The bone mineral density built in adolescence and college term is formed to the highest level between 25 years old and 35 years old and the formed bone mineral density is decreasing in the middle years and senescence. Decrease of the bone mineral density causes Osteopenia and an increase of dangerousness of a bone fracture which become social health problems. This research is to give guidance for the right living style by surveying the relation between the bone mineral density and college students' life. The result is like below. First of all, most objects of the research were insufficient of quantity of motion and the diet they have was consisted of instant food. It was far from the right living habit and exercise and the bone mineral density was also low. Second of all, male students showed more osteopenia than female students in this research and the smokers' bone mineral density was lower than nonsmokers, which proved that smoking in adolescence was related to the bone mineral density. Finally, the opportunistic eating and living style and the excessive diet and unequal caloric intake caused by the notion of preference for a slim person are considered to be the main reasons for the decrease of the bone mineral density.
The decrease of bone mineral density gives rise to the outbreak of osteopenia and makes the possibility of a bone fracture. It makes health problems in society. It's very important to prevent osteopenia in advance. Also it's critical to prevent and take care of it in adolescent because it's the most developing period comparing to middle ages because that bone mineral density decreases. There are genetic, physical and enviromental factors that affect bone mineral density. Recently, a lifestyle and eating habits are also changing as the society atmosphere is gradually doing. This study have shown that 134 women and 75 men was chosen and responded to the survey of measuring bone mineral density and investigating a lifestyle. The measure of bone mineral density is to use Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA) and check femoral neck and lumbar spine. Also questionaries was required to pre-made survey about their lifestyles. Analysis of data was done with SPSS program. Multiple regression analysis was used for the relation of bone mineral density, the heigths and BMI. The sample of Groups are checked for drinking, smoking or excercising about differences by t-test. The results of the experiments were; first, there is statistically significant differences in the comparisons between BMD and BMD. But there isn't any special correlation between drinking, smoking and BMD. Secondly, bone mineral density becomes low related to an intake of caffeine. Particularly, this is statically significant on women. Also there is statically significant correlation between femoral neck and quantity of motion for both men and women. Third, there is significant relation between eating habits and bone mineral density on women's lumbar spine. However, there is no significant relation between men's lumbar spine and women's one. Therefore, to prevent osteopenia, it's good to abstain from intaking caffeine within an hour after a meal. In addition, it's helpful to walk or run regularly and have a balanced meal.
Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between BMD and life habit such as drinking. exercise smoking or physical condition such as age, sex, height, weight, body mass index(BMI). Materials and Methods: I evaluated the BMD of the femoral neck and L2-L4 spines of 321 persons who took a regular health screening in Woosuk university oriental medical hospital from February to April in 2006 by dual energy bone mineral densitometry. Results: The age of persons ranged from 20 years to 75 years(mean $45.10{\pm}11.54$) and there were 160 males and 161 females. In males, BMD of the femoral head was highest at 2nd decade, BMD of the spine was highest at 4th decade, and BMD of both femoral head and lumbar spine was lowest at 6th decade. In fenales, BMD of both femoral head and lumbar spine was highest at 4th decade and lowest at 6th decade. Among the various physical conditions, only height of persons showed significant correlation with BMD in both males and females. BMD was increased according to increasing height. In males, BMD of persons who had habit such as drinking, exercise or smoking did not show significant change statistically. But in females, drinking group showed high BMD relative to non-drinking group in both femoral head and lumbar spine. Conclusion: BMD was different according to age, sex, height and life habit. Especially aged people showed osteoporotic change progressively. More persistent effort is needed to find out the factors decreasing BMD for prevention of problems by osteoporosis.
We studied the change of bone mineral density (BMD) by age, body mass index (BMI), coffee, carbonated drink, alcohol, smoking, and exercise in adults who checked in health center. The number of study subjects was total 268 persons (women of 136 persons and men of 132 persons). The BMD was determined in lumbar spine and femoral neck by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. And we got some results as below : 1. In women, mean body height was $155.8{\pm}6.0cm$, mean body weight was $56.8{\pm}7.9kg$, and mean BMI was $23.4{\pm}3.1kg/m^2$. In men, mean body height was $169.1{\pm}6.0cm$, mean body weight was $69.0{\pm}9.5kg$, and mean BMI was $24.1{\pm}2.7kg/m^2$. 2. BMD decreased as age increased, and the age was the most determinant factor for BMD (p<0.01). Women's BMD decreased rapidly in the groups aged $\geq$50s, while men's BMD decreased gradually with age. In addition, for both sex, lower BMD was measured in lumbar spine than in femoral neck. 3. BMD increased in high BMI, and BMD with BMI increased distinctly in the group aged 50s. But their relationship was not significant. 4. In view of the distribution by three BMD categories, women's BMD was mostly normal in the groups aged $\geq$40s, but the rate of osteopenia and osteoporosis was similar in the group aged 50s, and the rate of osteoporosis was the highest in the groups aged 60s and 70s. Men's BMD was mostly normal through all groups except the group aged 70s. 5. Coffee and carbonated drink were not influenced in BMD. But alcohol-drinking group showed higher BMD than non-drinking group, and alcohol was statistically significant determinant for BMD (p<0.05). Smoking and exercise were not statistically significant determinant of BMD.
대학생들의 신체상태와 생활습관 조사를 통해 이들의 상관관계를 비교·분석 한 결과, 정상체중군의 평균 신장과 체중은 각각 163.75 cm, 56.07 kg이었다. 조사대상자중 체중과다는 29.1%였고, 특히 과체중군과 비만군의 체지방율 및 복부비만도는 정상군과 유의적인 차이 가 인정되었다. 저체중군중 13.3%가 흡연경험 및 흡연중으로 답해 여대생의 흡연문제가 심각하였으며, 조사대상자중 81.8%가 운동을 거의 않거나 운동횟수가 불규칙한 것으로 나타났다. 저체중군을 제외 한 다른 모든 군에서 50% 이상이 '아침을 자주 거른다'고 하였으며, 과체중군과 비만군의 경우 응답자 전원이 가끔 혹은 자주 간식을 먹고 있다고 하였다 조사군의 1일 평균 칼슘섭취량은 400mg수준이었으며, 저체중군은 T값이 -1 이 하로 골감소(osteopenia)증상이 우려되었다.
Introduction: Osteoporosis, the most common metabolic bone disorder, is a condition of reduced bone density and increased susceptibility to fractures. Osteoporosis is a major public health problem and a significant cause of morbidity in postmenopausal women. Therefore family physicians as primary care physicians are in a key position for preventing and treating this disorder. So we studied the factors affecting to bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. Materials and Methods: A total of 136 spontaneous postmenopausal women were participated in the study. They have measured spinal bone mineral density by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry from January 1992 to June 1995 at Yeungnam University Hospital. Age, height, weight, age at menarche and menopause, number of child and breast feeding child, history of oral pill ingestion, family history of osteoporosis, amount of milk and coffee ingestion, consumption of tobacco and alcohol and physical activity were assessed by qustionnaire and medical records. Results: The mean age is 55.2 and mean age at menopause is 47.9. Height, weight and physical activity were significantly positive correlated to bone mineral density. But age, duration after menopause and number of child were significantly negative correlated. Also age, height, weight, physical activity and duration after menopause were significantly correlated to % age-matched bone mineral density. In multiple regression analysis, which dependent variable is bone mineral density, duration after menopause, physical activity and weight were significant contributors. Duration after menopause is most the largest contributor. In multiple regression analysis, which dependent variable is % age-matched bone mineral density to adjust the age effect, physical activity and weight were significant contributors. Physical activity is most the largest contributor. Conclusions: Among factors affecting to BMD in postmenopausal women, physical activity and weight were more important factors. Therefore continuous physical activity is significant factor to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
Kim, Jong-Won;Lee, Mi-Ran;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Hyung-Jun;Choi, Mun-Ki;Kim, Do-Yeon;Kim, Tae-Un
Journal of Life Science
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of ballet program training at the Royal Academy of dance (RAD) on body composition (BC), physical fitness (PF) and bone mineral density (BMD) in college women. The subjects for this study were 14 females aged 19 to 22, who were divided into the Experimental group (n=7, EG) and the Control group (n=7, CG). The RAD ballet program training was done by 7 subjects (EG), 60 minutes per day, three times a week for 12 weeks. The TBF and %fat significantly decreased and LBM increased in the Experimental group, but all the variables of Body composition in the Control group did not significantly changed. The AMS, Sit ups, STF, SLJ CFB and 1,200 m R & W in the EG significantly increased, but 1,200 m R & W in the CG decreased. The lumbar vertebra (LV), femoral neck (FN), greater trochanter (GT) and ward's triangle (WT) did not significantly change in the EG, but LV, GT and WT in the CG decreased. There was no significant difference in osteopenia for EG, but there were increases in GT and WT for the CG. There was significant correlation between BMDs and body weight, TBF, LBM, %fat, BMI, AMS. There was significant correlation between LV and FN and LV and whole body. In conclusion, regular and continuous RAD training was effective in improving the body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density. Consequently, RAD training will be effective for preventing osteopenia and osteoporosis, and for improving the health-related fitness for college and middle-aged women.
To investigate the decrease of BMD by age and the risk factor of osteoporosis in Korean men. We describe the study of a five-years retrospective observational study with male patients. Eighty Korean men who visited hospital for health screening were assessed for this study from 2002 to 2006. We evaluated the BMD of the femoral neck and L-spine, and the preferences and habits in the life. The data were collected for 5 years, and we analysed the five-years change of BMD and the relations between BMD and other factors. Subjects were divided into 3 group by 1st assessment of femoral neck BMD, and were compared with each other. The age of subjects was $43.15{\pm}4.82$ and BMD of femoral neck was $-0.61{\pm}0.97$ and BMD of L-spine was $-0.67{\pm}1.10$ in the first year assessment. The femoral neck BMD of 4th and 5th assessment was decreased significantly compared to that of 1st assessment. The L-spine BMD of 2nd assessment was decreased significantly compared to the 1st assessment. There was no significant correlation between the changes of BMD and preferences or habits-drinking, smoking, eating habit, exercise. The femoral neck BMD of 5th assessment was decreased significantly compared to that of 1st assessment in the high femoral neck BMD group. And there was no significant change of femoral BMD and L-spine BMD in other groups. Low BMD group in the 1st assessment showed lowest BMD in the 5th assessment and high BMD group in the 1st assessment showed highest BMD in the 5th assessment. We can guess that the young men who has low BMD could have high risk of osteoporosis when he became older. And the femoral BMD should be considered important in anticipating the changes of BMD in middle aged men.
The interest in male osteoporosis is increasing as the incidence of osteoporotic fractures has increased not only in female but also in male due to the increase of old age population thanks to the development of medical science and science in general. Therefore, this study is to find factors related to bone mineral density of male older than 40 years old, to investigate the incidence of the male osteoporosis and to provide a basic result for prevention and medical treatment for the male osteoporosis. The incidence of the osteopenia and the osteoporosis at L-spine was 45% and 12.9% respectively and the incidence of them at femur was 51.9% and 7.63% respectively, among male older than 40 years old who took a medical examination. It was higher than the existing study results conducted to male older than 50 years old in USA and Europe. The incidence of them at both of L-spine and femur showed a significant difference depending the age groups. As the age increases, the average bone mineral density decreases at both of L-spine and femur. And as the weight increases and the body mass index is higher, the incidence of the osteoporosis decreases. There was no significant relation with the incidence of the osteoporosis depending on the exercise, the smoking and the drinking, but the number of exercise, smoking and drinking changes the quantity of bone and are factors influencing the bone mineral density of male person.
Objective : The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD) and the metabolic syndrome. Method : We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1204 adults(males: 364 females: 840) in a general hospital health promotion center. They were grouped into the normal and lower BMD group according to bone loss(osteopenia, osteoporosis), as determined by duel energy X-ray absorptiometery(DEXA). We analyzed the association between BMD and metabolic syndrome by multiple logistic regression analysis. After adjustment for age, weight, alcohol intake, smoking, regular exercise, regular intake of meals, and menopausal status, odds ratios for the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome by gender were calculated for lower BMD. Results : After adjustment for the effect of potential covariates, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was associated with bone loss in men(p<0.001). If the odds ratio of normal group is 1.00, then that of the lower BMD group is 3.07(95% CI=1.83-5.16). The prevalence of metabolic alterations fitting the criteria of metabolic syndrome was significantly decreased in High BMI, Low HDL in men and in High BMI in women(p<0.05). Conclusions : This study shows that BMD was associated with metabolic syndrome. Further studies needed to obtain evidence concerning the association between BMD and metabolic syndrome.
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.