• Title/Summary/Keyword: Architecture design

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Mutiagent based on Attacker Traceback System using SOM (SOM을 이용한 멀티 에이전트 기반의 침입자 역 추적 시스템)

  • Choi Jinwoo;Woo Chong-Woo;Park Jaewoo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2005
  • The rapid development of computer network technology has brought the Internet as the major infrastructure to our society. But the rapid increase in malicious computer intrusions using such technology causes urgent problems of protecting our information society. The recent trends of the intrusions reflect that the intruders do not break into victim host directly and do some malicious behaviors. Rather, they tend to use some automated intrusion tools to penetrate systems. Most of the unknown types of the intrusions are caused by using such tools, with some minor modifications. These tools are mostly similar to the Previous ones, and the results of using such tools remain the same as in common patterns. In this paper, we are describing design and implementation of attacker-traceback system, which traces the intruder based on the multi-agent architecture. The system first applied SOM to classify the unknown types of the intrusion into previous similar intrusion classes. And during the intrusion analysis stage, we formalized the patterns of the tools as a knowledge base. Based on the patterns, the agent system gets activated, and the automatic tracing of the intrusion routes begins through the previous attacked host, by finding some intrusion evidences on the attacked system.

The Design of Polynomial Network Pattern Classifier based on Fuzzy Inference Mechanism and Its Optimization (퍼지 추론 메커니즘에 기반 한 다항식 네트워크 패턴 분류기의 설계와 이의 최적화)

  • Kim, Gil-Sung;Park, Byoung-Jun;Oh, Sung-Kwun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.970-976
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    • 2007
  • In this study, Polynomial Network Pattern Classifier(PNC) based on Fuzzy Inference Mechanism is designed and its parameters such as learning rate, momentum coefficient and fuzzification coefficient are optimized by means of Particle Swarm Optimization. The proposed PNC employes a partition function created by Fuzzy C-means(FCM) clustering as an activation function in hidden layer and polynomials weights between hidden layer and output layer. Using polynomials weights can help to improve the characteristic of the linear classification of basic neural networks classifier. In the viewpoint of linguistic analysis, the proposed classifier is expressed as a collection of "If-then" fuzzy rules. Namely, architecture of networks is constructed by three functional modules that are condition part, conclusion part and inference part. The condition part relates to the partition function of input space using FCM clustering. In the conclusion part, a polynomial function caries out the presentation of a partitioned local space. Lastly, the output of networks is gotten by fuzzy inference in the inference part. The proposed PNC generates a nonlinear discernment function in the output space and has the better performance of pattern classification as a classifier, because of the characteristic of polynomial based fuzzy inference of PNC.

Design of a Low Power Digital Filter Using Variable Canonic Signed Digit Coefficients (가변 CSD 계수를 이용한 저전력 디지털 필터의 설계)

  • Kim, Yeong-U;Yu, Jae-Taek;Kim, Su-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.455-463
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    • 2001
  • In this Paper, an approximate processing method is proposed and tested. The proposed method uses variable CSD (VCSD) coefficients which approximate filter stopband attenuation by controlling the precision of the CSD coefficient sets. A decimation filter for Audio Codec '97 specifications has been designed having processor architecture that consists of program/data memory, arithmetic unit, energy/level decision, and sinc filter blocks, and fabricated with 0.6${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ CMOS sea-of-gate technology. For the combined two halfband FIR filters in decimation filter, the number of addition operations were reduced to 63.5%, 35.7%, and 13.9%, compared to worst-case which is not an adaptive one. Experimental results show that the total power reduction rate of the filter is varying from 3.8 % to 9.0 % with respect to worst-case. The proposed approximate processing method using variable CSD coefficients is readily applicable to various kinds of filters and suitable, especially, for the speech and audio applications, like oversampling ADCs and DACs, filter banks, voice/audio codecs, etc.

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New Sidelobe Canceller for 3-D Phased Array Radar in Strong Interference (강한 간섭 신호를 제거하기 위한 3차원 위상배열 레이다용 새로운 부엽제거기)

  • Cho, Myeong-Je;Han, Dogn-Seog;Jung, Jin-Won;Kim, Soo-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.10
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    • pp.144-155
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    • 1998
  • The array weights that will maximize the SNR for any type of noise environment are determined by the function of the antenna design configuration and the directions of receiving target and interference signals. The conventional SLCs(sidelobe cancellers) using the SNR maximization perform worst from the saturation of the receiving system of main channel when the main antenna has pattern with high gain at the arrival angle of strong interference. In this paper, the new SLC is accomplished by using two independent antenna architecture. Main antenna is implemented with adaptive nulling, which is used for rejecting high-power interference primarily. Auxiliary antenna is realized with adaptive array for receiving interference signal to be suppressed completely, which has a characteristics of sufficient gain for every direction. The new SLC is implemented with above both antennas. We show that the new SLC, which consists of the adaptive nulling main antenna and the adaptive array auxiliary antenna, is useful in reducing the effect of strong interference like jammer, because the adaptive nulling at main antenna prevents its receiver and signal processor for saturation by strong interference. The proposed SLC has improved SNR over the conventional SLCs. The improved SNR at sidelobe region is typically more than 7 dB for a given test signal. Moreover, it improves the SNR of about 20 dB under strong interference at mainlobe.

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Design and Implement of 50MHz 10 bits DAC based on double step Thermometer Code (50MHz 2단 온도계 디코더 방식을 사용한 10 bit DAC 설계)

  • Jung, Jun-Hee;Kim, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2012
  • This paper reports the test results of a 50MHz/s 10 bits DAC developed with $0.18{\mu}m$ CMOS process for the wireless sensor network application. The 10bits DAC, not likely a typical segmented type, has been designed as a current driving type with double step thermometer decoding architecture in which 10bits are divided into 6bits of MSB and 4bits of LSB. MSB 6bits are converted into 3 bits row thermal codes and 3 bits column thermal codes to control high current cells, and LSB 4 bits are also converted into thermal codes to control the lower current cells. The high and the lower current cells use the same cell size while a bias circuit has been designed to make the amount of lower unit current become 1/16 of high unit current. All thermal codes are synchronized with output latches to prevent glitches on the output signals. The test results show that the DAC consumes 4.3mA DC current with 3.3V DC supply for 2.2Vpp output at 50MHz clock. The linearity characteristics of DAC are the maximum SFDR of 62.02dB, maximum DNL of 0.37 LSB, and maximum INL of 0.67 LSB.

Hardware optimized high quality image signal processor for single-chip CMOS Image Sensor (Single-chip CMOS Image Sensor를 위한 하드웨어 최적화된 고화질 Image Signal Processor 설계)

  • Lee, Won-Jae;Jung, Yun-Ho;Lee, Seong-Joo;Kim, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a VLSI architecture of hardware optimized high quality image signal processor for a Single-chip CMOS Image Sensor(CIS). The Single-chip CIS is usually used for mobile applications, so it has to be implemented as small as possible while maintaining the image quality. Several image processing algorithms are used in ISP to improve captured image quality. Among the several image processing blocks, demosaicing and image filter are the core blocks in ISP. These blocks need line memories, but the number of line memories is limited in a low cost Single-chip CIS. In our design, high quality edge-adaptive and cross channel correlation considered demosaicing algorithm is adopted. To minimize the number of required line memories for image filter, we share the line memories using the characteristics of demosaicing algorithm which consider the cross correlation. Based on the proposed method, we can achieve both high quality and low hardware complexity with a small number of line memories. The proposed method was implemented and verified successfully using verilog HDL and FPGA. It was synthesized to gate-level circuits using 0.25um CMOS standard cell library. The total logic gate count is 37K, and seven and half line memories are used.

Design and Implementation of a Real-time Bio-signal Obtaining, Transmitting, Compressing and Storing System for Telemedicine (원격 진료를 위한 실시간 생체 신호 취득, 전송 및 압축, 저장 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jung, In-Kyo;Kim, Young-Joon;Park, In-Su;Lee, In-Sung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2008
  • The real-time bio-signal monitoring system based on the ZigBee and SIP/RTP has proposed and implemented for telemedicine but that has some problems at the stabilities to transmit bio-signal from the sensors to the other sides. In this paper, we designed and implemented a real-time bio-signal monitoring system that is focused on the reliability and efficiency for transmitting bio-signal at real-time. We designed the system to have enhanced architecture and performance in the ubiquitous sensor network, SIP/RTP real-time transmission and management of the database. The Bluetooth network is combined with ZigBee network to distribute traffic of the ECG and the other bio-signal. The modified and multiplied RTP session is used to ensure real-time transmission of ECG, other bio-signals and speech information on the internet. The modified ECG compression method based on DWLT and MSVQ is used to reduce data rate for storing ECG to the database. Finally we implemented a system that has improved performance for transmitting bio-signal from the sensors to the monitoring console and database. This implemented system makes possible to make various applications to serve U-health care services.

Optimum Mix Proportion of the High Strength and Self Compacting Concrete Used Above-Ground LNG Storage Tank (지상식 LNG 저장탱크용 고강도 자기충전 콘크리트의 최적배합에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2011
  • This study is to performed to find the optimum mix proportion of the high strength and self compacting concrete for the above-ground LNG storage tank construction and field application. If LNG storage tank wall thicknesscan be reduced, the construction cost and quality can be improved by using self-compacting high strength concrete with compressive strength 60~80 MPa. For this purpose, low heat cement (Type IV) and class F fly ash are used in concrete mix to control hydration heat, flowability, and viscosity. Mix design variables of unit water, fly ash replacement ratio, water-binder ratio, and fine aggregate ratio are selected and tested for material properties and manufacturing cost of the concrete. Also, fly ash replacement ratio is considered using confined water ratio test. The test results showed that the optimum mix proportion of the self-compacting high strength concrete characteristics are as follows. 1) In case of the concrete with specified compressive strength of 60 MPa, the optimum mix proportion is fly ash replacement ratio of 20% and water- binder ratio of 27~30%. 2) In case of the concrete with the strength of 80 MPa, the optimum mix proportion is fly ash replacement ratio of 10% and water-binder ratio 25%. But unit water and fine aggregate ratio are 165 $kg/m^3$ and $51{\pm}2%$, respectively, regardless of the traget concrete compressive strength range. Also, test results showed that concrete manufacturing cost of 60 MPa and 80 MPa concrete require additional costs of 14~22% and 33%, respectively, compared to the manufacturing cost of 40 MPa concrete. Therefore, application of the self-compacting high strength concrete has proven to be economical in the perspective of the material cost, quality control, and site management.

The Prediction Model of Carbonation Process by CO2 Diffusion Using the Air Permeability Coefficient for Concrete (콘크리트의 투기계수를 이용한 CO2확산 탄산화진행 예측모델)

  • Kang, Suk-Pyo;Kim, Young-Sun;Song, Ha-Won;Kim, Gyu-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2010
  • Recently, some mathematical models for the prediction on progress of carbonation of concrete were reported. These models take account for $CO_2$ diffusion and chemical reaction between $Ca(OH)_2$ and $CO_2$. Based on the assumption that $CO_2$ diffuses in the carbonation zone and reacts with $Ca(OH)_2$ at the outer face of carbonation zone and non-carbonation zone. In this study, a mathematical model to predict the progress of carbonation of concrete has been established based on the reducing concentration of $Ca(OH)_2$ in the carbonation progress zone, where $Ca(OH)_2$ reacts with $CO_2$ and $Ca(OH)_2$ and $CaCO_3$ coexist. Also, the prediction model of carbonation progress rate of concrete using the air permeability coefficient regarding to $CO_2$ diffusion is developed. As a result of this study, an expression, the model equation is obtained for the prediction of carbonation based on the time and interaction velocity between $CO_2$ and Ca(OH)$_2$ dependent air permeability coefficient. The prediction by the model satisfied the experimental data of the accelerated carbonation for painted concrete. Consequently, the model can predict the rate of carbonation and the potential service life of concrete structure exposed to atmosphere.

A Study on the Properties of Mortar using Wet-type Waste Sludge according to Heating Temperature (가열온도별 습식방식 폐슬러지를 활용한 모르타르의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Suk-Pyo;Cho, Ku-Young;Lee, Jun;Kim, Chang-Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2011
  • Recently, urban redevelopment programs and expansion of social infrastructure have caused massive amounts of construction waste in construction fields, and the mounds of it keep increasing every year. The disposal of construction waste is emerging as a national and social issue and the recycled powder generated by the treatment process of waste concrete is all being abolished or buried. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to utilize waste sludge generated by the wet-type treatment process of waste concrete as materials(binder, filler) for cement composite. This study evaluates physical and mechanical properties of mortar using recycled powder according to heating temperature, contents and applications. As a result of the chemical analysis, recycled powder is composed mainly of CaO and $SiO_2$, and that it is even lower in the content of CaO than OPC. The charateristics of mortar using recycled powder, according to drying and heating temperature, shows that as the heating temperature increases, flow decreases. Also, compressive strength and porosity of mortar using recycled powder was superior when heating temperature was $600^{\circ}C$. Thus, it is revealed that an effective development of recycled powder is possible since the binder by cement composite recovers a hydraulic property during heating at $600^{\circ}C$.

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