face has non-rigid structure and is influenced by illumination, we need robust face detection algorithm with the variations of external environments (orientation of lighting and face, complex background, etc.). In this paper we develop a new face detection algorithm to achieve robustness. First we transform RGB color into other color space, in which we can reduce lighting effect much. Second, hierarchical image segmentation technique is used for dividing a image into homogeneous regions. This process uses not only color information, but also spatial information. One of them is used in segmentation by histogram analysis, the other is used in segmentation by grouping. And we can select face region among the homogeneous regions by using facial features.

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Semi-Automatic Segmentation based on Color Information (색상 정보를 이용한 반자동 영상분할 기법)

  • 김민호;최재각;호요성
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.619-622
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    • 1999
  • This paper describes a new semi-automatic segmentation algorithm based on color information. Semi-automatic segmentation mainly consists of intra-frame segmentation and inter-frame segmentation. While intra-frame segmentation extracts video objects of interest from boundary information provided by the user and intensity information of the image, inter-frame segmentation partitions the image into the video objects and background by tracking the motion of video objects. For inter-frame segmentation, color information (Y, Cb and Cr) of the current frame can be used efficiently in order to find the exact boundary of the video objects. In this paper we propose a new region growing algorithm which can maximize the ability of region differentiation, while preserving features of each color component.

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Detection of human faces using skin color and eye feature (피부색과 눈요소 정보를 이용한 얼굴영역 검출)

  • 서정원;박정희;송문섭;윤후병;황호전;김법균;두길수;안동언;정성종
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.531-535
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    • 1999
  • Automatic human face detection in a complex background is one of the difficult problems. In this paper, we propose an effective and robust automatic face detection approach that can locate the face region in natural scene images when the system is used as a pre-processor of a face recognition system . We use two natural and powerful visual cues, the skin color and the eyes. In the first step of the proposed system, the method based on the human skin color space by selecting flesh tone regions using normalized r-g space in color images. In the next step, we extract eye features by calculating moments and using geometrical face model. Experimental results demonstrate that the approach can efficiently detect human faces and satisfactory deal with the problems caused by bad lighting condition, skew face orientation.

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Principles in Theo Van Doesburg's architectural concept -The relation between space and color- (Theo Van Doesburg의 건축 구상 원리 -공간과 색채와의 관계-)

  • Shin, Moon-Ki
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.6 no.3 s.13
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 1997
  • This study aimes to understand the principles in Theo Van Doesburg's architectural concept. Generally, Theo Van Doesburg has been thought that he betrayed De Stijl by acting contrary to the Neo-Plasticism which was constituted in early De Stijl by Mondrian and himself and by suggesting opposite one, Elementarism. Therefore this study tried to understand the principles that make his architectural concept, confirming the background of Elementarism. After studing relation, which Theo Van Doesburg has used, between space and color, it is concluded that he has unchanged principles of architectural concept from early De Stijl to last, opposite to general appreciation. So, Theo Van Doesburg acted to maintain equilibrium that exists for balancing the two elemental forces which contrast each other in relation between space and color. The equilibrium which he looked for aims to constitute harmonized dynamic space by dynamic rythem of equilibrium instead of Neo-Plastic effect. And using color, which used to be producing dynamic effect, he intended to maintain static effect for making dynamic rythem of equllibrium by the principles he made.

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