• 제목/요약/키워드: Association Rules

검색결과 1,390건 처리시간 0.028초

국제투자조약상 포괄적 보호조항(Umbrella Clauses)의 해석에 관한 연구 (Interpretation of the Umbrella Clause in Investment Treaties)

  • 조희문
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.95-126
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    • 2009
  • One of the controversial issues in investor-state investment arbitration is the interpretation of "umbrella clause" that is found in most BIT and FTAs. This treaty clause requires on Contracting State of treaty to observe all investment obligations entered into with foreign investors from the other Contracting State. This clause did not receive in-depth attention until SGS v. Pakistan and SGS v. Philippines cases produced starkly different conclusions on the relations about treaty-based jurisdiction and contract-based jurisdiction. More recent decisions by other arbitral tribunals continue to show different approaches in their interpretation of umbrella clauses. Following the SGS v. Philippines decision, some recent decisions understand that all contracts are covered by umbrella clause, for example, in Siemens A.G. v. Argentina, LG&E Energy Corp. v. Argentina, Sempra Energy Int'l v. Argentina and Enron Corp. V. Argentina. However, other recent decisions have found a different approach that only certain kinds of public contracts are covered by umbrella clauses, for example, in El Paso Energy Int'l Co. v. Argentina, Pan American Energy LLC v. Argentina and CMS Gas Transmission Co. v. Argentina. With relation to the exhaustion of domestic remedies, most of tribunals have the position that the contractual remedy should not affect the jurisdiction of BIT tribunal. Even some tribunals considered that there is no need to exhaust contract remedies before bringing BIT arbitration, provoking suspicion of the validity of sanctity of contract in front of treaty obligation. The decision of the Annulment Committee In CMS case in 2007 was an extraordinarily surprising one and poured oil on the debate. The Committee composed of the three respected international lawyers, Gilbert Guillaume and Nabil Elaraby, both from the ICJ, and professor James Crawford, the Rapportuer of the International Law Commission on the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, observed that the arbitral tribunal made critical errors of law, however, noting that it has limited power to review and overturn the award. The position of the Committee was a direct attack on ICSID system showing as an internal recognition of ICSID itself that the current system of investor-state arbitration is problematic. States are coming to limit the scope of umbrella clauses. For example, the 2004 U.S. Model BIT detailed definition of the type of contracts for which breach of contract claims may be submitted to arbitration, to increase certainty and predictability. Latin American countries, in particular, Argentina, are feeling collectively victims of these pro-investor interpretations of the ICSID tribunals. In fact, BIT between developed and developing countries are negotiated to protect foreign investment from developing countries. This general characteristic of BIT reflects naturally on the provisions making them extremely protective for foreign investors. Naturally, developing countries seek to interpret restrictively BIT provisions, whereas developed countries try to interpret more expansively. As most of cases arising out of alleged violation of BIT are administered in the ICSID, a forum under the auspices of the World Bank, these Latin American countries have been raising the legitimacy deficit of the ICSID. The Argentine cases have been provoking many legal issues of international law, predicting crisis almost coming in actual investor-state arbitration system. Some Latin American countries, such as Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, already showed their dissatisfaction with the ICSID system considering withdrawing from it to minimize the eventual investor-state dispute. Thus the disagreement over umbrella clauses in their interpretation is becoming interpreted as an historical reflection on the continued tension between developing and developed countries on foreign investment. There is an academic and political discussion on the possible return of the Calvo Doctrine in Latin America. The paper will comment on these problems related to the interpretation of umbrella clause. The paper analyses ICSID cases involving principally Latin American countries to identify the critical legal issues arising between developing and developed countries. And the paper discusses alternatives in improving actual investor-State investment arbitration; inter alia, the introduction of an appellate system and treaty interpretation rules.

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변환기(變換期)에 있어서의 국제민간항공기구(國際民間航空機構)(ICAD)와 항공법(航空法) 발전(發展)의 최근(最近) 동향(動向) (The International Civil Aviation Organization and Recent Developments of Air Law in a Changing Environment)

  • 최완식
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제4권
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 1992
  • The expansion of air transport on a global scale with ever increasing traffic densities has brought about problems that must be solved through new multilateral mechanisms. Looking to the immediate future, air transport will require new forms of international cooperation in technical and economic areas. Air transport by its very nature should have been a counterforce to nationalism. Yet, the regulatory system in civil aviation is still as firmly rooted in the principle of national sovereignty as when it was first proclaimed at t-11e Paris Convention of 1919 and reaffirmed in the Chicago Convention. Sovereignty over the airspace has remained the cornerstone of relations between states in all respects of air transport. The importance of sovereignty over air space embodied in article 1 of the Chicago Conrenton also is responsible for restricting the authority of ICAO as an intergovernmental regulatory agency. The Orgenization, for all its extensive efforts, has only limited authority. ICAO sets standards but cannot enforce them; it devises solutions but cannot impose them. To implement its rules ICAO most rely not so much on legal requirements as on the goodwill of states. It has been forty-eight years since international community set the foundations of the international system in civil aviation action. Profound political, economic and technological changes have taken place in air transport. The Chicago Convention is living proof that staes can work together to make air transport a safe mode of travel. The law governing international civil auiation is principally based on international treaties and on other regulation agreed to by governments, for the most part through the mechanism of ICAO. The role of ICAO international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with a broad range of technical matters could hardly be overestimated. The organization's ability to develop these standards and procedures, to adapt them continuously to the rapid sate of change and development of air transport, should be particularly stressed. The role of ICAO in the area of the development of multilateral conventions on international air law has been successful but to a certain degree. From the modest starting-point of the Tokyo Convention, we have seen more adequate international instruments prepared within the scope of ICAO activities, adopted: the Hague Convention of 1970 for the suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft and the Montreal Convention of 1971 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation. The work of ICAO in the new domain of international law conventions concerning what has been loosely termed above as the criminal problems connected with international air transport, in particular the problem of armed aggression against aircraft, should be positively appreciated. But ICAO records in the domain of developing a uniform legal system of international carriage by air are rather disappointing. The problem of maintaining and developing the uniformity of this regulation exceeds the scope of interest and competence of governmental transport agencies. The expectations of mankind linked to it are too great to give up trying to restore the uniform legal system of international air carriage that would create proper conditions for its further growth. It appears that ICAO has, at present, a good opportunity for doing this. The hasty preparation of ICAO draft conventions should be definitely excluded. Every Preliminary draft convention ought to be sent to Governments of all member-States for consideration, So that they could in form ICAO in due time of their observation. The problom of harmonizing a uniform law of international air carriage with that of other branches of international transport should demand more and more of its attention. ICAO cooperation with other international arganization, especially these working in the field of international transport, should be strengthened. ICAO is supposed to act as a link and a mediator among, at times the conflicting interests of member States, serving the happiness and peace of all of the world. The transformation of the contemporary world of developing international relations, stimulated by steadily growing international cooperation in its various dimensions, political, economic, scientific, technological, social and cultural, continuously confronts ICAO with new task.

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행정대집행 현장에서 민간경비업체의 폭력 유발 원인 분석과 대책 (Analysis and countermeasure of causes of inducing violence of private security companies on the actual sites of administrative execution by proxy)

  • 최기남
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제18호
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    • pp.119-141
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    • 2009
  • 행정대집행은 행정의 강제집행수단의 하나로 행정법상의 의무를 이행하지 않은 자를 대신하여 행정관청이나 제3자가 대행하고 소요비용을 의무자에게 청구하는 제도로 "강제대집행"이라고도 한다. 법에 의한 행정집행의 현장임에도 불구하고 물리력에 의한 강제집행이 시행됨으로 인하여 시행자와 의무자 사이에 온갖 폭력과 인권유린 행위가 난무하고 인적피해가 발생하여 사회문제화 되고 있으며, 경찰에 고발과 인권위원회에 진정하는 등의 경우가 점차 증가세에 있다. 이런 폭력의 현장에 동원되는 인원은 대부분 용역을 제공하는 민간경비업체가 공급하고 있으며, 경비원 자격이 없는 인원의 동원과 폭력조직과 연계된 소위 용역깡패의 무리한 대집행과 폭력행위가 문제 되고 있다. 이런 폭력의 현장에는 경제적 이권과 주거권, 생계형 투쟁, 외부의 개입 등 구조적으로 복잡한 문제가 내포되어 있다. 본 논문은 민간경비업체의 인원동원에 관심을 가지고 대집행 현장의 폭력의 유형과 폭력이 발생하는 원인을 분석하고 개선대책을 논의하였다. 그 결과로는 법과 제도적 개선으로 대집행의 현장에는 필히 시행청과 경찰관이 입회하여 민간경비업체의 물리적 집행이 합법적으로 이행되도록 통제하여야 하며, 폭력적 충돌양상이 발생하면 즉시 경찰이 개입하도록 명시하여야 한다. 시행청의 대집행에 대한 관행을 탈피하여 신중한 대집행 결정과 성과위주의 용역계약조건의 해소, 문제발생시 시행청의 책임 명시 등 수주과정에서의 폭력유발 요인을 제거해야 한다. 의무자의 집단행동을 통한 민원해결의 타성을 타파하고 공무집행의 방해나 대집행 비용의 청구 등 엄격한 법집행이 이루어져야하고, 제3자의 개입을 차단하여야 한다. 경비업체의 인원동원은 경비업법에 의한 자격과 교육을 이수한 인원으로 사전에 등록된 인원으로 제한하여야하며, 현장투입 전 관할 경찰관서에 근무지와 임무, 근무수칙 등을 명확히 기록한 집행계획서를 제출하도록 의무화하고, 복장, 장비 등 법규를 준수하도록 통제되어야 한다. 또한 폭력행위에 대한 개인의 형사적 책임을 명확히 하고, 사고 경력에 대한 수주의 제한 등 업체의 건전성 확보대책이 요구된다. 재활사업이란 명목의 특수단체의 수주행위가 근절되고, 도급과 하도급의 고리를 차단하여 능력과 법의 준수의지를 가진 업체가 수주하도록 해야 한다. 등이다. 주거권과 환경 등 사회문제, 생계, 보상 등의 개선대책 문제는 논외로 하였다.

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KODISA 연구윤리의 표절 판단기준과 글로벌 학술지 가이드라인 (The Standard of Judgement on Plagiarism in Research Ethics and the Guideline of Global Journals for KODISA)

  • 황희중;김동호;윤명길;이정완;이종호
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - In general, researchers try to abide by the code of research ethics, but many of them are not fully aware of plagiarism, unintentionally committing the research misconduct when they write a research paper. This research aims to introduce researchers a clear and easy guideline at a conference, which helps researchers avoid accidental plagiarism by addressing the issue. This research is expected to contribute building a climate and encouraging creative research among scholars. Research design, data, methodology & Results - Plagiarism is considered a sort of research misconduct along with fabrication and falsification. It is defined as an improper usage of another author's ideas, language, process, or results without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism has nothing to do with examining the truth or accessing value of research data, process, or results. Plagiarism is determined based on whether a research corresponds to widely-used research ethics, containing proper citations. Within academia, plagiarism goes beyond the legal boundary, encompassing any kind of intentional wrongful appropriation of a research, which was created by another researchers. In summary, the definition of plagiarism is to steal other people's creative idea, research model, hypotheses, methods, definition, variables, images, tables and graphs, and use them without reasonable attribution to their true sources. There are various types of plagiarism. Some people assort plagiarism into idea plagiarism, text plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and idea distortion. Others view that plagiarism includes uncredited usage of another person's work without appropriate citations, self-plagiarism (using a part of a researcher's own previous research without proper citations), duplicate publication (publishing a researcher's own previous work with a different title), unethical citation (using quoted parts of another person's research without proper citations as if the parts are being cited by the current author). When an author wants to cite a part that was previously drawn from another source the author is supposed to reveal that the part is re-cited. If it is hard to state all the sources the author is allowed to mention the original source only. Today, various disciplines are developing their own measures to address these plagiarism issues, especially duplicate publications, by requiring researchers to clearly reveal true sources when they refer to any other research. Conclusions - Research misconducts including plagiarism have broad and unclear boundaries which allow ambiguous definitions and diverse interpretations. It seems difficult for researchers to have clear understandings of ways to avoid plagiarism and how to cite other's works properly. However, if guidelines are developed to detect and avoid plagiarism considering characteristics of each discipline (For example, social science and natural sciences might be able to have different standards on plagiarism.) and shared among researchers they will likely have a consensus and understanding regarding the issue. Particularly, since duplicate publications has frequently appeared more than plagiarism, academic institutions will need to provide pre-warning and screening in evaluation processes in order to reduce mistakes of researchers and to prevent duplicate publications. What is critical for researchers is to clearly reveal the true sources based on the common citation rules and to only borrow necessary amounts of others' research.

중재합의와 중재판정에 관한 소고 -건설분쟁을 중심으로- (Brief Observation on Arbitration Agreement and Arbitral Award - Focusing on Construction Disputes -)

  • 조대연
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.273-314
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    • 2004
  • There is a belief in the construction industry that the traditional court system may not be an ideal forum to effectively and efficiently resolve construction disputes due to the protracted proceedings and the three tier appeal system resulting in a long delay in the final and conclusive settlement of the dispute, relatively high costs involved, the lack of requisite knowledge and experience in the relevant industry, etc. Hence, they assert that certain alternative dispute resolution ('ADR') methods, such as mediation, conciliation, arbitration or a new system for dispute settlement in the form of any combination thereof should be developed and employed for construction disputes so as to resolve them more promptly and efficiently to the satisfaction of all the disputants concerned. This paper discusses certain merits of such assertions and the need for additional considerations for effective resolution of the construction disputes in light of the complexity of the case, importance of expert witnesses, parties' relationship and non-level playing field of the construction industry and so on. At the same time, however, given the inherent nature of disputes rendering the parties involved in an adversarial position, it would rather be difficult, if not practically impossible, to satisfy all the parties concerned in the dispute. Accordingly, in this study, it is also purported to address the demerits of such assertions by studying the situation from a more balanced perspective, in particular, in relation to the operation of such ADRs. In fact, most of such ADRs as stipulated by special acts, such as the Construction Industry Basic Act of Korea, in the form of mediation or conciliation, have failed to get support from the industry, and as a result, such ADRs are seldom used in practice. Tn contrast, the court system has been greatly improved by implementing a new concentrated review system and establishing several tribunals designed to specialize in the review and resolution of specific types of disputes, including the construction disputes. These improvements of the court system have been warmly received by the industry. Arbitration is another forum for settlement of construction disputes, which has grown and is expected to grow as the most effective ADR with the support from the construction industry. In this regard, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board ('KCAB') has established a set of internal rules end procedures in operation to efficiently handle construction disputes. Considering the foregoing, this paper addresses the most important elements of the arbitration, i.e., arbitration agreement and arbitral award, primarily focusing on the domestic arbitrations before the KCAB. However, since this parer is prepared for presentation at the construction disputes seminar for the public audience, it is not intended for academic purposes, nor does it delve into any specific acadcmic issues. Likewise, although this paper addresses certain controversial issues by way of introduction, it mainly purports to facilitate the understanding of the general public, including the prospective arbitrators on the KCAB roster without the relevant legal education and background, concerning the importance of the integrity of the arbitration agreement and the arbitral award. In sum, what is purported in this study is simply to note that there are still many outstanding issues with mediation, conciliation and arbitration, as a matter of system, institutional operation or otherwise, for further study and consideration so as to enhance them as effective means for settlement of construction disputes, in replacement of or in conjunction with the court proceeding. For this purpose, it is essential for all the relevant parties, including lawyers, engineers, owners, contractors and social activists aiming to protect consumers' and subcontractors' interests, to conduct joint efforts to study the complicated nature of construction works and to develop effective means for examination and handling of the disputes of a technical nature, including the accumulation of the relevant industrial data. Based on the foregoing, the parties may be in a better position to select the appropriate dispute resolution mechanism, a court proceeding or in its stead, an effective ADR, considering the relevant factors of the subject construction works or the contract structure, such as the bargaining position of the parties, their financial status, confidentiality requirements, technical or commercial complexity of the case at hand, urgency for settlements, etc.

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국제항공(國際航空)테러리즘으로 인한 여객손해(旅客損害)에 대한 운송인(運送人)의 책임(責任) ("Liability of Air Carriers for Injuries Resulting from International Aviation Terrorism")

  • 최완식
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제1권
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    • pp.47-85
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    • 1989
  • The Fundamental purpose of the Warsaw Convention was to establish uniform rules applicable to international air transportation. The emphasis on the benefits of uniformity was considered important in the beginning and continues to be important to the present. If the desire for uniformity is indeed the mortar which holds the Warsaw system together then it should be possible to agree on a worldwide liability limit. This liability limit would not be so unreasonable, that it would be impossible for nations to adhere to it. It would preclude any national supplemental compensation plan or Montreal Agreement type of requirement in any jurisdiction. The differentiation of liability limits by national requirement seems to be what is occurring. There is a plethora of mandated limits and Montreal Agreement type 'voluntary' limits. It is becoming difficult to find more than a few major States where an unmodified Warsaw Convention or Hague Protocol limitation is still in effect. If this is the real world in the 1980's, then let the treaty so reflect it. Upon reviewing the Warsaw Convention, its history and the several attempts to amend it, strengths become apparent. Hijackings of international flights have given rise to a number of lawsuits by passengers to recover damages for injuries suffered. This comment is concerned with the liability of an airline for injuries to its passengers resulting from aviation terrorism. In addition, analysis is focused on current airline security measures, particularly the pre-boarding screening system, and the duty of air carriers to prevent weapons from penetrating that system. An airline has a duty to exercise a high degree of care to protect its passengers from the threat of aviation terrorism. This duty would seemingly require the airline to exercise a high degree of care to prevent any passenger from smuggling a weapon or explosive device aboard its aircraft. In the case an unarmed hijacker who boards having no instrument in his possession with which to promote the hoax, a plaintiff-passenger would be hard-pressed to show that the airline was negligent in screening the hijacker prior to boarding. In light of the airline's duty to exercise a high degree of care to provide for the safety of all the passengers on board, an acquiescene to a hijacker's demands on the part of the air carrier could constitute a breach of duty only when it is clearly shown that the carrier's employees knew or plainly should have known that the hijacker was unarmed. A finding of willful misconduct on the part of an air carrier, which is a prerequisite to imposing unlimited liability, remains a question to be determined by a jury using the definition or standard of willful misconduct prevailing in the jurisdiction of the forum court. Through the willful misconduct provision of the Warsaw Convention, air carrier face the possibility of unlimited liability for failure to implement proper preventive precautions against terrorist. Courts, therefore, should broadly construe the willful misconduct provision of the Warsaw Convention in order to find unlimited liability for passenger injuries whenever air carrier security precautions are lacking. In this way, the courts can help ensure air carrier safety and prevention against terrorist attack. Air carriers, therefore, would have an incentive to increase, impose and maintain security precautions designed to thwart such potential terrorist attacks as in the case of Korean Air Lines Flight No.858 incident having a tremendous impact on the civil aviation community. The crash of a commercial airliner, with the attending tragic loss of life and massive destruction of property, always gives rise to shock and indignation. The general opinion is that the legal system could be sufficient, provided that the political will is there to use and apply it effectively. All agreed that the main responsibility for security has to be borne by the governments. I would like to remind all passengers that every discovery of the human spirit may be used for opposite ends; thus, aircraft can be used for air travel but also as targets of terrorism. A state that supports aviation terrorism is responsible for violation of International Aviation Law. Generally speaking, terrorism is a violation of international law. It violates the soverign rights of the states, and the human rights of the individuals. I think that aviation terrorism as becoming an ever more serious issue, has to be solved by internationally agreed and closely co-ordinated measures. We have to contribute more to the creation of a general consensus amongst all states about the need to combat the threat of aviation terrorism.

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세무계획측면에서 분석한 동부그룹 물적분할 (Does Tax Really Matter in Planning the Dongbu Group's Spin-Offs?)

  • 전병욱;조형태
    • 기업가정신과 벤처연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 물적분할에 대한 법인세 과세제도가 개정된 2010년 7월을 전후해서 다수의 물적분할을 진행한 동부그룹의 구체적인 사례를 바탕으로 모든 거래당사자들의 관점에서 물적분할의 당사자인 분할법인과 분할신설법인의 법인세 부담이 최소화되도록 물적분할의 유형을 선택하는 거래를 구성했는지에 대하여 분석하였다. 2010년 6월 이전에 적용된 제1기 과세제도에서는 과세이연요건을 만족하는 적격물적 분할의 경우에 분할법인의 자산양도차익에 대한 과세이연을 통해 비적격물적분할에 비해 법인세 부담이 작아지는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 이에 반해 2010년 7월 이후부터 2011년 말까지 적용된 제2기 과세제도에서는 적격물적분할의 경우에 양도차익에 대해 분할법인과 분할신설법인에게 각각 장래의 주식처분시점과 자산의 처분 및 상각시점에서 과세함으로써 현재가치를 고려하면 비적격물적분할에 비해 상대적으로 세금부담이 커질 수도 있다. 본 연구에서 분석한 동부그룹의 4건의 분할 사례 중에서 1건((주)동부한농 사례)은 제1기 과세제도에서 이루어진 것이고, 3건((주)동부케미칼, (주)동부익스프레스 및 동부특수강(주) 사례)은 제2기 과세제도에서 이루어진 것인데, 조세비용의 측면에서 분석하면 (주)동부한농 분할사례는 적격분할일 것으로 예상되고, 나머지 3건의 분할사례는 구체적인 할인율 및 처분기간 등을 적용하면 비적격분할일 것으로 예상된다. 그러나, 해당 기업들의 합병 관련 공시 내용을 분석하면 이들 분할사례에서는 양도차익이 발생하지 않아서 분할방식의 선택을 통한 절세효과를 얻을 수 없었던 것을 확인할 수 있다. 이와 같이 조세비용의 측면에서는 전혀 유인이 없는 상황에서 동부그룹이 단기간에 4건의 물적분할을 한 것은 조세비용에 비해 비조세비용이 분할의사결정에 더욱 중요했던 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 즉, 이들 물적분할에 대하여 실무계에서는 악화된 그룹의 재무 구조를 개선하기 위한 것이라는 분석이 제기되었고, 실제로 물적분할을 통해 취득한 분할신설법인의 주식을 단기간에 매각한 사실도 확인할 수 있으므로 이러한 추론이 타당하다고 할 수 있을 것이다. 따라서, 본 연구의 분석을 통해 물적분할의 과정에서 분할법인과 분할신설법인의 세금부담을 동시에 고려하는 모든 거래당사자들(all parties)의 관점과 함께 조세비용과 비조세비용을 동시에 고려하는 모든 비용(all costs)의 관점도 중요하게 고려되어야 한다는 점을 확인할 수 있다. 또한, 이들은 효과적인 세무계획(effective tax planning)을 수립하기 위해 반드시 고려해야 하는 관점들이기 때문에 기업들이 중요한 의사결정에서 효과적인 세무계획을 실행하기 위해 다양한 측면에서 사전적으로 검토하는 사실도 간접적으로 확인할 수 있다.

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경찰 및 경호 관련학과 전공교과목에 대한 Q방법론적 선호도 분석 (A Analysis of Q-methodological Preference Degree about the Subjects on School Curriculum Related to the Police & Security Administration - Centering around the Subject of Study on Gwang Ju and Jeon Nam Region -)

  • 김평수
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제28호
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 2011
  • 상본 연구는 광주 전남 지역에서 근무하고 있는 현직경찰관의 견해를 경찰경호 관련학과 전공교과목에 대한 Q방법론적 선호도 분석을 실시하였다. 구체적으로 광주 전남 대학의 경찰행정 및 경호관련학과 전공교과목을 조합하여 27문항을 최종 진술문으로 추출하였으며 교과명이 유사하거나 중복된 교과목은 통합하고 다른 의미를 가진 교과목 간에는 분리 과정을 통해 질문지를 작성한 후 2011년 04월 현재 광주 전남지역에서 경찰관으로 재직 중인 20명을 최초 P-Sample로 선정하였다. 이 과정에서 불성실하게 응답한 6명의 자료를 제외한 14명의 자료를 최종 유효 표본으로 선정하였으며, QUANL. PC 프로그램을 적용 및 주 요인분석(principal component analysis)을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 경찰경호 2개 영역 모두 분석대상으로 삼는 것은 표본특성 및 전공영역이 다소 상이하므로 이 연구에서는 제1차 연구로서 경찰관만을 대상으로 한 경찰전공 영역 교과목에 국한하여 분석연구를 실시하였다. 따라서 경호영역은 후속연구로서 세밀한 분석을 추가 실시할 계획이다. 이러한 연구절차와 연구과정을 통해 제I, II, III유형의 경찰경호 관련학과 전공교과목 선호도 분석을 실시하였다. 구체적인 결과는 다음과 같다. 제I유형은 형법, 형사소송법, 형사특별법 등의 교과목이 긍정적인 동의를 보였다. 제II유형은 범죄수사학, 구급 및 응급처치, 호신술, 형법, 형사소송법 등이 긍정적인 동의를 보였다. 제III유형은 범죄학개론, 범죄수사학, 형사소송법, 경찰학개론, 경찰윤리 등이 긍정적인 동의를 보였다. 이를 토대로 각 유형 간의 일치항목 즉, 공통된 의견을 다음과 같은 결론으로 도출하였다. 우선 긍정적인 공통된 전공교과목으로는 범죄수사학, 범죄학개론, 경찰윤리, 형사특별법, 형사사법실무, 경찰행정론, 경찰법규실습, 구급 및 응급처치, 호신술, 민법총칙, 행정법 등의 교과목이 현장근무시 경찰관들이 느끼는 현실적이고 실증적인 교과목임을 알 수 있었다.

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사회적경제조직의 혁신활동 경험과 과제: 사회문제 해결형 연구개발사업을 중심으로 (Experiences of Social Economy Organizations in Innovation Processes: The Case of the Social Problem-solving R&D Programs)

  • 박희제;성지은
    • 과학기술학연구
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.247-289
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    • 2019
  • 이 연구는 사회문제 해결형 연구개발사업에 참여했던 세 사회적경제조직의 경험을 통해 한국의 국가연구개발사업에서 성공적인 시민참여가 이루어지기 위한 조건을 논의한다. 사회문제 해결형 연구개발사업은 리빙랩과 더불어 사회적경제조직의 참여를 필수요건으로 제시함으로써 새로운 형태의 시민참여를 국가연구개발사업에 도입하였다. 사회문제 해결형 연구개발사업의 요구조건은 연구책임자가 사회적경제조직을 사업단에 초대하게 했으나, 이러한 초대는 서로에 대한 충분한 이해가 동반되지 못한 채, 갑작스럽고 우연히 이뤄졌다. 이러한 형식의 제도적 장치는 한편으로사회적경제조직의 혁신활동 경험과 과제 사회적경제조직의 연구개발사업에의 참여를 유도했지만 다른 한편으로 이들이 과학기술전문가들이 주도하는 연구개발사업에 종속적으로 참여하도록 만드는 역할을 하였다. 한편 이들에게 사회문제 해결형 연구개발사업이 요구하는 과업인 리빙랩은 늘 해오던 활동의 연장선에 있는 익숙한 것으로 인식된 반면, 연구비처리 등 복잡한 행정절차가 가장 낯설고 어려운 경험이었다. 연구개발사업에서 주체별 지향의 차이도 분명했다. 사회적경제조직은 리빙랩에 참여하는 시민들이나 자신들은 개발된 제품의 실용화에 초점을 맞추는 반면, 과학기술자들은 상대적으로 연구에 초점을 맞춘다고 인식했다. 이러한 지향의 차이는 연구개발과정에서 마찰을 빚기도 했고, 과학기술자와는 달리 사회적경제조직이 자신이 참여했던 사회문제 해결형 연구개발사업을 성공적이지 못한 사업으로 평가하는 핵심적인 이유이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이들의 국가연구개발사업 경험은 개인에게나 조직에게나 혁신의 주체로 성장하는 데 중요한 학습기회를 제공했다.

건설분쟁 중재제도의 차별화 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on Differentiation and Improvement in Arbitration Systems in Construction Disputes)

  • 이선재
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.239-282
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    • 2019
  • The importance of ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution), which has the advantage of expertise, speed and neutrality due to the increase of arbitration cases due to domestic and foreign construction disputes, has emerged. Therefore, in order for the nation's arbitration system and the arbitration Organization to jump into the ranks of advanced international mediators, it is necessary to research the characteristics and advantages of these arbitration Organization through a study of prior domestic and foreign research and operation of international arbitration Organization. As a problem, First, education for the efficient promotion of arbitrators (compulsory education, maintenance education, specialized education, seminars, etc.). second, The effectiveness of arbitration in resolving construction disputes (hearing methods, composition of the tribunal, and speed). third, The issue of flexibility and diversity of arbitration solutions (the real problem of methodologies such as mediation and arbitration) needs to be drawn on the Arbitration laws and practical problems, such as laws, rules and guidelines. Therefore, Identify the problems presented in the preceding literature and diagnosis of the defects and problems of the KCAB by drawing features and benefits from the arbitration system operated by the international arbitration Institution. As an improvement, the results of an empirical analysis are derived for "arbitrator" simultaneously through a recognition survey. As a method of improvement, First, as an optimal combination of arbitration hearing and judgment in the settlement of construction disputes,(to improve speed). (1) A plan to improve the composition of the audit department according to the complexity, specificity, and magnification of the arbitration cases - (1)Methods to cope with the increased role of the non-lawyer(Specialist, technical expert). (2)Securing technical mediators for each specialized expert according to the large and special corporation arbitration cases. (2) Improving the method of writing by area of the arbitration guidelines, second, Introduction of the intensive hearing system for psychological efficiency and the institutional improvement plan (1) Problems of optimizing the arbitration decision hearing procedure and resolution of arbitration, and (2) Problems of the management of technical arbitrators of arbitration tribunals. (1)A plan to expand hearing work of technical arbitrator(Review on the introduction of the Assistant System as a member of the arbitration tribunals). (2)Improved use of alternative appraisers by tribunals(cost analysis and utilization of the specialized institution for calculating construction costs), Direct management of technical arbitrators : A Study on the Improvement of the Assessment Reliability of the Appraisal and the Appraisal Period. third, Improvement of expert committee system and new method, (1) Creating a non-executive technical committee : Special technology affairs, etc.(Major, supports pre-qualification of special events and coordinating work between parties). (2) Expanding the standing committee.(Added expert technicians : important, special, large affairs / pre-consultations, pre-coordination and mediation-arbitration). This has been shown to be an improvement. In addition, institutional differentiation to enhance the flexibility and diversity of arbitration. In addition, as an institutional differentiation to enhance the flexibility and diversity of arbitration, First, The options for "Med-Arb", "Arb-Med" and "Arb-Med-Arb" are selected. second, By revising the Agreement Act [Article 28, 2 (Agreement on Dispute Resolution)], which is to be amended by the National Parties, the revision of the arbitration settlement clause under the Act, to expand the method to resolve arbitration. third, 2017.6.28. Measures to strengthen the status role and activities of expert technical arbitrators under enforcement, such as the Act on Promotion of Interestments Industry and the Information of Enforcement Decree. Fourth, a measure to increase the role of expert technical Arbitrators by enacting laws on the promotion of the arbitration industry is needed. Especially, the establishment of the Act on Promotion of Intermediation Industry should be established as an international arbitration agency for the arbitration system. Therefore, it proposes a study of improvement and differentiation measures in the details and a policy, legal and institutional improvement and legislation.