A Survey on the Hand Washing Awareness and Behavior in Elementary Schools Serving Food in a Classroom in Busan

부산지역 교실배식 초등학교생들의 손 씻기 인식 및 이행 실태

  • Received : 2009.02.27
  • Accepted : 2009.06.03
  • Published : 2009.08.02


The principal objective of this study was to evaluate elementary students' awareness of the importance of hand washing, as well as their hand-washing behavior. The data was collected by self-reported questionnaire from 697 students in elementary schools with serving food in a classroom in Busan. Their hand-washing frequency was high, at '3~4 times per day (37.0%)'. 51.0% of the respondents did not wash their hands that often because they were 'not accustomed' to washing their hands, and 35.9% of respondents regarded washing their hands as 'annoying'. The most frequently reported hand washing agent was 'soap and water (71.4%)'. Approximately 95~98% of the respondents always washed their hands after using the bathroom, 87.9% of them washed their hands before eating food, and 86.7% of them washed their hands upon returning home. However, 27.3%, 34.1% and 65.9% of the respondents did not wash their hands after handling money, after eating, and after coughing or sneezing, respectively. Significant factors related to increased hand-washing frequency were gender (p<0.001) and the period of attendance at kindergarten (p<0.05). The mean scores of importance and performance of hand washing were significantly higher for girls than for boys. The group with higher rate (over 4.5/5.0) for the importance of sanitary hand-washing behavior showed significantly higher scores in hand-washing behavior before serving food and before eating than those of the lower rated group (below 4.0/5.0). This study shows that sanitation education is required not only for food handlers but also for students in school foodservices.



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