• Title/Summary/Keyword: B-body test

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Study on Ejection Mitigation Impact Test about correlation between Vehicle and B.I.W(Body In White) Condition (FMVSS 226 Ejection Mitigation Impact Test의 시험품 단순화에 따른 인자들의 상관 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Mooncheol;Shin, Hyunhack;Oh, Hyungjoon
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.16-19
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    • 2015
  • FMVSS226 Ejection Mitigation Impact Test is usually performed by real vehicle. But it is necessary to perform the test using by Reinforced B.I.W. with considering vehicle developing timing and roof rail airbag (RRAB) supplier capacity. We sometimes need tendency (quick data) instead of slow accurate data to fix RRAB design as proper timing. Test with Reinforced B.I.W. is helpful saving time and cost. But it should be confirmed how much different between vehicle conditioned test result and Reinforced B.I.W. conditioned test result. There are some points to be improved even in the test with vehicle. Understanding of deviation of Reinforced B.I.W. conditioned test result from vehicle conditioned test result is needed to get benefits with using Reinforced B.I.W. conditioned in the test.

Relationship Between Postpartum Depression and Body Image in Postpartum Women (분만 여성의 산후 우울과 신체상의 관계)

  • Kim, Boon-Han;Jeon, Hye-Won;Jung, Yun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.906-916
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the change and difference and relationship of postpartum depression and physical image. Method: The subjects consisted of 86 postpartum women at one general hospital in Seoul. The data was collected from September to November 2001. The instrument used for this study were SRD (Self-Rating Depression Scale) and Norris' Body Image Scale to evaluate depression and body image. The collected data was analyzed with frequency, mean, t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Result: The result of this study were as follows: 1. The mean score of D2 was significantly higher than D1(p=.003). There was no difference significantly B1 and B2(p=310). 2. There was significant correlation between the two, D1-D2(r=.381, p<.01), B1-B2(r=.364, p<.01), D1-B1(r=.579, p<.01), D2-B2(r= .567, p<.01). (*D1: depression of postpartum 1-3days, D2: depression of postpartum 6-8weeks, B1: body image of postpartum 1-3days, B2: body image of postpartum 6-8weeks) Conclusion: There was very high postpartum depression in postpartum women, but body image was positive. Also, there was correlated to postpartum depression and body image. Thus it is necessary to implement nursing intervention focused on to decrease the postpartum depression and to enhance the body image of the postpartum women.

A Study on the Separation of X- and Y- Spermatozoa in Farm Animals (가축에 있어서 X-정자와 Y-정자의 분류에 관한 연구)

  • 고대환;박흠대;정길생
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 1979
  • This experiment was carried out to clarify the methods of the F-body test in human and the B-body test in buil and hog. The effect of pH and albumin concentration on the migration of X- and Y- sperm was also investigated. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. In the human semen, the frequency of sperm in which an F-body is visible was different by the fluorochrome. Namely, in case of quinacrine mustard, the F-body frequency was 48.8∼43.4 percent (average 49.6%), and in case of quinacrine dihydrochloride, that was 40.7∼50.8 percent (average 42.0%). 2. The frequency of a, pp.rance of B-body was 43.4${\pm}$1.3 percent in bull semen, and 45.5${\pm}$0.7 percent in hog semen. 3. A, pp.arance of B-body in bovine semen was increased due to duration of time after washing till 12 hours. 4. Separation of X- and Y- spermatozoa using diluents with different hydrogen ion concentration was impossible. 5. A, pp.arance of B-body separated in medium with 6, 10 and 20% ovalbumin was 51.1${\pm}$2.4, 50.6${\pm}$2.5 and 58.2${\pm}$3.0 percent, respectively, and those values were significiantly higher (p<0.01) than corresponding control values.

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A Study about Reduction Rate of Wetsuit Patterns for Men in their 30's (국내 30대 남성용 웨트수트 패턴 축소율에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.1039-1048
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    • 2011
  • This research develops a basic design structure for scuba diving wetsuits suitable for the shape of Korean men in their 30's as well as enhances the reduction rate for underwater activity. The clothing pressure and fitness tests were performed using four different types of body suits. The usable data of the tests were coded for further statistical analysis that includes one way-ANOVA test and S-N-K Multiple Range Test by using SPSSWIN 17.0. An analysis of the results shows: (1) The results of the clothing pressure test (using a dummy) indicated that the larger the reduction rate, the stronger the clothing pressure gets (with an exception on the knee area). It has great impact on clothing pressure with regards to the different body parts. The different reduction rates should be applied to body parts accordingly. (2) In the case of test subjects, the overall mean values of the clothing pressure were lower than the ones with the dummy (attributable to the cushion function of body skin and muscle as well as the high stretch of the fabric). (3) In evaluating the subjective fit test of four types of body suits, a statistically significant difference was found in the relation between pattern reduction rates and all parts of the body. It was revealed that the reduction rate of 'B' pattern (X: 4%, Y: 3%) was the most suitable pattern and the 'B' pattern scored highest in the motion functional fit test performed by a test subject.

The Rheological Properties of Castella on the Market (시판 카스테라의 점탄성 계수)

  • 정현숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.298-302
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    • 1994
  • This study is carried out in order to investigate to the physical property of Castella. The material is 19 kinds of Castella on the market in Kyushu area.As an result of the sensory evaluation for Castella, it could be classified into 3 types ; a) high grade, C) low grade, and B) midium grade.The results are summarized as follow. The water content of 3 type Castella was most 26-30% but Korea's was more lower . ΔE of A an dB type Castella was similiar , but A and C types was very different. in the Creep test, 3 types are all the 6-element Voigt model, consisting of Hookean body , Newtonian body and two sets of Voigt body. Eo of A type is 13-36% higher than other types. The parts of retardation strain of A type are 21-41% lower than B type, 8-13% higher than C type, respectively.

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Effects of Panax ginseng on Morphine-induced Immune Suppression

  • Lee, Shee-Yong;Kim, Ae-Young;Kim, Young-Ran;Kim, Kyeong-Man
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.177-181
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    • 1995
  • To investigate the possibility of Panax ginseng as a therapeutic agent for the immune suppression, ginseng total saponin (GTS) extracted from korean red ginseng was tested on immune functions from morphine-induced immune suppressed mice. To study how immune functions are affected by morphine and also to test whether GTS can be an useful therapeutic agent for morphine toxicity, several parameters were employed, body weight, immune organ weight, B cell functions, and T cell function. Morphine impaired the development of body weight and immune organ weight such as spleen and thymus. Morphine also depressed a B-cell function, antibody production. T-cell functions studied by type IV hypersensitivity test were most markedly affected by morphine treatment. GTS restored most of morphine-induced immune suppression. GTS restored the morphine-induced decrease in spleen weight to body weight ratio in a dose dependent manner, but not the body weight decrease. Also all of the morphine-induced impairments of B cell functions and cellmediated immunity were fully recovered by GTS. These results suggest that ginseng product could be very helpful for the treatment of immune suppression occurring in morphine abusers.

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A Study on the Wool Knitted Jacket Pattern Development Suited for a Middle-Aged Woman's Body Shape (중년 여성의 체형 특성에 적합한 양모 소재 니트 재킷 패턴 개발)

  • Han, Jin-Yee;Choi, Jin-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.299-310
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to develop wool knitted Jacket pattern suited for Middle-aged women's body shape. The usable data of first and second wearing test were coded for further statistical analysis including descriptive statistics(frequency and one way- ANOVA test, Student-Newman-Keuls Multiple Range Test) by using SPSSWIN 12.0. The results were as follows: 1. It was found that first evaluation for the appearance test on fitness, pattern B were better than the rest of them. 2. It was found that second evaluation for the test, jacket B with milano were better than the rest of them. Therefore, it should be designed as possible as considering the physical characteristics of knitted materials. 3. It was found that third evaluation for the test, it is necessary that knitted jacket follow a similar size tolerance such as a woven jacket.

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Study on torso patterns for elderly obese women for vitalization of the silver clothing industry - Applying the CLO 3D program - (실버 의류산업 활성화를 위한 노년 비만여성의 토르소 원형 연구 - CLO 3D 가상착의 시스템 활용 -)

  • Seong, Ok jin;Ha, Hee Jung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.476-487
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest torso patterns that fit the three main body shapes of elderly obese women. To reduce time, costs, and also the trial and error needed to make patterns, the CLO program for 3D test wear was employed. Three virtual models for aged obese women were use, with the YUKA system used to produce torso patterns. 3D simulation of test wear and corrections was done to design optimal torso patterns. The results were as follows: First, for the three models of obese women's body shapes as realized by CLO 3D, Type 1 is lower-body obesity shapes, Type 2 is abdominal obesity shapes, and Type 3 is whole-body obesity shapes. Second, to design the study patterns, actual measurement values, back waist length and waist to hip length, were used. The armhole depth (B/4-1.5), front interscye (B/6+2.3), front neck width (B/12-0.5), front neck depth (B/12+0.5), front waist measurement (W/4+ 1.5+D), front hip measurement (H/4+2+0.5), and back hip measurement (H/4+3-0.5) were calculated using formulas. Third, according to the results of test-wearing the study patterns, reduced front neck width and depth improved the neck fit and reduced armhole depth bettered loose or plunging armhole girth and also reduced the sagging of bust c.. Also, tight sidesfrom aprotruded waist and abdomen improved with the increase of surpluses in the back waist and also back and front hip c. The exterior was enhanced by displacement of back and front darts, which distributed surpluses better.

A Study on the Jeogori Pattern for 9 to 10 Year-old Boys (만 9세~10세 남아의 저고리 원형설계에 관한 연구)

  • 김미영;여혜린;권영숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.147-165
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    • 2001
  • The objective of this study was to develop the Jeogori Pattern for 9 to 10 year-old boys To determine the measurement items for the Jeogori Pattern making, applied factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to the 37 measurement items of the 9 to 10 year-old boys classified as a standard somatotype. To understand the shape and variation of the body surface, analyzed the replica of the upper body surface that was obtained by the method of using surgical tape. Be based on the results of the above studies, designed the Jeogori Pattern. The designed pattern was evaluated by the sensory test. The drafting methods of Jeogori Pattern obtained are as follows. $\circled1$ The measurement items are Bust Girth, Center Back Waist Length, Neck Width, and Hwajang Length. $\circled2$ Jeogori Length Center Back Waist Length$\times$4/3 $\circled3$ Front Body Girth(1/2) : B/2 + 1.5cm Back Body Girth(1/2) : B/2 + 3.5cm $\circled4$ Jin-Dong : B/4 + 3cm $\circled5$ Back Godae Width(1/2) : Neck Width/2 + 1.7cm Front Godae Width(l/2) : Back Godae Width(1/2) - 2cm $\circled6$Back Godae Point is 1.5cm higher than shoulder line, and Front Godae Point is 1.5cm lower than shoulder line. $\circled7$ Back Godae Depth: 1.2cm + 1.5cm = 2.7cm The Jeogori Pattern designed by the above method Is as (fig. 8) The results of the sensory test of the new pattern are as fellows. Except for 2 items, every mark of 24 test items has over 5.0 point and a total average mark is 5.25 point. Witch is a good mark. Therefore the new pattern is valid. Especially, the parts of Git, sleeves and back face have a high mark, so the appearances of those parts are excellent.

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A Comparative Study on Chinese Adult women's constitutional components and Somatotype Characteristic (지역별.연령별 중국 성인여성(地域別.年齡別 中國 成人女性)의 체형구성 요인(體型構成 要因)과 유형 비교 연구(類型 比較 硏究))

  • Wee, Hye-Jung;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.58-73
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to improve of fittness and coverage rate of exporting domestic clothing to China for Chinese Adult Female. For study, It was measured 1381 female women aged between 19 and 50 who resident in Beijing and Shanghai in China. as a sample, 1360 female women was seleted for development of apparel sizing system. As for the method of this study was made of 111 items by indirect measures done during Jun. 23 $\sim$ Aug. 7, 2004. Data analysis were processed by SPSS WIN 10.0 Program was used to for technical statistical analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis, ANOVA(t-test and F-test), duncan's multiple test. The result was as follows: Chinese Adult women's constitutional components determined by factor analysis, six components could be identified: factor 1:constitutional obesty and width size, factor 2: longistudinal body size, factor 3: shoulder form and size, factor 4: longistudinal upper body size, factor 5: under body size, factor 6: shoulder dropping. According to the Women's Wear Specifications(GB/T 1335.2-1997) by drop, body types of Chinese Adult female was classified into six types, it was Y, A, B, C and Z, D. In order, A type as standard somatotype(49.8%), B type(26.9%), Y type (18.8%), C type(2.9%). Y type had the average height and shoulder, bust girth. They were slimmer in overall terms. A type had a normal obesity and body size in height, shoulder, bust girth. They were average Chinese Women. B type had a smaller then A type. They were more obes and thick waist girth. C type had the highest obesity, the widest shoulder and bust girth, and thick waist girth. The characteristics of each body type following the body type structure factor are Y-type for slender type, A-type for standard type, B-type for slightly large type, and C-type for obese type. For each region, the Beijing area had in the order of A-type, Y-type, B-type and C-type, and the Shanghai area had in the order of A-type, B-type, Y-type and C-type.