• Title/Summary/Keyword: 항공 교통 산업

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Prerequisites for Realizing Urban Air Traffic (UAM) and Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) (도심항공교통(UAM)과 개인용 비행체(PAV) 실현화를 위한 선행 조건에 대한 전망)

  • Choi, Jeongho;Choi, Young-Moon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2020
  • This study is aimed at a basic infrastructure for realizing urban air mobility (UAM) and personal air vehicle (PAV), which have recently been high interest as new means of transportation. The development of UAM and PAV technologies is a field of a high added value that the world is competitively pushing for the world. However, the three most fundamental aspects are the establishing an aviation certification system, finding reliable manufacturers having advanced technical abilities, and the training/securing of professional manpower. Above all, the aviation certification system will be established for the first time. Based on the certification system, it will be possible to realize the government's policy goal of introducing new means of transportation, including the production of aircraft and to realize commercialization that meets international standards that satisfy conformity and compliance. In addition, finding reliable manufacturers, fostering professionals, and establishing an educating system for stable supplying of the professionals are main projects to become a leading country in the field.

더 크게! 더 많이! - 대량 장거리 수송의 경쟁을 알아본다

  • 한국항공우주산업진흥협회
    • Aerospace Industry
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    • v.47
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    • pp.38-41
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    • 1997
  • 하늘을 향한 인간의 끈질긴 집념의 싸움을 한이 없다. 일찌기 새처럼 하늘을 날아 보았으면하는 인간의 꿈은 이제야 항공기가 보편적 교통수단이 되고 있지 않은가. 그러고도 만족하지 못하고 더 크게! 더 많이! 그리고 더 빨리 날기 위한 경쟁이 치열하게 전개되고 있다. 바야흐로 세계의 항공기 시장은 95년 말을 기해 보잉사와 MD사가 역사적인 합병을 함으로써 미국과 유럽세로 둘로 양분된 상황에서 러시아가 어떻게 나올지도 문제이며 그런 의미에서 보잉과 에어버스가 벌이는 경쟁이 주목의 대상이 되고 있다. 대량, 장거리 수송을 놓고 항공기 제작 양대사와 러시아가 벌이고 있는 경쟁의 양상을 그동안의 행적을 중심으로 파악해 보고자 한다.

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공항마케팅에 관한 일반적 고찰

  • 유광의
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.442-451
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    • 1998
  • 최근 들어 공항운영에도 마케팅개념을 도입해야 한다고 주장하는 경우를 자주 볼 수 있다. 항공 운송산업 초기에서부터 1970년대까지 공항운영은 안전성확보에 초점이 맞추어져 있었다. 1980년대 이후 항공운송산업의 규제완화와 항공수요 급증에 의한 공항 혼잡화 문제가 대두되면서 공항 운영에도 효율성과 수익성을 강조하게 되었고 일반기업 경영에서 개발한 운영 기법을 공항운영에 도입하게 되었다. 이러한 추세는 당연히 공항운영에 마케팅 개념도입을 고려하게 된 것이다. 그러나 아직도 공항마케팅에 대한 체계적 고찰이 이루어진 적이 없어 본 연구는 공항 마케팅에 관한 일반적 고찰을 목적으로 수행하게 되었다. 본 연구는 공항운영에 있어서 마케팅 개념이 도입되게 된 배경과 공항 마케팅의 특성 등을 고찰해보고 공항운영에서 마케팅 개념을 어떻게 실현 할 수 있는지를 파악하는 것을 구체적 목적으로 했다. 우선은 공항운영에 있어서의 마케팅 개념 도입 배경을 살펴보고, 공항마케팅의 특성을 고찰한 후, 공항마케팅이 처하게되는 환경과 공항마케팅의 목표를 분석했다. 논의된 환경 하에서 마케팅 목표실현을 위해 어떠한 방법으로 마케팅 부서를 조직하고 어떤 업무를 수행하는지를 선진국 공항의 예를 들어 정리하고, 공항마케팅의 주요 대상인 항공사와 여객에 대한 공항의 마케팅 활동 방법을 분석함으로써 본 연구의 목적을 달성하도록 했다.

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Strategic Conflict Management for Safe Urban Air Mobility Operations (안전한 도심항공교통 운영을 위한 전략적 충돌 관리 방안)

  • Tae gyeong Yun;Soohwan Oh
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.450-458
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    • 2024
  • Urban air mobility (UAM) shows great promise for commercialization, yet the technical foundations for ensuring safety in large-scale operations remain a challenge. The purpose of this paper was to analyze current air traffic conflict management techniques in order to develop strategies for implementing strategic conflict management within UAM traffic management systems. We found that UAM conflict management can benefit from demand and capacity balancing techniques, and a system-wide approach is essential. Specifically, the use of data sharing and probabilistic methods is essential for addressing flight time uncertainty and large-scale UAM operations effectively.

SA Review on Necessity to Calculate Navigation Errors in UTM Environments with SE Process (SE프로세스를 적용한 UTM 환경의 항법 오차 산출 필요성 검토)

  • Ku, SungKwan;Ahn, Hyojung;Kim, DoHyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2020
  • This study carries out a basic study of ways to calculate navigation errors for aircraft operating in the unmanned aerial system traffic management(UTM). Recently, research by UTM has been carried out both at home and abroad, along with the initial study of system definitions at the basic stage, operational techniques of the aircraft, and the practicality of the concept of necessary operations at the actual operational stage. This study presented after a review the factors that should be considered for the calculation of navigation errors among the factors that examine whether the actual low altitude aircraft can operate properly within UTM during its actual operation and the need to apply them in practice.

Impact of Job Crafting on Person-Job Fit and Job Satisfaction: LCC Airline Ground Staff (잡 크래프팅이 개인-직무 부합과 직장만족에 미치는 영향: LCC 항공사 지상직 직원을 대상으로)

  • Choi, DongHyun;Park, DaHyun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to investigate which job crafting has impact on person-job fit and job satisfaction. We define the concept of job crafting, person-job fit and job satisfaction based on previous literatures and analyze the relationship between variables. The research sample was collected from ground staffs of Low Cost Carrier (LCC) working in Incheon international airport. Results show that the cognition crafting influences on person-job fit of ground staff, and the person-job fit has been verified as a positive effect on job satisfaction.

The Development Strategy of Shanghai's Air Transportation (상해항공운수발전전각)

  • Peng Youlian
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1993.07a
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 1993
  • 이십일세기상해항공운수발전전략연구, 시이 $\ll$진흥상해, 개발포동, 복무전국, 면향세계$\gg$ 적방침작위지도, 병통과이상해포동개방개\ulcorner\ulcorner\ulcorner장강삼각주지구내지정개장강류역경제발전, 축보사상해발전성위\ulcorner\ulcorner지 구경제, 김융, 무역중심지일작위목표개전전략연구. 상해재아국두\ulcorner\ulcorner의현대화건설진정중점유겁기중요적지위, 저장성위태평양서안최인적 제무역중심지일, 목전, 상해항공운수적현상여기재국민경제중적전략지 위급여세계경제발달국가급지구례여뉴약, 륜돈, 파려, 지가가, 동경, 향항, 신가파등국제대성시상비차거태대, 안통계수거상해1990년항공운수탄토량약시미국뉴약1986년적1.5%, 시향항적10%좌우, 가견상해민\ulcorner\ulcorner수적 발전속도이경한제료상해경제적등비, 한제료포동개방개발급여국내 외정치경제화문화적교류, 위료사상해항공운수여상해적국민경제급사사회 발전상괄응, 대력발전항공운수기박재미첩. 수착상해경제발전, 능원, 원재료적증가, 외향형경제발전급금후궤십년상해인민수입증가화경제결 구조정.고정첨기출적발전급국제교왕적증가. 예측이십일세기상해여객 운수량급화운량장성배증가, 소이탐색일개여상해경제발전전략목표상괄 응적현대화항공교통운수체계, 발혼항공운수특유적우핵시십분필요적. 본연구보고종이하오개방면대상해이십일세기항공운수발전전략진행천술. 일, 개술발전상해항공운수적필요성급긴박성. 이, 상해민용항공운수현상대상해지구주요승운인동방항공공사항선 망, 운력, 기대, 기장현상작료분석,설명상해민항유우운력불족, 기출 장비체후, 자김결, 불능만족상해경제등비발전적수요. 공중교통관제, 통신도항, 기무유수, 항유공응등방면야도불동정도지한 제료항공운수적발전, 필수인기겁대적중시. 삼, 상해항공운수적예측화전망, 통과자료연구급수거분석, 리용수 학모형대이십일세기상해항공운량진행예측, 제출발전상해항공운수적전 략목표급발전중점. 예측2020년 상해항공항총객운탄토량4300만인/년, 화운량달120만돈; 2050년객운량장달18150만인차/년, 화운량518만돈. 사, 발전상해민항기출경제정책, 제출위료$\ll$진흥상해, 개발포동, 복무전국, 면향세계$\gg$ 화도이십일세기중기국민경제달도중등발달국가수 평굉관전략목표적실현, 제료필수재지도사상상파교통운수진정방도전략 산업지위, 환응재관리체제상채취과단유효적개혁조시, 재기출경제정책 상급여대력부지. 오, 전략목표, 위파상해건설성위태평양서안최대적경제, 김융, 무역적중심, 요구상해항공항성위화동지구통향세계각지항선망출발참, 구성대외개방선면축심, 실현국제항선적함접화국내항반적전항, 형성다축심복사식항선망; 가강기장건설, 개피포동제이국제기장건설, 괄응포동개발경제발전적수요.

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Analysis of CNS/ATM Technology Trend (차세대 항행시스템 (CNS/ATM) 기술 동향 분석)

  • Jun, Hyang-Sig;Kim, Dong-Min;Yeom, Chan-Hong
    • Current Industrial and Technological Trends in Aerospace
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2010
  • To accommodate the increasing air traffic and increase safety and efficiency of aviation operation, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) recommended the development and implement of a new CNS/ATM system which is based on GNSS technologies and data link communication. The system is composed of Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management. ICAO approved the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM systems. The world aviation leader countries launched CNS/ATM Research and Development program to enable the Global Plan and support the transition of air traffic infrastructure. In this paper, to establish the direction and measures of domestic technology development, CNS/ATM technology trend is analyzed.

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A Study on the Acceptance of Users in Mobile Transportation Management System: Focusing on Technology Acceptance Models (모바일 운송관리시스템에 대한 사용자의 수용에 관한 연구 : 기술수용모델을 중심으로)

  • Lee, WonSik;Choi, DongHyun;Kim, JinSung
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2021
  • t Global logistics companies are developing and introducing logistics systems to provide competitive logistics services. Especially as IT develops and mobile functions become more convenient, the Mobile TMS(Transportation Management System) is being introduced as a more convenient system for delivery workers and office managers. However, the success of such a system depends on the system developer who understand the site accurately and office managers and couriers who are using it in the field. The purpose of this paper is to understand which characteristics influence in exploiting new systems focusing on the attitudes of users who use the system daily, and we analyze it through the TAM(Technology Acceptance Model). According to the analysis result, when smart phone has become popular, users have concluded that usefulness is more significant than ease in acceptance of the systems. As a result, we draw suggestions that the focus should be on usefulness rather than ease of system at the stage of system developed.