• Title/Summary/Keyword: A-maps

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A study on development of CRM chrysotile in soil (토양 중 백석면 표준물질 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yun-Ho;Kwon, Ye-Bin;Lee, Jin-Wook;Kim, Nam-Jun;Jeong, Min-Jong;Hwang, Beom-Goo;Lee, Jae-Hyung;Sun, Yle-Shik;Kim, Bak-Gil
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2013
  • Interested in NOA (Naturally Occurring Asbestos), Korea as well as the USA has been making geologic maps of asbestos distributed mines and surrounding areas, restoring mines, evaluating hazard, and so on. The result can be used to improve the reliability of analysts and analysis institutions by judging the amount of asbestos and set up PLM(Polarizing Light Microscope) information by analyzing in soil. The certification value of 2 kinds of CRM(Certified Reference Material) was performed by counting total 400 points with EPA 600-R-93-116 method using by PLM. The following is the result of homogeneity and stability of 2 kinds of manufactured CRM analyzed by ANOVA (Analysis of variance) and Regression Analysis. Based on the analyzation, the results are satisfied with homogeneity and long-term stability. The analyzed certification value of CRM includes the range of minimum and maximum value of point counting result for chrysotile; low concentration-1% (range, 0.25~3.00), high concentration-4% (range, 2.25~5.50).

User Interface for the 'Smombie Safe Go' App for Walking Safety (보행안전을 위한 앱서비스 'Smombie Safe Go' UI 연구)

  • Qiao, Xian Yue;Kim, Se-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 2020
  • The development in smartphone technology has brought convenience to the life of the mankind, but an excessive use of smartphones sometimes causes various accidents. This research tried to propose an application service 'Smombie Safe Go' UI(User Interface) that allows the prevention of such accident while using smartphones when walking. For this, after research and user observations, produced walker journey maps and derived necessary main functions needed for safety, and the result showed that transparent interface, obstacle location alert, warning of dangers functions were necessary. To make the contents of the service more detailed, hazardous situations faced during smartphone use when walking were classified into 3 situations : 1. Obstacle appearing in front, 2. traffic lights on crosswalks 3. No traffic lights on crosswalks. Scenarios by hazardous situation were written, and the flow and UI of the app service that warns its users in each situation of hazards were designed. it is predicted that 'Smombie Safe Go' may be possible to be utilized as an app service that provides a safe walking experience for not only regular pedestrians but also the blind population.

Psychosocial Adaptation in Multicultural Adolescents' with Perception of Parent-Child Relationships (다문화 가정의 부모-자녀 간 관계 특성에 따른 자녀의 심리사회적 적응 차이)

  • Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to identify latent profiles of multicultural adolescents' psychological outcomes (school participation, self-esteem, and difficulty related to multicultural identity) depending on their perception of the parent-child relationship. A total of 5,540 samples from the Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study (MAPS) conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute in 2018 were analyzed by using Latent Profile Analysis and one-way ANOVA. The best-fitting model identified five groups according to their perception of the parent-child relationship: (1) father low-mother average (6.5%), (2) father average-mother low (2%), (3) father low-mother low (18.6%), (4) father average-mother average (31.2%), and (5) father high-mother high (41.7%). According to the results of one-way ANOVA, the father high-mother high (41.7%) group of adolescents showed more school participants and higher self-esteem and multicultural identity than the other profiled groups. The father average-mother average (31.2%) group of adolescents also scored higher than the other three groups (father low-mother average (6.5%), father average-mother low (2%), and father low-mother low (18.6%) of adolescents). The results of this study imply that improving multicultural adolescents' perception of their parent-child relationships would be important in improving psychological outcomes.

Generation of Grid Maps of GPS Signal Delays in the Troposphere and Analysis of Relative Point Positioning Accuracy Enhancement (GPS 신호의 대류권 지연정보 격자지도 생성과 상대측위 정확도 향상 평가)

  • Kim, Dusik;Won, Jihye;Son, Eun-Seong;Park, Kwan-Dong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2012
  • GPS signal delay that caused by dry gases and water vapor in troposphere is a main error source of GPS point positioning and it must be eliminated for precise point positioning. In this paper, we implemented to generate tropospheric delay grid map over the Korean Peninsula based on post-processing method by using the GPS permanent station network in order to determine the availability of tropospheric delay generation algorithm. GIPSY 5.0 was used for GPS data process and nationwide AWS observation network was used to calculate the amount of dry delay and wet delay separately. As the result of grid map's accuracy analysis, the RMSE between grid map data and GPS site data was 0.7mm in ZHD, 7.6mm in ZWD and 8.5mm in ZTD. After grid map accuracy analysis, we applied the calculated tropospheric delay grid map to single frequency relative positioning algorithm and analyzed the positioning accuracy enhancement. As the result, positioning accuracy was improved up to 36% in case of relative positioning of Suwon(SUWN) and Mokpo(MKPO), that the baseline distance is about 297km.

Real-time 3D Feature Extraction Combined with 3D Reconstruction (3차원 물체 재구성 과정이 통합된 실시간 3차원 특징값 추출 방법)

  • Hong, Kwang-Jin;Lee, Chul-Han;Jung, Kee-Chul;Oh, Kyoung-Su
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.789-799
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    • 2008
  • For the communication between human and computer in an interactive computing environment, the gesture recognition has been studied vigorously. The algorithms which use the 2D features for the feature extraction and the feature comparison are faster, but there are some environmental limitations for the accurate recognition. The algorithms which use the 2.5D features provide higher accuracy than 2D features, but these are influenced by rotation of objects. And the algorithms which use the 3D features are slow for the recognition, because these algorithms need the 3d object reconstruction as the preprocessing for the feature extraction. In this paper, we propose a method to extract the 3D features combined with the 3D object reconstruction in real-time. This method generates three kinds of 3D projection maps using the modified GPU-based visual hull generation algorithm. This process only executes data generation parts only for the gesture recognition and calculates the Hu-moment which is corresponding to each projection map. In the section of experimental results, we compare the computational time of the proposed method with the previous methods. And the result shows that the proposed method can apply to real time gesture recognition environment.

Distribution of Cadmium, Copper, Lead, and Zinc in Paddy Soils around an Old zinc Mine (가학광산 주변 논토양의 카드뮴, 구리, 납 및 아연 함량 분포)

  • Yoo, Sun-Ho;Ro, Kwang-Jun;Lee, Sang-Mo;Park, Moo-Eon;Kim, Kye-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.424-431
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out to provide information for establishing counter measures of soil pollution through analysis of Cd. Cu, Pb, and Zn in paddy soils and brown rice. Cadmium, Cu, Pb, and Zn contents in soils were analyzed and distribution maps for these heavy metals were prepared. Heavy metal contents in brown rice were also measured. Average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in surface paddy soils extracted with 0.1 N HCl were 7.4, 35.8, 98.9, and $118.8mg\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. These were 9 times (Cu) to 50 times (Cd) higher than the background level of heavy metals in unpolluted paddy soils in Korea. The contents of Pb and Zn were lower than those measured in 1980, whereas Cd content did not decrease. The levels of heavy metal contamination in paddy soils may not affect growth or yield of rice plant, however, Cd contents indicated a level of serious concern to humans. The average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in brown rice were 0.38, 2.38, 1.31 and $22.31mg\;kg^{-1}$, respectively.

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Rediscovery of a Method for Preparation of Traditional Grape Tea (전통적인 포도차 제조방법의 재현에 관한 연구)

  • Im, Ga-Young;Jang, Se-Young;Kim, Jeong-Sook;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2010
  • In the Joseon Dynasty, various fruit teas were popularized to promote health, with spread of Donguibogam and Hyangyag gugeupbang. As interest in fruit tea has recently increased, studies on its manufacture have become necessary. We used response surface analysis for rediscovery and commercialization of grape tea. Major materials of traditional grape tea are grape juice, pear juice, ginger juice, and honey, and the sugar contents of these materials were 12.3, 14.1, 3.3 and 75 $^{\circ}Brix$, respectively. When sensory examinations were conducted with subjects aged 40-60 years, the difference between dilution ratios of 100% and 150% was not significant, but tea diluted by 150% showed somewhat higher scores than did tea diluted by 100%. Ginger taste and sweetness were found to have the greatest effect on overall acceptance. Regression analysis on color, flavor, taste, and overall acceptance values, with reference to ginger juice and honey as independent variables, revealed that the $R^2$ values were 0.8411, 0.6717, 0.9499, and 0.9015, respectively. Contour maps were superimposed to obtain an optimal combination of ingredients for traditional grape tea, and the indicated levels of ginger juice and honey were 0.46-0.69% and 3.85-5.20%, in combination with grape juice, pear juice, and water concentrations of 28%, 9% and 60% (all w/w), respectively. Thus, it is now possible to prepare traditional grape tea.

The Study on Optimal Image Processing and Identifying Threshold Values for Enhancing the Accuracy of Damage Information from Natural Disasters (자연재해 피해정보 산출의 정확도 향상을 위한 최적 영상처리 및 임계치 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung-Taek;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • This study mainly focused on the method of accurately extracting damage information in the im agery change detection process using the constructed high resolution aerial im agery. Bongwha-gun in Gyungsangbuk-do which had been severely damaged from a localized torrential downpour at the end of July, 2008 was selected as study area. This study utilized aerial im agery having photographing scale of 30cm gray image of pre-disaster and 40cm color image of post-disaster. In order to correct errors from the differences of the image resolution of pre-/post-disaster and time series, the prelim inary phase of image processing techniques such as normalizing, contrast enhancement and equalizing were applied to reduce errors. The extent of the damage was calculated using one to one comparison of the intensity of each pixel of pre-/post-disaster im aged. In this step, threshold values which facilitate to extract the extent that damage investigator wants were applied by setting difference values of the intensity of pixel of pre-/post-disaster. The accuracy of optimal image processing and the result of threshold values were verified using the error matrix. The results of the study enabled the early exaction of the extents of the damages using the aerial imagery with identical characteristics. It was also possible to apply to various damage items for imagery change detection in case of utilizing multi-band im agery. Furthermore, more quantitative estimation of the dam ages would be possible with the use of numerous GIS layers such as land cover and cadastral maps.

Clinical Study of Tumor Angiogenesis and Perfusion Imaging Using Multi-slice Spiral Computed Tomography for Breast Cancer

  • Xu, Na;Lei, Zhen;Li, Xiao-Long;Zhang, Jun;Li, Chen;Feng, Guo-Quan;Li, Di-Nuo;Liu, Jing-Yi;Wei, Qiang;Bian, Ting-Ting;Zou, Tian-Yu
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.429-433
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: To explore the correlation between multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) perfusion parameters and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as well as matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in breast cancer. Methods: Forty five breast cancer patients and 16 patients with benign breast tumor, both confirmed by pathology examination, were enrolled. All underwent MSCT perfusion imaging to obtain perfusion maps and data for parameters including blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV) and permeability surface (PS). Cancer patients did not receive treatment prior to surgery. The expression of VEGF and MMP-2 were examined with both immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. Results: The levels of VEGF and MMP-2 by immunohistochemistry were significantly higher in the breast cancer group (P < 0.01) than the benign tumor group. Relative OD values from Western blotting were also higher in cancer cases (P < 0.05). Similarly, the mean MSCT perfusion parameters (BF, BV, PS) were significantly higher in the breast cancer group (P < 0.01), BF and BV positively correlating with VEGF expression (r = 0.878 and 0.809 respectively, P < 0.01); PS and VEGF and MMP-2 expression were also positively correlated (r= 0.860, 0.786 respectively, P < 0.01). Conclusion: There is a correlation between breast cancer MSCT perfusion parameters and VEGF andMMP-2 expression, which might be useful for detection of breast lesions, qualitative diagnosis of breast cancer, and evaluation of breast cancer treatment.

An Assessment of Urban Amenity using Physical Environmental Factors (물리적 환경인자를 활용한 도시의 쾌적성 평가)

  • Lee, Woo-Sung;Gwak, Haeng-Goo;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.169-182
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to assess the urban amenity on physical environmental factors, and to verify the effectiveness of the amenity map using correlation analysis of the environmental quality. The physical environmental factors were set to 4 items of green space, landscape, water environment and land use, and the items were composed of 11 detail factors. Based on the factors, GIS maps were constructed and the amenity map was produced using overlay analysis. The results of this study are as follow; the proportion of 1~2 ranks was 40.8% of total area around Dalseong-gun, Dong-gu, Suseong-gu. The lower 6~7 ranks in the amenity assessment was 5.7% of total area around Jung-gu, Seo-gu, Dalseo-gu. According to the results of correlation analysis between the amenity and environmental observed data, $SO_2$ among the air pollution material had a negative correlation with amenity(r=-0.649, p<0.05). In case of water pollution, TN and TP had the negative correlations with amenity (r=-0.643, P<0.01; r=0.642, p<0.01).

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