• Title/Summary/Keyword: 피해구제 제도

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A Study on the Problems and Resolutions of Provisions in Korean Commercial Law related to the Aircraft Operator's Liability of Compensation for Damages to the Third Party (항공기운항자의 지상 제3자 손해배상책임에 관한 상법 항공운송편 규정의 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Ji-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.3-54
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    • 2014
  • The Republic of Korea enacted the Air Transport Act in Commercial Law which was entered into force in November, 2011. The Air Transport Act in Korean Commercial Law was established to regulate domestic carriage by air and damages to the third party which occur within the territorial area caused by aircraft operations. There are some problems to be reformed in the Provisions of Korean Commercial Law for the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages to the third party caused by aircraft operation as follows. First, the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages needs to be improved because it is too low to compensate adequately to the third party damaged owing to the aircraft operation. Therefore, the standard of classifying per aircraft weight is required to be detailed from the current 4-tier into 10-tier and the total limited amount of liability is also in need of being increased to the maximum 7-hundred-million SDR. In addition, the limited amount of liability to the personal damage is necessary to be risen from the present 125,000 SDR to 625,000 SDR according to the recent rate of prices increase. This is the most desirable way to improve the current provisions given the ordinary insurance coverage per one aircraft accident and various specifications of recent aircraft in order to compensate the damaged appropriately. Second, the aircraft operator shall be liable without fault to damages caused by terrorism such as hijacking, attacking an aircraft and utilizing it as means of attack like the 9 11 disaster according to the present Air Transport Act in Korean Commercial Law. Some argue that it is too harsh to aircraft operators and irrational, but given they have also some legal duties of preventing terrorism and in respect of helping the third party damaged, it does not look too harsh or irrational. However, it should be amended into exempting aircraft operator's liability when the terrorism using of an aircraft by well-organized terrorists group happens like 9 11 disaster in view of balancing the interest between the aircraft operator and the third party damaged. Third, considering the large scale of the damage caused by the aircraft operation usually aircraft accident, it is likely that many people damaged can be faced with a financial crisis, and the provision of advance payment for air carrier's liability of compensation also needs to be applied to the case of aircraft operator's liability. Fourth, the aircraft operator now shall be liable to the damages which occur in land or water except air according to the current Air Transport Act of Korean Commercial Law. However, because the damages related to the aircraft operation in air caused by another aircraft operation are not different from those in land or water. Therefore, the term of 'on the surface' should be eliminated in the term of 'third parties on the surface' in order to make the damages by the aircraft operation in air caused by another aircraft operation compensable by Air Transport Act of Korean Commercial Law. It is desired that the Air Transport Act in Commercial Law including the clauses related to the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages to the third party be developed continually through the resolutions about its problems mentioned above for compensating the third party damaged appropriately and balancing the interest between the damaged and the aircraft operator.

Improvement in the Medical Dispute Mediation System of Korea Consumer Agency (한국소비자원 의료분쟁 조정제도의 개선방안)

  • Jeon, Byong-nam
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.255-288
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    • 2015
  • It is desirable to prevent medical accidents because they bring about irretrievable outcomes to patients, as they are directly related to each patient's life, and health. However, once medical accidents occur, it is appropriate to resolve them quickly without conflict before the feelings of directly involved people are intensely confronted with each other. Korea Consumer Agency carries out medical dispute mediation to address such disputes quickly, fairly, and efficiently, and so does Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency. Although there has been constant debate on a merge between the two agencies because of duplicated work and consequent inefficiency, it is desirable to maintain the two agencies to ensure consumers' options and to promote the mutual development of the agencies through competition. Therefore, there should be legal and systematical support for Korea Consumer Agency to have fair competition with Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency. This is not for Korea Consumer Agency, but ultimately for consumers.

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제조물책임법(製造物責任法) 도입(導入)의 경제적(經濟的) 효과(效果)와 입법방향(立法方向)

  • Sin, Gwang-Sik;Gu, Bon-Cheon
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.18 no.3_4
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    • pp.3-61
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    • 1996
  • 소비자 보호 및 효율적 자원배분, 기업의 안전증진 유인제공, 제도의 국제적 조화를 위하여 제조물책임법(製造物責任法) 제정의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 현재 제조물로 인한 사고는 민법(民法)에 의하여 보상받고 있으나 그 입증책임이 과중하고, 현재 우리나라 생산물배상책임보험(生産物賠償責任保險)이 전체 손해보험에서 차지하는 비중은 0.1%에 불과(미국 10%)하여 그 비용이 아직 미미하므로 제조물책임법제(製造物責任法制) 도입의 안전증진효과가 경제적 손실보다 클 것으로 예상된다. 법제정시의 기본방향은 소비자에게 단순히 보상을 제공하는 법제가 아닌, 기업의 책임과 제품결함이 밀접히 연관되어 배상(賠償) 및 사고억제(事故抑制)의 유인과 효과를 극대화하는 것이어야 한다. 추정규정의 도입은 소비자(消費者) 피해구제(被害救濟)를 용이하게 하지만, 디자인 및 경고결함(警告缺陷)과 결합되면 제조자가 제품사고의 모든 가능성에 대해 완벽한 정보를 가지지 않는 한 제조자의 책임이 되어 제조물책임(製造物責任)의 불확실성(不確實性)을 높이고, 결과적으로 기업에게 절대책임(絶對責任)을 부과하게 되어 제품개발과 혁신을 위축시키는 등의 부정적(否定的) 영향을 초래할 위험이 크다. 따라서 결함의 추정은 인정하지 않아야 하며, 제품개발 및 혁신을 도모하기 위해 개발위험항변(開發危險抗辯)은 인정되어야 한다. 손해배상액(損害賠償額) 상한(上限)을 두지 않는 것이 경제적으로 효율적이고 연대책임을 인정하여 유통업자의 안전제고유인(安全提高誘因)도 강화하는 것이 효과적이다. 중소기업을 포함한 모든 기업에게 입법후 1년 정도의 준비기간(準備期間)을 주는 것이 바람직할 듯하며, 배상책임보험(賠償責任保險)은 의무화하지 않는 것이 경제적으로 효율적이다. 기계, 전자, 운송용기기, 건설, 화학, 식 의약품, 가스제품, 완구, 운동용구 등이 영향을 크게 받을 것으로 예상되지만 법제이용(法制利用)의 편의가 개선되기 전에는 소송의 증가는 미미하리라 예상된다.

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Proposal for Amendment of the Basic Environmental Policy Act ('BEPA') Article 31 (환경정책기본법 제31조 무과실책임규정의 개정방안)

  • Koh, Moon-Hyun
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.125-147
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    • 2009
  • The Basic Environmental Policy Act (BEPA) (Law No. 4257 effective 1. August 1990) sets forth the basic policies and administrative framework for environmental preservation, leaving more detailed regulations, and emission controls to separate laws targeting air, water, and solid waste, etc. The BEPA Article 31 adopts an unprecedented strict liability standard for damages as an absolute liability. The BEPA Article 31 provides for liability as follows. If a company is alleged to have caused damage through pollution of the environment, it will be liable for damages unless it can show that the pollution did not cause damages, or that it did not actually cause pollution. If the company did cause pollution, and if the pollution is the cause for the damages in question, the company will be liable irrespective of whether it was negligent or otherwise at fault. If there are two or more companies involved in the pollution, but it is unclear which company caused the damages, all of the companies will be jointly and severally liable for the damages. In this paper, the author attempts to uncover the problems of BEPA Article 31 and then seeks desirable amendments by comparing it to the German Environmental Liability Act. First, it will be necessary to provide definitions of 'companies etc.'. Second, it will be necessary to enumerate the kinds of company facilities. Third, it will be necessary to provide exclusionary clauses on material damages. Fourth, it will be necessary to show 'presumption of cause and effect'. Fifth, it will be necessary to provide a clause on 'right to information'. Sixth, it will be necessary to provide a clause for force majeure. Seventh, it will be necessary to take measures to secure abundant liability for damages which can be caused by the owner of the facility, the potential polluter. Finally, it is appropriate that Korea now legislate an Environmental Liability Act akin to the German Environmental Liability Act.

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A Study on Imposing Contribution in the Compensation for Uncontrollable Medical Malpractice during Delivery (분만관련 불가항력적 의료사고 보상제도에 있어 분담금부과에 관한 연구 -헌법재판소 2018. 4. 26. 선고 2015헌가13 사건을 중심으로-)

  • Beom, Kyung Chul
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.139-171
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    • 2018
  • The 「Act on Remedies for Injuries from Medical Malpractice and Mediation of Medical Disputes」(hereinafter referred to as 'the Act on Mediation of Medical Disputes') provides that the state should compensate the victims of medical accidents occurred irresistibly in childbirth despite that health and medical service personnel fulfilled their duty of care for their damage within the range of its budget(Article 46 of the Act on Mediation of Medical Disputes). Given that victims of medical accidents could expect demage recovery only through lawsuits thus far, this act can be said to be a groundbreaking act. However, However, as 30% of the costs for such medical accident compensation projects are borne by those who have records of childbirth among the founders of health and medical institutions (Article 21 of the Act on Mediation of Medical Disputes), there has been a question about whether doctors are held responsible despite that the accidents such as the deaths of mothers and newborn babies occurred irresistibly without doctors' fault. However, recently, the Constitutional Court ruled that 'the range of founders of health and medical institutions' and 'share ratios of finances for compensation' in Article 46 (3) of the Act on Mediation of Medical Disputes' related to the imposition of the share of costs are institutional (Constitutional Court ruling dated April 26, 2018, 2015Heonga13, hereinafter referred to as 'the ruling in the case'). Although the ruling in the case was made based on only the principle of statutory reservation and the principle of ban on comprehensive authorization, this paper added a practical judgment. This paper proved that the share of costs in this case has the nature of burden charges in pursuit of study and does not infringe on the property rights of the founders of health medical institutions even in light of the principle of proportionality because there is a legitimate reason for imposing the burden charge. The imposition of the share of costs in the system for compensation for medical accidents occurred irresistibly is against the principle of liability with fault in part. However, the medical accident compensation projects are rational a national policy for the victims of medical accidents and the medical world clearly gains some benefits from the effect to terminate medical disputes. The expansion of finances for compensation through the payments of the share of costs will reduce the suffering and misunderstanding of victims of medical accidents occurred in the process of childbirth and will be very helpful to the construction of stable treatment environments of medical workers by quickly establishing the medical accident compensation projects as such.

Insurance system for legal settlement of drone accidents (드론사고의 법적 구제에 관한 보험제도)

  • Kim, Sun-Ihee;Kwon, Min-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.227-260
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    • 2018
  • Recently, as the use of drones increases, the risk of drone accidents and third-party property damage is also increasing. In Korea, due to the recent increase in drone use, accidents have been frequently reported in the media. The number of reports from citizens, and military and police calls regarding illegal or inappropriate drone use has also been increasing. Drone operators may be responsible for paying damages to third parties due to drone accidents, and are liable for paying settlements due to illegal video recording. Therefore, it is necessary to study the idea of providing drone insurance, which can mitigate the liability and risk caused by drone accidents. In the US, comprehensive housing insurance covers damages caused by recreational drones around the property. In the UK, when a drone accident occurs, the drone owner or operator bears strict liability. Also, in the UK, drone insurance joining obligation depends on the weight of the drones and their intended use. In Germany, in the event of personal or material damage, drone owner bears strict liability as long as their drone is registered as an aircraft. Germany also requires by law that all drone owners carry liability insurance. In Korea, insurance is required only for "ultra-light aircraft use businesses, airplane rental companies and leisure sports businesses," where the aircraft is "paid for according to the demand of others." Therefore, it can be difficult to file claims for third party damages caused by unmanned aerial vehicles in personal use. Foreign insurance companies are selling drone insurance that covers a variety of damages that can occur during drone accidents. Some insurance companies in Korea also have developed and sell drone insurance. However, the premiums are very high. In addition, drone insurance that addresses specific problems related to drone accidents is also lacking. In order for drone insurance to be viable, it is first necessary to reduce the insurance premiums or rates. In order to trim the excess cost of drone insurance premiums, drone flight data should be accessible to the insurance company, possibly provided by the drone pilot project. Finally, in order to facilitate claims by third parties, it is necessary to study how to establish specific policy language that addresses drone weight, location, and flight frequency.

The Necessity and Possibility of Punitive Damages System for the accident prevention (안전사고 예방을 위한 징벌적 손해배상제도 도입 필요성)

  • Han, Min-Suk;Lee, Bo-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.5865-5874
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    • 2015
  • Large accidents such as the recent to the ringing years Pat disaster they become apparent in the human resources, the cause of the accident is also the site corresponding manual member and management blind spots, are aggregated such as safety frigidity. Big problem is safe frigidity of workplace than accident. It is also a reason to introduce a punitive damages system in offices and business owners that caused the direct safety accident from this point. Punitive damages agent and compensation for mental damage, by so as to compensate for far more money than the actual damages, which carry a punishment nature to prevent a situation where the tort is repeated. Currently, it admits "compensatory damages system" corresponding to the damage that gave basically damage by law, but are subject to criticism that not properly relief victims. However, there is a need for the introduction of punitive damages system for safety accident prevention. This is, this system, while to prevent the recurrence of the reverse safety accident, strive to investment and management for safety, healthy companies can operate in the direction of giving more opportunities, national companies that are ignoring and threatening the safety, but to leave because the match also to social justice.

A Study on System Construction to the Product Liability Law-with focus on a small & medium business (제조물책임법에 대응하기 위한 시스템 구축에 관한 연구 -중소기업을 중심으로-)

  • Han, Min-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.596-608
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    • 2017
  • In 2002, the government arranged an institutional strategy to make it possible for a consumers to make a claim for damages caused by product defects against a business that produces and sells a product by enforcing the Product Liability Law(hereinafter referred to as 'PL'). On the other hand, due to the recent humidifier sterilizer accident, approximately 12 cases of related bills, such as a revised bill for the product liability law, have been proposed to the National Assembly at present in an effort to introduce the group action system and punitive compensation system for the purpose of the strengthening of the corporate product liability, and consumer damage relief. Ironically, as much as 62.6% of small & medium businesses, which are actual interested parties to this bill, are unaware of this. Many companies are responding to PL with the rationalization of document preparation & storage, clarification of responsibility relations with related business operators, and PL insurance policy purchase, or securing compensation funds as a means of Product Liability Defense(PLD), but the methods of preparation such as this leave much room for limits on the considerations of product design and product safety. This paper presents the individual management system model with more focus on product safety by looking into the clear concept of PL and the countermeasures against it, grasping the relevance between the PL system and individual management system, and integrating the PL response system in preparation for the PL. It is hoped that the result of this research objective will be evaluated as a rational countermeasure for small & medium businesses to respond effectively to the PL.

Control of Rattus norvegicus on Uninhabitable Islands - Case of Sasudo Island - (무인도에서 집쥐 개체군의 포획과 제어 - 제주 사수도의 사례 -)

  • Jun-Won Lee;Ga-Ram Kim;Seon-Mi Park;Sung-Hwan Choi;Young-Hun Jung;Hong-Shik Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.575-581
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    • 2022
  • Brown rats (Rattus norvegicusBerkenhout, 1769) were eradicated from Sasudo Island (33°55'13.04" N, 126°38'19.98" E), an uninhabited island designated as Natural Monument No. 333 and the largest breeding site for the streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelasTemminck, 1835) in South Korea. Twelve eradication studies were conducted from November 2015 to February 2021. The survey was conducted using a line census method that entailed slow wandering throughout the island and identifying starting and returning points. Capture traps were installed around traces of Rattus norvegicus,such as excrement and identified holes. As a result, 2 to 6 individuals were captured at each instance, except for the last time, when no individuals were captured. It is hypothesized that brown rats arrived at Sasudo Island via vessels arriving at the island for leisure and fishing. After the damage to streaked shearwater caused by brown rats was confirmed in 2006, entry to Sasudo Island was strictly prohibited through security measures, and marine clean-up programs that began in 2013 and continuous capturing since 2015 have been successful in eradicating brown rats. To maintain and manage the condition in Sasudo Island, preservation and management measures, such as strict visitor control, are necessary to prevent the inflow of new brown rats in the future.

A Study on Consumer Arbitration System by Empirical Analysis on Redemption for Consumer′s Claim (소비자피해구제 실태분석을 통한 소비자중재제도 도입방안 연구)

  • 김석철
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.207-239
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    • 2002
  • The redemption system for consumer's claim is intended to deal with the conflicts between consumers and firms in their transaction of goods and service ensuring consumer's basic right. In general, the redemption system for consumer's claim requires promptness of redemption, free charge of claim procedure for consumers and constructive response of firms. However, the current redemption system in Korea has some limitations in its authority in the sense that it has only the right for mediation of consultation and agreement and thus the involved consumer should forfeit his/her claim or should go to legal suit which requires high cost and time when the mediation work is failed between two parties. As it is shown in result of survey on empirical cases produced by the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee in Consumer Protection Board of Korea in 2001, the 20.3% of total claims have failed to reach final mediation, while the BBB case in the U. S. has recorded 19% of arbitration success after its failure in mediation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended for Korea to augment current. arbitration system toward assuring firm's cost liability, the principle of quick procedure through agreement on arbitration upon consumer's request. It is thus prerequisite for firms to be armed with the concrete entrepreneurship of responsibility on cost liability. In conclusion, we suggest restructuring of currently existing institution, rather than establishing new one through substantial augmenting the role of Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee In Consumer Protection Board of Korea and enlarging its business criteria of The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board by progressive development of the consumer protection program through amendment of current law for consumer protection.

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