• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학생의 활동제한

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Korean Science Teachers' Perceptions in PISA Survey: Focusing on Comparison with the United States and China (PISA 설문에서 나타난 한국 과학교사들의 인식: 미국, 중국과 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyunjung
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to draw implications for future Korean science education by analyzing the PISA 2015 science teacher questionnaire. To this end, descriptive statistics and difference tests were conducted for each questionnaire item, using raw data from science teacher surveys in Korea, the United States, and China. As a result of the analysis, first, the perception that Korean science teachers should participate in professional development activities was lower than that of comparative countries, and it was found that improvement was needed in the practice of adaptive instruction and various evaluation methods. Second, although Korean science teachers were generally satisfied with their jobs, the response that they were hindered in science education activities due to limitations in various resources at their current school was relatively higher than that of comparative countries. Third, scientific inquiry was less emphasized in science curriculum and science class in Korea, and self-efficacy in inquiry teaching process was relatively low. Fourth, in Korea, it was found that there were fewer classes for discussion and using ICT in science classes.

The Effects of Graduate wages on support program of University-Industry Cooperation(UIC) (대학의 산학협력 지원이 졸업생의 임금에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Tae Sik;Park, Mun Su;Shon, Hee Jeon
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.227-251
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The purpose of the paper is to show that the Effects of graduate wages on support program of UIC is the main topic, due to point of view of the need for change from school-level to student-level. UIC support program is divided into four areas: infra, education, Commercialization, start-up. Design/Methodology - Data were collected three survey from a University UIC Survey(2012) and Self-diagnostic research(2012), and Employment Training Panel(2012). UIC support program is divided into four areas, and graduate wages is researched Average monthly wage, bonuses, additional duty allowance. Statistical methods is used basic statistics, crosstabs, regression analysis Findings -There is was much higher effects in total wages of three variable, first on much Intellectual Property Registration(IP) in university teachers, second university students have founded a private space for start-up, and third much national certification staff from the university. Implications - The issue is that UIC education can not be greater practical effect on the wages of graduates yet. Actively support and quality training support from the government in the UIC program is expected to be followed.

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The Change of Elementary Science Gifted Students' Perception about Engineers and Engineering Practices through Science and Engineering Integrated (SEI) Lessons (과학공학 융합 수업을 통한 초등 과학 영재 학생들의 공학과 공학자에 대한 인식 변화)

  • Han, Nuri;Nam, Younkyeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.275-290
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    • 2018
  • This study is to investigate how science and engineering integrated (SEI) lessons affect science-gifted students' perceptions about engineers and engineering practices. Twenty elementary science gifted students participate in this study, and they reflect what engineering practice means such as managing limited time and budget. The SEI lessons with 24 hours class time are used as an intervention. The main data are collected with 'engineer and engineering drawing test', open-ended questions and interviews about the drawing, and focus group interviews about the lessons. The transcribed interview data are analyzed using mixed methodology of quantitative (descriptive and paired t-test) and qualitative methods. The result shows that the SEI lessons have positive impacts on the science-gifted students' perceptions about engineers and engineering practices such as engineering design. After the lessons, the students perceive engineering and engineers in a desired way such as engineering as a social practice that many experts work collaboratively, the interaction between engineering and society, and the importance of ethics and social values in engineering practice.

Doing Science through the Project-Based Science Program (프로젝트형 탐구학습을 통한 영재들의 과학하기)

  • 조한국;한기순;박인호
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2001
  • In the current classrooms a teacher has been merely able to inculcate the procedural knowledge of how-and-what. In doing so, however, we lose sight of the essence of "doing science."Though desire of the gifted children is qualitatively different from that of normal children, it is an undesirable reality that we have not developed sufficient researches and programs in conformity with the necessary desire and demand of the gifted children. Curriculum for gifted children in the domain of science necessitates markedly the specializations for the specific areas of the contents, the processes, and the products of studies. In an effort to provide the optimum learning experience for the gifted, this paper deals with the development of project-and-discovery-based science program, its method of application to the real field of education, and its effect, however limited and partial that effect may be. What this study has found are the following: on the one hand, the students acquired and developed the higher levels of thinking when they were under the influence of project-and-discovery-based science program that dealt with concrete real-world problems and issues; on the other, the students were capable of solving creatively the complex and real problems through small group activities. This study also suggests the possible implications of project-and-discovery-based science program: the students can not only learn the contents of study but also apply them creatively; the students can cultivate critical thinking skills that can be a fundamental base for a life-time leaner; the students can naturally acquire the abilities of communication and coordination. Project-and-discovery-based program is currently used in the various disciplines. However, the field of gifted education does not yet implement this type of program. So the overall contribution of this study is to show the successful implementation of project-and-discovery-based science program in developing optimal teaming experience for gifted children in the domain of science, since this type of study is most compatible with the characteristic of the gifted children. children.

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Perceptions and Practices of Teachers in an Earth Science Teachers' Research Group About Teaching Geologic Field Trip: A Case Study (지구과학 교사 연구 모임 참여 교사의 야외 지질 학습 지도에 대한 인식과 실행에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Jun, Young-Ho;Kwon, Hong-Jin;Choi, Byeon-Gak;Park, Jeong-Woong;Kim, Chan-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.686-698
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions and practices of secondary science teachers who participated in an Earth science teachers' research roup about teaching geologic field trips. Four Earth science teachers participated in this study. Data included field trip observations, semi-structured interviews with teachers and students, and analysis of instructional materials and students' reports from the field trip. Field trip observations and interviews were video- and audio-taped and transcribed. Results indicated that teacher participants focused more on aesthetic objectives for geologic field trip. The participants' instruction tended to show rather teacher-centered explanation due to limited time at each field site though various teaching strategies were used at times to engage students in a scientific inquiry. This group of teachers strived to develop their professional ability to guide geologic field trip by working with a small study group with colleagues, participating geologic field trips, and enrolling graduate programs.

A Study on Elementary School Students' Understanding of Fractions (초등학생의 분수이해에 관한 연구)

  • 권성룡
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.259-273
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    • 2003
  • A fraction is one of the most important concepts that students have to learn in elementary school. But it is a challenge for students to understand fraction concept because of its conceptual complexity. The focus of fraction learning is understanding the concept. Then the problem is how we can facilitate the conceptual understanding and estimate it. In this study, Moore's concept understanding scheme(concept definition, concept image, concept usage) was adopted as an theoretical framework to investigate students' fraction understanding. The questions of this study were a) what concept image do students have\ulcorner b) How well do students solve fraction problems\ulcorner c) How do students use fraction concept to generate fraction word problem\ulcorner By analyzing the data gathered from three elementary school, several conclusion was drawn. 1) The students' concept image of fraction is restricted to part-whole sub-construct. So is students' fraction understanding. 2) Students can solve part-whole fraction problems well but others less. This also imply that students' fraction understanding is partial. 3) Half of the subject(N=98) cannot pose problems that involve fraction and fraction operation. And some succeeded applied the concept mistakenly. To understand fraction, various fraction subconstructs have to be integrated as whole one. To facilitate this integration, fraction program should focus on unit, partitioning and quantity. This may be achieved by following activities: * Building on informal knowledge of fraction * Focusing on meaning other than symbol * Various partitioning activities * Facing various representation * Emphasizing quantitative aspects of fraction * Understanding the meanings of fraction operation Through these activities, teacher must help students construct various faction concept image and apply it to meaningful situation. Especially, to help students to construct various concept image and to use fraction meaningfully to pose problems, much time should be spent to problem posing using fraction.

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The Characteristics of Pre-Service Science Teachers' Lesson Planning and Demonstration Using Self-Generated Analogy (예비과학교사의 비유 생성 수업 계획 및 시연에서 나타나는 특징)

  • Kim, Minhwan;Song, Nayoon;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.587-598
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we investigated the characteristics of pre-service science teachers' curriculum design for lessons using self-generated analogy. Three pre-service science teachers at a college of education in Seoul participated in this study. After a workshop on lessons using self-generated analogy, they planned and demonstrated lessons. All of the teaching-learning materials were collected, and their lessons were observed and videotaped. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted before and after their lessons. The characteristics of lessons using self-generated analogy were analyzed in the perspectives of PCK. The analyses of the results revealed that they used various strategies to promote students' generating analogies. They lacked understanding of the stages of the lessons and the role of teachers. Although all of them considered assessment, they used limited assessment methods and assessment dimensions. Some actively considered students' misconceptions, and specifically anticipated analogies that students could generate. They determined topics for lessons considering various aspects such as the level of self-generated analogy and the characteristics of scientific conceptions. On the bases of the results, we suggest some educational implications for pre-service science teacher education.

The Study for the Improvement of the Informal Science Education Program of the Gwachon National Science Museum Based on the Participant Satisfaction (교육프로그램 참가자 만족도 조사로 본 국립과천과학관의 비형식 과학교육프로그램 운영 방향 연구)

  • Kim, Yi-sul;Lee, Sun Hee;Sohn, Jungjoo;Kim, Jung Bok;Kweon, Hyosun
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2010
  • This study is to investigate the direction for management of informal science education center by survey of participants' satisfaction and implication. The place to study was Gwacheon National Science Museum in Kyung-gi province. $4,322m^2$ for the education space can make education done effectively. And attendees of their own education program are over 10,000 per year. 87 students who attend education program and 78 of their parents joined the survey of participants' satisfaction. The results of this study show that most of the participants want informal science education center to be able to make up for school education in part of promoting scientific literacy, heuristic method and scientific attitude. Things to be improved were feedback about student activity, segmentation of the education program for each grade, public relations exercise of program and advanced method of teaching based on each subject of classes. As ideas for improvement, it seemed that making long term program for continuous participant, limiting participant appropriately, developing guide manual of teaching, improving publicity of program were required.

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Development of Transition Process and Programs for Empowerment of People with Developmental Disorder (발달장애인의 Empowerment 강화를 위한 전환과정과 프로그램 개발)

  • Na, Woon Hwan
    • 재활복지
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to develop transition process and programmes for gently converting people with disabilities to local communities, through their empowerments. The methods used in the research were literature research, case studies on related programs, and expert interviews. The following shows the results. Firstly, the transition process for people with developmental disorders is exceedingly limited, and the process does not consider special attention needed for people with developmental disorders. Secondly, the postsecondary education programs for people with developmental disorders are being started as transition processes, however these programs need more connection with secondary schools. Thirdly, the primary factors which must be contemplated for University programs(for people with developmental disorders, after secondary education) are self-cognition and self-understanding. According to these results, we can suggest transition processes and programs within Universities for people with developmental disorders. (In Korea) Firstly, the postsecondary transition for people with developmental disorders requires a consideration of their characteristics, and mainstreaming education is also needed for their self-cognition and self-understanding. Considering this, the transition process within Universities can be an alternative. Secondly, tertiary educations within Universities for people with developmental disorders need to consider the following factors: ① The programs in Universities need to set up a support network. ② The door to program should be open to all students with developmental disorders within the Universities. ③ Organization of human resources must be systematized and connected, so that specialists within the Universities can participate in the postsecondary education programs for people with developmental disorders. ④ Inclusive learning activities must be under-taken, allowing students without disabilities to participate in the programs for students with developmental disorders.

Improving the 2022 Revised Science Curriculum: Elementary School "Earth and Universe" Units (2022 개정 과학과 교육과정 개선 방향 고찰 - 초등학교 '지구와 우주' 영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Eun-Jeong;Park, Jae Yong;Lee, Hyundong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.173-185
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to present a reflective review of the earth and universe units from the revised elementary curriculum of 2007-2015 and suggest changes in the 2022 revised curriculum. For this purpose, we conducted an FGI with earth science educators and elementary school teachers regarding the content elements and system, the achievement standards and inquiry activity composition, and the vertical and horizontal curriculum connectivity. Free response and weighted hierarchical analysis items were incorporated into the FGI to ensure logical consistency of the inductively derived improvement. This analysis revealed that the composition of units by grade group had been unevenly distributed among each of the "earth systems" until the 2015 revised curriculum was finalized. Furthermore, the basic concept was still insufficient. We suggest that achievement standards centered on the learning content and skills must state specific scientific core competencies, and inquiry activities should include rigorous critical thinking, student written responses, and student inquiry and analysis. In the hierarchical analysis items, FGI emphasized the inclusion of essential content elements rather than reduction of content elements, understanding-oriented concept learning rather than interest-centered phenomenon learning, basic concept division learning before integration between subjects, and expanding vertical-horizontal connectivity rather than repeating and advancing learning. There is a limit to the generalizing the suggestions proposed in this study to the common opinion of elementary earth science experts. However, since the main vision of the 2022 revised curriculum is to gather opinions through educational entities' participation in a variety of educational subjects, it is suggested that our results should be incorporated as one of the opinions proposed for the 2022 curriculum revision.