• Title/Summary/Keyword: 해운정책

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Forecasting the BDI during the Period of 2012 (2012 BDI의 예측)

  • Mo, Soo-Won
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • In much the same way as the US Lehman crisis of 2008-2009 severely impacted the European economy through financial market dislocation, a European banking crisis would materially impact the US economy through a generalized increase in global risk aversion. A deepening of the European crisis could very well derail the US economic recovery and have a harmful impact on the Asian economies. This kind of vicious circle could be a bad news to the shipping companies. The purpose of the study is to predict the Baltic Dry Index representing the shipping business during the period of 2012 using the ARIMA-type models. This include the ARIMA and Intervention-ARIMA models. This article introduces the four ARIMA models and six Intervention-ARIMA models. The monthly data cover the period January 2000 through October 2011. The out-of-sample forecasting performance is also calculated. Forecasting performance is measured by three summary statistics: root mean squared percent error, mean absolute percent error and mean percent error. The root mean squared percent errors, however, are somewhat higher than normally expected. This reveals that it is very difficult to predict the BDI The ARIMA-type models show that the shipping market will be bearish in 2012. These pessimistic ex-ante forecasts are supported by the Hodrick-Prescott filtering technique.

Liabilities of Air Carrier Who Sponsored Financially Troubled Affiliate Shipping Company (항공사(航空社)의 부실 계열 해운사(海運社) 지원에 따른 법적 책임문제)

  • Choi, June-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.177-200
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    • 2017
  • This writer have thus far reviewed the civil and criminal obligations of the directors of a parent company that sponsored financially troubled affiliates. What was discussed here applies to logistics companies in the same manner. Hanjin Shipping cannot expect its parent company, Korean Air to prop it up financially. If such financial aid is offered without any collateral, under Korean criminal law, the directors of the parent company bears the burden of civil and criminal responsibility. One way to get around this is to secure fairness in terms of the process and the content of aid. Fairness in terms of process refers to the board of directors making public all information and approving such aid. Fairness in terms of content refers to impartial transactions that block out any possibilities of the chairman of the corporate group acting in his private interest. In the case of Korean Air bailing out Hanjin, the meeting of board of directors were held five times and a thorough review was conducted on the risks involved in the loans being repaid or not. After the review, measures to guard against undesirable scenarios were established before finally deciding on bailing out Hanjin. As such, there are no issues. In terms of the fairness of content, too, there were practically no room for the majority shareholder or controlling shareholder to pocket profits at the expense of the company. This is because the continued aid offered to a financially troubled company (i.e. Hanjin Shipping) was a posing a burden to even the controlling shareholder. This writer argues that the concept of the interest of the entire corporate group needs to be recognized. That is, it must be recognized that the relationship of control and being controlled between parent company and affiliate company, or between affiliate companies serves a practical benefit to the ongoing concern and growth of the group and is therefore just. Moreover, the corporate group and its affiliates, as well as their directors and management must recognize that they have an obligation to prioritize the interests of the corporate group ahead of the interests of the company that they are directly associated with. As such, even if Korean Air offered a loan to Hanjin Shipping without collateral, the act cannot be treated as an offense to law, nor can the directors be accused of damages that they bear the responsibility of compensating under civil law.

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Shipping Industry Support Plan based on Research of Factors Affecting on the Freight Rate of Bulk Carriers by Sizes (부정기선 운임변동성 영향 요인 분석에 따른 우리나라 해운정책 지원 방안)

  • Cheon, Min-Soo;Mun, Ae-ri;Kim, Seog-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2020
  • In the shipping industry, it is essential to engage in the preemptive prediction of freight rate volatility through market monitoring. Considering that freight rates have already started to fall, the loss of shipping companies will soon be uncontrollable. Therefore, in this study, factors affecting the freight rates of bulk carriers, which have relatively large freight rate volatility as compared to container freight rates, were quantified and analyzed. In doing so, we intended to contribute to future shipping market monitoring. We performed an analysis using a vector error correction model and estimated the influence of six independent variables on the charter rates of bulk carriers by Handy Size, Supramax, Panamax, and Cape Size. The six independent variables included the bulk carrier fleet volume, iron ore traffic volume, ribo interest rate, bunker oil price, and Euro-Dollar exchange rate. The dependent variables were handy size (32,000 DWT) spot charter rates, Supramax 6 T/C average charter rates, Pana Max (75,000 DWT) spot charter, and Cape Size (170,000 DWT) spot charter. The study examined charter rates by size of bulk carriers, which was different from studies on existing specific types of ships or fares in oil tankers and chemical carriers other than bulk carriers. Findings revealed that influencing factors differed for each ship size. The Libo interest rate had a significant effect on all four ship types, and the iron ore traffic volume had a significant effect on three ship types. The Ribo rate showed a negative (-) relationship with Handy Size, Supramax, Panamax, and Cape Size. Iron ore traffic influenced three types of linearity, except for Panamax. The size of shipping companies differed depending on their characteristics. These findings are expected to contribute to the establishment of a management strategy for shipping companies by analyzing the factors influencing changes in the freight rates of charterers, which have a profound effect on the management performance of shipping companies.

A Study of Drawing Policy Schemes to Establish Marine Clusters - Focused on Shipping Port Logistics Policy - (해양클러스터 구축을 위한 정책 방안 도출에 관한 연구 - 해운항만물류정책을 중심으로 -)

  • Gim, Jingoo;Jo, Jinhaeng;Paik, Jongsil
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.173-194
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims at drawing policy schemes to establish marine clusters so as to enhance Korea's global port competitiveness and applying them to its national management for the advancement of national economy through policy suggestions. The research method is an integrated approach(IA) that comprises SWOT Method with strategic approaches, HFP Model enhanced by KJ Method and descriptive deductions. Strategic schemes established for the SPLC are followed by the group of geographical proximity, integration of ICT, expansion of the interchange of ICT & opportunities of ET, integration of ICT services with marine technologies, supply of integrated services in the SPLC and implementation of organizational policies. In order to make a specific implementation of strategic establishment schemes of the SPLC, we need to select a promotion entity. It is advised to establish the joint organization of the public sector and the private sector, which is considered most desirable. In practice, it is to be followed by promoting support schemes of the organizational policy on the level of national management. In order to reinforce this study, further compensative and proactive researches on the offshore sector with marine clusters are required in terms of the development of the high value added 'blue' ocean.

An Empirical Study on the Determinants of Cash Holdings in Korean Shipping Firms (우리나라 해운물류산업의 현금보유수준과 결정요인에 관한 연구 : 국적외항선사를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sungyhun
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.131-149
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to describe and determine how and to what extent size of firm, operating vessels and interest cost, leverage, debit maturity, growth opportunity and cash flow affect the cash holdings of Korean shipping companies. A sample of 38 Korean shipping firms for a period of 9 years(from 2005 to 2013) was selected. In panel data regression, this study finds that cash holdings are negatively affected by firm size, operating vessel size and debit maturity, and positively affected by volume of interest costs. In firm's group of relatively large volume of operating vessel, it's cash holdings are affected by debit maturity, cash flows and growth opportunity but in firm's group of small volume of it, interest cost, debit maturity and operating vessel's size are related with cash holdings. It proved that determinants of cash holdings in a high interest costing group are size of operating vessel, interest cost and debt maturity. On the other hand, debit maturity, growth opportunity, firm size and extent volume of vessels are associated with cash holdings in relatively row interest costing group.

The Impact of ESG Frameworks on Economic Performance: The Mediating Role of Logistics Performance and Liner Shipping Connectivity (물류 성과와 운송연계성의 매개 역할을 고려한 ESG 체계가 경제성과에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Park, Byungin
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.163-190
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    • 2023
  • Recently, a framework crystallizing as Environmental, Social, and Governance(ESG) has been exerting significant influence not only on corporate investment and management philosophies but also on national policies. This ESG framework is becoming an essential requirement for all organizations. It has become an obligation at the corporate and national levels, particularly in the maritime, port, and logistics sectors. Anticipating that the adoption and utilization of the ESG framework will reach higher levels when it becomes a necessity, this study utilized data from international organizations such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD), the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum to analyze the impact of the ESG framework on national economic performance through the maritime, port, and logistics sectors using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling(PLS-SEM). The analysis revealed that while the ESG framework did not have a direct impact on the national economy, it manifested substantial indirect effects through maritime, port, and logistics sectors. Therefore, in these sectors, the establishment of the ESG framework should be recognized not only as an expenditure and obligation but also as a crucial investment that positively influences the national economic performance. The study's findings are limited by the absence of data beyond 2019 due to the impact of COVID-19. Therefore, it is anticipated that more accurate current effects can be ascertained when newer data becomes available.

Marine Finance and Port Logistics Industry's Development Schemes as a Creative-type Service Industry (해양금융과 항만물류산업의 발전방안 연구 -창조형 서비스산업을 근간으로-)

  • Gim, Jin-goo;Oh, Hak-Gyun;Lee, Jin-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2014.06a
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    • pp.183-185
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper aims at contributing to the national economic development through global competitiveness enhancement by marine finance's hub and marine logistics cluster by finance specialization and finance support as a creative-type service industry in global shipping port logistics. This study adopted the integrated approach and applied it to policy implementation to achieve the effectiveness. Creative-type marine finance development stages as a tool of policy implementation and the guide line for the time of policy implementation are followed by Stage 1(Construction & Growth Policy) for 2013~2016, Stage 2(Forstering & Activation Policy) for 2017~2019) and Stage 3(Continuous Development Policy) after 2020 until its completion. Korea has the inferiority over the competitiveness in global marine finance and needs a strategic approach to secure the liquidity of marine finance; interim, Islamic finance has been come to the force as a new alternative in financial transaction being accompanied by a spot transaction since the crisis of global finance. In order to create a potential slack of Korea in marine finance practice, in addition, this study suggests a consortium with the circle of Islamic finance as a clue of an easier policy implementation at the beginning stage.

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World Logistics Evolution & Marketing Strategy for Korea's Enhanced Port Competition (세계물류발전과 한국의 항만경쟁력 강화를 위한 마케팅 전략)

  • Gim, Jin-Goo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.363-384
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    • 2008
  • This study aims at improving Korea's competitiveness in port logistics through marketing strategy with integrating the conceptual approach into the empirical one and combining both the oldest military treatise and the newest evaluating model in social science that was applied by the HFP(hierarchical fuzzy process) model enhanced by the KJ method. The empirical results of this study show Busan in the middle among subject ports. At present, Korea plays a reciprocal role in the port market in East Asia, but in the medium- and long-term, Korea's ports will vie together with most major ports in the East Asian region. A descriptive investigation shows that Korea's developing tasks in port logistics must be considered in the context of the direction for developing port policies, the necessity of expanding port facilities in the capital region, securing the sufficient traffic volume through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization, and reforming the direction for developing the global logistics through increased port competitiveness. In the short- and medium-term, Korea must use the opportunity factor of 'Growth and open door policy of China' as a geoeconomic advantage and to utilize Korea's ports as a gate to Chinese foreign trade. With the rise of China's economy, China also plays a significant role in both port and airport markets. Hence, the linking system between the two must be established to meet the expanding traffic volume, especially in the capital area. Moreover, it is necessary for Korea to secure port logistics through the establishment of the hinterland linking system and its positive utilization. The great accomplishment of this paper is to present strategies to increase Korea's port competitiveness in the rapidly changing environments of world logistics with the focus on both the oldest military strategic treatise and the newest empirical method in social science. In order to reinforce this study, it needs further compensative research because the evaluation structure could be subdivided with more extensive and precise criteria.

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" 항만물류 산업의 집적화와 고부가가치화로 우리나라의 경제성장 동력 역할 수행!! "

  • 강무현
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    • s.10
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 2005
  • 동북아 물류중심국가로의 도약은 바다를 건너야만 가능하다. 주변국인 중국, 일본 등과의 교역에 해상을 이용해야 하기 때문이다. 삼면이 바다로 둘러싸인 우리나라는 부산신항, 광양항의 투포트 시스템으로 신라시대의 장보고 대사가 이뤘던 해상왕국을 다시한번 이루고자 노력하고 있다. 그 선두에 해양수산부가 21세기 선진 해양한국 실현이라는 비젼을 가지고 항해하고 있다. 그만큼 우리나라는 바다가 중요하다. 오는 5월 31일 제 10회 바다의 날을 맞이하여, 강무현 해양수산부 차관을 만나 동북아 물류중심국가에서 해운업의 중요성을 다시한번 되새겨 보고 해양수산부의 올해 주요 추진정책과 물류기업을 위한 계획에 대해 들어보았다.

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An Evaluation Stufy on Personnnel Elitism : The Case of "A" Shipping Company (소수정예주의 인력정책 평가 연구: A 해운회사 사례)

  • 이도화;김정만
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1998
  • This study aims at suggesting a concepturla model of personnel elitism, and at evaluating the model based on a shipping company case. Specifically, it asks whether the company has met the conditions nessary for the attainment of personnel litism prescribed by the conceptural model. In order to evalutate the model, questionnaire and interview methods were adopted. The area of survey includes the quality of personnel , the efficiency level of work processes. and the level of work load. This study concludes that the rationalization of work processes and training and development of personnel are necessary for a company to realize personnel elitism.

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