• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-D Warping

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New laminate constitutive equations for analysing the mechanical behavior of anisotropic plates and shells

  • Mbangue Nzengwa Ekmon;Ngatcha Ndengna Arno Roland;Ngouanom Gnidakouong Joel Renaud;Nkongho Anyi Joseph;Nzengwa Robert
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.591-609
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    • 2024
  • Two novel laminate constitutive equations (LCE) for the static analysis of anisotropic shells are presented and implemented in this work. The LCE, developed for both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) analysis, are more general than those obtained using the Kirchhoff-Love (K-L) equations, Reissner-Minddlin (R-M) type models, refined 2D/3D models, and some general anisotropic doubly-curved shell theories. Our study presents a 2D LCE model that accounts for classical mechanical couplings based on previous models plus additional couplings including extensional-twisting-shearing, extensional-twisting, Gauss bending-twisting-shearing, and Gauss bending-shearing mechanical couplings related to the third fundamental, or Gauss tensor. Moreover, the developed 3D LCE model accounts for all 2D mechanical couplings cited above plus additional mechanical couplings due to the section warping tensor, which arises from the stretching-through-the-thickness variable. These mechanical couplings are pertinent to the optimal design of a composite and are often disregarded in various static and dynamic analysis studies. Neglecting these new mechanical couplings in the design and analysis of laminated composite shells (LCS) can result in significant errors, from both physical and mechanical viewpoint. As such, we recommend employing new complete constitutive relations that integrate these pertinent mechanical couplings for the aforementioned study. Based on our analysis of the impact of additional couplings, we have developed several mathematical formulations that address several challenges encountered in laminated shell theory. As we increase the shell's thickness ratio, our research examines the effects of these couplings on mechanical behavior, buckling shape, critical buckling pressure, and failure analysis through computational modelling and various tests. The examination of the thickness ratio of composite shells illustrates the contrast between our newly developed LCE and some existing LCE as the shells increase in thickness.

Processing and Microstructure of Alumina Coated with $Al_2O_3$/SiC Nanocomposite

  • Ha, Jung-Soo;Kim, C-S.;D-S. Cheong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Crystal Growth Conference
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    • 1997.06a
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 1997
  • The surface modificaion of alumina by $Al_2$O$_3$/SiC nanocomposite coating was studied in terms of processing and microstructure. A powder slurry of 5 vol% SiC composition was dipcoated onto presintered alumina bodies and pressurelessly sintered at 1$700^{\circ}C$ for 2 h in $N_2$. The used of organic binder and plasticizer in the slurry preparation, and the control of the density of presintered alumina body were found to be necessary to avoid cracking and warping during processing. The nanocomposite coating well bonded to the alumina body with thickness about 110 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. The average grain size of coating (2 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) was much finer than that of alumina body (13 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$). Fracture surface observations revealed mostly transgranular fracture for the coating, whereas intergranular fracture for the alumina body. Some pores (about 6%) were observed in the coating layer, although the alumina body showed fully dense microstructure.

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Implementing Multi-view 360 Video Compression System for Immersive Media (실감형 미디어를 위한 다시점 360 비디오 압축 시스템 구현)

  • Jeong, Jong-Beom;Lee, Soonbin;Jang, Dongmin;Ryu, Il-Woong;Le, Tuan Thanh;Ryu, Jaesung;Ryu, Eun-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2019.06a
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    • pp.140-143
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    • 2019
  • 본 논문에서는 사용자 시점에 대응하는 고화질 360 비디오 제공을 위해 다시점 360 비디오 중복성 제거기법을 적용하고 잔여 비디오를 하나의 영상으로 병합하여 압축 후 전송하는 시스템을 구현한다. 사용자 움직임 적응적 360 비디오 스트리밍을 지원하는 three degrees of freedom plus (3DoF+)를 위한 시스템은 다시점에서 촬영된 다수의 고화질 360 비디오 전송을 요구한다. 이에 대한 방안으로 다시점 비디오 간 중복성 제거를 위한 3D warping 을 기반으로 하는 뷰 간 중복성 제거 기술과 비디오 복원에 필요한 타일들만 추출 및 병합해주는 잔여 뷰 병합 기술에 대한 구현 내용을 설명한다. 제안된 시스템을 기반으로 다시점 360 비디오 전송을 수행하면, 기존 high-efficiency video coding (HEVC)을 사용하여 전송했을 때 대비 최대 20.14%의 BD-rate 감소가 가능함을 확인하였다.

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Real-Time Shadow Generation using Image Warping (이미지 와핑을 이용한 실시간 그림자 생성 기법)

  • Kang, Byung-Kwon;Ihm, In-Sung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2002
  • Shadows are important elements in producing a realistic image. Generation of exact shapes and positions of shadows is essential in rendering since it provides users with visual cues on the scene. It is also very important to be able to create soft shadows resulted from area light sources since they increase the visual realism drastically. In spite of their importance. the existing shadow generation algorithms still have some problems in producing realistic shadows in real-time. While image-based rendering techniques can often be effective1y applied to real-time shadow generation, such techniques usually demand so large memory space for storing preprocessed shadow maps. An effective compression method can help in reducing memory requirement, only at the additional decoding costs. In this paper, we propose a new image-barred shadow generation method based on image warping. With this method, it is possible to generate realistic shadows using only small sizes of pre-generated shadow maps, and is easy to extend to soft shadow generation. Our method will be efficiently used for generating realistic scenes in many real-time applications such as 3D games and virtual reality systems.

Investigation of Shape Parameters for a Profile with Variable-cross Sections Produced by Flexible Roll Forming (가변롤성형 공정을 이용한 단면이 가변하는 프로파일의 형상변수 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, J.C.;Cha, M.W.;Kim, D.G.;Nam, J.B.;Yang, D.Y.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2014
  • Flexible roll forming allows profiles to have variable cross-sections. However, the profile may have some shape errors, such as, warping which is a major defect. The shape error is induced by geometrical deviations in both the concave zone and the convex zone. In the current study, flexible roll forming was modeled with FE simulations to analyze the shape error and the longitudinal strain distribution along the flange section over the profile. A distribution of analytically calculated longitudinal strains was used to develop relationships between the shape error and the longitudinal strain distribution as a function of the defined shape parameters for the profile. The FE simulations showed that the shape error is primarily affected by the deviations between the distribution of analytically calculated longitudinal strain and the longitudinal strain distribution of the profile. The results show that the shape error can be controlled by designing the shape parameters to control the geometrical deviations at the flange section in the transition zones.

An Intelligent Monitoring System of Semiconductor Processing Equipment using Multiple Time-Series Pattern Recognition (다중 시계열 패턴인식을 이용한 반도체 생산장치의 지능형 감시시스템)

  • Lee, Joong-Jae;Kwon, O-Bum;Kim, Gye-Young
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.3
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    • pp.709-716
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes an intelligent real-time monitoring system of a semiconductor processing equipment, which determines normal or not for a wafer in processing, using multiple time-series pattern recognition. The proposed system consists of three phases, initialization, learning and real-time prediction. The initialization phase sets the weights and tile effective steps for all parameters of a monitoring equipment. The learning phase clusters time series patterns, which are producted and fathered for processing wafers by the equipment, using LBG algorithm. Each pattern has an ACI which is measured by a tester at the end of a process The real-time prediction phase corresponds a time series entered by real-time with the clustered patterns using Dynamic Time Warping, and finds the best matched pattern. Then it calculates a predicted ACI from a combination of the ACI, the difference and the weights. Finally it determines Spec in or out for the wafer. The proposed system is tested on the data acquired from etching device. The results show that the error between the estimated ACI and the actual measurement ACI is remarkably reduced according to the number of learning increases.

A Block-Based Volume Rendering Algorithm Using Shear-Warp factorization (쉬어-왑 분해를 이용한 블록 기반의 볼륨 렌더링 기법)

  • 권성민;김진국;박현욱;나종범
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.433-439
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    • 2000
  • Volume rendering is a powerful tool for visualizing sampled scalar values from 3D data without modeling geometric primitives to the data. The volume rendering can describe the surface-detail of a complex object. Owing to this characteristic. volume rendering has been used to visualize medical data. The size of volume data is usually too big to handle in real time. Recently, various volume rendering algorithms have been proposed in order to reduce the rendering time. However, most of the proposed algorithms are not proper for fast rendering of large non-coded volume data. In this paper, we propose a block-based fast volume rendering algorithm using a shear-warp factorization for non-coded volume data. The algorithm performs volume rendering by using the organ segmentation data as well as block-based 3D volume data, and increases the rendering speed for large non-coded volume data. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by rendering 3D X-ray CT body images and MR head images.

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View Synthesis Error Removal for Comfortable 3D Video Systems (편안한 3차원 비디오 시스템을 위한 영상 합성 오류 제거)

  • Lee, Cheon;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the smart applications, such as smart phone and smart TV, become a hot issue in IT consumer markets. In particular, the smart TV provides 3D video services, hence efficient coding methods for 3D video data are required. Three-dimensional (3D) video involves stereoscopic or multi-view images to provide depth experience through 3D display systems. Binocular cues are perceived by rendering proper viewpoint images obtained at slightly different view angles. Since the number of viewpoints of the multi-view video is limited, 3D display devices should generate arbitrary viewpoint images using available adjacent view images. In this paper, after we explain a view synthesis method briefly, we propose a new algorithm to compensate view synthesis errors around object boundaries. We describe a 3D warping technique exploiting the depth map for viewpoint shifting and a hole filling method using multi-view images. Then, we propose an algorithm to remove boundary noises that are generated due to mismatches of object edges in the color and depth images. The proposed method reduces annoying boundary noises near object edges by replacing erroneous textures with alternative textures from the other reference image. Using the proposed method, we can generate perceptually inproved images for 3D video systems.

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Rendering Quality Improvement Method based on Depth and Inverse Warping (깊이정보와 역변환 기반의 포인트 클라우드 렌더링 품질 향상 방법)

  • Lee, Heejea;Yun, Junyoung;Park, Jong-Il
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.714-724
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    • 2021
  • The point cloud content is immersive content recorded by acquiring points and colors corresponding to the real environment and objects having three-dimensional location information. When a point cloud content consisting of three-dimensional points having position and color information is enlarged and rendered, the gap between the points widens and an empty hole occurs. In this paper, we propose a method for improving the quality of point cloud contents through inverse transformation-based interpolation using depth information for holes by finding holes that occur due to the gap between points when expanding the point cloud. The points on the back are rendered between the holes created by the gap between the points, acting as a hindrance to applying the interpolation method. To solve this, remove the points corresponding to the back side of the point cloud. Next, a depth map at the point in time when an empty hole is generated is extracted. Finally, inverse transform is performed to extract pixels from the original data. As a result of rendering content by the proposed method, the rendering quality improved by 1.2 dB in terms of average PSNR compared to the conventional method of increasing the size to fill the blank area.

Warping and porosity effects on the mechanical response of FG-Beams on non-homogeneous foundations via a Quasi-3D HSDT

  • Mokhtar Nebab;Hassen Ait Atmane;Riadh Bennai;Mouloud Dahmane
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.90 no.1
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2024
  • This paper suggests an analytical approach to investigate the free vibration and stability of functionally graded (FG) beams with both perfect and imperfect characteristics using a quasi-3D higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) with stretching effect. The study specifically focuses on FG beams resting on variable elastic foundations. In contrast to other shear deformation theories, this particular theory employs only four unknown functions instead of five. Moreover, this theory satisfies the boundary conditions of zero tension on the beam surfaces and facilitates hyperbolic distributions of transverse shear stresses without the necessity of shear correction factors. The elastic medium in consideration assumes the presence of two parameters, specifically Winkler-Pasternak foundations. The Winkler parameter exhibits variable variations in the longitudinal direction, including linear, parabolic, sinusoidal, cosine, exponential, and uniform, while the Pasternak parameter remains constant. The effective material characteristics of the functionally graded (FG) beam are assumed to follow a straightforward power-law distribution along the thickness direction. Additionally, the investigation of porosity includes the consideration of four different types of porosity distribution patterns, allowing for a comprehensive examination of its influence on the behavior of the beam. Using the virtual work principle, equations of motion are derived and solved analytically using Navier's method for simply supported FG beams. The accuracy is verified through comparisons with literature results. Parametric studies explore the impact of different parameters on free vibration and buckling behavior, demonstrating the theory's correctness and simplicity.