• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3차원 가시화 시스템

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Development of the Visualization Prototype of Radar Rainfall Data Using the Unity 3D Engine (Unity 3D 엔진을 활용한 강우레이더 자료 시각화 프로토타입 개발)

  • CHOI, Hyeoung-Wook;KANG, Soo-Myung;KIM, Kyung-Jun;KIM, Dong-Young;CHOUNG, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 2015
  • This research proposes a prototype for visualizing radar rainfall data using the unity 3D engine. The mashup of radar data with topographic information is necessary for the 3D visualization of the radar data with high quality. However, the mashup of a huge amount of radar data and topographic data causes the overload of data processing and low quality of the visualization results. This research utilized the Unitiy 3D engine, a widely used engine in the game industry, for visualizing the 3D topographic data such as the satellite imagery/the DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and radar rainfall data. The satellite image segmentation technique and the image texture layer mashup technique are employed to construct the 3D visualization system prototype based on the topographic information. The developed protype will be applied to the disaster-prevention works by providing the radar rainfall data with the 3D visualization based on the topographic information.

A study on the discriminant analysis of node deployment based on cable type Wi-Fi in indoor (케이블형 Wi-Fi 기반 실내 공간의 노드 배치 판별 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Zin, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Won-Yeol;Kim, Jong-Chan;Kim, Yoon-Sik;Seo, Dong-Hoan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.836-841
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    • 2016
  • An indoor positioning system using Wi-Fi is essential to produce a radio map that combines the indoor space of two or more dimensions, the information of node positions, and etc. in processing for constructing the radio map, the measurement of the received signal strength indicator(RSSI) and the confirmation of node placement information counsume substantial time. Especially, when the installed wireless environment is changed or a new space is created, easy installation of the node and fast indoor radio mapping are needed to provide indoor location-based services. In this paper, to reduce the time consumption, we propose an algorithm to distinguish the straight and curve lines of a corridor section by RSSI visualization and Sobel filter-based edge detection that enable accurate node deployment and space analysis using cable-type Wi-Fi node installed at a 3 m interval. Because the cable type Wi-Fi is connected by a same power line, it has an advantage that the installation order of nodes at regular intervals could be confirmed accurately. To be able to analyze specific sections in space based on this advantage, the distribution of the signal was confirmed and analyzed by Sobel filter based edge detection and total RSSI distribution(TRD) computation through a visualization process based on the measured RSSI. As a result to compare the raw data with the performance of the proposed algorithm, the signal intensity of proposed algorithm is improved by 13.73 % in the curve section. Besides, the characteristics of the straight and the curve line were enhanced as the signal intensity of the straight line decreased by an average of 34.16 %.

Leakage noise detection using a multi-channel sensor module based on acoustic intensity (음향 인텐시티 기반 다채널 센서 모듈을 이용한 배관 누설 소음 탐지)

  • Hyeonbin Ryoo;Jung-Han Woo;Yun-Ho Seo;Sang-Ryul Kim
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.414-421
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we design and verify a system that can detect piping leakage noise in an environment with significant reverberation and reflection using a multi-channel acoustic sensor module as a technology to prevent major plant accidents caused by leakage. Four-channel microphones arranged in a tetrahedron are designed as a single sensor module to measure three-dimensional sound intensity vectors. In an environment with large effects of reverberation and reflection, the measurement error of each sensor module increases on average, so after placing multiple sensor modules in the field, measurement results showing locations with large errors due to effects such as reflection are excluded. Using the intersection between three-dimensional vectors obtained from several pairs of sensor modules, the coordinates where the sound source is located are estimated, and outliers (e.g., positions estimated to be outside the site, positions estimated to be far from the average position) are detected and excluded among the points. For achieving aforementioned goal, an excluding algorithm by deciding the outliers among the estimated positions was proposed. By visualizing the estimated location coordinates of the leakage sound on the site drawing within 1 second, we construct and verify a system that can detect the location of the leakage sound in real time and enable immediate response. This study is expected to contribute to improving accident response capabilities and ensuring safety in large plants.

A Study on the Representation of Ship Hull Forms Using NURBS Surface - The Development of a Free Form Cutting Machine ; Part I - (NURBS 곡면을 이용한 선형표현에 관한 연구 - 자유곡면 가공기계 개발(I) -)

  • H. Shin;K.W. Park;H.G. Park;I.H. Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2000
  • In order to develope ship hull forms. many various models are represented numerically in terms of B-spline surfaces and tested experimentally in the towing tank. It is very difficult to make various ship hulls with free forms in handiwork. As the first step of development of a free form cutting machine which becomes a good substitute for high-priced model cutting machines, free forms representation for model cutting are developed. In this paper, NURBUS surfaces are represented on the assumption that data points may be control points contrary to existing methods.

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Laboratory Experiments of a Ground-Penetrating Radar for Detecting Subsurface Cavities in the Vicinity of a Buried Pipe (매설관 주변 지하 공동 탐지를 위한 지하 탐사 레이다의 모의실험)

  • Hyun, Seung-Yeup
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, a feasibility on a ground-penetrating radar for detecting subsurface cavities near buried pipes has been investigated. The experimental setup was implemented by employing an impulse ground-penetrating radar system, a xy Cartesian coordinate robot, an underground material filled tank, a metal pipe and a simulated cavity model. In particular, the simulated cavity model was constructed by packing Styrofoam chips and balls, which have both similar electrical properties to an air-filled cavity and a solid shape. Through typical three experiments, B-scan data of the radar have been acquired and displayed as 2-D gray-scale images. According to the comparison of B-scan images, we show that the subsurface cavities near the buried pipes can be detected by using the radar survey.

Construction of the Fishing Grounds Information Management System using GIS (GIS를 이용한 양식어장 정보관리 시스템 구축)

  • Park, Sung-Eun;Choi, Woo-Jeung;Lee, Won-Chan;Koo, Jun-Ho;Jung, Rae-Hong;Park, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2004
  • This paper illustrates some practical geographic information system (GIS) applications for aiding fishery managers and coastal area planners in analysing the likely control scheme of coastal farming areas, and in providing a flexible framework for decision making on fishery development and zoning issues. The effective management of marine farming operation is vitally important since it can greatly influence economic availability by determining capital outlay and by affecting running costs, rates of productions and mortality factors. GIS has been widely adopted elsewhere as a potent management tool in both the private and public sectors. GIS is now being extensively adopted in marine-associated activities. Here, we have used GeoMania v2.5 GIS software and its 3D Analyst extension module to visualize marine farming areas data that were collected around the Jinhae bay.

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Augmented Reality based Learning System for Solid Shapes (증강현실 기반 입체도형 학습도구 시스템)

  • Yeji Mun;Daehwan Kim;Dongsik Jo
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2024
  • Recently, realistic contents such as virtual reality(VR) and augmented reality (AR) are widely used for education to provide beneficial learning environments with thee-dimensional(3D) information and interactive technology. Specially, AR technology will be helpful to intuitively understand by adding virtual objects registered in the real learning environment with effective ways. In this paper, we developed an AR learning system using 3D spatial information in the 2D based textbook for studying math related to geometry. In order to increase spatial learning effect, we applied to solid shapes such as prisms and pyramids in mathematics education process. Also, it allows participants to use various shapes and expression methods (e.g., wireframe mode) with interaction. We conducted the experiment with our AR system, evaluated achievement and interest. Our experimental study showed positive results, our results are expected to provide effective learning methods in various classes through realistic visualization and interaction methods.

Constrution and Application of Underground Facilities Survey System using the 3D Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information (3차원 지하공간통합지도를 활용한 지하시설물 현장 측량 시스템 구축 및 적용)

  • SONG, Seok-Jin;CHO, Hae-Yong;HEO, Hyun-Min;KIM, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2021
  • Recently, as underground space safety issues such as sink hole, ground subsidence and damage to old underground facilities have been increasing in urban areas, the precise management of underground facilities ins more required. Thus, this study developed a function to that, visualize on Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information a real-time survey data of underground facilities acquired on site or underground facility survey data acquired through on-site survey after underground facility exploration and developed a function convert to surveying-results. In addition, using the on-site survey performance utilization function in connection with the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information developed through this study, the surveying -results obtained with the Total-station at the water pipeline burial construction site in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul are visualized on the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information and On-site verification was performed by converting spatial-information performance files and transmitting the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information to the mobile center. Based on this, it was possible to verify the work procedure using the surveying-results in the area where the Integration Map of Underground Geospatial Information was built, and to review the direction of future improvement directions.

Development of a Tiled Display Framework for Supporting Mixed-Focus Collaboration (혼합형 협업을 지원하는 타일드 디스플레이 프레임워크 기술 개발)

  • Kim, Min-Young;Cho, Yong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.2698-2706
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    • 2010
  • Most tiled display systems supported a public workspace model where multiple users share the contents and work together on a large public screen. In this research, we developed ICE Display Framework, designed for supporting easy construction of tiled display applications allowing mixed-focus collaboration. Mixed-focus collaboration is a model that allows a number of users to work together as a group or individually on the large workspace. ICE Framework allows users to add personal contents on the tiled display without interrupting other users as well as to put shared works. In this paper, we compare ICE framework with previous research and explain the detail implementation. Then, we introduce the applications built with this framework and discuss the evaluation and analysis of the performance of the new framework.

Develop 3D Prostate Cancer Visualization Tool in Smart Care System (스마트 케어 시스템에서의 3차원 전립선 암 가시화 도구 개발)

  • Ahn, Byung Uk;Shin, Seung Won;Choi, Moon Hyung;Jung, Seung Eun;Kim, Kwang Gi
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, prostate cancer accounted for generating growth rate second the following thyroid cancer, because of western dietary habits. Survival rate of prostate cancer after clinical behavior is changed depend on follow-up management. A telemedicine have been applied to replacement of medical specialist in rural area, and a quick reaction to emergency situation. Our study developed prostate 3-dimensional (3D) visualization program and designed prostate aftercare system architecture, called smart care, using a device that can access the Internet. Region of interest (ROI) in prostate was manually segmented by physicians and visualized to 3D objects and sent to PACS Server as DICOM images. So, medical personnel could confirm patients' data along with 3D images not only PACS system, but also portable device like a smart phone. As a result, we conducted the aftercare service to 98 patients and visualize 3D prostate images. 3D images had advantage to instinctively apprehend where lesion is and make patients to understand state of their disease easily. In the future, should conduct an aftercare service to more patients, and will obtain numerical index through follow-up study to an accurate analysis.