• Title/Summary/Keyword: 현대가구

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A Study on the Development of the Netherlands' Contemporary Art Furniture (현대 네덜란드 아트퍼니처 전개 양상에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Byung Hoon;Jung, Jaenah
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 2015
  • The Netherlands' contemporary Art Furniture has drawn large attention from design and art fields all around the world because of Dutch designers' intriguing themes and experimental approaches. Its successful achievement not comes from certain policies or personalities, but the result of ceaseless internal criticisms and self examinations. After World War II, Modernism was the most common notion of furniture design for mass production in the Netherlands like other nations, but Dutch designers and critics put modernist canon up for discussion since 1960s. They have searched counter modernist design for expression of human element and warmth using art works, craft, and Postmodernism theory, etc. Throughout design debate of modernism, free design, design as art and conceptual design, now we could observe Dutch designer's unique and distinguished Art Furniture in the influential places. By analyzing the development of the Netherlands' contemporary Art Furniture in chronological sequences, we could understand them better and learn something useful to Art Furniture in South Korea.

A Study on Establishment and Development of Concept for Art Furniture (현대 아트퍼니처의 개념정립 및 전개에 관한 연구)

  • 최병훈
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2001
  • Modern Art Furniture has been represented new idea and energy for futuristic furniture design by interacting and confronting with 3 points of view, which are; the idea and emotion of art, the form and concept of design, and the technique and materials of craft. Besides, meanings of modern Art Furniture are also can be described as followed. First, offend of concept of furniture design area to art, second, help to raise the social status of people by making art to be popularized, third, present a new direction of futuristic furniture design culture. Art Furniture design area, which has been trying to make a constant approach to human consideration and sensibility, leads new furniture design culture as an independent art genre in this 21st Century.

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An Analysis on the Traditional Expression in Modern Korean Residential-Furniture (한국 현대 옷장과 거실장에 나타난 전통성의 표현 경향)

  • 박소연;박영순
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the current trend of tradition in Modern Korean Residential-furniture. Sample furniture of 374 pieces made by 21 manufacturers which have been shown in the market in September 2000, are selected for this study. To find out the traditional trend, frequency and percentage are used. As the result of the study, the major trend of design in Modern Korean Residential-furniture is modern style based on Modernism. However, it was found that there are tendency while large firms add western traditional elements in their furniture, small manufactures are trying to develop original furniture design which expresses Korean traditional characteristics. It means that the Korean traditional characteristics are not widely spread in Modern Residential-furniture.

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A Study on the Background of Social Design Appearance (사회적 디자인(Social Design)의 등장 배경에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Hyundae;Hong, Sunki
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.425-434
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    • 2012
  • The concept of humanity is considered as the common issue of various areas in the $21^{st}$ century. The diverse issues such as social design, social enterprise, and ethical consumption, etc., actually involves in the humanity. The unique aspect is that they focus on the disadvantaged group and want to do something for their severe situation in spite of the economic recession all the world faced. This paper shows how the social design appeared as a paradigm of the $21^{st}$ century design on the historical consideration, and tries to prove that the social design is not a new trend but the subtle movement that begun from $19^{th}$ century.

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A Study on the Modular System in Contemporary Furniture (현대가구에 나타난 모듈라 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 박영순
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 1982
  • The objective of this study is to apply the modular furniture system, which has been developed actively in western Europe and America since 1970's, to Korean contemporary furniture having converted into western style gradually. The factors requiring the modular furniture system in today's residential environment are as follows; 1. Population increase and urbanization 2. Development of industrial technology 3. Improvement of living condition and change of life style. As these factors increase the problem of diminishing space, multiple functional modular furniture concept has become a solution. Reviewing the current scene of the western modular furniture system, it is classified into modular seating system, mopular wall system, modular commode system and modular storage system. Korean wardrobe, which is am mixed style of traditional and contemporary furniture, should change to a closet eventually because of the grand size and unpractical use of space. Since most Korean family, however, have wardrobes already, it will be necessary to have a turning period to systemized the closet space in Korean residential interior. For the turning period, application of the modular wall system would be one answer to substitute the wardrobe.

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Special theme 1 - 2014년 주택시장 전망과 시사점

  • 한국시멘트협회
    • Cement
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    • s.201
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2014
  • 2014년 주택시장은 초반에는 소폭 상승 하락을 거듭하지만 시간이 지나면서 지역별, 규모별 차별화가 심화될 것으로 전망된다. 지역별로는 초과공급이 상대적으로 심한 수도권에 비해 비수도권의 강세현상이 지속될 전망이다. 규모별로는 핵가족화, 고령화 등으로 인하여 가구의 다운사이징 현상이 뚜렷해지면서 중소형 강세, 대형 약세 현상이 지속될 것으로 보인다. 한편 2014년에는 매매시장 불안과 연관된 전세수요가 지속되면서 전세시장 불안도 지속될 가능성이 크다. 여기서는 현대경제연구원의 '2014년 주택시장 전망과 시사점' 보고서를 통해 최근 주택시장 흐름과 주택 시장 주요 수급여건을 분석한 뒤 2014년 주택시장의 특징에 대해 살펴본다.

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A review of gender discourse in the Ghibli animation "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya" (지브리 애니메이션 <가구야 공주 이야기>에서 나타나는 젠더 담론에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Ye-Eun;Kim, Soong-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2021
  • Animation is a media reflecting social ideas, not only conveying information but also creating a new discourse. The purpose of this paper is to examine the social issues and gender discourse reflected in the media by analyzing the gender discourse inherent in the protagonist and surrounding characters, narrative characteristics, and background of the Ghibli animation "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya". As a research method for this purpose, figure out social problems related to gender performance, and analyze prior researches to derive a connection with the gender discourse in the animation. Grandfather is symbolic of a father who forces his daughter to follow his chosen happiness, and grandmother represents a mother who can not stop her husband. Stemaru is the character not in the original, posing a question of the problem of gender performance while failing to get married due to lack of sufficient wealth and honor. Princess Kaguya had been self-reliant and active like a modern woman at the beginning of the story. However, after being suppressed by society and people around her, the stereotyped gender performance forced Kaguya, who longed for the earth, to wish to return to the moon. Such social pressure happens in modern society. Gender performance is a systemic problem to be solved with systemic change. For this reason, constant consideration such as this paper is needed.

A Study on Furniture Terminology at Contemporary Furniture Manufacture Fields (현대 가구제조현장에서 사용되는 가구용어 연구)

  • Moon, Sun-Ok;Song, Ho-Jeong;Kim, Ae-Ju;Hong, Seung-Hyeon;Park, Kyeong-Yeon;Jang, Hyun-Young;Cho, Sook-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2013
  • This article intends to explore the formation of furniture terms with the name of furniture, furniture materials, tools, and machinery from eight furniture companies manufacturing their own different furniture items. As a result of this study, the terms can be abstracted as four things as follows. First of all, the terminology that the furniture firms is are unified over 80 percent and has no problem on the communication among the companies. Especially office furniture all is using common words because the terms are almost fixed by an administration agreement relating to the Supply Administration. Second, the furniture terms being used at the fields are mixed with Korean, English, and Japanese, and this current state shows more at small businesses than at large businesses Third, the terms of foreign words, almost English, present 48 percent as 156 words among the total 325 terms. Japanese shows 6 percent as 21 terms but it tends to be handed down from mouth to mouth with inaccurate conditions. Finally, the formation of the terms are from the original words or English, from the combination of Korean and foreign words for convenience at the fields, and from being created as Korean newly in considering Korea's special situation.

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A Study on the Combined custom furniture Design for Single Person Households (Focused on the art furniture table) (1인가구를 위한 조합형 커스텀 가구디자인 연구 (아트퍼니처 테이블을 중심으로))

  • Hwang, Sun-Wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2018
  • I would like to design a customized furniture for one-person households that have emerged as mainstream in modern society. In particular, I focused on the tendency of generations to improve the quality of life, and wanted to design the aesthetic furniture close to art furniture. To this end, I look at art furniture in domestic and overseas furniture. and present the concept of combined custom design based on current trends. The combined custom design differs from the existing one by creating separate designs for each part and fusing them to enable more diverse and aggressive molding. This is in harmony with the active tendency of one-person households who shows a lot of interest in the quality of life. Especially, it is suitable for small quantity production of various kinds, so it can be produced in the existing craft workshop system, and the two tables can confirm the possibility of the morphological concept according to actual combined custom design.

The Application Tendency of Western Classic Style Appeared to Residencial Space Interior Composition Elements (주거공간 실내구성요소에 나타난 서양 고전양식의 적용경향)

  • 오혜경;이지현
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the application tendency about the interior elements of the western classical style which appears in Korean residential space. The examined objects were 324 pictures of 99 residential spaces from the different monthly magazines between Sep.1994 to Sep.1999. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The tendency of application according to the kind of space, it has appeared much in Iivingroom, master bedroom and dining room of apartments and houses. As for the single application in residential space, Rococo and Neo-Classic style was shown most, and the cases applied through the mixture of Renaissance style and Nee-classic style appeared most. 2. The tendency of application arroding to the interior elements of space, the wall of Nee-Classic style and the ceiling of Renaissance style, the window and door of Nee-classic style, and the furniture of Rococo style were being applied much.

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