• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환자 선별

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결체조직질병(結締組織疾病)에 병발(倂發)된 간질성폐병변(間質性肺病變)에 대(對)한 활혈화어법(活血化瘀法)의 치료효과(治燎效果) 연구(硏究)

  • 장항홍
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.497-497
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    • 1997
  • 간질성폐질변(間質性肺疾變)은 결체조직질병(結締組織疾病)의 상견(常見)되는 병발증(倂發證)이지만, 지금까지는 이상적(理想的)인 치료법(治療法)이 없었다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 본병(本病)의 병리기전(病理機轉)이 중의(中醫)에서의 "어혈(瘀血)"증(證) 상호(相互) 유사(類似)한 것으로부터 시작(始作)하여, 중의(中醫)의 "활혈화어법(活血化瘀法)"과 결합(結合)하여 치료(治療)하면서 환자(患者)의 폐기능(肺氣能) 검사결과(檢査結果)의 변화(變化)를 추적(追跡)해, 그 치료효과(治療效果)에 대(對)한 평가(評價)를 내리는 작업(作業)으로 이루어졌다. 먼저 풍습과(風濕科)에 의뢰(依賴)하여 결체조직질병(結締組織疾病)에 간질성폐병(間質性肺病)이 병발(倂發)한 환자(患者)를 선별(選別)한 후(後)에, 서의치료(西醫治療) 통(通)해서 그 원발성(原發性) 질병(疾病)이 은정(隱靜)한 상태(狀態)에까지 이르도록 한 후(後), 필요(必要)한 최저량(最低量)의 서의약(西醫藥)만을 유지(維持)케 하였다. 환자(患者)의 의사(意舍)에 따라서 두 개의 조(組)로 나누어, 실험군(實驗群)은 중의(中醫)에서 회진(會診)하고, Raynaud 증후군(症候群)의 유무(有無)에 따라서, 당귀사역탕(當歸四逆湯) 혹(或)은 혈부축어탕(血府逐瘀湯)을 농축분제(濃縮粉劑)로 투여(投與)하며 연속(連續)하여 6개월간(個月間) 치료(治療)하였다. 대조군(對照群)의 경우(境遇)에는 중의(中醫)가 회진(會診)하지 않았다. 14개월(個月)동안 모두 실험군(實驗群) 23례(例)와 대조군(對照群) 16례(例)를 대상(對象)으로 연구(硏究)를 하였는데, 모두 여성환자(女性患者)였다. 압축성폐용량(壓軸性肺用量)(FVC), 폐총용량(肺總用量)(TCL), carbon monoxide에 대(對)한 폐(肺)의 확산능력(擴散能力)(DLCO), 그리고 폐포공기량(肺泡空氣量)(VA)에 대(對) DCLO의 비(比)를 지표(指標)로 삼아, 폐기능(肺氣能)의 손상정도(損傷程度)에 따라서 box plot으로 분석(分析)하고, 폐기능(肺氣能)의 손상(損傷)을 측정(測定)하는 시스템을 만들었다. 실험결과(實驗結果), 실험군(實驗群)이 대조군(對照群)에 비(比)해서 치료(治療) 전(前)보다 명현(明顯)한 개선(改善)이 있었다. 폐기능(肺氣能)을 검사(檢査)한 수치(數値)들을 일반적(一般的)으로 통계처리(統計處理)한 것을 응용(應用)하고, TCL과 FVC의 모형식(模型式)을 만든 결과(結果), 실험군(實驗群)에서 FVC가 치료과정(治療過程)의 기간(其間)과 정비례(正比例)하여 향상(向上)되고, 또한 치료효과(治療效果)가 명현(明顯)하게 나타나기 시작(始作)하는 시기(時期)가 중의(中醫) 치료과정(治療過程)을 거친 실험군(實驗群)의 제(第)12개(個)에서 DLCO와 DLCO/VA의 향상(向上)이 나타나는 시기(時期)와 거의 일치(一致)하는 것을 발견(發見)하였다.

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P Wave Dispersion as a Predictor of Idiopathic Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (특발성 발작성 심방세동 환자에서 P파 간격분산의 의의)

  • Hong, Gue-Ru;Kim, Woong;Park, Jong-Seon;Shin, Dong-Gu;Kim, Young-Jo;Shim, Bong-Sup
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2001
  • Background: P wave dispersion(PWD) is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimal P wave duration in any of the 12 leads of the surface ECG. The prolongation of atrial conduction time and the inhomogeneous propagation of sinus impulse are known electrophysiologic features in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation(PAF). The purpose of this study was to determine the role of P wave dispersion for the prediction of PAF and to evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic antiarrhythmic therapy. Materials and Methods: The study population included 20 patients with a history of idiopathic PAF and 20 age and sex matched healthy control subjects. We measured the maximum P wave duration(P maximum) and P wave dispersion from 12 lead ECG. Results: P maximum and P dispersion in idiopathic PAF were significantly higher than normal control group($97.2{\pm}12$, $48.5{\pm}9$ msec vs, $76.5{\pm}11$, $21{\pm}8$ msec, respectively p<0.001, <0.001). After 12-month follow up period P maximum and P dispersion were significantly reduced than those of initial state($77.2{\pm}13$, $26.4{\pm}9$ msec vs. $97.2{\pm}12$, $48.5{\pm}9$ msec, respectively p<0.001,<0.001). Conclusion: P dispersion and P maximum were significantly different between patients with idiopathic PAF and healthy control group. Those are easily accessible, non-invasive simple electrocadiographic markers that could be used for the prediction and prognostic factors of idiopathic PAF.

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A Study on an acceptance of CDC guideline on practical emergency department planning -Focusing on comparison CDC guideline to Emergency Medical Service Act- (응급실에서의 감염관리 표준지침의 반영에 관한 연구 -응급실에서의 감염관리 표준지침과 응급의료에 관한 법률의 반영 비교를 중심으로-)

  • Yoon, Hyung Jin;Oh, Joon-Gul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7237-7243
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    • 2015
  • Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) has been provided not only manual of managing infectious patient but also functional requirement of space in emergency department(ED) by distributing "Guideline for infection control in emergency department(GICED)" in 2009. To understand how much the guideline enforces its functional requirement on ED planning practice, it is compared to Emergency Medical Service Act(EMSA) a basic standard for ED planning. As a result, it is clear that those have different focal point in functional program and don't share infection control issue. By reviewing target hospitals' EDs opened around 2009, all ED have satisfied with the EMSA requirement but guideline. Those are selectively adapted infection control related spaces CDC guideline suggested regardless of open year so that target EDs are not to be influenced by the guideline. This research can support as a reference research when the EMSA are going to be reinforced by infection contol issue.

The Effect of Wind-instrument Centered Music Therapy on Respiration, Oral Motor and Articulation for Patients with Cervical Cord Injury - Case Study - (취주악기를 사용한 음악치료가 경수손상환자의 호흡, 구강운동 및 조음에 미치는 영향 -사례연구-)

  • Kim, Tai youn;Park, Shin ae;Lee, Yong seok
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.233-252
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence on respiration, oral motor and articulation using wind-instrument centered music therapy for patients with cervical cord injury who need continuous train of respiratory muscle. Three patients with cervical cord injury who needed continuous training of respiratory muscle were selected and post data was analyzed. The harmonica using both exhalation and inspiration was selected as an wind-instrument. Each session was taken 30 ~ 40 minutes, once a week from total 6 weeks with small group. Material about every session's work was provided for individual to maintain practice after program. Oral motor and articulation test was done to assess reflecting features of maximal expiratory flow and wind-instrument of factor related breath. Maximal expiratory flow has increased by average 25ml more, articulation has increased by 3.16 points more and the movement of oral motor has increased 11.67 points more than pre-test from the analyzation. In the comparison of the details, the increase of oral motor function was confirmed from scores on the jaw and tongue except for the lips. Based on the results of this study, this study suggests that wind-instrument centered music therapy will be a practical and effective intervention for respiratory rehabilitation in patients with cervical cord injury.

Comparison of the Postoperative Pain Control Effects of a Buprenorphine Transdermal Patch on Total Knee Arthroplasty Surgery Patients according to Its Applied Sites: Retrospective Case-Control Study (슬관절 인공관절 전치환술 환자에서 부프레노르핀 경피 패치의 적용부위에 따른 수술 후 통증 조절 효과 비교: 후향적 환자-대조군 연구)

  • Kim, Ok-Gul;Lee, Sang-Wook;Kim, Hyun-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.527-533
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study compared the effects of a buprenorphine transdermal patch (BTDP) on the chest and knee for pain control after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Materials and Methods: A retrospective case-control study was conducted from August 2018 to August 2019 on 231 patients who underwent TKA. Two hundred cases were selected considering age, sex, and body mass index. Before and after applying the BTDP, the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), adverse effects and compliance were measured. All measurements in the chest application group (group A=100) and knee application group (group B=100) were compared. Results: NRS was similar in rest between the groups treated with BTDP, but at two days and three days afternoon, five, six, and seven days postoperatively in group B, the NRS was significantly lower than that of group A. The adverse effects of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal system after applying BTDP were significantly lower in group B than in group A. No significant differences in adverse effects of the cardiovascular system and skin were observed between the two groups. Regarding the maintenance of BTDP, group B was significantly higher than group A. Conclusion: The direct application of BTDP after TKA to painful knee joints showed excellent results in early postoperative pain control and can be a useful method for increasing patient compliance by reducing the frequency of adverse effects.

Dentofacial changes of non-orthodontically treated female patients with TMJ disk displacement: a longitudinal cephalometric study (교정 치료를 받지 않은 측두하악관절원반변위가 있는 여성 환자의 두부계측방사선사진을 이용한 안모 및 치열 변화 연구)

  • Han, Jung-Woo;Kim, Tae-Woo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.398-410
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    • 2010
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in dentofacial morphology of non-orthodontically treated female patients with TMJ disk displacement. Methods: The sample consisted of 25 Korean female patients with bilateral TMJ disk displacement who visited the Department of Orthodontics, Seoul National University Dental Hospital from 1996 to 2006. Disk displacements were diagnosed using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both TMJs. Baseline (T1) and follow-up (T2) lateral cephalograms were analyzed. The mean age of samples at T1 was $18.1{\pm}3.5$ years (range 14.2 - 25.8 years) and at T2, $21.1{\pm}3.5$ years (range 16.2 - 28.0 years). The mean observation period was $3.0{\pm}1.9$ years. Descriptive statistics for each variable were calculated at baseline (T1) and follow-up (T2) stages, and during the observation period (T2-T1). Results: Skeletal changes were found in 64% of the non-orthodontically treated female patients with TMJ disk displacement during the observation period. The L1 to Mandibular plane distance (mm) increased significantly by 0.8 mm (p < 0.01). But there were no significant differences in the other dental relationship variables (overjet, overbite, U1 to palatal plane) during the observation period. Most patients with skeletal changes showed a backward rotation of the mandible. The ratio of the rotation was a decrease of SNB by $0.43^{\circ}$ for every $1^{\circ}$ increase of FMA (Spearman rho = -0.660, P < 0.01). A few patients showed a distal shift of the mandible without rotation or significant changes in the vertical dimension. Conclusions: During observation periods without orthodontic treatment, non-growing patients with TMJ disk displacement showed dentoskeletal changes, mainly backward rotation of the mandible.

Evaluation of the Treatment Response after Hypofractionated Radiotherapy in Patients with Advanced Head and Neck Cancers (진행성 두경부 상피세포암 환자에서 소분할 방사선조사 후의 치료반응 평가)

  • Kim, Won-Taek;Ki, Yong-Kan;Nam, Ji-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Cho, Kyu-Sup;Lee, Jin-Choon;Lee, Byung-Joo;Kim, Dong-Won
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was performed to objectively evaluate the rate of tumor response to hypofractionated radiotherapy for advanced squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. Materials and Methods: Thirty-one patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, who were treated by hypofractionated radiotherapy with 3 Gy per fraction for palliative purpose between 1998 and 2008, were reviewed retrospectively. Every tumor-volume was measured and evaluated from CT (computed tomography) images obtained before and 2~3 months after radiotherapy. The radiation toxicity was assessed during and after radiotherapy. A statistical analysis was performed to investigate overall survival, progressionfree survival, and the prognostic factors for survival and response. Results: The median age of the study patients was 70 years. In addition, 85% of the patients were in stage 4 cancer and 66.7% had an ECOG performance status of 1~2. The mean tumor-volume was 128.4 cc. Radiotherapy was administered with a total dose of 24~45 Gy (median: 36 Gy) over 10~25 days. Twenty-nine patients were treated with 30 Gy or more. The observed complete response rate was 12.9% and the partial response rate was 61.3%. Median survival time was 8.9 months and the 1-year progression-free survival rate was 12.9%. The treatment response rate was confirmed as a prognostic factor in the rate of survival. The primary site, stage, tumor-volume, radiotherapy field and overall radiation-dose showed a significant relationship with survival and treatment response. No grade 4 toxicity was observed during and after radiotherapy. Conclusion: There was an objective tumor-regression in about 74% of patients treated by hypofractionated radiotherapy. Further evaluation is needed to select the appropriate fraction-size and patient who may require the additional radiotherapy.

Human Leukocyte Antigen(HLA) Genotypes and Thyroid Autoimmunity in Korean Patients with Type 1 Diabetes (한국인 제 1형 당뇨병 환자들의 HLA 유전자형 및 자가면역성 갑상선 질환의 병발 양상)

  • Kang, So Young;Shin, Chung Ho;Yang, Sei Won;Park, Myoung Hee;Yu, Jeesuk
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.624-633
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : This study analyzed the expression of HLA-DR and DQ genotypes and anti-thyroid autoantibodies[anti-thyroid peroxidase(TPO) and anti-thyroglobulin(TG) antibodies] in Korean patients with type 1 diabetes(T1DM) to investigate the susceptible HLA alleles to T1DM in Korea and the prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies and their significance for the development of thyroid disorders. Methods : A total of 59 Korean patients with type 1 diabetes[26 males, median age 13.7 years(range 5.7-29.9 years), diabetes duration 7.6 years(-1.7-22.5 years)] were enrolled in this study, and 200 healthy Koreans without a family history of diabetes were selected as a normal control for the comparison of HLA genotypes. Seventeen patients with anti-TPO or anti-TG were followed [median duration 3.96 years(1 day-10.7 years)] with measurement of anti-TPO, anti-TG, $T_3$, $T_4$ or free $T_4$, TSH levels and physical examinations. HLA-DR and DQ genotyping were done by PCR-SSO, PCR-SSCP, PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSP methods. Results : HLA analysis showed higher frequencies of HLA-DRB1*0301, *090102 and DQB1*0201, *030302 alleles, DRB1*0301/*090102, *090102/*090102 and DQB1 *0201/*030302, *030302/*030302, *0201/ *0302 genotypes in T1DM patients compared to controls(Pc<0.05). Fifteen(25.4 percent) had anti-TPO antibody, 12(20.3 percent) had anti-TG, 17(28.8 percent) had either autoantibody and 10(16.9 percent) had both autoantibodies. No clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism developed during follow-up after the first detection of anti-thyroid autoantibody. There was no significant correlation between thyroid autoimmunity and gender, onset age of T1DM, and diabetes duration, respectively(P>0.05). Conclusion : We thought this unique HLA-DR, DQ allele distribution might be an important factor for the low incidence of T1DM in Korea. And a high prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies in these populations suggests examinations of thyroid antibodies should be performed regularly. Optimal age for the initial screening and the frequency of re-screening for associated thyroid autoimmune diseases in T1DM remains to be determined through prospective follow-up.

A study of the development of macrovascular complications and factors related to these complications in young adults with childhood/adolescence-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus (소아청소년기에 1형 당뇨병으로 진단된 젊은 성인에서 대혈관 합병증의 발생과 이에 연관된 인자에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Min Jae;Kim, Joo Hwa;Chung, Hye Rim;Lee, Young Ah;Shin, Choong Ho;Yang, Sei Won;Kim, You Yeh;Jin, Seon Mi;Noh, Chung Il
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.220-226
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : Macrovascular complications are the main cause of mortality in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). The purpose of this study was to clarify the presence of early vascular changes and to assess the risk factors of macrovascular complications in young adults with T1DM diagnosed in childhood and adolescence. Methods : Seventy-two patients ($23.9{\pm}2.4$ years) with T1DM diagnosed before 18 years of age and twenty normal controls were included. The incidence of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and other risk factors of macrovascular complication were reviewed. Flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) and mean intima-media thickness (IMT) measured by ultrasound were compared between patients and control subjects, and their correlations with macrovascular risk factors were analyzed. Results : Of the 72 patients, 32 (44.4%) had hypertension. The proportions of maleness (P=0.03) and mean body mass index (P=0.04) were higher in the hypertensive patients than in normotensive patients. Thirty-one (N=69, 44.9%) patients had dyslipidemia and LDL-cholesterol was positively correlated with mean HbA1c (r=0.32, P=0.008) and total daily insulin dose (r=0.27, P=0.02). The mean IMT was significantly higher in patients than in control subjects ($0.43{\pm}0.06$ mm vs $0.39{\pm}0.06$ mm, P=0.03). There was no difference in the value of FMD between patients and controls, but the duration of the disease after pubertal onset was negatively correlated with FMD (r=-0.34, P=0.01). Conclusion : Hypertension, dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic vascular change were observed in young adults with T1DM diagnosed during childhood and adolescence; this strongly suggests that meticulous screening of macrovascular complications and control of their risk factors should be conducted.

The Actual Conditions of Palliative Radiation Therapy for Patients in the Hospice Ward (호스피스 병동에 입원한 암환자에서 실시한 고식적 방사선치료 실태)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Hwan;Sun, Der-Sheng;Shim, Byoung-Yong;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Chi-Hong;Kim, Su-Zy;Lee, Ok-Kyung;Shin, Ok-Kyung;Kim, Eun-Joung;Kim, Hoon-Kyo
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.74-77
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: We evaluated how many patients received radiotherapy and how many those of them could not complete radiation therapy in Hospice Ward. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the general characteristics in 33 patients who began to receive palliative radiation therapy, and radiation dose and reasons of not-completing radiation therapy in Hospice Ward of St. Vincent's Hospital. Results: Thirty three (8.2%) among 404 patients who had been admitted from November 2003 and October 2005 received palliative radiation therapy. The main indications of radiation therapy included brain metastasis, painful bone metastasis, painful tumor mass, and obstructive shortness of breath. Forty five percent of these patients could not complete. And 20% could receive less than 1/3 of planned radiation dose. They failed to complete the treatment often due to poor general rendition. Conclusion: Although palliative radiation therapy had been used frequently for patients with advanced cancer in Hospice Ward of St. Vincent's Hospital, but it was often not completed. With appropriate selection criteria of patients and shorter modification of radiation treatment period, more patients would be benefited with palliative radiation therapy in Hospice Ward.

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