• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2015 Curriculum

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Core Concepts of Home Economics: Management and Planning of Life-cycle (가정과교육과정에서의 핵심개념: 관리 및 생애설계)

  • Nam, Su-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we identified the theoretical basis of management and planning of life-cycle, the core concept of resource "Administration and Independence," of Home Economics curriculum according to "Notification of Education Ministry #2015-74." First in relation to "management", we identified the systematic theory, the theoretical basis of traditional home management, and diagnosed how this systematic theory is reflected on 2015' curriculum. As a result, the contents of actual curriculum's middle school contents does not include integrally the life related problems that middle students are facing in real life, and it is hard to be convinced what priority the element of selected contents have of several problems. Next, in case of planning of life-cycle that accentuates the importance of life plan corresponding to career orientation it mentions the contents including very comprehensive area such as value, profession, health as well as developmental task, but the fact leaves to be desired that 2015 curriculum is overlooking the importance of financial planning, the international trend.

Multicultural education shown in elementary school mathematics textbook based on 2015 revised curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정을 반영한 초등학교 1, 2학년 수학교과서에 나타난 다문화 교육)

  • Cho, SooYun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the multicultural mathematics education factor shown in mathematics textbook. For this purpose, 2015 revised curriculum, mathematics textbook and teacher's guide book of first and second grade were analyzed using framework for multicultural mathematics education factor. The results of this study revealed that the general guideline of the national curriculum included 'culture identity', 'diversity of knowledge' and 'social problem solving' but the curriculum of mathematics excluded 'culture identity'. Nevertheless, mathematics textbook showed various multicultural mathematics education factor except 'social problem solving'. But there are several kinds of problem. Fist, application level of multicultural mathematics education factor was mostly low. Second, history of mathematics and culture aspects were Europocentric. Thirds, characters in mathematics text book were excessively standard. there weren't other ethnicity, the disabled, multicultural students. On the basis of these results, this paper includes several implications for the future multicultural mathematics education in elementary school.

The Relationship Analysis of the Korean Science Curriculum with the Physical Science Domains of the 4th Grade TIMSS 2019 (TIMSS 2019의 4학년 물상과학 영역과 우리나라 과학 교육과정의 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Sun-Kyoung;Kim, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the physical science domain of TIMSS 2019 and the Korean science curriculum. Twelve subjects are presented in the physical science domain of the TIMSS 2019 4th grade evaluation framework. Research group consisting of elementary and middle school teachers and science education experts, a total of 12, participated to analyze in which grade these subjects were included in the Korea 2009 revised and 2015 revised science curriculum. As a results of analyzing whether the achievement standards of the TIMSS 2019 evaluation framework and Korean science curriculum are consistent, the subjects pertinent to chemistry like 'chemical changes in everyday life,' 'heat transfer,' and 'electricity and simple electrical circuits' appeared not covered at all until the 4th grade curriculum in Korea. Given that the TIMSS 2019 evaluation framework is an international achievement standard, we are proposing to improve the Korean curriculum as follows: first, for the development of the next science curriculum, there is a need for science curriculum organized from the 1st grade of elementary school to connect the content and scope of chemistry in elementary, middle, and high schools as a whole including the Nuri curriculum. Second, as an alternative to the problem of suitability of learning volume and level of learning, it is possible to think of a method to readjust the grade of dealing with related concepts by lowering the difficulty or simplifying the concept. Third, it is necessary to discuss about introducing essential concepts and standard terms into Korea science curriculum according to international trends.

A Study on Design and Operation of MIS Oriented Curriculum (경영정보 관련 학과의 교육과정 설계와 운영 방안: K대학 e-비즈니스학과 사례를 중심으로)

  • Oh, Chang Gyu;Lee, Hong Girl;Kim, Seong Hoo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.117-138
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    • 2015
  • Purpose To meet changing social demands and fulfill the needs of the information and communications technology industry, the curriculum of MIS related department should develop and implement new conceptual frameworks. In response, the purpose of this study was to develop curriculum for students in the Department of e-Business at Kyungnam University. Design/methodology/approach We conducted a demands analysis of educational demanders, NCS(National Competency Standards) based curricular analysis, and benchmarking from other management information systems related departments. The expert panel committee consisting of e-Business department faculty members was held to examine and discuss the student-oriented curriculum developed during this study. Findings Results show that the contents and types of curriculum should be organized so that students can maximize their professional job competency to apply to their core professional tasks. Given these findings, we reconstructed the curriculum with both basic and advanced courses, all systematically organized according to the job requirements they offer toward meeting the industry's needs. We also implemented the web-based JSSS(Job Searching Support System) with which educational demanders can search among 13 job types, estimate their performances, and obtain the information about course registration. In all this study presents specific, practical evidence of the job-related curriculum for students in the Department of e-Business at Kyungnam University.

Integrative Home Economics Curriculum Development from a Critical Science Perspective through Deliberation (숙의를 통한 비판과학 관점의 통합 지향적 가정교과 교육과정 개발)

  • Ju, Sueun;Yoo, Taemyung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.447-461
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    • 2015
  • This study developed an integrative curriculum design plan for Home Economics through a deliberation method. This study established a research framework to integrate the deliberation models of Schwab, Walker, and Reid that inherited the intellectual tradition of curriculum deliberation along with the practical reasoning process of Brown and Paolucci from a critical science perspective. The practical research problem was formulated as "What should be done to develop a Home Economics integrative curriculum?" To address this practical research problem, deliberation with deliberators of each small, medium, and large groups was processed for the development of integrative curriculum design plans. An initial proposal was developed from small group deliberation processes. An initial proposal was examined and an alternative plan was developed from medium group deliberation processes. An alternative plan and its consequence were re-examined from large group deliberation processes. The authors finalized a proposal organized on four valued ends of self-formation, intersubjectivity, social action, and life skills. A practical problem focused integrative curriculum was developed and proposed to pursue the four valued ends. The suggested final practical problem focused curriculum demonstrates the power of Home Economics to contribute to the advancement of individuals, families, and society as well as the practical empowerment of students.

An Exploration of International Trends about the Core Competencies in Mathematics Curriculum (수학과 교육과정에 반영된 핵심역량의 국제적 동향 탐색)

  • Kim, Sun Hee;Park, Kyungmee;Lee, Hwan Chul
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.65-81
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the international trends of how the core competencies are reflected in mathematics curriculum, and to find the implications for the revision of Korean mathematics curriculum. For this purpose, the curriculum of the 9 countries including the U.S., Canada(Ontario), England, Australia, Poland, Singapore, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong were thoroughly reviewed. It was found that a variety of core competencies were reflected in mathematics curricula in the 9 countries such as problem solving, reasoning, communication, mathematical knowledge and skills, selection and use of tools, critical thinking, connection, modelling, application of strategies, mathematical thinking, representation, creativity, utilization of information, and reflection etc. Especially the four most common core competencies (problem solving, reasoning, communication, and creativity) were further analyzed to identify their sub components. Consequently, it was recommended that new mathematics curriculum should consider reflecting various core competencies beyond problem solving, reasoning, and communication, and these core competencies are supposed to combine with mathematics contents to increase their feasibility. Finally considering the fact that software education is getting greater attention in the new curriculum, it is necessary to incorporate computational thinking into mathematics curriculum.

Critical Review of 'Skills' in the 2015 Revised Science National Curriculum (2015 개정 과학과 교육과정의 '기능'에 대한 비판적 검토)

  • Kwon, Munho;Park, Jongseok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2020
  • The 'core concepts', 'generalized knowledge', and 'skills' are newly introduced in the 'contents system' of the 2015 revised national curriculum, and the 'skills' are not clearly defined in the science curriculum. There is a problem of uniformly presenting 'skills' in all 'areas' of science subjects. In this study, it was intended that the teachers' clear understanding of the 'skills' and the philosophy of the revised curriculum would be applied to the school classrooms through the critical problem recognition and consideration of 'skills' newly introduced in the 'contents system' of the 2105 revised science curriculum. First, we reviewed 'science and engineering practice' in the NGSS, which was a reference to the introduction to the curriculum, and identified the problems of 'skills' presented in the science curriculum. It also analyzed critically by comparing 'skills' and 'practices' with other subjects and previous curriculum. Based on this critical analysis, we suggested the following. First, introduce 'skills' items that can implement scientific key competencies, and clearly define each item. Second, present 'skills' that are appropriate according to the subject, 'area', 'core concept', and grade(group) and describe in detail how to apply 'skills' and, third, present 'skills' directly in 'achievement standards'.

Comparing the 2015 with the 2022 Revised Primary Science Curriculum Based on Network Analysis (2015 및 2022 개정 초등학교 과학과 교육과정에 대한 비교 - 네트워크 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Jho, Hunkoog
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.178-193
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study was to investigate differences in the achievement standards from the 2015 to the 2022 revised national science curriculum and to present the implications for science teaching under the revised curriculum. Achievement standards relevant to primary science education were therefore extracted from the national curriculum documents; conceptual domains in the two curricula were analyzed for differences; various kinds of centrality were computed; and the Louvain algorithm was used to identify clusters. These methods revealed that, in the revised compared with the preceding curriculum, the total number of nodes and links had increased, while the number of achievement standards had decreased by 10 percent. In the revised curriculum, keywords relevant to procedural skills and behavior received more emphasis and were connected to collaborative learning and digital literacy. Observation, survey, and explanation remained important, but varied in application across the fields of science. Clustering revealed that the number of categories in each field of science remained mostly unchanged in the revised compared with the previous curriculum, but that each category highlighted different skills or behaviors. Based on those findings, some implications for science instruction in the classroom are discussed.

Analysis of Teachers' Perceptions on the Subject Competencies of Integrated Science (통합과학 교과 역량에 대한 교사들의 인식 분석)

  • Ahn, Yumin;Byun, Taejin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2020
  • In the 2015 revised curriculum, 'Integrated Science' was established to increase convergent thinking and designated as a common subject for all students to learn, regardless of career. In addition, the 2015 revised curriculum introduced 'competence' as a distinctive feature from the previous curriculum. In the 2015 revised curriculum, competencies are divided into core competencies of cross-curricular character and subject competencies based on academic knowledge and skills of the subject. The science curriculum contains five subject competencies: scientific thinking, scientific inquiry, scientific problem solving, scientific communication, scientific participation and life-long learning. However, the description of competencies in curriculum documents is insufficient, and experts' perceptions of competencies are not uniform. Therefore, this study examines the perceptions of science subjects in science high school teachers by deciding that comprehension of competencies should be preceded in order for competency-based education to be properly applied to school sites. First, we analyzed the relationship between achievement standards and subject competencies of integrated science through the operation of an expert working group with a high understanding of the integrated science achievement standards. Next, 31 high school science teachers examined the perception of the five subject competencies through a descriptive questionnaire. The semantic network analysis has been utilized to analyze the teachers' responses. The results of the analysis showed that the three curriculum competencies of scientific inquiry, scientific communication, scientific participation and life-long learning ability are similar to the definitions of teachers and curriculum documents, but in the case of scientific thinking and scientific problem solving, there are some gaps in perception and definition in curriculum documents. In addition, the results of the comprehensive analysis of teachers' perceptions on the five competencies show that the five curriculum competencies are more relevant than mutually exclusive or independent.

Educational Objectives in Computing Education: A Comparative Analysis

  • An, Sangjin;Lee, Youngjun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2016
  • This study examined three elementary school computing curriculum - the CSTA K-12 computer science standards, the computing programme of the national curriculum in England, and the 2015 national curriculum in Korea - focusing on the educational objectives with the perspective of the revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The CSTA K-12 computer science standards mainly addressed applying procedural knowledge and using digital technology is the main theme. The computing programme in England concentrated on understanding factual and conceptual knowledge of computer science, such as algorithms. The 2015 national curriculum also addressed applying procedural knowledge, but the main focus is making softwares and robots. The findings of this comparative analysis suggest that it is needed to set up concrete educational objectives for lower grade and make them related to the secondary education to make more coherent elementary-level learning objectives. And elementary-level computing learning objectives are needed to be organized with the perspective of knowledge and cognitive process level.