• Title/Summary/Keyword: Accident Analysis

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A Method of Developing a Ground Layer with Risk of Ground Subsidence based on the 3D Ground Modeling (3차원 지반모델링 기반의 지반함몰 위험 지반 레이어 개발 방법)

  • Kang, Junggoo;Kang, Jaemo;Parh, Junhwan;Mun, Duhwan
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2021
  • The deterioration of underground facilities, disturbance of the ground due to underground development activities, and changes in ground water can cause ground subsidence accidents in the urban areas. The investigation on the geotechnical and hydraulic factors affecting the ground subsidence accident is very significant to predict the ground subsidence risk in advance. In this study, an analysis DB was constructed through 3D ground modeling to utilize the currently operating geotechnical survey information DB and ground water behavior information for risk prediction. Additionally, using these results, the relationship between the actual ground subsidence occurrence history and ground conditions and ground water level changes was confirmed. Furthermore, the methodology used to visualize the risk of ground subsidence was presented by reconstructing the engineering characteristics of the soil presented according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) in the existing geotechnical survey information into the internal erosion sensitivity of the soil, Based on the result, it was confirmed that the ground in the area where the ground subsidence occurred consists of more than 40% of sand (SM, SC, SP, SW) vulnerable to internal erosion. In addition, the effect of the occurrence frequency of ground subsidence due to the change in ground water level is also confirmed.

A Study on Artificial Intelligence Ethics Perceptions of University Students by Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝으로 살펴본 대학생들의 인공지능 윤리 인식 연구)

  • Yoo, Sujin;Jang, YunJae
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.947-960
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we examine the AI ethics perception of university students to explore the direction of AI ethics education. For this, 83 students wrote their thoughts about 5 discussion topics on online bulletin board. We analyzed it using language networks, one of the text mining techniques. As a result, 62.5% of students spoke the future of the AI society positively. Second, if there is a self-driving car accident, 39.2% of students thought it is the vehicle owner's responsibility at the current level of autonomous driving. Third, invasion of privacy, abuse of technology, and unbalanced information acquisition were cited as dysfunctions of the development of AI. It was mentioned that ethical education for both AI users and developers is required as a way to minimize malfunctions, and institutional preparations should be carried out in parallel. Fourth, only 19.2% of students showed a positive opinion about a society where face recognition technology is universal. Finally, there was a common opinion that when collecting data including personal information, only the part with the consent should be used. Regarding the use of AI without moral standards, they emphasized the ethical literacy of both users and developers. This study is meaningful in that it provides information necessary to design the contents of artificial intelligence ethics education in liberal arts education.

A Study on the Smart Elderly Support System in response to the New Virus Disease (신종 바이러스에 대응하는 스마트 고령자지원 시스템의 연구)

  • Myeon-Gyun Cho
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2023
  • Recently, novel viral infections such as COVID-19 have spread and pose a serious public health problem. In particular, these diseases have a fatal effect on the elderly, threatening life and causing serious social and economic losses. Accordingly, applications such as telemedicine, healthcare, and disease prevention using the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) have been introduced in many industries to improve disease detection, monitoring, and quarantine performance. However, since existing technologies are not applied quickly and comprehensively to the sudden emergence of infectious diseases, they have not been able to prevent large-scale infection and the nationwide spread of infectious diseases in society. Therefore, in this paper, we try to predict the spread of infection by collecting various infection information with regional limitations through a virus disease information collector and performing AI analysis and severity matching through an AI broker. Finally, through the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, danger alerts are issued to the elderly, messages are sent to block the spread, and information on evacuation from infected areas is quickly provided. A realistic elderly support system compares the location information of the elderly with the information of the infected area and provides an intuitive danger area (infected area) avoidance function with an augmented reality-based smartphone application. When the elderly visit an infected area is confirmed, quarantine management services are provided automatically. In the future, the proposed system can be used as a method of preventing a crushing accident due to sudden crowd concentration in advance by identifying the location-based user density.

A Study on the Causes of Injury Codes by Case-Based Injury Code of External Causes Frequency Analysis (사례 중심의 손상코드 별 손상외인코드 빈도수 분석에 따른 손상코드 발생 원인에 관한 연구)

  • Eun-Mee Choi;Hye-Eun Jin;Jin-Hyoung Jeong
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the patients hospitalized with damage by injury code based on data for two years in 2020 and 2021 of A institution located in Gangneung, Gangwon-do. Analyzed the injury codes with a large number of occurrences per year, and analyzed the injury codes of external causes accordingly. The cause of the injury code was analyzed by analyzing the frequency of the injury code of external causes. Injury code S0650 had the highest frequency of injury code of external causes W189 and X5999, which was judged to be the cause of traumatic subdural hemorrhage without open intracranial wounds when falling in an unspecified place or toilet. Injury code S72120 had the highest frequency of injury code of external causes W010 and W180, and it was judged to be the cause of obstructive femoral intertrochanteric fracture that occurs when falling in the residence. The injury code S32090 had a high frequency of X5999, and it was analyzed that it caused the obstructive fracture of the lumbar region due to an accident caused by exposure in an unspecified place, and the injury code S72.090 had a high frequency of W010 and W180. It was confirmed that the cause of the obstructive fracture of the femoral neck was mainly caused by slipping or slipping in the residence, and the injury code S0220 had a high frequency of the injury code of external causes Y049, and it was confirmed that the fibula was fractured mainly by the force or fist. As such, the cause of the injury code was analyzed by analyzing the frequency of the injury code for each injury code of external causes.

Hyperspectral Image Analysis Technology Based on Machine Learning for Marine Object Detection (해상 객체 탐지를 위한 머신러닝 기반의 초분광 영상 분석 기술)

  • Sangwoo Oh;Dongmin Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.1120-1128
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    • 2022
  • In the event of a marine accident, the longer the exposure time to the sea increases, the faster the chance of survival decreases. However, because the search area of the sea is extremely wide compared to that of land, marine object detection technology based on the sensor mounted on a satellite or an aircraft must be applied rather than ship for an efficient search. The purpose of this study was to rapidly detect an object in the ocean using a hyperspectral image sensor mounted on an aircraft. The image captured by this sensor has a spatial resolution of 8,241 × 1,024, and is a large-capacity data comprising 127 spectra and a resolution of 0.7 m per pixel. In this study, a marine object detection model was developed that combines a seawater identification algorithm using DBSCAN and a density-based land removal algorithm to rapidly analyze large data. When the developed detection model was applied to the hyperspectral image, the performance of analyzing a sea area of about 5 km2 within 100 s was confirmed. In addition, to evaluate the detection accuracy of the developed model, hyperspectral images of the Mokpo, Gunsan, and Yeosu regions were taken using an aircraft. As a result, ships in the experimental image could be detected with an accuracy of 90 %. The technology developed in this study is expected to be utilized as important information to support the search and rescue activities of small ships and human life.

A Study on the Improvement of Safety and Health Activities in the Construction Contractor (Public Institutions) (건설공사 발주처(공공기관) 안전보건활동 수준향상에 관한 연구)

  • Ji-Hwan Moon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.624-633
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: It Vas intended to identify problems and derive improvement plans by grasping the current status of safety management of public institutions among construction Vork orders. Method: By comparing the disaster status of public institutions compared to the total construction Vork, the analysis Vas conducted based on the results of the evaluation of the level of safety activities of public institutions Vith a high disaster rate and the results of actual consulting. Result: As a result of comparing and analyzing the current status of safety management of public institutions, the current status and problems of safety management in public institutions Vith a high accident rate Vere similarly discovered. Safety management organizations, document management systems, safety management systems, and risk assessment activities are operated Vithout reflecting the size and characteristics of the organization, so improvement in the relevant field is needed. Conclusion: Safety-related professionals and organizations should be formed according to the size of construction orders, and responsibility and authority should be clearly assigned. Since risk assessment is conducted formally to prepare a safety and health ledger, it is necessary to derive risk factors to prevent safety accidents for the actual construction. It is expected that the level of safety activities can be improved if it is improved by reflecting the size and characteristics of public institutions.

A Study on the Prediction Models of Used Car Prices for Domestic Brands Using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 활용한 브랜드별 국내 중고차 가격 예측 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Seungjun Yim;Joungho Lee;Choonho Ryu
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.105-126
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    • 2023
  • The domestic used car market continues to grow along with the used car online platform service. The used car online platform service discloses vehicle specifications, accident history, inspection history, and detailed options to service consumers. Most of the preceding studies were predictions of used car prices using vehicle specifications and some options for vehicles. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that there was a nonlinear relationship between used car prices and some specification variables. Accordingly, the researchers tried to solve the nonlinear problem by executing a Machine Learning model. In common, the Regression based Machine Learning model had the advantage of knowing the actual influence and direction of variables, but there was a disadvantage of low Cost Function figures compared to the Decision Tree based Machine Learning model. This study attempted to predict used car prices of six domestic brands by utilizing both vehicle specifications and vehicle options. Through this, we tried to collect the advantages of the two types of Machine Learning models. To this end, we sequentially conducted a regression based Machine Learning model and a decision tree based Machine Learning model. As a result of the analysis, the practical influence and direction of each brand variable, and the best tree based Machine Learning model were selected. The implications of this study are as follows. It will help buyers and sellers who use used car online platform services to predict approximate used car prices. And it is hoped that it will help solve the problem caused by information inequality among users of the used car online platform service.

Development of Prediction Model for Improvement of Safety Facilities in Frequent Traffic Accidents (교통사고 잦은 곳 안전시설 개선 방안 예측 모델 개발)

  • Jaekyung Kwon;Siwon Kim;Jae seong Hwang;Jaehyung Lee;Choul ki Lee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2023
  • Accidents are greatly reduced through projects to improve frequent traffic accidents. These results show that safety facilities play a big role. Traffic accidents are caused by various causes and various environmental factors, and it is difficult to achieve improvement effects by installing one safety facility or facilities without standards. Therefore, this study analyzed the improvement effect of each accident type by combining the two safety facilities, and suggested a method of predicting the combination of safety facilities suitable for a specific point, including environmental factors such as road type, road type, and traffic. The prediction was carried out by selecting an XGBoost technique that creates one strong prediction model by combining prediction models that can be simple classification. Through this, safety facilities that have had positive effects through improvement projects and safety facilities to be installed at points in need of improvement were derived, and safety facilities effect analysis and prediction methods for future installation points were presented.

Experimental assessment of thermal radiation effects on containment atmospheres with varying steam content

  • R. Kapulla;S. Paranjape;U. Doll;E. Kirkby;D. Paladino
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.11
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    • pp.4348-4358
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    • 2022
  • The thermal-hydraulics phenomena in a containment during an accident will necessarily include radiative heat transfer (i) within the gas mixture due to the high radiative absorption and emission of steam and (ii) between the gas mixture and the surrounding structures. The analysis of some previous PANDA experiments (PSI, Switzerland) demonstrated the importance of the proper modelling of radiation for the benefit of numerical simulations. These results together with dedicated scoping calculations conducted for the present experiments indicated that the radiative heat transfer is considerable, even for a very low amount of steam (≈2%). The H2P2 series conducted in the large-scale PANDA facility at the Paul-Scherrer-Institut (PSI) in the framework of the OECD/NEA HYMERES-2 project is intended to enhance the understanding of thermal radiation phenomena and to provide a benchmark for corresponding numerical simulations. Thus, the test matrix was tailored around the two opposite extremes: either gas compositions with small steam content such that radiative heat transfer phenomena can be neglected. Or gas mixtures containing larger amounts of steam, so that radiative heat transfer is expected to play a dominant role. The H2P2 series consists of 5 experiments designed to isolate the radiation phenomena from convective and diffusive effects as much as possible. One vessel with a diameter of 4 m and a height of 8 m was preconditioned with different mixtures of air / steam at room and elevated temperatures. This was followed by the build-up of a stable helium stratification at constant pressure in the upper part of the vessel. After that, helium was injected from the top into the vessel which leads to an increase of the vessel pressure and a corresponding elevation-dependent and transient rise of the gas temperature. It is shown that even the addition of small amounts of steam in the initial gas atmosphere considerably impacts the radiative heat transport throughout all phases of the experiments and markedly influences i) the monitored gas peak temperature, ii) the temperature history during the compression and iii) the following relaxation phase after the compression was stopped. These PANDA experiments are the first of its kind conducted in a large scale thermal-hydraulic facility.

Statistical Analysis on Hospitalized Patients with Thoracolumbar Compression Fracture at Single Korean Medicine Hospital: Retrospective Review (일개 한방병원에서의 흉요추 압박골절 입원 환자에 대한 통계적 분석: 후향적 차트리뷰)

  • Hyun jin Jang;So jeong Kim;Min Ju Kim;Hyeon Kyu Choi;Pil Je Park;Yeon Soo Kang;Jeong Kyo Jeong;Ju Hyun Jeon;Young Il Kim
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.149-169
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study was designed to statistically analyze patients hospitalized for thoracolumbar compression fractures at Daejeon University Daejeon Korean Medicine Hospital from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021. Methods: A total of 62 patients were analyzed through electronic medical records in this study. The extracted data was analyzed using IBM SPSS ver.27.0. Results: 1. Traffic accident patients were more likely to reduce pain by more than half compared to falls and other patients. Patients without spinal disease were more likely to reduce pain by more than half compared to those without. The shorter the absolute bed rest and the longer the hospital stay, the higher the probability of pain reduction by more than half. 2. The duration of pain half-reduction was longer in patients with diabetes than in patients without diabetes. 3. The longer the hospitalization period and the shorter the absolute bed rest period, the less pain was reported upon discharge. Males complained of less pain at discharge than females, and patients without spinal disease complained less than those without. Patients who did not receive absolute bed rest complained of less pain upon discharge than those who did not. Conclusions: This study included patients hospitalized for thoracolumbar compression fractures and showed that etiology, absolute bed rest period, hospitalization period, gender, spinal disease, diabetes statistically affected the degree of pain reduction.