• Title/Summary/Keyword: 하천형태학

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The Survey of Disappeared Villages in The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ 내 사라진 마을의 공간적 분포와 특성)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial distribution and characteristics of villages before modern public works in the Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) by using Geographical Information System(GIS). There were total 427 villages within the DMZ according to a survey. By the administrative region, whereas there were 183 villages in Gangwon Province which had a share of 43% of the total, there were 244 villages in Gyeonggi Province which had that of 57%. Subsequently, Gyeonggi Province had a higher share than Gangwon Province, even though its area was smaller than Gangwon Province's one. In terms of the pattern of villages, there was a pattern of the dispersed settlement focused upon the area of the Taebaek mountains. In addition, there were a pattern of the dike settlement by a traffic route and river as well as that of agglomerated settlement in other area. There was a pattern of compact settlement in a plain. This research can be contributed (1) to be used a basic information in order to solve a conflict between development and conservation which may occur in the future, and (2) to be applied to develop contents for the DMZ's competitiveness.

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A Study on Flow Characteristics according to Meandering Low Flow Channel Shape in the Compound Cross Section Typed Straight Channel (복단면인 직선수로 내 사행 저수로의 형태에 따른 흐름특성 연구)

  • Kim, Seonghwan;Choi, Gyewoon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.484-490
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    • 2017
  • In order to examine flow characteristics according to the shape of the meandering low flow channel in the compound cross section typed straight channel, we assumed the representative channel type in Korea and confirmed the validity of the 3D numerical simulation by carrying out the hydraulic model. Based on this study, numerical simulations were also conducted on other types of river channel. As a result of the numerical model test (using the velocity value measured by the water depth observation from the hydraulic model test), it was confirmed that the numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the numerical simulation results. As a result of analyzing the flow field according to the changes in the shape of the low flow channel, it was confirmed that the secondary flow examined in the previous studies occurred. Also, it was confirmed that the maximum flow velocity point moves according to the expansion cross sectional area of flow in high flow plain. Ultimately, it is thought that it is necessary to understand the position of the water impingement (which is an important factor in river design) and the extent of the impact because the change of the channel width affects the flow.

A Study on the Characteristics of Stream Flow Path and Water System Distribution in Gugok Garden, Korea (한국 구곡원림(九曲園林)의 하천 유로 및 수계별 분포 특성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Choi, Young-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.50-65
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the water flow system by measuring the flow-way type and distance of flow path that composes the Gugok through literature survey, field survey, and map work on Gugok gardens in Korea whose existence has been confirmed, while investigating and analyzing watersheds, river orders, and river grades. It was intended to reveal the watershed distribution and stream morphological characteristics of the Gugok gardens and to use them as basic data for future enjoyment and conservation of the Gugok gardens. The conclusion of the study is as follows. First, Of the 93 Gugok gardens that have been confirmed to exist, it was found that 11 places(11.8%) were found to have a descending(top-down) type of Gugok that develops while descending along a stream. Second, As a result of analysis of the length of the flow path for each valley, Okryudonggugok(玉流洞九曲, Namsan-gugok) in Gimcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do was found to have the shortest length of 0.44km among the surveyed valleys, while the flow distance of Muheulgugok(武屹九曲) located in Seongju-gun and Gimcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do was 31.1km, showing the longest flowing distance. The average flow path length of the Gugok Garden in Korea was 6.24km, and the standard deviation was 4.63km, indicating that the deviation between the 'curved type'e and the 'valley type' was severe. In addition, 14(15.1%) Gugok gardens were found to be partially submerged due to dam construction. Third, As a result of analyzing the waters area where Gugok garden is located, the number of Nakdong river basins was much higher at 52 sites(55.9%), followed by the Hangang river basin at 27 sites(28.7%), the Geum river basin at 9 sites(9.7%), and the Yeongsan river and Seomjin river basins at 5(5.4%). Fourth, All Gugok gardens located in the Han river region were classified as the Han river system, and the Gugok garden located on the Nakdong river was classified as the main Nakdong river system, except for 7 places including 5 places in the Nakdong Gangnam Sea water system and 2 places in the Nakdong Gangdong sea water system. As a result of synthesizing the river order of the flow path where Gugok garden is located, Gugok, which uses the main stream as the base of Gugok, is 3 places in the Hangang water system, 5 places in the Nakdong river system, 2 places in the Geumgang water system, and 1 place in the Yeongsangam/Seomjin river system. A total of 11 locations(11.5%) were found, including 36 locations(38.2%) in the first branch, 29 locations(31.2%) in the second branch, and 16 locations(17.0%) in the third branch. And Gugok garden, located on the 4th tributary, was found to be Taehwa Five-gok(太華五曲) set in Yonghwacheon Stream in Cheorwon in the Han river system, and Hoenggyegok(橫溪九曲) in Yeongcheon Hoenggye Stream in the Nakdong river system. Fifth, As a result of the river grade analysis of the rivers located in the Gugok garden Forest, the grades of the rivers located in the Gugok garden were 13 national rivers(14.0%), 7 local first-class rivers(7.5%), and 74 local second-class rivers(78.5%) was shown.

An Assessment of Flow Characteristic and Riverbed Change by Construction of Hydraulic Structure (수리구조물 설치에 따른 흐름특성 및 하상변동 연구)

  • Kwak, Jaewon;Jin, Hwansuk;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.542-550
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    • 2017
  • The estimations of flow characteristics and river-bed erosion or sedimentation are very important for hydraulic structure design, floodplain management, and especially, river management. The objective of the study is therefore to estimate the change of flow characteristics and river-bed change due to a hydraulic structure construction. With 11.65 km study area of the Geum River which are located in downstream of Daecheong Dam, flow characteristics and river-bed change were estimated based on the RMA2 and SED2D model. As the result of the study, the increase of river-bed sedimentation in upstream and river-bed erosion in downstream were occurred by the construction of hydraulic structure.

Effects of Elevated CO2 and Temperature on the Leaf Morphological Responses of Quercus serrata and Quercus aliena, Potential Natural Vegetation of Riverine (CO2농도 및 온도 상승이 하천변 잠재자연식생인 졸참나무와 갈참나무 잎의 형태학적 반응에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Kyu-Tae;Kim, Hae-Ran;Jeong, Heon-Mo;You, Young-Han
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to find the leaf morphological responses of Quercus serrata and Q. aliena which are potential natural vegetation of riverine in Korea under elevated $CO_2$ and increased temperature. Rising $CO_2$ concentration was treated with 1.6 times than control(ambient) and increased temperature with $2.2^{\circ}C$ above the control(ambient) in the glass greenhouse. As a result, leaf width length, leaf lamina weight and leaf area of Q. serrata and Q. aliena was respectively increased, and number of leaves and specific leaf area(SLA) was decreased by elevated $CO_2$ and temperature. Leaf width length, leaf lamina length, leaf lamina weight, number of leaves, leaf area, and specific leaf area of Q. serrata were not statistically significant difference between control and treatment. Leaf width length and leaf weight of Q. aliena was increased, but specific leaf area was decreased. These results indicated that Q. aliena was to be sensitive than Q. serrata in response to global warming situation. According to the principal component analysis(PCA), two oak species were arranged based on factor 1 and 2 in the control and warming treatment. And change on the warming treatment was clearly distinguishable from the Q. aliena than Q. serrata.

Occurrence of a Natural Intergeneric Hybrid between a Female Tanakia lanceolata and a Male Rhodeus pseudosericeus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in Daecheoncheon Stream Flowing into the Yellow Sea in the Republic of Korea (서해안 독립 하천 대천천에서 납자루 Tanakia lanceolata (♀)와 한강납줄개 Rhodeus pseudosericeus(♂)의 자연 속간잡종 출현)

  • Kim, Yong Hwi;Sung, Mu Sung;Yun, Bong Han;Bang, In-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2021
  • A male, presumed to be an intergeneric hybrid between Tanakia lanceolata and Rhodeus pseudosericeus, was collected in the Boryeong Daecheoncheon Stream flowing into the Yellow Sea in the Republic of Korea. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses were performed to discriminate the definite origin of the estimated natural hybrid. As a result of the morphological analysis, the color of the dorsal and anal fin rays edges of the natural hybrid individual, the upper and lower body colors followed the morphological characteristics of T. lanceolata, and that blue longitudinal stripe in the center of the caudal peduncle, the incomplete lateral line, and the barbels absent followed the morphological characteristics of R. pseudosericeus. In addition, as a result of the cytochrome b (cytb) gene analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the natural hybrid showed a nucleotide sequence similarity of 99.82 to 100% with T. lanceolata, and the maternal species was identified as T. lanceolata. As a result of the recombination activating gene 1 (rag1) gene analysis of nuclear DNA (nDNA), the natural hybrid showed double peaks pattern reflecting both the single nucleotide polymorphism sites (38 bp) between T. lanceolata and R. pseudosericeus, and the paternal species was identified as R. pseudosericeus. Therefore, a natural hybrid estimated male of Acheilognathinae analyzed in this study was found to be an intergeneric hybrid between a female T. lanceolata and a male R. pseudosericeus.

Characterization of Heavy Metals in the Stream Sediment around an Old Zinc Mine (가학광산 지역 하천 저니토 중금속의 화학적 특성)

  • Yoo, Sun-Ho;Ro, Kwang-Jun;Lee, Sang-Mo;Park, Moo-Eon;Kim, Kye-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.432-438
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    • 1996
  • This study was carried out to prepare information for the establishment of countermeasures for an area contaminated with minewaste from an old zinc mine at Kahak-long in Kwangmyong. Minewaste and bottom sediments from the streams in this area were sampled and were analyzed for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn extracted with different solution. Total heavy metal contents in both minewaste and bottom sediments were fairly high. Cadmium and Zn contents in the minewaste and Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn contents in the bottom sediments extracted with 0.1 N HCl showed a much higher level than those in the background level of paddy soils and in the soils around the other metal mines regardless of the distance from the mine. Sulfide/residue forms of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn covered the highest portions for the minewaste. For bottom sediments, sulfide/residue forms of Cu and Zn formed the highest portions, whereas the contents of both carbonate and sulfide/residue forms of Cd and Pb were significant. The lower the pH of the extracting solutions, the more heavy metals extracted from both minewaste and bottom sediments.

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Three-Dimensional Mixing Characteristics in Seomjin River Estuary (섬진강 하구역의 3차원 혼합특성 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Kyu;Kwak, Gyeong-Il;Jeong, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 2008
  • In this study we try to identify the three-dimensional mixing characteristics of Seomjin River discharges in Seomjin River Estuary and Gwangyang Bay using a seasonal field observation (CTD) during spring tide and a three-dimensional numerical model with EFDC (Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code). The tidal elevation conditions of the four main tidal harmonic constituents on the open boundary and river discharges and thermal effluents at the specific boundary are considered. The calculated harmonic constants of tide and tidal current agreed well with those of observations at two stations for tide and two stations for tidal current. The model successfully reproduced well known the estuarine circulation in Seomjin River Estuary where tide and river discharges are dominant forcings. In the winter mean discharges case, tidal currents move Seomjin River discharges in Seomjin River mouth and in the summer mean discharges case, river flows move Seomjin River discharges near ae Seomjin River Estuary. A three-dimensional mixing characteristics of Seomjin River Estuary show well a three-dimensional estuarine circulation and thermal effluents effect to the seasonal variation of river discharges.

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Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Drainage Density Based on GIS (GIS 기반 유역 배수 밀도의 공간분포도 작성)

  • Kim, Joo-Cheol;Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2010
  • Drainage density, defined as the degree to which a landscape is dissected by streams, is a fundamental property of natural terrain that reflect the comprehensive morphologic response of watershed. In this study the spatial variability of drainage density is analyzed by statistical approach to it and its plotting method is proposed. Overland flow length is confirmed to be a highly variable spatial factor from the result of statistical analysis. Distribution map of drainage density based on spatial autocorrelation length in this study would be a superior tool to the classical definition of drainage density.

Development of Interface for the Agricultural Non-point Source Model Geo-Spatial Information System (지형공간 정보체계를 이용한 농업비점오염원모델의 인터페이스 개발)

  • 양인태;최연재;김동문;권혁원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 1999
  • Non-point source pollution poses a serious threat to river. therefore non-point pollution model was developed. This non-point pollution model requires detailed spatial data for accurate predictions Geo-spatial Information System(GSIS) is well suited to those needs. The parameters for these models provided by the GSIS were slope, slope shape, field slope length and SCS run off curve number. Hence, this study presents an application of GSIS processing tools for AGNPS model developed by the ARS(Agricultural Research Service) in cooperation with the MPCA(Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) and has developed interface that construct the input data of ASCII type in the AGNPS model using GSIS.

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