• Title/Summary/Keyword: 행동계획

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An Exploratory Factor Analysis on the Collaborative Information Behaviors of an Online Community Responding to the MV Sewol Tragedy (세월호 비극에 대한 온라인 커뮤니티의 협력적 정보행동에 관한 탐색적 요인 분석 연구)

  • Jisue Lee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.191-220
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    • 2023
  • This research attempts to identify how members of an online community collaboratively engaged with particular social information behaviors and accomplished a defined collective action. While responding to the Sewol Ferry tragedy, MissyUSA members quickly communicated and mobilized a collective action, a full-page ad campaign in The New York Times. As a follow up study, this secondary analysis quantitatively analyzes the primary data from a previous study to explore potential relationships or underlying factors among the various identified information behaviors. In this study, nineteen of the previously identified information behaviors were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, yielding a total of eight factors. The two major factors of shared representation/collective identification and mobilizing resources verified the findings of the previous study and are in line with the findings typical of political science. The three factors of collaborative decision-making, reaction to tension, and brainstorming were factors that maximized communication and mobilization online, without any face-to-face communication or physical organization. Three emergent factors of outburst of dissent, boycott, and planning explained how members used negative emotions of anger, referential information for boycott, and incubated next collective actions. Through exploratory factor analysis, this study verifies and expands on the findings of the previous study by identifying several emergent factors that relate to the collaborative information behaviors of an online community engaged in a collective action.

National Drought Response Framework and Emergency Action Plan for Mega-Drought (미국의 국가가뭄대응체계 및 비상대처계획의 시사점)

  • Nam, Won-Ho;Knutson, Cody L.;Hayes, Michael J.;Svoboda, Mark D.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.405-405
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    • 2020
  • 최근 선제적인 가뭄대응을 위하여 관계부처가 상시 가뭄 관리체계를 지속하고, 범정부적 가뭄예방 대처를 위한 가뭄종합대책이 수립되었다. 가뭄종합대책에는 통합적 가뭄 위기대응체계를 마련해 단계별로 가뭄에 체계적으로 대응하고, 극한가뭄에 대비해 선제적 용수확보와 가뭄 전문가 지역 협의체 운영 등을 통해 대응 역량을 강화하는 계획이 포함되어있다. 또한 국가재난관리체계에 따라 지자체는 지역별 재난안전대책본부를 수립하고, 현장조치 행동메뉴얼에 따라 단계별 제한급수대책 수립, 재난대응 단계별 행동요령 (징후 감지, 초기 대응, 비상 대응) 등을 수행한다. 이처럼 가뭄은 발생 후 해갈까지 많은 시간과 지속적인 관리가 필요하며, 사회전반에 걸처 영향을 주는 대형복합재난으로 국가적 차원의 통합적 관리가 필요한 재난으로 국가가뭄대응체계 및 비상대처계획 (Emergency Action Plan, EAP) 수립이 필요하다. 미국은 1998년 국가가뭄정책법(National Drought Policy Act)을 제정해 가뭄관리에 대한 법제도적 기반을 마련하였으며, 2006년 국가통합가뭄정보시스템법 (National Integrated Drought Information System Act)을 제정해(Public Law 109-430) 현재의 국가통합가뭄정보시스템 (NIDIS)이 설립되었다. 이후 국가가뭄회복력파트너십 (National Drought Resilience Partnership, NDRP)을 발족하여 2016년 장기가뭄 회복력을 위한 국가재해대응정책을 수립하였다 (Federal Action Plan for Long-Term Drought Resilience). 미국의 경우 1982년 콜로라도 주, 사우스다코타 주, 뉴욕 주를 시작으로 2020년 현재 48개 주에서 연방정부단위의 가뭄대응계획을 수립하였다. 본 연구에서는 미국에서 실행되고 있는 가뭄 적응 대책 및 비상대처계획을 조사, 분석하고, 향후 메가 가뭄 발생시 국가단위의 가뭄 재난위기관리 매뉴얼, 정부 및 지자체의 가뭄 대응 체계 및 대응 방안을 보완할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

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An Analysis of Inappropriate Consumer Compliant Behavior Type Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (계획된 행동이론을 적용한 소비자들의 부적절한 불만행동 유형별 분석)

  • Lee, Youngae
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2014
  • The theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen predicts that certain behaviors are determined by behavioral intentions which are affected by an attitudinal belief toward the behavior, the subject norms, and the individual's perception of their control over the behavior. This study's aim is to examine consumers' inappropriate complaint behaviors, using the theory of planned behavior. Consumers' inappropriate complaint behaviors are defined by two types, which are low -and high-intensity inappropriate complaint behavior based on the primary data collected from a group of consumer affairs professionals in the business field. The survey questionnaire was administered to 1,000 consumers via an on-line survey. The two models were assessed with path analysis in order to predict consumers' inappropriate complaint behaviors, using the theory of planned behavior. The results are as follows: First, two types of inappropriate compliant behaviors were identified according to the results of an exploratory study conducted by professionals who had been employed at the department of consumer affairs. Second, the theory of planned behavior is adequately fitted to examine the factors related to consumers' inappropriate complaint behaviors. Also, all three variables based on the theory of planned behavior, -perceived behavior control, subjective norm, and attitude-had a significant effect on inappropriate complaint behavior intention. Third, consumers' inappropriate complaint behavior intention played the most significant role in low-intensity inappropriate complaint behavior, whereas attitude was found to play a significant role in high-intensity inappropriate complaint behavior. The significance and implication were discussed in terms of effective customer management strategies.

A Prospective Model of Behavior of Physical and Occupational Therapists of The Confidentiality of Patient Medical records by Structural Equation Model (구조모형방정식을 이용한 물리치료사와 작업치료사의 환자의료정보 보호행동 예측모형 개발)

  • Lee, I.H.;Park, H.J.;Yun, K.I.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2010
  • This study developed the perspective model of behavior of physical therapists(PTs) and occupational therapists(OTs) who are dealing with confidential patient medical information in hospitals. Theory of planned Behavior(TpB) model, expanded models 1 and 2 that add habit, social pressure, and work convenience concept to TpB are tested for the validity in explaining the preposing factors that affect the behavior of PTs and OTs in ensuring the confidentiality of patient medical records. Data were collected by administrating a survey to the 120 PTs and OTs in A city. Of the 120 questionaries distributed, 110 were responded resulting 91.6% of response rate. There were not significantly different among the group classified by age, 'clinical career, gender, work family, and education level were analysis using with Independent t test and one-way ANOVA. The relationships on the concepts suggested in the models were analysed by applying the Structured Equations Modeling methods. The results of Structured Equations analysis showed that expanded model 2 was more effective model than TpB model and expanded model 1.

Predicting Kiosk Discontinuance (키오스크 이용 중단 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.191-200
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    • 2022
  • This study explores the discountinued use intention of kiosk, applying integration model with technology acceptance and theory of planned behavior. An online survey was conducted with 420 senior consumers aged 50-70. This research used SPSS 25.0 for descriptive, t-test, correlation, and regression analysis. Theses results are as follows. First, perceived usefulness, perceived control and satisfaction were higher among male group than female group. Second, perceived usefulness, affective inertia and behavior inertia were significantly influenced the discountined use intention of kiosk in male group. Third, perceived control, behavior inertia and cognitive inertia were significantly influenced the discountined use intention of kiosk in female group. These results enhance understanding of seniors' attitude and negative response to kiosk.

Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Ecological Model to Explain Exercise Intention (운동의도 설명을 위한 계획된 행동이론과 사회생태학적 모델의 통합)

  • Lee, Yoon-Gu;Suh, Kwang-Bong
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2016
  • Most of health behavioral research were conducted with only individual psychological variables. The purpose of this study was to integrate the theory of planned behavior and social ecological model to explain exercise intention through multilateral approaches. 50s male 252 exercise participants were used in the final data analysis. Reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation modeling were used to analyze. The results indicated that physical environment has a positive influence on the subjective norm. Attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control have positive influence on intention. Lastly, Social environment has a positive influence on the attitude. According to the results of this study, it will be able to contribute to integration of theoretical model for various health behavior and also help to develop intervention for physical activity promotion.

The Moderating Effect of Protective Factors in the Relationship between Impulsivity and Suicide Behavior in Elementary School Students (초등학생의 충동성과 자살행동의 관계에서 보호요인의 조절효과: 고학년을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2019
  • This study was to investigate the moderating effect of the protective factors in the relationship between impulsivity and suicide behavior of elementary school students. This study surveyed total 573 elementary school students located in Seoul. They completed survey questionnaires of impulsivity, suicide behavior and protective factors. Collected data was examined using correlation analyses and hierarchical multiple regression analyses. First, a total of 29(5.1%) students reported suicide plan, 17(3.0%) students reported suicide attempts and the rate of suicide behavior was 7.1%(n=41). Second, there was a negative relationship between impulsivity and protective factors and a positive relationship between impulsivity and suicide behavior. Also, it was found that the protective factors(individual factor, family factor, peer factor, school factor) moderated the relationship between impulsivity and suicide behavior of elementary school students. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

A Study of the Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention for Organic Food: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior (유기농식품에 대한 소비자의 구매의도 영향요인 분석 계획적 행동이론을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hwa-Sun;Lee, Kwang-Keun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2012
  • Well-being is a reflection of current sociocultural trends that focus on the quality of life based on economic growth. Furthermore, organic food is believed to help people maintain good health and therefore leads to increased consumption of organic foods. Therefore, consumer interest in organic food is increasing, causing its market to grow, and this trend will be maintained in the future. The abuse of agricultural pesticides, gene manipulation, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy has caused consumers to worry about food safety. The well-being trend has also contributed to consumers' growing interest inorganic food and organic agricultural products. A consumer's choice offood is a complex processes affected by various factors. In particular, organic food is considered an individualistic merit good, considering the consumers' preferences related to certification policies. Therefore, various factors such as personal characteristics and sense of value could affect consumers' decisions. This research focused on an analysis of the factors influencing consumers' purchasing intention for organic food on the basis of an increase in organic food consumption. The research method was based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Factors such as consumer characteristics regarding food consumption, purchasing frequency, and other factors affecting purchasing intention were presented. The hypothesis was set using advanced research and stated that it is easier to forecast purchasing intentions by combining the theory of planned behavior and personal characteristics of consumer. The results show that two dimensions, attitude and perceived behavioral control, have statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention. It can be said that a positive attitude toward organic foods in particular increases the possibility of purchasing intention. In addition, consumers who consume more organic food products are more likely to have positive attitudes, and, in the past, purchasing frequency has positively influenced purchasing intention of organic foods. Consumers' negative feelings about the non-purchase of organic foods also showed a negative influence on purchasing intentions. In other words, even though consumers feel uncomfortable when not consuming organic food products, they do not try to purchase such products because of this feeling of discomfort. Furthermore, the subjective norm and the behavioral control of food-related involvement do not have a statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention or attitudes. This research verified the influence of factors related to purchasing intention. This study has several limitations: (1) even though consumers' responses can change based on the type of food, the types of food were not classified in this study; (2) future studies are necessary to analyze the attitudes of consumers on the basis of their purchasing experiences with organic foods.

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Intelligent Control Framework for Non Player Characters of Immersive Networked Virtual Environment (실감형 Networked Virtual Environment의 사실성 증진를 위한 Non Player Character의 지능적 제어 프레임워크)

  • Jun, Kyung-Koo;Sung, Mee-Young;Lee, Sang-Rak
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.1168-1174
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문에서는 실감형 Networked Virtual Environment (NVE)의 사실성 증진을 위한 Non Player Character (NPC)의 지능적 제어 프레임워크를 제안한다. 이 프레임워크는 반응의 다양성, 실시간성 그리고 NPC의 능동성면에서 기존 게임에서 사용되는 NPC 구현 기법과 차이가 있다. 기존 NPC 제어구조의 경우, 휴먼 사용자의 행동에 따른 NPC의 반응이 일정 스크립트나 규칙에 따르기 때문에 정형적이며, 또한 NPC의 반응시간에 대한 실시간성을 고려하지 않고 있다. 또한 NPC는 휴먼 사용자의 액션에 반응하는 종속적이고 수동적인 역할만을 담당한다. 제안하는 프레임워크에서는 NPC는 각자의 취향을 가지고 있어 다양한 반응과 행동양식을 보일 수 있으며, NPC의 행동 결정 시간에 어느 정도 실시간성을 부여할 수 있으며, 또한 NPC의 역할이 수동적 형태에서 벗어나 능동적으로 계획하여 행동을 실행할 수 있다. 프레임워크의 구현을 위해 SWI-Prolog의 Rule based 추론엔진과 유전자 알고리즘을 사용하였다.

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NPC Control by Hybrid Architecture of Finite State Machine and Inference Engine ? (NPC 행동 제어를 위한 유한상태기계와 추론 엔진의 하이브리드 구조)

  • Cho, Dong-Hyun;Oh, Sung-Jin;Sung, Mee-Young;Jun, Kyung-Koo
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2007
  • 게임이나 가상환경에서 오락성과 실감성을 증진시키는 여러 가지 방법들 가운데 지능적인 Non-Player Character (NPC)들의 존재는 중요하다. 컴퓨터 그래픽과 관련 하드웨어 플랫폼 기술의 발전으로 인해 사용자들은 이제 시각적인 만족을 넘어서서, NPC들이 보다 지능적으로 행동하면서 오락적인 만족감과 동시에 보다 향상된 실감성을 제공하기를 원한다. 하지만, 유한상태기계 (Finite State Machine, FSM)를 기반으로 하는 NPC 구현의 한계와 어려움으로 인해 이러한 사용자들의 요구사항을 만족시키는 것은 어렵다. 본 논문에서는 FSM과 추론 엔진(Inference Engine)을 결합한 새로운 NPC 행동제어 구조를 제안한다. 또한 제안된 구조의 가능성을 시연하기 위해 실제로 동작하는 데모를 소개한다. 이러한 FSM과 추론 엔진의 하이브리드 구조는 FSM이 제공하는 NPC 반응의 실시간성을 보장하는 동시에 추론 엔진이 제공할 수 있는 보다 지능적이고 계획적인 NPC들의 행동을 만들어 낼 수 있다는 장점이 있다.

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