• Title/Summary/Keyword: Amount of solar radiation

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Development of a Solar Powered Water Pump by Using Low Temperature Phase Change Material ­ System Construction and Operation Analysis ­ (저온 상변화 물질 특성을 이용한 태양열 물펌프 실용화 연구개발(II) ­시스템 구성 및 작동분석)

  • 김영복;이양근;이승규;김성태;나우정;민영봉
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2003
  • In this study, the energy conversion equipment from the radiation energy to mechanical energy by using n­pentane as the operating fluid was constructed and the performance to pump the water was tested for the utilization of solar powered water pump. The equipment was designed optimally, after the theoretical analyses of the water pumping head and water quantity per cycle were done. The pentane vapour temperature in the condenser and the temperature of the outlet water from the condenser became lowered and the heat transfer rate became higher with decreasing the water inlet level to the condenser. The temperature difference between the condenser and the water tank was significant. Therefore, the distance between the water tank and condenser was recommended to be shorten and the diameter of their connecting pipe was recommended to be narrow in order to reduce the resistance of the fluid passage and improve the heat transfer rate. The amount of water pumped was 1.6­2.4 liters. Mass flow rate of the cooling water became lowered when the cooling water pipe was prolonged from the condenser to improve the heat transfer rate.

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Comparisons in Volumes of Irrigation and Drainage, Plant Growth and Fruit Yield under FDR Sensor-, Integrated Solar Radiation-, and Timer-Automated Irrigation Systems for Production of Tomato in a Coir Substrate Hydroponic System (토마토 코이어 수경재배에서 FDR센서, 적산일사량센서 및 타이머 급액방식에 따른 급배액량, 생육 및 과실수량 비교)

  • Choi, Eun-Young;Kim, Hee-Yong;Choi, Ki-Young;Lee, Yong-Beom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2016
  • Water drainage from the open hydroponics often causes significant environmental pollution due to agrochemicals and loss of water and nutrients. The objectives of this study were to show the potential application of an irrigation schedule based on threshold values of volumetric substrate water content for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. 'Samsamgu') cultivation in a commercial hydroponic farm during spring to summer cultivation. This study was performed for minimizing effluent from coir substrate hydroponics using a frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) sensor-automated irrigation, as compared with an integrated solar-radiation (IR) and conventional timer-irrigation (TIMER) after transplanting. In results, no significant difference in daily irrigation volume was found among the treatments until 88 days after transplant (DAT). However, during the 88 to 107 DAT, the daily irrigation volume was in the order of IR (2125 mL) > TIMER (2063 mL) > FDR (1983 mL), and during the 108 to 120 DAT, it was in the order of IR (2000 mL) > TIMER (1664 mL) > FDR (1500 mL). The lowest drainage volume was observed in the FDR treatment with the order of IR (12~19%) > TIMER (4~12%) > FDR (0~7%) during the entire growing period. A lower irrigation volume in the FDR treatment after 88 DAT may be due to the sensor's detecting capacity for less water absorption by plant after completing fruit maturity with apical pruning and removal of lower leaves, while a higher irrigation volume in the IR treatment may be due to gradual increase in integrated solar-radiation amount as closer to summer season. There was no significant difference in plant growth and fruit yield among the treatments; however, a 11% and 18% of higher soluble sugar content was observed in the FDR than that of TIMER and IR treatment. respectively.

Effect of Irrigation volume on Ions Content in Root Zone in Soilless Culture of Tomato Plant Using Coir Substrate (코이어 배지 이용 토마토 장기 수경재배시 급액량이 근권부 무기이온에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Gyeong Lee;Yeo, Kyung Hwan;Choi, Su Hyun;Jeong, Ho Jeong;Kim, Seung Yu;Lee, Seong Chan;Kang, Nam Jun
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2018
  • Also, t-cincreaseisdecreasein order In hydroponics, the accumulation of inorganic ions in the root zone are closely related to the irrigation volume. Therefore, the effects of irrigation volume on the growth and yield of tomatoes are very signigicant. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of irrigation volume on inorganic ions of root zone in hydroponic culture using coir substrate. The irrigation volume was adjusted to 4 levels depending on the integrated solar radiation for each growth period. The drainage ratio was calculated by daily amount of irrigation and drainage. The higher irrigation volume is, drainage ratio and water absorption tended to increase. But, the water absorption in the treatment of high irrigation volume was decreased in February and March compared to the treatment of medium high irrigation volume. By calculating monthly average irrigation volume and the drainage ratio, 120 to 1$40J/cm^2$ in January, 100 to $120J/cm^2$ in February, 80 to $100J/cm^2$ in March, 70 to $90J/cm^2$ in April and 60 to $75J/cm^2$ in May was detected as appropriate irrigation volume ranges which drainage ratio was 20-30%. The higher irrigation volume, the lower the concentration of ions decrease, which could prevent the accumulation of nutrients in the root zone. However, due to the characteristics of the coir substrate that absorbs ions, concentration of ions was significantly high when the drainage ratio was 20-30%. However, concentrations of P and K were sometimes lower in the drainage than that of irrigation water regardless of the treatment. Mg and S were the most highly accumulated ions even in the treatment of high irrigation volume. In low radiation season, there was no difference in the ion concentration in the drainage depending on the irrigation volume. In high radiation season, the lower irrigation volume, resulted to the higher ion concentration in the drainage. After March, it was difficult to prevent the increase of ions concetration in the drainage by only adjusting irrigation volume. Thus, it is necessary to decrease the EC of irrigation solution to prevent the accumulation of nutrients in the root zone.

Quantitative Analysis of Effects on Tree Growth of the Changes in Meteorological Environment around Imha Dam (임하댐 주변지역(周邊地域)의 기상환경(氣象環境) 변화(變化)가 수목생장(樹木生長)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 정량적(定量的) 분석(分析))

  • Shin, Man Yong;Chun, Jung Wha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.3
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    • pp.462-471
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of meteorological changes on tree growth due to the reservoir construction. First, climatic normals were estimated before and after the reservoir construction at the area of Imha, through the topoclimatological relationships. Secondly, the amount of meteorological changes was quantified based on the difference analysis of the climatic normals. Thirdly, the diameter increments of Pinus densiflora around Imha area were measured with increment borer. Sample trees were taken on the 6 points of 30m, 100m, 500m, 1km, 3km, and 5km from the reservoir, respectively. Finally, effects of meteorological changes on tree growth were investigated based on the analysis of tree ring increment patterns. Results showed that the growth of trees within the range of 1km from the reservoir had been increased, but the growth of ones out of 1km range had no relationship with meteorological changes after the reservoir construction. It seems that the diameter increment of trees grown near reservoir has been increased mainly due to the increased solar radiation in spring and the increased total amount of precipitation during growing season, compared with those before the reservoir construction. It is supposed, however, that the changes of monthly mean temperature has little effect on the tree growth because of its small amount of changes.

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An Experimental Study for Dryer (건조기 고안 제작에 관한 연구)

  • 최재갑
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.3677-3684
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    • 1975
  • A newly devised dryer with heated air for the farm products, especially suited for high water content materials such as red pepper, Beer ground, each Vegetables, and Low water content materials such as Rough rice was tested for its thermal efficiency and drying mechanism, and the optimum conditions for each sample were established. In order to improve the present rural situation of drying farm products which entirely dependent upon natural solar radiation, a study upon an economic multi-parpose dryer was conducted. A series of drying tests were run first with red pepper which is one of the important cash crop in Korean farm. And successive series of tests were also run with such proaucts as garlic, sweet potatoes, green onion, radish, Beer ground and Rough rice. The results from the above experiment in drying system with heat dryer can be summarized as follows. 1. Drying duration could be shortened by the tempering effect in high water content crop such as red pepper and beer ground. 2. The color changes occured in around 20% water content in red pepper. The degree of color change was heavily affected by high temperature and short drying duration. 3. The drying condition of red pepper was most favourable at the temperature of 85$^{\circ}C$ in early stage and 80$^{\circ}C$ in middle stage and 75$^{\circ}C$ at the final stage, and with the air rate of 0.81㎥/sec and with sample amount of 200kg. 4. The drying condition of Rough rice(I.R.667) was most favourable at the templature of 40$^{\circ}C$ in early stage and 35$^{\circ}C$ in middle stage and final stage and with the air rate of 0.2㎥/sec and with sample amount of 75kg. 5. In order to prevent the color change of red pepper and to assure high efficiency in drying mechanism, it was necessary to lower the temperature as the time passes in drying process. 6. For vege tables, the drying rate were short in early stage and there was also tempering effect. However, for garlics, Constant drying rates through the early and final stages were observed and there were no tempering effects. 7. The drying condition or capability were as follows; Sample drying temp($^{\circ}C$) amount of material(kg) drying time(hr) Red pepper 85 200 9 Garlic 85 150 7 Sweet potato 85 200 6 Green Onion 85 200 4 Carrot 85 200 4 Radish 90 250 4 Rough rice(I.R.667) 35 75 4 Beer ground 90 320 3 Considering the above result of experiments, if this kind of dryers were distributed Korean farm and the optimun process were practiced in rural area, it would certainly help them improving the qualites of their product preventing their undue losses, and thus assuring an increase of Korean farm income and promotion of their living standards.

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Analysis of On-orbit Thermal Environment of Earth Orbit Satellite during Mission Lifetime (지구궤도 인공위성의 임무기간 중 궤도 열 환경 분석)

  • Kang, Soojin;Yun, Jihyeon;Jung, Changhoon;Park, Sungwoo
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2020
  • The start of satellite thermal design was to predict the worst operating environment through analysis of the thermal environment of the operation orbit. Because the satellites have different types of operating trajectories for their mission, the exposed thermal environment also varies. Thus, it is necessary to analyze in consideration of the orbital conditions, and a design was performed to guarantee thermal stability for the worst case defined through the analysis. The orbital thermal environmental analysis required an understanding of the basic orbit mechanics and the heat exchange relationship between the space environment and satellite. The purpose of this paper was to provide an understanding of the orbital thermal environment analysis by providing basic data on the space thermal environment in the earth-orbit and describing thermal relations that calculate the amount of space heat inflow into satellites. Additionally, an example of a virtual satellite shows the overall process of analyzing the orbital thermal environment during a mission lifetime.

Assessing Middle School Students' Understanding of Radiative Equilibrium, the Greenhouse Effect, and Global Warming Through Their Interpretation of Heat Balance Data (열수지 자료 해석에서 드러난 중학생의 복사 평형, 온실 효과, 지구 온난화에 대한 이해)

  • Chung, Sueim;Yu, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.770-788
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to determine whether middle school students could understand global warming and the greenhouse effect, and explain them in terms of global radiative equilibrium. From July 13 to July 24 in 2021, 118 students in the third grade of middle school, who completed a class module on 'atmosphere and weather', participated in an online assessment consisting of multiple-choice and written answers on radiative equilibrium, the greenhouse effect, and global warming; 97 complete responses were obtained. After analysis, it was found that over half the students (61.9%) correctly described the meaning of radiative equilibrium; however, their explanations frequently contained prior knowledge or specific examples outside of the presented data. The majority of the students (92.8%) knew that the greenhouse effect occurs within Earth's atmosphere, but many (32.0%) thought of the greenhouse effect as a state in which the radiative equilibrium is broken. Less than half the students (47.4%) answered correctly that radiative equilibrium occurs on both Earth and the Moon. Most of the students (69.1%) understood that atmospheric re-radiation is the cause of the greenhouse effect, but few (39.2%) answered correctly that the amount of surface radiation emitted is greater than the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the Earth's surface. In addition, about half the students (49.5%) had a good understanding of the relationship between the increase in greenhouse gases and the absorption of atmospheric gases, and the resulting reradiation to the surface. However, when asked about greenhouse gases increases, their thoughts on surface emissions were very diverse; 14.4% said they increased, 9.3% said there was no change, 7.2% said they decreased, and 18.6% gave no response. Radiation equilibrium, the greenhouse effect, and global warming are a large semantic network connected by the balance and interaction of the Earth system. This can thus serve as a conceptual system for students to understand, apply, and interpret climate change caused by global warming. Therefore, with the current climate change crisis facing mankind, sophisticated program development and classroom experiences should be provided to encourage students to think scientifically and establish scientific concepts based on accurate understanding, with follow-up studies conducted to observe the effects.

Developing a Model to Predict Road Surface Temperature using a Heat-Balance Method, Taking into Traffic Volume (교통량을 고려한 열수지법에 의한 노면온도 예측모형의 구축)

  • Son, Young-Tae;Jeon, Jin-Suk;Whang, Jun-Mun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2015
  • In this study, to improve effectiveness of road management services and the safety of the road in winter, road surface temperature prediction model was developed. We have utilized the existing input data of meteorological data and additional traffic data. This Road surface temperature prediction model was utilizing a Heat-Balance Method additionally considering amount of traffic that produce heat radiation by vehicle-tire friction. This improved model was compared to the based model to check into influence of traffic affecting the road surface temperature. There were verified by comparing the real observed road surface temperature of the third Gyeong-In highway and road surface temperature from the two models. As a result, the error of real observed and the predicted value (RMSE) was found to average $1.97^{\circ}C$. Observed road surface temperature was dramatically affected by the sunlight from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and degree of influence decreases after that. The predictive value of the model is lower than the observed value in the afternoon, and higher at night. These results appear due to the shielding of solar radiation caused by the vehicle in the afternoon and at night, the vehicle appeared to cause thermal heat supply.

Characteristics of the soil loss and soil salinity of upland soil in saemangeum reclaimed land in western South Korea

  • Kim, Young Joo;Lee, Su Hwan;Ryu, Jin Hee;Oh, Yang Yeol;Lee, Jeong Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.316-316
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to estimate quantitatively soil salinity and soil loss at upland soils in agriculture land region in Saemangeum reclaimed land on the south Korea coasts. Soil loss and soil salinity are the most critical problem at reclaimed tidal saline soil in Korea. The several thematic maps of research area such as land cover map, topographic and soil maps, together with tabular precipitation data used for soil erosion and soil salinity calculation. Meteorological data were measured directly as air temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, and precipitation. The experiment was conducted 2% sloped lysimeter ($5.0m{\times}20.0m$) with 14 treatments and it were separated by low salinity division (LSD) and high salinity division (HSD) install. The cation content in ground water increased during time course, but in the case of land surface water the content was variable, and $K^+$ was lower than that of $Na^+$ and $Mg^{2+}$. At the LSD under rainproof condition, the salinity was directly proportional to soil water content, but at the HSD the tendency was no reversed. In condition of rainproof, the amount of soil salinity was higher at the HSD than at the LSD. Positive correlation was obtained between the soil water content and available phosphorous content at the rainfall division, but there was no significance at the surface soil of the rainproof division. Sodium adsorption ratio and anion contents in soil were repressed in the order of vinyl-mulching > non-mulching > bare field. According to the result of analyzing soil loss, soil loss occurred in a vinyl-mulching, a non-mulching and a bare field in size order, and also approximately 11.2 ton/ha soil loss happened on the reclaimed land area. The average soil loss amount by the unit area takes place in a non-mulching and bare field a lot. Our results indicate that soluble salt control and soil erosion are critical at reclaimed tidal saline soil and the results can provide some useful information for deciding management plans to reduce soil loss and salt damage for stable crop production and diverse utilization or cultivation could be one of the management options to alleviate salt damage at reclaimed tidal saline soil in Korea.

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Effects of Compound Fertilizer Applications on the Growth and Nut-production of Chestnut (밤나무에 대(対)한 복합비료(複合肥料)의 시용효과(施用効果)에 관(関)하여)

  • Maeng, D.W.;Chung, I.K.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 1981
  • In order to investigate effects of fertilization on the yield of chestnut trees and to compare the compound fertilizer (CF) and Boron contained compound fertilizers (BCF) for chestnut trees developed by Chosun Fertilizer Inc. with single fertilizers (SF) at different fertilizing levels, a field experiment was conducted during the 1979 and 1980 growing periods. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The growth of chestnut trees was markedly improved as increasing the amount of fertilizers regardless of the SF, CF or BCF. 2. The number of strobiles increased as increased amount of fertilizers, and the ratio of dropped strobiles decreased by more than 90 percent by the BCF application while that decreased by 12 to 47 percents by the SF or CF applications. It implies that the boron application be necessary for increasing strobiles and reducing the ratio of dropped strobiles. 3. The yield increments by the SF or CF applications at the standard level were 80 percent and that by the BCF application at the same level was 202 percent and the highest yield increment was recorded as high as 302 percent by the BCF application at the doubled level in 1979. The yield response in 1980 was similar to that in 1979; however, the yields were lower than in 1979 due to the abnormal weather conditions such as low temperature and low solar radiation during summer except BCF applicated treatments where the yields were outstandingly increased. 4. The BCF developed proved as a recommendable compound fertilizer for chestnut trees.

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