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Analysis on Muscle Activities in the Upper Body of Caregivers according to Drive-Assisting Speeds of a Shower Carrier

  • Ko, Cheol Woong;Cho, Deok Yeon;Bae, Tae Soo
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.437-442
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    • 2013
  • Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of drive-assisting system in a shower carrier on the upper body muscle activities of caregivers through drivability tests. Background: In care facilities, one of the major ADL (Activities of Daily Living) factors is bathing/showering. Recently, bath/shower-assisting equipment is actively being introduced in care facilities to reduce caregivers' muscle burden. In particular, it is desirable to utilize a shower carrier equipped with drive-assisting system to effectively care for the elderly. However, there were few systematic studies on the relationship between muscle activities and drive-assisting speeds. Method: For the drivability tests to study the effects on the muscle activities according to the drive-assisting speeds(corresponding drive-voltages: 0.0V, 2.0V, 2.1V, 2.3V), 6 females in their 40s($43{\pm}4yrs$, $157{\pm}5cm$, and $54.5{\pm}1.5kg$) were selected. To measure muscle activities of caregivers through drivability tests, 7 muscles in the upper body(TM/Trapezius Muscle, DM/Deltoid Muscle, BBM/Biceps Brachii Muscle, TBM/Triceps Brachii Muscle, ECRLM/Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle, FCUM/Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle, and ESM/Erector Spinae Muscle) were selected. Results: In the TM, muscle activities were decreased as 21% compared to 0.0V, when drive-voltage 2.0V was applied, as 57% by 2.1V, and 62% by 2.3V(p<0.05), whereas 40%, 56%, and 69% of muscles activities were decreased respectively from the DM(p<0.05). Also, from the UL(BBM+TBM+ECRLM+FCUM), muscle activities were decreased by 17% with 2.0V as against 0.0V, by 47% with 2.1V, and 52% with 2.3V, whereas decreases in muscle activities from the ESM were found by 20%, 34%, and 42% respectively by 2.0V, 2.1V, and 2.3V(p<0.05). Conclusion: The muscle activities were decreased in the order of the DM, TM, ESM, and UL. As muscle activities were remarkably reduced as drive voltage were increased, it was expected to reduce the upper body muscle burden on the caregivers when using shower carriers equipped with driving-assist system. Applications: The results from this study can be applied for the development of a shower carrier including other equipment to possibly reduce the muscle burden of the caregivers.

The Relationship between Pain Perception Scale and Keratinization Rate of Oral Mucosa to Nd-YAG Laser Stimulation in Burning Mouth Syndrome Patients (구강작열감 증후군 환자에서 Nd-YAG 레이저 조사에 대한 구강점막 부위의 통증 인지도와 점막세포 각화도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Byung-Gook;Chung, Sung-Su
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2001
  • In order to determine how oral mucosal change relates to inducing factors of burning mouth syndrome, the difference in pain perception scale and keratinization rate between burning mouth syndrome patients and normal subjects were investigated. Twenty patients (13 female, 7 male, mean age: 59 years), presenting in the Department of Oral Medicine, Chonnam National University Hospital were participated in this study. All subjects had been complaining of constant oral burning pain for more than a year, none took any strong analgesics, and none had oral mucosal lesions. Twenty volunteers (11 females, 9 males, mean age: 25 years) were also participated in this study as a control group. The control subjects had never had any symptoms of oral burning pain. A thermal stimulation using a Nd-YAG laser and cytological smear were carried out to anterodorsal part of tongue, tip of tongue, the left buccal mucosa, the lower lip mucosa and the chief complaint site. Stimulation of the dorsum of left hand was also carried out to contrast the mucosal area of burning mouth syndrome subjects and the control subjects. The laser output power could be adjusted from 0.75W to 4W. The pain perception scale of the burning mouth syndrome subjects were lower than in control subjects in the chief complaint area, the anterodorsal part of tongue and the buccal mucosa(p<0.01). The keratinization rate of burning mouth syndrome subjects, however, was higher keratinization rate than in normal subjects in the same area and lower lip mucosa(p<0.001). From above results, the anterodorsal part of tongue is the most appropriate site to use diagnostic laser stimulation. The higher level of keratinization and the lower level of thermal pain perception of the burning mouth syndrome subjects are explained as a protective mechanism against xerostomia and burning sensations. The application of Nd-YAG laser stimuli and cytological smear to oral mucosal surface could therefore be usefully employed as appropriate and standardized diagnostic tools for chronic orofacial pain subjects.

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Effects of Root of Cibotii Rhizoma on Neuronal Damage of Spinal Cord Contusion Injury in Rats (구척(狗脊)이 흰쥐의 척수압박에 의한 신경세포 손상에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Won-Sang;Kim, Eun-Seok;Shin, Jung-Won;Kim, Bum-Hoi;Kim, Seong-Joon;Kang, Hee;Sohn, Nak-Won
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study was performed to evaluate the effects of root of Cibotii rhizoma(CR) ethanol extract on the tissue and neuronal damage of the spinal cord injury(SCI). Methods : SCI was induced by mechanical contusion following laminectomy of 10th thoracic vertebra in Sprague-Dawley rats. CR was orally given once a day for 7 days after SCI. Tissue damage and nerve fiber degeneration were examined with cresyl violet and luxol fast blue(LFS) histochemistry. HSP72(as neuronal damage marker), MAP2(as nerve fiber degeneration marker), c-Fos(immediate early gene), and Bax(pro-apoptotic molecule) expressions were examined using immuno-histochemistry. Individual immuno-positive cells expressing HSP72, MAP2, c-Fos and Bax were observed on the damaged level and the upper thoracic and lower lumbar spinal segments. Results : 1. CR reduced degeneration of nerve fibers and motor neuron shrinkage in the ventral horn of the lower lumbar spinal segment, but generally it did not seem to ameliorate the tissue injury following SCI. 2. CR reduced demyelination in the ventral and lateral funiculus of the lower lumbar spinal segment. 3. CR reduced HSP72 expression on the neurons in the peri-central canal gray matter adjacent to the damaged region. 4. CR strengthened MAP2 expression on the motor neurons in the ventral horn and on nerve fibers in the lateral funiculus of the lower lumbar spinal segment. 5. CR reduced c-Fos positive cells in the peri-lesion and the dorsal horn of the damaged level and in the ventral horn of the lower lumbar spinal segment. 6. CR reduced Bax positive cells in the peri-lesion and the dorsal horn of the damaged level and in the ventral horn of the lower lumbar spinal segment. Conclusions : These results suggest that CR plays an inhibitory role against secondary neuronal damage and nerve fiber degeneration. following SCI.

The study of U.K.'s FSMA on the insolvency of financial institutions and implications in South Korea (금융기관 정리절차와 관련된 법률적 고찰과 시사점: 영국 FSMA와 국내 관계법률을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Pyoung-Hoon;Kim, Shin-Wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2013
  • After studying FSMA 24, We found that the insolvency rule of financial institutions in FSMA consists of eight provisions: 1) voluntary arrangement, 2) administration order, 3) receiverships, 4) voluntary winding up, 5) winding up by the court, 6) bankruptcy, 7) provisions against debt avoidance, and 8) supplemental provisions in insurance cases. Insolvency provisions in FSMA explain powers and accountabilities of FSA in relation to these insolvency proceedings. Although there are some differences in proceedings, provisions entitle FSA the same status as creditors to petition the court, with a right to participate in related meetings and to be notified of any matters involving insolvency proceedings. The differences and implications between U.K.'s FSMA and Korean regulations are related to the insolvency rule of financial institutions. First, in FSMA, FSA has a comprehensive power to manage insolvency proceedings of financial institutions in a centralized way. However, Korean regulations have special laws to regulate insolvency in a decentralized way. The offices executing those laws are the Financial Services Committee, the Financial Supervisory Service, and the Financial Deposit Insurance Corporation. This characteristic results from an accelerated legislation procedures related to financial reform in 1997 Korean financial crisis. Second, FSA contains special provisions on continuation of contracts of long-term insurance considering the characteristics of insurance industry related to insolvency of financial institution. However, Korean insolvency rules applied to financial institutions do not consider industrial differences and the characteristics of financial contracts, so need to be supplemented in the future.

Radical scavenging and α-glucosidase inhibitory effects of Mongolian Iris bungei extract (몽골산 Iris bungei 추출물의 자유 라디칼 소거 및 α-glucosidase 저해 활성)

  • Jeong, Yun Hee;Jeong, Gyeong Han;Kim, Tae Hoon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.879-884
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    • 2017
  • In a continuing screening of selected medicinal plants native to Mongolia, the antioxidant and ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitory activities of methanol extract of Iris bungei were investigated. After extraction with 80% of methanol, the methanol fraction was further extracted with n-hexane, EtOAc and n-BuOH in order to obtain four different solvent-soluble fractions, namely n-hexane-soluble, EtOAc-soluble, n-BuOH-soluble and $H_2O$ residue. The antioxidant properties were evaluated by radical scavenging assay using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) ($ABTS^+$) radicals. The anti-diabetic efficacy of I. bungei extract was investigated by ${\alpha}$-glucosidase assay. All tested samples showed dose-dependent radical scavenging and ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitory activities. Among the tested extracts, the EtOAc-soluble fractions showed the greatest radical scavenging activity and ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitory properties among other solvent-soluble fractions. This result suggested that there was a significant relationship between the total phenolic content and biological efficacy. Thus, I. bungei extract might be considered as a new potential source of natural antioxidant and as a ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibitory source. A more systematic investigation of this biomass sill be performed for further investigation of activity against antioxidative and anti-diabetic effects.

Pharmacological Activities of Flavonoids (V): Spasmolytic Activities of Flavones and Flavonols on Rat Ileal Smooth Muscle Contraction Induced by Electrical Stimulation and Anaphylactic Reaction (Flavonoids의 약리작용(V) - 전기자극 및 과민반응으로 유발된 흰쥐 회장의 평활근수축에서 Flavones 및 Flavonols의 진경효과 -)

  • Ahn, Hong-Zick;Lee, Ji-Yun;Kim, Soo-Jeong;Kim, Jung-Min;Park, Ju-Hyun;Park, Sung-Hun;Sim, Sang-Soo;Kim, Chang-Jong
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.150-156
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    • 2007
  • Some flavonoids have spasmolytic activities in various smooth muscles, but structure-activity relationships on their spasmolytic activity and its mechanism are unclear. In this study, effects of flavones (flavone and apigenin) and flavonols (quercetin and rutin) on the rat ileal smooth muscle contraction were studied in vitro and in vitro. In the electric stimulation-induced contraction, all of four flavonoids inhibited concentration-dependently the rat ileal smooth muscle contraction induced by electric stimulation (10 mV, 0.1 cps, 0.1 msec duration), IC$_{50}$ of quercetin, apigenin, flavone and rutin were 0.98${\times}$10$^{-5}$, 1.20${\times}$10$^{-5}$, 1.55${\times}$10$^{-5}$ and 1.85${\times}$10$^{-5}$ M, respectively. Flavonoids at a concentration of 2${\times}$10$^{-5}$ M also significantly inhibited the anaphylactic contraction and decreased concentration-dependently the mast cell degranulation by anaphylactic reaction, IC$_{50}$ of quercetin, apigenin, flavone and rutin were 4.0${\times}$10$^{-5}$, 7.5${\times}$10$^{-5}$, 8.0${\times}$10$^{-5}$ and 9.5${\times}$10$^{-5}$ M, respectively. These results indicated that flavones and flavonols inhibited the rat ileal smooth muscle contraction induced by electric stimulation because of their antagonism against acetylcholine and have spasmolytic activities on anaphylactic contraction which may be due to their mast cell-stabilizing activities. Furthermore, double bond of C$_{2,3}$ in benzene ring of flavonoids may be important in the their antispasmodic activities on the rat ileal smooth muscle contraction induced by electric stimulation and anaphylactic reaction.

The Prediction Model of Adaptation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis - Propositional Synthesis of Roy's and Lazarus & Folkman's Theory - (류마티스 관절염 환자의 적응 예측모형 -Roy이론과 Lazarus 및 Folkman 이론의 명제 합성-)

  • Kim, In-Ja;Suh, Moon-Ja
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.197-220
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    • 1997
  • The lack of a comprehensive theory describing the mechanism of adaptation scientifically has been one of the limiting factors for the development of nursing intervention of patients with chronic illness. Since Roy's theory provides the general conceptual framework depicting adaptation process with structural stimuli and control mechanism, it is appropriate to understand the process of adaptation. But in Roy's theory, the propositions about cognator and regulator as control mechanisms are not clearly defined. For this reason, most of the previous researches applying the Roy's theory have disregarded the study of cognator and regulator. For the patients with chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis, it was reported that adaptation states were different for the same stimuli due to the difference of the control mechanism. Moreover in nursing it is important to identify the control mechanism which can be and must be intervened by nurses. It was the Lazarus and Folkman's theory that proposed the control mechanism. They suggested that individual differences in the reaction against the perceived stress are due to the difference in appraisal and coping. Therefore, the synthesis of Roy's and Lazarus and Folkman's propositions might help to clearly understand the mechanism of adaptation. From this point, a theoretical framework has been developed and tested. The subjects were the 297 patients who had been diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis and attended the outpatient clinic. A hypothetical prediction model of adaptation was tested by the covariance structure analysis with PC-LISREL 7.13. As a result, the overall fit was good($x^2$=78.83, p=0.00 ; GFI=0.96 : AGFI=0.90 ; RMR=0.04) for the hypothetical model. In the final model added GA(5, 1), the overall fit was increased ($x^2$=57.82, p=0.003 ; GFI=0.97 ; AGFI=0.93 : RMR=0.036). Except the fact that illness symptoms affected physical adaptation directly, it was supported that focal and contextual stimuli affected physical and psychosocial adaptation through appraisal and coping. Therefore, it was asserted that the synthesis of two theory's propositions was appropriate. So this model would be useful for the theoretical framework in the nursing practice. And this study synthesizing and testing the theory might contribute to establish nursing's scientific base.

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Duration of Competition and the Competitive Ability of Red Rice with Rich by Replacement Diagram (적미(赤米)의 경합기간(競合期間)과 밀도(密度)가 수도생육(水稻生育) 및 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ree, D.W.;Kim, J.C.;Kim, Y.H.;Hong, Y.K.;Son, S.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 1987
  • This experiment was conducted to find out the critical competitive period and competitive ability of rice against red rice. Plant height and number of tillers of rice decreased as red rice competed with rice during active tillering stage. The maximum tillering stage of rice competed with red rice became about 10days earlier than those non-competed. Significant yield reduction of rice was observed in the plots competed for 20 days after transplating or longer. Such a yield reduction can be mainly attributed to the decrease in number of panicles per hill and grain number per panicle. In a replacement diagram for rice and red rice, their competition is turned out being antagonized. The relative yield total was considered lower than 1. Grain number, culm and panicle length of rice was not affected significantly by inter-specific competition. Rice grain yield reduction was highly correlated with the number of panicles of red rice. Three hundred panicles/$m^2$ of the red rice were necessary to reduce rice grain yield by 50% of the check plot.

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Studies on the Cellular Metabolism in Microorganisms as Influenced by Gamma-irradiation.(II) - On the Respiration Rate and Dehydrogenase Actibity in Yeast Cells Irradiated by $\gamma$-ray. (미생물의 세포생리에 미치는 전이방사선의 영향에 관한 연구 (제 2보) - 효모균의 산소호흡기및 탈수소효소능에 대한 $\gamma$-ray 의 영향)

  • 김종협
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1967
  • Kim, Jong Hyup, (Div. of Biology, Atomic Energy Research Institute.) Studies on the Cellular Metabolism in Microorganisms as influenced by Gamma-irradiation(II). On respiration rate and dehydrogenase activity of yeast cells irradiated by gamma ray from cobalt-60. 1. Oxygen uptake rate of the gamma irraiated yeast cells had been measured with Warburg's manometer, and the $O_{2}$-uptake was compared with those of normal cells. The rate of endogetious respiration increases in its $O_2$-uptake at 150, 000 rentgen dose, and at higher rentoen doses it was decreased. Exogenous respiration begin to decrease in its O_2$-uptake at 5, 000r. doses of irradiation, further decrease with increasing of doses unproportionally. 2. It appears that plasma-membrane and nuclear membrane of yeast cells have changed and denatured by gamma-irradiation, as exogenous respiration of glucose had been decreased at a dose of 200, 000r's irradiation. 3. The activity of glucose, alcoholic, lactic, succinic and glutamic deliydrogenase (G.D.H., A.D.H., L.D.H., S.D.11., and GL.D.H.) in the gamma irradaited cells had been assayed by T.T.C.(Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) method and spectrophotometry, the obtained results were compared with those of normal cells. 4. At a dose of and 10, 000 rentgens' irradiation of gamma ray, the activty of each debydrogenase (G.D.H., A.D.H., L.D.H., ) shows a sharp and highest peak in optical absorbalicy, but each abtivity of S.D.H and Gl.D.H shows its' maximum peak at a dose of 30, 000r. 5. The curve of each dehydrogenase activity was found to be rhythmical according to dose-rate of gamma irradiation. 6. Comparing with activity of debydrogenase each other, the maximum peak in optical absorbency can be arranged according to order as follows; glucose > alcoholoic > lactic > glutamic > succinic, this order is identical to the order of breakdown utility in respiration of normal yeast cells. 7. The activity of dehydrogenase experimented exhibit a resistance against gamma irradiation at lethal dose of cells, and the activity of dehydrogenase are found to be much resistant than those of respiratory system. We may assume that the membrane substrate of mitochondria or cytoplasm had been destructed by gamma-irradiation much more than that of dehydronase system.

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Isolation and Characterization of a Paenibacillus incheonensis YK5 with Antimicrobial Activity aginst MRSA (항MRSA 활성을 보이는 Paenibacillus incheonensis YK5의 분리 및 특성)

  • Yoon, Young-Jun;Kim, Hye-Yoong;Lee, Tae-Soo;Kim, Jung-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.326-332
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    • 2008
  • Various bacteria were isolated from Korean soil samples based on their capability inhibiting the growth of MRSA strains. Among them, strain YK5 with the highest activity was a Gram positive sporulative bacillus with motility. It did not produce indole and no acid was formed from mannitol by the bacterium. The 16S rRNA sequence of the strain showed $95{\sim}98%$ homology with those of Paenibacillus spp.. The bacterial isolate shared the highest homology with that of P. elgii (98%), but was named as Paenibacillus incheonensis YK5 due to differences in physiological properties. Butanol extract of the P. incheonensis YK5 culture grown in SST medium at $37^{\circ}C$ for 96 hr showed a broad antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive (MRSA and Streptococcus pneumoniae) and negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae) pathogenic bacteria and fungi (Cryptococcus neoformans and Trichophyton). The antimicrobial activity in the crude extract was stable in a broad range of temperature and pH, $20{\sim}100^{\circ}C$ and $3.0{\sim}6.0$, respectively. Therefore, the antimicrobial activity of P. incheonesis YK5 had potential as a novel antibiotics for pathogens including MRSA.