• Title/Summary/Keyword: Attendance Rate

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A Survey on the Hand Washing Awareness and Behavior in Elementary Schools Serving Food in a Classroom in Busan (부산지역 교실배식 초등학교생들의 손 씻기 인식 및 이행 실태)

  • Lee, Kyung-A;Lee, Min-Yung;Park, In-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.220-231
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    • 2009
  • The principal objective of this study was to evaluate elementary students' awareness of the importance of hand washing, as well as their hand-washing behavior. The data was collected by self-reported questionnaire from 697 students in elementary schools with serving food in a classroom in Busan. Their hand-washing frequency was high, at '3~4 times per day (37.0%)'. 51.0% of the respondents did not wash their hands that often because they were 'not accustomed' to washing their hands, and 35.9% of respondents regarded washing their hands as 'annoying'. The most frequently reported hand washing agent was 'soap and water (71.4%)'. Approximately 95~98% of the respondents always washed their hands after using the bathroom, 87.9% of them washed their hands before eating food, and 86.7% of them washed their hands upon returning home. However, 27.3%, 34.1% and 65.9% of the respondents did not wash their hands after handling money, after eating, and after coughing or sneezing, respectively. Significant factors related to increased hand-washing frequency were gender (p<0.001) and the period of attendance at kindergarten (p<0.05). The mean scores of importance and performance of hand washing were significantly higher for girls than for boys. The group with higher rate (over 4.5/5.0) for the importance of sanitary hand-washing behavior showed significantly higher scores in hand-washing behavior before serving food and before eating than those of the lower rated group (below 4.0/5.0). This study shows that sanitation education is required not only for food handlers but also for students in school foodservices.

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Learners' Responses to a Virtual Cadaver Dissection Nerve Course in the COVID Era: A Survey Study

  • Lisiecki, Jeffrey L.;Johnson, Shepard Peir;Grant, David;Chung, Kevin C.
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.676-682
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    • 2022
  • Background Virtual education is an evolving method for teaching medical learners. During the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, remote learning has provided a replacement for conferences, lectures, and meetings, but has not been described as a method for conducting a cadaver dissection. We aim to demonstrate how learners perceive a virtual cadaver dissection as an alternative to live dissection. Methods A virtual cadaver dissection was performed to demonstrate several upper extremity nerve procedures. These procedures were livestreamed as part of an educational event with multimedia and interactive audience questions. Participants were queried both during and after the session regarding their perceptions of this teaching modality. Results Attendance of a virtual dissection held for three plastic surgery training institutions began at 100 and finished with 70 participants. Intrasession response rates from the audience varied between 68 and 75%, of which 75% strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the virtual environment. The audience strongly agreed or agreed that the addition of multimedia captions (88%), magnified video loupe views (82%), and split-screen multicast view (64%) was beneficial. Postsession response rate was 27%, and generally reflected a positive perspective about the content of the session. Conclusions Virtual cadaver dissection is an effective modality for teaching surgical procedures and can be enhanced through technologies such as video loupes and multiple camera perspectives. The audience viewed the virtual cadaver dissection as a beneficial adjunct to surgical education. This format may also make in-person cadaver courses more effective by improving visualization and allowing for anatomic references to be displayed synchronously.

Discrepancies Between Implementation and Perceived Effectiveness of Leading Safety Indicators in the US Dairy Product Manufacturing Industry

  • Derlyke, Peter Van;Marin, Luz S.;Zreiqat, Majed
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2022
  • Background: In the United States, the dairy product manufacturing industry has consistently had higher rates of work-related nonfatal injuries and illnesses compared to the national average for industries in all sectors. The selection and implementation of appropriate safety performance indicators are important aspect of reducing risk within safety management systems. This study examined the leading safety indicators implemented in the dairy product-manufacturing sector (NAICS 3115) and their perceived effectiveness in reducing work-related injuries. Methods: Perceptions were collected from individuals with safety responsibilities in the dairy product manufacturing facilities. OSHA Incident Rate (OIR) and Days away, restricted and transferred (DART) rates from 2013 to 2018 were analyzed. Results: The perceived most effective leading were safety observations, stop work authority, near miss reporting, safety audits, preventative maintenance, safety inspections, safety training attendance, and job hazard analysis/safety analysis, respectively. The 6-year trend analysis showed that those implementing all eight top indicators had a slightly lower rates than those that did not implement all eight. Production focused mentality, poor training, and lack of management commitment were perceived as the leading causes of injuries in this industry. Conclusion: Collecting leading indicators with the unique interest to meet the regulatory requirements and to document the management system without the actual goal of using them as input to improve the system most probably will not lead to an effective reduction of negative safety outcomes. For leading indicators to be effective, they should be properly selected, executed, periodically evaluated and actions are taken when necessary.

Analysis of the Response of School Food Service Operations to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020-2021 (2020~2021년 코로나바이러스감염증-19 대응을 위한 학교급식 운영 현황)

  • Jin-Uk Kwon;Hae-Lim Cho;Chang-Geun Lee;Seo-Jin Kim;Hae-Young Lee;Soo-Youn Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to examine the operations of school food services to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in schools nationwide. The survey data on school food service operations targeting nutrition teachers and nutritionists at 1,023 schools in 2020 and 1,177 schools in 2021 were used. The year 2021 saw an increase compared to 2020 in the following: 'average days to be served with meals for a year (144.5 vs. 184.7)', 'provided meals to all students (92.3% vs. 96.6%)', 'utilization of additional staff for foodservice assistance (33.4% vs. 38.8%)', 'installation of partitions (61.2% vs. 83.8%)', 'provision of general diet (96.1% vs. 99.1%)', and 'use of kitchen utensils (91.3% vs. 95.1%)', 'use of cafeteria water cup (9.9% vs. 31.0%)' and 'use of drinking water in school (46.8% vs. 52.1%)'. Compared to 2020, in 2021, it was confirmed that the school food service operations stabilized due to the increase in the normal school attendance rate and that systems were in place for operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the future, it will be necessary to develop manuals and special recipes necessary for responding to infectious diseases, and to operate a manpower pool that can quickly find replacement personnel if required.

Radio and Senior Generation: Focused on Radio Program for Senior (라디오와 노인: 라디오 노인 대상 프로그램을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Myungshin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1329-1344
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    • 2010
  • This study is intended to find out how production people have been creating senior radio program. For this purpose, the study set up the three research questions and employed in-depth interviews with ten production people: First, production people find out senior radio listeners who have been very royal attendance of the program for a long time. And they examined senior listeners prefer to listen about health care, information about elderly life and singing contest. They have been made para-social interaction with master of ceremonies (MC). Second, unlike other radio program, the senior radio program has concentrated on the radio station's image and public interest rather than financial profit and viewing rate. Normally, it was known that radio program for senior used carried on break of the day. But some program has been broadcasted on prime time in the afternoon. Target audience of senior radio program has been expanded over the forties and the fifties from sixties. Thirdly, in general the role of producer is critically important to produce program. However, MC and scriptwriter are far more experienced and specialized on the field than producer in radio program for senior.

Influence of Job Crafting on Evidence-Based Practical Skills of Dental Hygienists

  • Min-ji Kim;Kyu-ri Kim;Yun-ji Kim;Seo-yeon Im;You-bin Cho;Ru-by Choi;Hee-jung Lim
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.330-342
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    • 2023
  • Background: As the medical knowledge base grows at an accelerating rate, evidence-based clinical performance becomes increasingly important for providing quality care. Previous studies have highlighted the need to promote job crafting to actualize evidence-based practical skills in the medical field. This study aimed to investigate the degree of evidence-based practice among dental hygienists and assess the impact of job crafting on the evidence-based practical skills of dental hygienists. Methods: Dental hygienists working at dental hospitals and clinics in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were surveyed between February 28 and April 6, 2023. The sample was comprised of 267 participants. The hypotheses were tested independent t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analyses using SPSS 29.0. Results: The degree of job crafting by dental hygienists demonstrated significant differences based on educational attainment, workplace size, and workplace type. Evidence-based practical skills exhibited significant variations based on educational attainment and job position. All job crafting subfactors demonstrated positive correlations with evidence-based practical skills. The job crafting subfactors affecting the evidence-based practical skills of dental hygienists were 'increasing structural job resources' and 'increasing challenging job demands,' which together explained 38.7% of the variance in evidence-based practical skills. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that job crafting was positively and significantly correlated with evidence-based practical skills. To strengthen the job crafting ability of dental hygienists, improving environmental conditions and fostering an organizational culture that motivates continued participation in education is necessary. The development and promotion of programs that enable learning of the latest evidence should be actively pursued. Additionally, regular attendance at workshops and participation in organizational evidence-based practice education programs are necessary.

A Study on Radiation Safety Management by Dental Hygienist (치과위생사의 방사선 안전관리에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Kang, Eun-Ju;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Young-Im
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2005
  • In spite of relatively low level of radiation dose used at dental clinics, long term exposure may be harmful, so radiation workers at dental clinics must be well aware of its danger. This study was to analyze the factors to have an influence on safety management behavior in the radiography chamber by understanding the relationship among the knowledge, attitudes and behavior in regard with radiation safety management by dental hygienists in order to take preventive measures for dental hygienists and suggest ideas to develop radiation safety training programs. For this, we contacted dental hygienists working at the local dental clinics for 4 months from December of 2003 to march of 2004 and obtained the following findings. 1. Concering the knowledge level of radiation safety management, $8.59{\pm}2.36$ was average score with the highest of 13 and the lowest of 3 from 15-scale test. In addition, knowledge level of radiation safety management by general characteristics showed statistically significant difference according to working experience (p < 0.001), marital status (p < 0.001), attendance rate of radiation safety management training program (p < 0.001), and type of clinic (p < 0.001). 2. Concering the attitude level of radiation safety management, $4.08{\pm}0.50$ is average score with the highest of $4.31{\pm}0.73$ and the lowest of $3.82{\pm}0.89$ by item from 5-scale test. Besides, attitude level of radiation safety management by general characteristics showed statistically significant difference according to age (p < 0.001), working experience (p < 0.05), attendance rate of radiation safety management training program (p < 0.01), and type of clinic (p < 0.001). 3. Concering the behavior level of radiation safety management, $2.89{\pm}0.77$ is average score from 5-scale test, which was relatively low in comparison with the level of attitude and the highest score was $3.82{\pm}0.94$ and the lowest $2.37{\pm}1.04$ by item. Behavior level of radiation safety management by general characteristics showed statistically significant difference according to working experience (p < 0.001) and type of clinic (p < 0.001). 4. From the survey of relationship among knowledge, attitude and behavior of radiation safety management was, we found that the higher the knowledge level of radiation safety management, the higher the level of attitude and behavior, and the higher the attitude level was, the higher the level of behavior.

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A retrospective study on patients' compliance with supportive periodontal therapy (유지치주치료의 환자 순응도해 대한 후향적 연구)

  • Park, Woong-Kyu;Lee, Jae-Kwan;Chang, Beom-Seok;Um, Heung-Sik
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of compliance with supportive periodontal therapy(SPT), to determine if any significant differences existed in the characteristics of compliant, erratically compliant and non-compliant patients and to identify reasons for poor compliance. Materials and methods: Four hundred five patients who initially visited between July 2003 and December 2004 and were treated until June 2005 were retrospectively evaluated for their compliance with SPT in terms of attendance for a recommended schedule of visits. Patients' compliance was classified as complete compliance(attended more than 80% of the recommended appointments), erratic compliance(attended less than 80% of the recommended appointments or discontinued) and non-compliance(did not return for SPT). Analysis was made for each group to correlate the degree of compliance with gender, age, smoking, distance between their houses and the hospital, disease severity, type of therapy, implant, plaque control instruction and systemic diseases. Tele research of erratically compliant and non-compliant patients was carried out to identify reasons for their poor compliance. Results: Only 24.7% of the patients were in complete compliance. The highest drop-out rate(32.4%) occurred in the first year. A significantly greater percentage of non-smokers and patients who finished plaque control instruction were in complete compliance. A significantly greater percentage of patients without implant and patients who had been treated by only scaling and root planing were in non-compliance. More males were found to be compliant with SPT, although this was marginally significant. There were no significant differences between compliant, erratically compliant and non-compliant patients with regard to age, distance, disease severity and systemic disease. The survey revealed that the main reasons for poor compliance with SPT were inconvenient location and insufficient time. Conclusion: Patients' compliance with SPT was poor and the highest drop-out rate(32.4%) occurred in the first year. Significant relationships were found between the degree of compliance and smoking, type of therapy, implant, plaque control instruction and gender.

The Attitude of the Bereaved Family Attending a Bereavement Memorial Service (사별가족모임과 관련된 사별가족 태도 연구)

  • Jung, In-Soon;Shim, Byoung-Yong;Kim, Young-Seon;Lee, Ok-Kyung;Han, Sun-Ae;Shin, Ju-Hyun;Lee, Jong-Ku;Hwang, Su-Hyun;Ok, Jong-Sun;Kim, Hoon-Kyo
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Bereavement Memorial Service has been held every year by the hospice team at St. Vincent's Hospital for the purpose of supporting the bereaved family who feel grief and mourning. The purpose of this study is to find out the attitude of the bereaved attending at bereavement memorial service (BMS) and to find out the areas needing improvements to set up better memorial service. Methods: Hospice team sent invitation card to 180 families of patients who admitted and passed away at hospice ward Nov., 2003${\sim}$Oct., 2004. Among them 22 families attended the BMS meeting, which was held on 26th Nov., 2004. The researcher collected data from 22 families with 'Questionnaire' survey. Except identifying data and 2 dichotomy questions, we used open-ended questionnaire. 1 researcher conducted a telephone interview survey in 18 families who couldn't attend at BMS meeting. Results: The median age was 56 (range $16{\sim}19$) and there were 37 females and 3 males. They were patient's wife (22), mother (4), husband (5), daughter (4), mother-in-law (1), siblings (1), brothers wife (1). Duration after bereavement, $1{\sim}3$ months (17) was the highest frequency. 36 families agreed 'the dead experienced the death with dignity'. The reason of agreement to the death with dignity was 'the patient died in preparation' (16). 'the patient died in well-being condition spiritually' (9), 'the patient died in comfort physically (7). 4. persons thought the dead died with indignity. The bereaved defined 'the death with dignity' as follows: 'acceptance of death & death in spiritual well-being' (9), 'death in physical comfort condition' (7), 'the death in psycho-social well-being' (3), non-respondents (10). Most families (21) were still in difficulty to overcome bereavement grief. The answer regarding the method to overcome the difficulty was 'with spiritual sublimation' (13), 'with devotion of oneself in daily life' (10), 'with devotion to mourning as it is' (3). With regard to their attitude to invitation, 'having joy and thanks from hospice team' (21), 'grief' (4), 'suffering' (4). Toward the existence of hesitation about attendance at BMS meeting, the result as follows. Nonexistence of hesitation respondent (34), existence respondent (6), the reason for hesitation was various; 'the meeting reminds me of the suffering times', 'the meeting makes me to recall, and it will be likely to cry', and so on. The needs and feelings to memorial service meeting were various; 'it was meaningful time', 'it was good to recall about the dead', 'more meeting annually' and so on. In respect of the most difficulty after bereavement, in attendant family, 'depression' (10) was the highest frequency, whereas, in non-attendant family, the most difficult thing was 'financial problem/role difficulty (6). Conclusion: This study shows the rate of attendance was high in bereaved whose bereavement duration $1{\sim}3$ month. Most of bereaved were still suffering from bereavement grief within 1 year. Although most families didn't hesitate and felt positive mood to invitation, the rate of attendance was low. Comparing with two groups between attendant family and non-attendant, the latter felt more difficulty in 'financial problem/role difficulty, on the other hand, the former felt difficulty in 'depression'. Hereafter, the additional study about the factor relating to these attitude and needs of the bereaved relating to memorial service will be necessary.

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The Seosan County Family Planning/Maternal & Child Health Service Research Project, Korea -Project Design and Findings of the Baseline Survey- (가족계획(家族計劃) 및 모자보건사업(母子保健事業)의 효율적 통합방안(統合方案)에 관한 연구(硏究)(서산군(瑞山郡)) -기초조사보고(基礎調査報告)-)

  • Bang, S.;Cho, T.H.;Lee, S.J.;Han, S.H.;Lim, K.J.;Ahn, M.Y.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.163-192
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    • 1983
  • In order to facilitate the Korean government's efforts in integrating family planning and maternal & child health at the primary health care level (or township level), the Soon Chun Hyang College of Medicine, with the financial and technical assistance of WHO, has under-taken a service research project. The project has employed a quasi-experimental study design introducing interventions tat provide crucial factors lacking in the ongoing government programs such as midwives and qualified referral physicians. The study is being conducted in three locations, one control area and two study areas. Before introducing trained Nurse/Midewives into the study areas, a baseline prevalence survey was undertaken from 15 July 1981 to 10 August 1981 in selelcted townships of Seosan County. In this sample survey of bath the study and control areas, 2,484 eligible women (97% reponse rate) were interviewed to obtain benchmark data on basic evaluation indicators related to family planning and maternal and child health. The salients results were summarized as follows.: 1. CONTACT RATES WITH HEALTH WORKERS; During the year preceding the survey, 12% of women were visited by government health workers. The primary reason for such visits by health workers was family planning (45% of the visits). About 34% of the women visited the health centers during the year. The primary reason for visiting health centers was immunizations for their children (45% of the visits). 3. FAMILY PLANNING USE RATE; The baseline data showed little difference between women in the study area and the control area on contraceptive use. Approximately 59% were currently using some methods. However, among those current users, almost half were practicing less effective methods of birth control such as rhythm or withdrawal. Among other methods, the tubectomy was the most popular (16%), while use of the IUD, oral pill and condom together reached only 14%. 3. PRENATAL CARE RATE; About 75% of the women reported no prenatal care for their last births (the youngest child of each women), Additionally, among women received prenatal care, over half had only one visit. 4. ATTENDANCE AT DELIVERY; Most of the women surveyed (over 80%) were attended by a non-medical person during their last delivery. These figures are somewhat comparable to the national figure of 84% for remote areas. 5. POSTNATAL CARE; The proportion of women reporting postnatal care was only 4.5%, and postnatal care was not received by the majority of women surveyed. 6. CHILD HEALTH CARE: In contrast to the low rate of maternity care for women themselves, most women reported obtaining immunization care for their children. About 75% of the women obtained Polio and/or DPT, 58% BCG, and 44% Measles vaccine for their children. However, in terms of illness care, while 35% of the women stated that their youngest child had been sick during the month preceding the survey, only 28% of these women took their child to the clinic for treatment. 7. COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY AND ABNORMALITIES IN THE NEWBORN; Among all last deliveries, 18% of the women had pregnancy complications and 9% of the women had complications during delivery About 5% of the women reported abnormality in their most recent newborn. 8. REPRODUCTION EFFICIENCY; PERINATAL MORTALITY AND INFANT MORTALITY Based on data from the pregnancy history in this survey, reproduction efficiency was estimated. Out of the 11,154 pregnancies reported by all women surveyed, foetal loss was 21% (almost 16% were induced abortions) and infant deaths before reaching one year old were 3.1%. The reproduction efficiency was, therefore, reduced to 76%. In terms of perinatal and infant mortality rates, the former was 40.2 per 1,000 total births and the latter was 39.3 per 1,000 live births. Both rates described J shaped relationships with age of mothers and parity, and they were also correlated with birth interval and mother's education. In summary, this baseline survey data indicated a need for (1) improving contraceptive practices with more effective methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies and (2) providing better services for maternal and child care to protect wanted pregancies. In the Korean rural setting. the author believes that the latter is more important as the value of each child has increased as a result of the family planning campaign for the past two decades. This calls for more effective integration of Family Planning and MCH programmes to meet the needs of the family in each stage of the child bearing and rearing period with deploying more qualified personnel than the current government program personnel.

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