• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활용도

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Studies of nutrient composition of transitional human milk and estimated intake of nutrients by breast-fed infants in Korean mothers (한국인 수유부의 수유초기 이행유의 모유성분 분석과 영아의 섭취량 추정 연구)

  • Choi, Yun Kyung;Kim, Nayoung;Kim, Ji-Myung;Cho, Mi Sook;Kang, Bong Soo;Kim, Yuri
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.476-487
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the concentration of nutrients in transitional breast milk from Korean lactating mothers and to evaluate daily intakes of their infants based on the Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2010 (KDRIs 2010). Methods: Breast milk samples were collected at 5~15 days postpartum from 100 healthy lactating Korean mothers. Macro- and micro-nutrients, and immunoglobulin (Igs) concentrations in breast milk were analyzed. Results: The mean energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate concentrations in breast milk were $59.99{\pm}8.01kcal/dL$, $1.47{\pm}0.27g/dL$, $2.88{\pm}0.89g/dL$, and $6.72{\pm}0.22g/dL$. The mean linoleic acid (LA), a-linolenic acid (ALA), arachidonic acid (AA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations were $181.44{\pm}96.41mg/dL$, $28.15{\pm}8.89mg/dL$, $5.67{\pm}1.86mg/dL$, and $5.74{\pm}2.57mg/dL$. The mean vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, vitamin $B_{12}$, and folate concentrations were $2.75{\pm}1.75{\mu}g/dL$, $2.31{\pm}1.12ng/dL$, $0.74{\pm}1.54mg/dL$, $3.02{\pm}1.84mg/dL$, $7.51{\pm}20.96{\mu}g/dL$, $61.78{\pm}26.78{\mu}g/dL$, $63.71{\pm}27.19ng/dL$, and $0.52{\pm}0.26{\mu}g/dL$. The mean concentrations of calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, and copper were $20.71{\pm}3.34mg/dL$, $0.59{\pm}0.86mg/dL$, $66.71{\pm}10.35mg/dL$, $27.72{\pm}10.16mg/dL$, $0.44{\pm}0.41mg/dL$, and $70.48{\pm}30.41{\mu}g/dL$. The mean IgA and total IgE concentrations were $61.85{\pm}31.97mg/dL$ and $235.00{\pm}93.00IU/dL$. The estimated daily intakes of infants for protein, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin $B_2$, vitamin $B_{12}$, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, and copper were sufficient compared to KDRIs 2010 adjusted by transitory milk intakes. The estimated infants' intakes of energy, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin $B_1$, folate, and calcium did not meet KDRIs 2010 adjusted by transitory milk intakes. Conclusion: In general most estimated nutrient intakes of Korean breast-fed infants in transitory breast milk were sufficient, however some nutrient intakes were not sufficient based on KDRIs 2010. These results warrant conduct of future studies for investigation of important dietary factors associated with nutrients in breast milk to improve the quality of breast milk, which may contribute to understanding nutrition in early life and promoting growth and development of breast-fed infants.

Pergola's Shading Effects on the Thermal Comfort Index in the Summer Middays (여름철 낮 그늘시렁의 차양이 온열쾌적 지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Nam-Hyong;Lee, Chun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.52-61
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of pergola's shading on the thermal comfort index in the summer. The 3 type of pergolas($4m{\times}4m{\times}h2.7m$) which were screened overhead(I)/overhead west(II)/overhead west north(III) plane with reed blind for summer shading and winter wind break, were constructed on the 4th floor rooftop. Thereafter the meteorological variables(air temperature, humidity, radiation, and wind speed) of pergola I, III and rooftop were measured from 14 to 16 August 2013(1st experiment), those of pergola I, II and rooftop were measured from 26 to 28 August 2013(2nd experiment). The effects of pergola's shading on the radiation environment and mean radiant temperature($T_{mrt}$), standard effective temperature($SET^*$) were as follows. The maximum 1 h mean values of differences ${\Delta}$ of the sums of shortwave radiant flux densities absorbed by the human body (${\Delta}K_{abs,max}$) between pergola I, III and nearby sunny rooftop were $-119W/m^2$, $-158W/m^2$, those between pergola I, II and rooftop were $-145W/m^2$, $-159W/m^2$. The maximum 1 h mean values of differences ${\Delta}$ of the sums of long wave radiant flux densities absorbed by the human body (${\Delta}L_{abs,max}$) between pergola I, III and nearby sunny rooftop, were $-15W/m^2$, $-17W/m^2$, those between pergola I, II and nearby rooftop, were $-8W/m^2$, $-7W/m^2$. The response of the direction dependent long wave radiant flux densities $L_1$ on the pergola's shading turned out to be distinctly weaker as compared to shortwave radiant flux densities $K_1$. The pergola's shading leads to a lowering of $T_{mrt}$ and $SET^*$. The peak values of $T_{mrt}$ absorbed by the human body were decreased $16^{\circ}C$ and $21.4^{\circ}C$ under pergola I and III as compared to that of nearby rooftop in the 1st experiment. Those were decreased $18.8^{\circ}C$ and $20.8^{\circ}C$ under pergola I and II as compared to that of nearby rooftop in the 2nd experiment. The peak values of $SET^*$ absorbed by the human body were decreased $2.9^{\circ}C$ and $2.6^{\circ}C$ under pergola I and III as compared to that of nearby rooftop in the 1st experiment. Those were decreased $3.5^{\circ}C$ and $2.6^{\circ}C$ under pergola I and II as compared to that of nearby rooftop in the 2nd experiment. The relative $SET^*$ decrease in pergola II, III compared to nearby sunny rooftop $SET^*$ were lower than that in pergola I, revealing the influence of the wind speed. Therefore it is essential to design pergola to maximize wind speed and minimize solar radiation to achieve comfort in the hot summer. The $SET^*$ under pergola I, III were exceeded $28.7^{\circ}C$ and $30.4^{\circ}C$ which were the upper limit of thermal comfort and tolerable zone during all most daytimes in the 1st experiment(maximum air temperature $37.5^{\circ}C$). The $SET^*$ under pergola I was exceeded $28.7^{\circ}C$ which was the upper limit of thermal comfort zone at 13h, that under pergola II was exceeded $28.7^{\circ}C$ from 8h to 14h, meanwhile the $SET^*$ under pergola I, II were within thermal tolerable zone during most daytimes in the 2nd experiment(maximum air temperature $34.4^{\circ}C$). Therefore to ensure the thermal comfort of pergola for summer hottest days, pergola should be shaded with not only reed blind but also climbing and shade plants. $T_{mrt}$ and $SET^*$ were suitable index for the evaluation of pergola's shading effects and outdoors.

Analysis of Research Trends in Journal of Distribution Science (유통과학연구의 연구 동향 분석 : 창간호부터 제8권 제3호까지를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Min;Kim, Young-Ei;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated research trends of JDS that KODISA published and gave implications to elevate quality of scholarly journals. In other words, the study classified scientific system of distribution area to investigate research trends and to compare it with other scholarly journals of distribution and to give implications for higher level of JDS. KODISA published JDS Vol.1 No.1 for the first time in 1999 followed by Vol.8 No.3 in September 2010 to show 109 theses in total. KODISA investigated subjects, research institutions, number of participants, methodology, frequency of theses in both the Korean language and English, frequency of participation of not only the Koreans but also foreigners and use of references, etc. And, the study investigated JDR of KODIA, JKDM(The Journal of Korean Distribution & Management) and JDA that researched distribution, so that it found out development ways. To investigate research trends of JDS that KODISA publishes, main category was made based on the national science and technology standard classification system of MEST (Ministry Of Education, Science And Technology), table of classification of research areas of NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea), research classification system of both KOREADIMA and KLRA(Korea Logistics Research Association) and distribution science and others that KODISA is looking for, and distribution economy area was divided into general distribution, distribution economy, distribution, distribution information and others, and distribution management was divided into distribution management, marketing, MD and purchasing, consumer behavior and others. The findings were as follow: Firstly, main category occupied 47 theses (43.1%) of distribution economy and 62 theses (56.9%) of distribution management among 109 theses in total. Active research area of distribution economy consisted of 14 theses (12.8%) of distribution information and 9 theses (8.3%) of distribution economy to research distribution as well as distribution information positively every year. The distribution management consisted of 25 theses (22.9%) of distribution management and 20 theses (18.3%) of marketing, These days, research on distribution management, marketing, distribution, distribution information and others is increasing. Secondly, researchers published theses as follow: 55 theses (50.5%) by professor by himself or herself, 12 theses (11.0%) of joint research by professors and businesses, Professors/students published 9 theses (8.3%) followed by 5 theses (4.6%) of researchers, 5 theses (4.6%) of businesses, 4 theses (3.7%) of professors, researchers and businesses and 2 theses (1.8%) of students. Professors published theses less, while businesses, research institutions and graduate school students did more continuously. The number of researchers occupied single researcher (43 theses, 39.5%), two researchers (42 theses, 38.5%) and three researchers or more (24 theses, 22.0%). Thirdly, professors published theses the most at most of areas. Researchers of main category of distribution economy consisted of professors (25 theses, 53.2%), professors and businesses (7 theses, 14.9%), professors and businesses (7 theses, 14.9%), professors and researchers (6 theses, 12.8%) and professors and students (3 theses, 6.3%). And, researchers of main category of distribution management consisted of professors (30 theses, 48.4%), professors and businesses (10 theses, 16.1%), and professors and researchers as well as professors and students (6 theses, 9.7%). Researchers of distribution management consisted of professors, professors and businesses, professors and researchers, researchers and businesses, etc to have various types. Professors mainly researched marketing, MD and purchasing, and consumer behavior, etc to demand active participation of businesses and researchers. Fourthly, research methodology was: Literature research occupied 45 theses (41.3%) the most followed by empirical research based on questionnaire survey (44 theses, 40.4%). General distribution, distribution economy, distribution and distribution management, etc mostly adopted literature research, while marketing did empirical research based on questionnaire survey the most. Fifthly, theses in the Korean language occupied 92.7% (101 theses), while those in English did 7.3% (8 theses). No more than one thesis in English was published until 2006, and 7 theses (11.9%) were published after 2007 to increase. The theses in English were published more to be affirmative. Foreigner researcher published one thesis (0.9%) and both Korean researchers and foreigner researchers jointly published two theses (1.8%) to have very much low participation of foreigner researchers. Sixthly, one thesis of JDS had 27.5 references in average that consisted of 11.1 local references and 16.4 foreign references. And, cited times was 0.4 thesis in average to be low. The distribution economy cited 24.2 references in average (9.4 local references and 14.8 foreign references and JDS had 0.6 cited reference. The distribution management had 30.0 references in average (12.1 local references and 17.9 foreign references) and had 0.3 reference of JDS itself. Seventhly, similar type of scholarly journal had theses in the Korean language and English: JDR( Journal of Distribution Research) of KODIA(Korea Distribution Association) published 92 theses in the Korean language (96.8%) and 3 theses in English (3.2%), that is to say, 95 theses in total. JKDM of KOREADIMA published 132 theses in total that consisted of 93 theses in the Korean language (70.5%) and 39 theses in English (29.5%). Since 2008, JKDM has published scholarly journal in English one time every year. JDS published 52 theses in the Korean language (88.1%) and 7 theses in English (11.9%), that is to say, 59 theses in total. Sixthly, similar type of scholarly journals and research methodology were: JDR's research methodology had 65 empirical researches based on questionnaire survey (68.4%), followed by 17 literature researches (17.9%) and 11 quantitative analyses (11.6%). JKDM made use of various kinds of research methodologies to have 60 questionnaire surveys (45.5%), followed by 40 literature researches (30.3%), 21 quantitative analyses (15.9%), 6 system analyses (4.5%) and 5 case studies (3.8%). And, JDS made use of 30 questionnaire surveys (50.8%), followed by 15 literature researches (25.4%), 7 case studies (11.9%) and 6 quantitative analyses (10.2%). Ninthly, similar types of scholarly journals and Korean researchers and foreigner researchers were: JDR published 93 theses (97.8%) by Korean researchers except for 1 thesis by foreigner researcher and 1 thesis by joint research of the Korean researchers and foreigner researchers. And, JKDM had no foreigner research and 13 theses (9.8%) by joint research of the Korean researchers and foreigner researchers to have more foreigner researchers as well as researchers in foreign countries than similar types of scholarly journals had. And, JDS published 56 theses (94.9%) of the Korean researchers, one thesis (1.7%) of foreigner researcher only, and 2 theses (3.4%) of joint research of both the Koreans and foreigners. Tenthly, similar type of scholarly journals and reference had citation: JDR had 42.5 literatures in average that consisted of 10.9 local literatures (25.7%) and 31.6 foreign literatures (74.3%), and cited times accounted for 1.1 thesis to decrease. JKDM cited 10.5 Korean literatures (36.3%) and 18.4 foreign literatures (63.7%), and number of self-cited literature was no more than 1.1. Number of cited times accounted for 2.9 literatures in 2008 and then decreased continuously since then. JDS cited 26,8 references in average that consisted of 10.9 local references (40.7%) and 15.9 foreign references (59.3%), and number of self-cited accounted for 0.2 reference until 2009, and it increased to be 2.1 references in 2010. The author gives implications based on JDS research trends and investigation on similar type of scholarly journals as follow: Firstly, JDS shall actively invite foreign contributors to prepare for SSCI. Secondly, ratio of theses in English shall increase greatly. Thirdly, various kinds of research methodology shall be accepted to elevate quality of scholarly journals. Fourthly, to increase cited times, Google and other web retrievals shall be reinforced to supply scholarly journals to foreign countries more. Local scholarly journals can be worldwide scholarly journal enough to be acknowledged even in foreign countries by improving the implications above.

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Studies on the Kiln Drying Characteristics of Several Commercial Woods of Korea (국산 유용 수종재의 인공건조 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Byung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 1974
  • 1. If one unity is given to the prongs whose ends touch each other for estimating the internal stresses occuring in it, the internal stresses which are developed in the open prongs can be evaluated by the ratio to the unity. In accordance with the above statement, an equation was derived as follows. For employing this equation, the prongs should be made as shown in Fig. I, and be measured A and B' as indicated in Fig. l. A more precise value will result as the angle (J becomes smaller. $CH=\frac{(A-B') (4W+A) (4W-A)}{2A[(2W+(A-B')][2W-(A-B')]}{\times}100%$ where A is thickness of the prong, B' is the distance between the two prongs shown in Fig. 1 and CH is the value of internal stress expressed by percentage. It precision is not required, the equation can be simplified as follows. $CH=\frac{A-B'}{A}{\times}200%$ 2. Under scheduled drying condition III the kiln, when the weight of a sample board is constant, the moisture content of the shell of a sample board in the case of a normal casehardening is lower than that of the equilibrium moisture content which is indicated by the Forest Products Laboratory, U. S. Department of Agriculture. This result is usually true, especially in a thin sample board. A thick unseasoned or reverse casehardened sample does not follow in the above statement. 3. The results in the comparison of drying rate with five different kinds of wood given in Table 1 show that the these drying rates, i.e., the quantity of water evaporated from the surface area of I centimeter square per hour, are graded by the order of their magnitude as follows. (1) Ginkgo biloba Linne (2) Diospyros Kaki Thumberg. (3) Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. (4) Larix kaempheri Sargent (5) Castanea crenata Sieb. et Zucc. It is shown, for example, that at the moisture content of 20 percent the highest value revealed by the Ginkgo biloba is in the order of 3.8 times as great as that for Castanea crenata Sieb. & Zucc. which has the lowest value. Especially below the moisture content of 26 percent, the drying rate, i.e., the function of moisture content in percentage, is represented by the linear equation. All of these linear equations are highly significant in testing the confficient of X i. e., moisture content in percentage. In the Table 2, the symbols are expressed as follows; Y is the quantity of water evaporated from the surface area of 1 centimeter square per hour, and X is the moisture content of the percentage. The drying rate is plotted against the moisture content of the percentage as in Fig. 2. 4. One hundred times the ratio(P%) of the number of samples occuring in the CH 4 class (from 76 to 100% of CH ratio) within the total number of saplmes tested to those of the total which underlie the given SR ratio is measured in Table 3. (The 9% indicated above is assumed as the danger probability in percentage). In summarizing above results, the conclusion is in Table 4. NOTE: In Table 4, the column numbers such as 1. 2 and 3 imply as follows, respectively. 1) The minimum SR ratio which does not reveal the CH 4, class is indicated as in the column 1. 2) The extent of SR ratio which is confined in the safety allowance of 30 percent is shown in the column 2. 3) The lowest limitation of SR ratio which gives the most danger probability of 100 percent is shown in column 3. In analyzing above results, it is clear that chestnut and larch easly form internal stress in comparison with persimmon and pine. However, in considering the fact that the revers, casehardening occured in fir and ginkgo, under the same drying condition with the others, it is deduced that fir and ginkgo form normal casehardening with difficulty in comparison with the other species tested. 5. All kinds of drying defects except casehardening are developed when the internal stresses are in excess of the ultimate strength of material in the case of long-lime loading. Under the drying condition at temperature of $170^{\circ}F$ and the lower humidity. the drying defects are not so severe. However, under the same conditions at $200^{\circ}F$, the lower humidity and not end coated, all sample boards develop severe drying defects. Especially the chestnut was very prone to form the drying defects such as casehardening and splitting.

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Studies on the Utilization of Woodland for Livestock Farming II. Problem and Its Improvement Followed by the Join Cattle Grazing in king Won Do (임지의 축산적 이용에 관한 연구 제2보. 강원도의 새마을 "소" 임간공동방목사업의 문제점과 개선책)

  • 맹원재;윤익석;유제창;정승헌
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.100-111
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    • 1983
  • The research results reported herein had the objectives to understand and analyze the present problems of saemaeul woodland joint cattle grazing system in Kang Won Do and to take steps of improvement. The study results on actual management conditions, problems analyzed and improvement plan of total 208 joint cattle grazing area which was established 105 area in 1981 and 103 area in 1982 were summarized as follows: 1. the effectiveness of joint cattle grazing projects 1) Average daily weight gain of cattle during joint cattle grazing period was 0.4kg, showing higher daily than the conventional feeding of 0.33kg. 2) Increase of total farm income over the conventional feeding system were \1,031,357,320 during the grazing period from May to October in 1982 by adapting the 208 joint cattle grazing system, of which effectiveness of weight gain was \293,075,300 and labor saving was \543,838,750. 3) According to the results of questionaire investigation from 208 joint cattle grazing area, effectiveness of joint cattle grazing system over the conventional system were (1) labor saving, (2) feed cost saving, (3) reduced diseases, (4) increase of number of feeding, (5) inspiration of joint endeavor, (6) effect of more gain, (7) easiness of feeding and feed cost savings. 2. Problems of joint cattle grazing system. 1) Shortages of grass were a problem at second year of joint cattle grazing period due to the low regrowth rate of wild grass. 2) Proper land for woodland joint cattle grazing is belonging to land of Government ownership and it is very hard to get the permission from office of forestry for cattle grazing purpose. 3) It is also difficult to find a proper time of breeding in grazing area by the difficulty of estrus detection. 4) There are a difficulty to give a proper vaccination and medical examination for the grazing cattle. 3. Improvement plans for woodland joint cattle grazing projects. 1) Obtain sufficient roughages by hoof cultivation and oversowing pasture from the second year of joint cattle grazing period. 2) In order to increase the beef production and to use for a calf production area, Government should arrange that all proper grazing land of Government owned in Kang Won Do convert into woodland joint cattle grazing area. 3) Make a good reproductive record by mixed grazing with a excellent breeding cow in a remote area. And carry out the collective artificial insemination with synchronous puberty induced by injection of puberty stimulation hormone. 4) Make a preventive injection for blackleg, twice medication of fasciola hepatica in a year, and spray and medication of tick insecticide. 4. A policy towards upbringing of woodland joint cattle grazing area. 1) Government should thoroughly investigate about a proper land for woodland joint cattle grazing from all forests. 2) When the area is suitable for the woodland joint cattle grazing, though it is national forest or restricted area, government should make it possible to establish a grazing area. 3) On the proper land foe joint cattle grazing in the remote place, Government should support for the road construction and electric fence equipments by using of national funds. 4) There should be an administrative consideration for well promotion of the project that make woodland joint cattle grazing suitable to the characteristics of Kang Won Do. 5) In order to improve the reproduction record, Government should reform the insufficiency of artificial insemination in the joint cattle grazing area. 6) In order to maintain a proper price of cow, Government should carry out the price plan. 7) When there is any request for grassland formation in the woodland joint cattle grazing area, Government should permit it with preference.

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Sasang Herb medicine, IRCT (InfraRed Computer Thermography), Yakchim (Korean herb-acupuncture) remedy (체통환자(體痛患者)의 사상의학적(四象醫學的) 사초(四焦)와 이목구비(耳目口鼻)를 중심(中心)으로 한 체열(體熱) 분석(分析))

  • Kim, Su-Beom;Song, Il-Byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.377-393
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    • 1996
  • Lumbago is the common disease in the human, many people have been sicked the Lumbago. As the traditional methods of Lumbago treatment, acupuncture, moxibustion, herb medicines have been applied to a patient, nowadays, new methods have been applied physical remedy, Yakchim (Korean herb acupuncture) remedy, Chuna remedy to. This report was collected 73 Lumbago patients by name, sex, age, motive, symptoms, X-ray, CT, MRI, lRCT, Sasang constitution type, Sasang herb medicine, Yakchim, Chuna, period of remedy, satisfaction of remedy, at the "WooRee Korean Medical Clinic" during 21 months from Sep. 14, 1994 to May 25, 1996. And this report was studied about the distribution of the Sasang constitution type, the Sasang herb medicine, the effect, the period. The results were as follows: 1. Lumbago patients were distributed like that; Taeum-ln (太陰人) 47 (66.3 %), Soyang-In 16 (21.9 %), Soum-In (13.7 %), Taeyang-In (太陽人) 0. This was different from distribution of Donguisuseibowon (東醫壽世保元), Taeum-In (太陰人) 50%, Soyang-In (少陽人) 30 %, Soum-In (少陰人) 20 %, Taeyang-In (太陽人) little, this report shows that the number of Taeum-In (太陰人) is more than that of Donguisuseibowon and the number of Soum-In is less than that of Donguisuseibowon. 2. The average satisfaction of remedy was 60.3 %, Taeum-In's satisfaction was 66.0 %, Soum-In's satisfaction was 56.3 %, Soyang-In's satisfaction was 60.0 %. 3. The effective herb medicines were as follows, Soyang-In used the Hyong Bang Ji Hwang Tang (荊防地黃湯), Yuk Mi Ji Hwang Tang (六味地黃樓), Soum-In used the Sib Yi Mi Goan Jung Tang (十二味寬中湯), Taeum-In used the Chung Sim Yon Ja Tang (淸心蓮子陽), Chung Pae Sa Gan Tang (淸師爾肝湯), Yeol Da Han So Tang (熱多寒少湯). 4. The period of remedy was about 6 weeks. The period of remedy of each types was as follows, Taeum-In was about 5.7 weeks, Soum-In was about 6.8 weeks, Soyang-In was about 4.2 weeks. 5. The method of Lumbago remedy is divided three types, sprain Lumbago, Pyobyong (表病 : outside Syndromes) Libyong (裡病 : inside symdromes). Soum-In's methods are Pyobyong's ascending the Yang (陽), adding the Gi (氣) [升陽益氣], and Libyong's descending the inside Yim (裡陰) [裡陰降氣], Soyang-In's methods are Pyobyongs's decending the outside-Yim [表陰降氣], and Libyong's ascending the cool Yang (濟陽) [淸陽上升]. Taeum-In's methods are Pyobyong's ascending the Lung's Yang (肺陽升氣), and Libyong's colding the dried hot liver (淸肝燥熱). Taeyang's methods are strong the liver and making Yim. (補r肝生陰) 6. There are two methods for using the YakChim (Korean herb-acupuncture) by Sasang constitution medicine, one is to select the Yakchim, the other is to choice the point for appling the Yakchim. The first, to select the Yakchim, the other is follows; Soum-In can select the bee Venom, Soyang-In can select the H.O. (Hong Whoa 紅花), Taeum-In can select the I (Hodo 胡挑), V, O.K. (Ungdarn, 薦膽), Uwhang 牛黃, Sa-Hyang 麝香, etc., Palgang Yakchim (eight principles Korean herb-acupuncture (八剛藥鐵)) could made by abstracted Sasang herb medicine. The second, to choice the points for applying the Yakchim are used in the TaeGiuk Acupuncture method (太梗針法), Sacho (四焦, four warmer) by Sasang constritutional physiology and pathology.

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The Study of anti-inflammatory Mechanism with Cobra Venom on Astrocytes of Rats (뇌(腦) 성상세포(星狀細胞)를 대상으로 한 Cobrotoxin의 염증(炎症) 치료(治療) 기전(機轉) 연구(硏究))

  • Yoo, Jae-ryong;Song, Ho-sueb
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.155-167
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of Cobrotoxin on binding affinity of cobrotoxin with P50, $IKK{\alpa}$ and $IKK{\beta}$, activities of NF-${\kappa}B$, Cell viability of astrocyte, expressions of protein molecules of NF-${\kappa}B$ such as P50, P-$1{kappa}B$, $1{\kappa}B$ and iflammation related genes such as Cox-2, iNOS, cPLA2 in the SNP or LPS induced Inflammatory pathway of Rats' astrocytes. Methods : In this study, The expression of cytosolic phospholipase A2, Nitric oxcide, Cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitrogen oxide synthase was determined by western blotting with corresponding antibodies, and the generation of NF-${\kappa}B$ was assayed by EMSA method in astrocytes of rats. The Cell viability of astrocytes was determined by MTT assay, and Binding affinity of Cobrotoxin with P50, $IKK{\alpha}$ and $IKK{\beta}$ was assayed by Surface plasmon resonance analysis, and NF-${\kappa}B$ dependent luciferase activity was determined by luciferase analysis, and Uptake of cobrotoxin in astrocytes was identified by Confocal laser scanning microscope Results : 1. Compared with control, LPS-induced NF-${\kappa}B$ DNA binding activity was decreased significantly by 0.1, $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin in Astrocyte. 2. Compared with control, LPS-induced NF-kB dependent luciferase expression was decreased significantly by 0.1, 0.5 and $1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin in Astrocyte. 3. Compared with control, SNP induced P50, $I{\kappa}B$ expressions in astrocyte were decreased significantly by 0.1, 0.5 and $1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin and P-$1{\kappa}B$ expression was decreased significantly by 0.5 and $1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin. 4. Compared with control, LPS induced P50, $1{\kappa}B$ expressions in astrocyte were decreased significantly by 0.5 and $1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin. 5. Compared with control, SNP induced Cox-2, iNOS, CPLA2 expressions in astrocyte were decreased significantly by $1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin. 6. Compared with control, LPS induced Cox-2, cPLA2 expressions in astrocyte were decreased significantly by 0.1, 0.5, $1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin and iNOS expression was decreased significantly by 0.5, $1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin. 7. Compared with $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin, SNP-induced NF-${\kappa}B$ DNA bindins activity in astrocyte was increased significantly by Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with DTT 1mM and Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with DTT 5mM. 8. Compared with $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of Cobrotoxin, LPS-induced NF-${\kappa}B$ DNA binding activity in astrocyte was increased significantly by Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with DTT 1mM, Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with DTT 5mM, Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$with GSH 1mM and Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with GSH 5mM 9. Compared with $0.1{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of cobrotoxin, SNP induced P50 expressions in astrocyte were increased significantly by Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with DTT 1mM, Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with DTT 5mM Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with GSH 1mM and Cobrotoxin $0.5{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ with GSH 5mM. 10. The uptake of the labeled cobrotoxin into the cells was shown under a confocal laser scanning microscope. cobrotoxin was uptaken into the membrane and nucleus of astrocytes. Conclusions : In summary, the present results demonstrate that cobrotoxin directly binds to sulfhydryl group of p50 and IKKS resulting In the reduction of translocation of p50 and IkB release, thereby inhibits activation of NF-${\kappa}B$, and suggest that pico to nanomolar range of cobrotoxin could inhibit the expression of genes in the NF-${\kappa}B$ signal pathway.

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Halitosis and Related Factors among Rural Residents (농촌지역 주민들의 구취실태와 유발요인)

  • Lee, Young-Ok;Hong, Jung-Pyo;Lee, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.157-175
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted through an interview process in which questionnaires were administered to 293 people. The questionnaires related to the behaviors of oral hygiene care, and disease history related to halitosis, and status of halitosis, halitosis measurement, oral examination, and caries activity tests such as the snyder test, Salivary flow rate test, and Salivary buffering capacity test. Our sample was taken from 293 rural residents within the period from 4th to 21st of January 2006. This was done in order to provide basic data to prepare both policies of halitosis prevention and a device to efficiently measure halitosis status and investigate the factors related therein. The major findings of this study results are as follows: 1. As for frequency of tooth brushing, twice a day occupied the greatest portion at 46.1 % Women exceeded men in frequency of tooth brushing. Tongue brushing everyday produced a 25.6 % result among subjects and The use of auxiliary oral hygiene devices occupied 9.2 %. 2. As for degree of usual self-awareness of halitosis: 62.5 %. This result also demonstrate that the severest time of self-awareness in regards to halitosis is wake up time in the morning. The time period produced the highest portion of 72.7 % in times of self-awareness. In terms of the area in which halitosis was observed, gum resulted in 23.0 %. As for types of halitosis, fetid smell was the most frequent at 37.2 %. 3. As for the result of halitosis measurement, values of OG less than 50 ppm occupied 54.3 % and $50{\sim}100ppm$ occupied 41.6 %. As for $NH_3$ values, $20{\sim}60ppm$ showed the highest value range of 52.6 %. 4. As for OG per disease history related to halitosis, values of OG were significantly high in the ranges of $50{\sim}100ppm$ within family history groups of food impaction by dental caries, diabetes mellitus and halitosis. As for values of $NH_3$, there showed a significant difference in respiratory system disease groups. 5 Value range of OG per ordinary halitosis self-awareness degree: values ranging less than 50 ppm were recorded at 55.9 % from the group realizing not aware of smell. 57.5 % from groups only realizing sometimes, while values range of $50{\sim}100ppm$ were recorded at 52.0 % from groups always aware of smell. 63.6 % from groups always strongly aware of smell. Meanwhile as for the values ranges of $NH_3$, $20{\sim}60ppm$. they occupied high portions for all groups of exams. 6. Values of OG per oral examination: the more pulp-exposed teeth and food impaction and the higher the tongue plaque index, values of OG increased within the range of $50{\sim}100ppm$. As for values of $NH_3$, the more prosthetic teeth and the higher the tongue plaque index, this value increased significantly, and the values increased up to no less than 60 ppm for groups of mandibular partial denture. 7. Within the realm of caries activity test: as for the Snyder test, high activity was highest by 43.0 % wherewith the higher the activity of acidogenic bacteria the higher the OG values. As for the salivary flow rate test, the number of cases below 8.0 ml showed the highest tendency by 62.5 %. The larger the salivary flow rate the more decreased OG values distribution. As for the salivary buffering capacity test, $6{\sim}10$ drops of 0.1N lactic acid showed the overwhelming trend by 58.7 % whereby the higher the salivary buffering capacity the greater distribution occupancy ratio of OG values below 50 ppm which is scentless to on ordinary person. 8. As for the correlation between oral environment and halitosis, OG showed the positive correlation with pulp exposed teeth, filled teeth, present teeth, tongue plaque index, and food impaction, while the negative correlation with salivary flow rate and prosthetic teeth. $NH_3$ showed a positive correlation with prosthetic teeth and frequency of tooth brushing, while decayed teeth was negative correlation. 9. As for the multiple regression analysis result, there have been selected female, pulp exposed teeth, prosthetic teeth, food impaction, salivary flow rate, tongue plaque index and severe activities in the Snyder test as factors affecting OG wherein explanatory power on it was 45.1 %. There have been selected females, pulp exposed teeth, tongue plaque index, and prosthetic teeth as factors affecting on $NH_3$ wherein explanatory power on it was 6.6 %. With the aforementioned results in mind, the status of halitosis among rural residents is considered to bare a close relation with oral environments and other factors related to halitosis such as the Snyder test from caries activity test, and salivary flow rate test. For the prevention of halitosis of residents in rural areas, we have to focus on correct tooth brushing methods and tongue brushing, with using auxiliary oral hygiene devices to remove fur of tongue plaque and food impaction. Also, when the cause and ingredients of halitosis are diverse and complex, in order to analyze exactly the factors of individual halitosis development, we need continuous and systematic study in order to provide rural residents with programs of oral hygiene education and encourage the use of dental hygienists in public health centers.

A Legal Study on liability for damages cause of the air carrier : With an emphasis upon liability of passenger (항공운송인의 손해배상책임 원인에 관한 법적 고찰 - 여객 손해배상책임을 중심으로 -)

  • So, Jae-Seon;Lee, Chang-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.3-35
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    • 2013
  • Air transport today is a means of transport that is optimized for exchanges between nations. Around the world, has experienced an increase in operating and the number of airline route expansion that has entered into the international aviation agreements in order to take advantage of the air transport efficient, but the possibility of the occurrence of air transport accidents increased. When compared to the accident of other means of transport, development of air transport accidents, not high, but it leads to catastrophe aviation accident occurs. Air Transport accident many international transportation accident than domestic transportation accident, in the event of an accident, the analysis of the legal responsibility of the shipper or the like is necessary or passenger air carrier. Judgment of the legal order of discipline of air transport accident is a classification of the type of air transport agreement. Depending on the object, air transport agreements are classified into the contract of carriage of aviation of the air passenger transportation contract. For casualties occurs, air passenger transportation accident is a need more discussion of legal discipline for this particular. Korean Commercial Code, it is possible to reflect in accordance with the actual situation of South Korea the contents of the treaty, which is utilized worldwide in international air transport, even on the system, to control land, sea, air transport and welcoming to international standards. However, Korean Commercial Code, the problem of the Montreal Convention has occurred as it is primarily reflecting the Montreal Convention. As a cause of liability for damages, under the Commercial Code of Korea and the contents of the treaty precedent is reflected, the concept of accident is necessary definition of the exact concept for damages of passengers in particular. Cause of personal injury or death of passengers, in the event of an accident to the "working for the elevation" or "aircraft" on, the Montreal Convention is the mother method of Korea Commercial Code, liability for damages of air carrier defines. The Montreal Convention such, continue to be a matter of debate so far in connection with the scope of "working for the lifting of" the concepts defined in the same way from Warsaw Convention "accident". In addition, it is discussed and put to see if you can be included mental damage passenger suffered in air transport in the "personal injury" in the damage of the passenger is in the range of damages. If the operation of aircraft, injury accident, in certain circumstances, compensation for mental damage is possible, in the same way as serious injury, mental damage caused by aviation accidents not be able to live a normal life for the victim it is damage to make. So it is necessary to interpret and what is included in the injury to the body in Korea Commercial Code and related conventions, non-economic damage of passengers, clearly demonstrated from the point of view of prevention of abuse of litigation and reasonable protection of air carrier it must compensate only psychological damage that can be. Since the compensation of delay damages, Warsaw Convention, the Montreal Convention, Korea Commercial Code, there are provisions of the liability of the air carrier due to the delayed arrival of passenger and baggage, but you do not have a reference to delayed arrival, the concept of delay arrangement is necessary. The strict interpretation of the concept of delayed arrival, because it may interfere with safe operation of the air carrier, within the time agreed to the airport of arrival that is described in the aviation contract of carriage of passenger baggage, or, these agreements I think the absence is to be defined as when it is possible to consider this situation, requests the carrier in good faith is not Indian or arrive within a reasonable time is correct. The loss of passenger, according to the international passenger Conditions of Carriage of Korean Air, in addition to the cases prescribed by law and other treaties, loss of airline contracts, resulting in passengers from a service that Korean Air and air transport in question do damage was is, that the fact that Korean Air does not bear the responsibility as a general rule, that was caused by the negligence or intentional negligence of Korean Air is proof, negligence of passengers of the damage has not been interposed bear responsibility only when it is found. It is a clause in the case of damage that is not mandated by law or treaty, and responsible only if the negligence of the airline side has been demonstrated, but of the term negligence "for" intentional or negligent "Korean Air's Terms" I considered judgment of compatibility is required, and that gross negligence is appropriate. The "Korean Air international passenger Conditions of Carriage", airlines about the damage such as electronic equipment that is included in the checked baggage of passengers does not bear the responsibility, but the loss of baggage, international to arrive or depart the U.S. it is not the case of transportation. Therefore, it is intended to discriminate unfairly passengers of international flights arriving or departure to another country passengers of international flights arriving or departure, the United States, airlines will bear the responsibility for the goods in the same way as the contents of the treaty it should be revised in the direction.

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The National Survey of Open Lung Biopsy and Thoracoscopic Lung Biopsy in Korea (개흉 및 흉강경항폐생검의 전국실태조사)

  • 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 학술위원회
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 1998
  • Introduction: Direct histologic and bacteriologic examination of a representative specimen of lung tissue is the only certain method of providing an accurate diagnosis in various pulmonary diseases including diffuse pulmonary diseases. The purpose of national survey was to define the indication, incidence, effectiveness, safety and complication of open and thoracoscopic lung biopsy in korea. Methods: A multicenter registry of 37 university or general hospitals equipped more than 400 patient's bed were retrospectively collected and analyzed for 3 years from the January 1994 to December 1996 using the same registry protocol. Results: 1) There were 511 cases from the 37 hospitals during 3 years. The mean age was 50.2 years(${\pm}15.1$ years) and men was more prevalent than women(54.9% vs 45.9%). 2) The open lung biopsy was performed in 313 cases(62%) and thoracoscopic lung biopsy was performed in 192 cases(38%). The incidence of lung biopsy was more higher in diffuse lung disease(305 cases, 59.7%) than in localized lung disease(206 cases, 40.3%) 3) The duration after abnormalities was found in chest X-ray until lung biopsy was 82.4 days(open lung biopsy: 72.8 days, thoracoscopic lung biopsy: 99.4 days). The bronchoscopy was performed in 272 cases(53.2%), bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in 123 cases(24.1%) and percutaneous lung biopsy was performed in 72 cases(14.1%) before open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy. 4) There were 230 cases(45.0%) of interstitial lung disease, 133 cases(26.0%) of thoracic malignancies, 118 cases(23.1%) of infectious lung disease including tuberculosis and 30 cases (5.9 %) of other lung diseases including congenital anomalies. No significant differences were noted in diagnostic rate and disease characteristics between open lung biopsy and thoracoscopic lung biopsy. 5) The final diagnosis through an open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy was as same as the presumptive diagnosis before the biopsy in 302 cases(59.2%). The identical diagnostic rate was 66.5% in interstitial lung diseases, 58.7% in thoracic malignancies, 32.7% in lung infections, 55.1 % in pulmonary tuberculosis, 62.5% in other lung diseases including congenital anomalies. 6) One days after lung biopsy, $PaCO_2$ was increased from the prebiopsy level of $38.9{\pm}5.8mmHg$ to the $40.2{\pm}7.1mmHg$(P<0.05) and $PaO_2/FiO_2$ was decreased from the prebiopsy level of $380.3{\pm}109.3mmHg$ to the $339.2{\pm}138.2mmHg$(P=0.01). 7) There was a 10.1 % of complication after lung biopsy. The complication rate in open lung biopsy was much higher than in thoracoscopic lung biopsy(12.4% vs 5.8%, P<0.05). The incidence of complication was pneumothorax(23 cases, 4.6%), hemothorax(7 cases, 1.4%), death(6 cases, 1.2%) and others(15 cases, 2.9%). 8) The 5 cases of death due to lung biopsy were associated with open lung biopsy and one fatal case did not describe the method of lung biopsy. The underlying disease was 3 cases of thoracic malignancies(2 cases of bronchoalveolar cell cancer and one malignant mesothelioma), 2 cases of metastatic lung cancer, and one interstitial lung disease. The duration between open lung biopsy and death was $15.5{\pm}9.9$ days. 9) Despite the lung biopsy, 19 cases (3.7%) could not diagnosed. These findings were caused by biopsy was taken other than target lesion(5 cases), too small size to interpretate(3 cases), pathologic inability(11 cases). 10) The contribution of open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy to the final diagnosis was defininitely helpful(334 cases, 66.5%), moderately helpful(140 cases, 27.9%), not helpful or impossible to judge(28 cases, 5.6%). Overall, open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy were helpful to diagnose the lung lesion in 94.4 % of total cases. Conclusions: The open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy were relatively safe and reliable diagnostic method of lung lesion which could not diagnosed by other diagnostic approaches such as bronchoscopy. We recommend the thoracoscopic lung biopsy when the patients were in critical condition because the thoracoscopic biopsy was more safe and have equal diagnostic results compared with the open lung biopsy.

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