• Title/Summary/Keyword: 품종 저항성

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Studies on the Varietal Resistance of Rice to the Smaller Brown Planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen(IV) (애멸구에 대한 벼의 품종저항성에 관한 연구(VI))

  • Choi S. Y.;Song Y. H.;Park J. S.;Choi K. Y.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.13 no.1 s.18
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 1974
  • Experiment was conducted to select the rice varieties and lines resistant to the smaller brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen, and study the cause of varietal resistance to the insect. The nature of varietal resistance was evaluated from the viewpoints of feeding and ovipositional preferences and antibiosis. Among the IRRI sources the varieties H 105, Muthumanikam, Vellailangalayan, Karsamba Red ASD-7. Manavari Co 22, Mudgo, PTB-18, IR 8 and IR 20 were selected as resistant sources. Among the domestic sources. only Suweon 213-1, Suweon 214 and Suweon 215 originated from the IR667 lines were resistant, and other leading varieties ail susceptible. The cause of resistance of rice to the insect seemed to be highly related with the non-feeding preference, not non-ovipositional preference. Nymphal mortality and rate of adult emergence were significantly different from the resistant and susceptible varieties. The rate of adult emergence was significantly lower in the resistant than In the susceptible varieties. The primary cause of lower adult emergence seemed to be due to the fact that the infects were suffered higher nymphal mortality in the resistant than in the susceptible varieties.

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Factors Affecting the Expression of Durable Resistance of Rice Cultivars to Blast Caused by Pyricularia grisea Sacc. 1. Selection of Durably Resistant Cultivars for Rice Blast (벼도열병에 대한 품종의 지속저항성 발현요인에 관한 연구 1. 벼도열병에 대한 지속저항성 품종 개발)

  • 라동수;오정행;류재당
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 1996
  • 한국에서 재배되고 있는 벼 품종의 도열별에 대한 지속저항성 품종을 조기에 선발, 보급할 수 있는 방법을 보색하기 위하여 1985년부터 1994년까지 온실 유묘검정, 밭못자리 및 포장검정을 통하여 저항성 정도를 평가하고 재배면적과 재배기간을 참고로 하여 지속저항성 품종을 선발하였다. 도열병에 대한 저항성 품종으로는 다양한 레이스에 침해되면서 개체당 병반수 20개 이내, 밭못자리검정에서는 평균 발병정도 5이하, 본답에서의 잎도열병은 병반면적율 0.5%이하, 이삭도열병 발생은 이병수율 5% 이내로 병발생이 비교적 적은 섬진벼, 팔공벼 및 동진벼를 선발하였고, 지속저항성 품종으로는 재배기간이 10년 이상 유지되면서 재배면적은 전체재배 면적의 20% 이상을 차지하고 있는 품종 중 장기간 동안 저항성을 발현하는 동진벼를 선발하였다.

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Screening Resistant Red Pepper Varieties to Meloidogyne hapla and their Resistance Mechanisms (당근뿌리혹선충(Meloidogyne hapla)에 대한 저항성고추 선발 및 저항성기작 연구)

  • 한상찬;김용균
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 1997
  • One hundred seventy five red pepper varieties were bioassayed for selecting resistant varieties to northern rootknot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla. Fifteen native varieties (IT 102794, 104806, 105516, etc) and two imported varieties were proved to be resistant while the currently cultivated varieties such as Hongtap, Kangsan, Hongsil, and Bookang were moderately resistant to the nematodes. Resistant varieties resulted in less nematode infection and development than did the susceptibles. Roots of the resistant strains had significantly higher esterase and peroxidase activities than did those of the susceptibles.

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The Influence of Temperature and Water Stress on the Varietal Reactions of Rice to the Inoculum of the Blast Infected Leaves (BIL) (도열병 이병엽접종원에 대한 수도 품종의 반응에 미치는 온도 및 Water Stress의 영향)

  • 이순구
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 1981
  • Using the milled, blast infected leaves (BIL) as an inoculum source on the screening for the resistance to blast of rice plant was a simple and useful technique. The temperature with high (25^\circ C\sim 35^\circ C) and low (15^\circ C\sim 28^\circ C) and the water stressed or not, was conditioned of to the inoculation with the BIL to the test varieties in seedling stage. In low temperature, most of the varieties were more infected with blast, however the Indica-Japonica hybrids were more infected in high temperature conditions. The water stressed was more infected with blast than the not stressed. The interaction of variety with water stress was not so much as that of variety with temperature. Resistant reaction to blast (BIL) was not affected by the temperature and water stress, but the moderately resistant or susceptible one was much affected by them. Inoculum of BIL was virulent to the newly bred Indica-Japonica hybrid cultivars such as Tongil, Nopung, etc, but not virulent to the Japonica cultivars such as Nongbaek, Jinheung, etc. The discrete, mixed or variable lesions were observed mainly in the moderately resistant or susceptible cultivars such as Kanto 51, Yashiromochi, Ishikari-shiroke, etc.

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Screening of Tomato Cultivars Resistant to Root-knot Nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (고구마 뿌리혹선충 저항성 토마토 품종 스크리닝)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Hwan;Cho, Myoung-Rae;Kang, Taek-Joon;Jung, Jae-A;Han, You-Kyoung
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.294-298
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    • 2010
  • Thirty-two tomato cultivars, eleven cherry tomato cultivars and eight rootstock tomato cultivars were inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita, to evaluate tomato cultivars for resistance against root-knot nematodes. One tomato cultivar, Homerunking was proved to be resistant while eight cultivars such as Regendsummer, Regend, Sunmyung, Pinktop, Top3, Delice, Tasha and Lilyance were moderately resistant to the root-knot nematodes. Five cherry tomato cultivars (Tenten, Desert, Redstar, Veryking and Arigatto) showed moderate resistance and one cultivar (Redcherry) was resistant to root-knot nematodes. In eight rootstock tomato cultivars, two cultivars (Bukinghagae, Special) were resistant and five cultivars (B-blocking, Solution, Dongbanja and Greenpower) were moderate.

Reaction of Korean Rice Varieties to New Bacterial Blight Race, K3a (우리나라 벼 주요 품종들의 흰잎마름병 변이균 레이스 K3a에 대한 반응)

  • Shin Mun-Sik;Noh Tae-Hwan;Kim Ki-Young;Shin Seo-Ho;Ko Jae-Kweon;Lee Jae-Kil
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.151-155
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to get information for diversifying of resistant genes to bacterial blight (BB) in Japonica cultivar breeding programs. TWo hundred nine rice varieties were tested for qualitive resistance to four races of BB; HB9101 isolate for race K1, HB9102 isolate for race K2, HB9103 isolate for race K3, and HB01001 isolate for race K3a. Two hundred nine rice varieties were divided into five groups according to their race reaction. Fourteen Tongil-type varieties and ninetyseven Japonica varieties showed susceptible reaction to four races; Kl, K2, K3 and K3a. Thirteen Tongil-type varieties and thirty-one Japonica varieties were resistant to only one race; K1. Nine Tongil-type varieties and one Japonica variety were resistant to two races; K1 and K2. One Tongil-type variety and twenty-eight Japonica varieties were resistant to the three races; K1, K2, and K3. Fourteen Tongil-type varieties and one Japonica variety were resistant to four races; K1, K2, K3, and K3a. A number of Tongil-type varieties showed broad spectrum resistance to four races, while a number of Japonica varieties showed broad spectrum resistance to three races; K1, K2, and K3.

Relationship between some chemical components in the rice plants and varietal reaction to blast disease (도열병 품종저항성과 도체내 성분과의 관계)

  • Baek Soo Bong
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 1970
  • An investigation was carried out to know the relationship between resistance of rice varieties to blast disease and the chemical components, especially total nitrogen and total sugars, in the rice plants. The results sic summarized as follow: 1) The nitrogen contents in the resistant variety were less than those of susceptible one, and sugar contents were reversed. Accordingly, the C/N ratio in the resistant variety was higher than that obtained by susceptible one. 2) The free amino acids contents, especially, Glutamine, Valine, Leusine and Iso-leusine, in the resistant varieties were more than those of the susceptible varieties. 3) The starch synthetic activity of rice leaves in the resistant varieties was higher than that of susceptible one in fructose and glucose solutions, but it was reversed in sucrose solution. 4) When more nitrogen was dressed, the total nitrogen content of rice leaves was increased than the ordinary dressing. The rate of increase in nitrogen content in resistant variety was lower than those of the susceptible. The total sugar content of rice plants dressed more nitrogen was decreased at early tillering stage, but increased at maximum tillering stage. It seemed that the rate of increase of total sugar in the resistant variety was higher than those of the susceptible.

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Occurrence of Leaf Mold Pathogen Fulvia fulva Isolates Infecting Tomato Cf-9 Cultivars in Korea (토마토 Cf-9 저항성 품종에 잎곰팡이병을 일으키는 Fulvia fulva 균주의 국내 발생)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Park, Myung Soo;Kim, Jin-Cheol;Jang, Kyoung Soo;Choi, Yong Ho;Kim, Heung Tae;Choi, Gyung Ja
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.740-747
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    • 2013
  • Leaf mold symptoms were found on commercial tomato cultivars carrying the Cf-9, a resistance gene to leaf mold pathogen Fulvia fulva in 2012 at Buyeo, Chungnam in Korea. Fifteen-fungal isolates were obtained from four Cf-9 cultivars of tomato including 'Cutie', 'otaerangdia', 'Unicorn' and 'Rapito'. Due to their same morphological appearances and colony color, nine isolates were selected and identified as F. fulva based on molecular analysis of the internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequence. Pathogenicity of the 15 isolates on five commercial cultivars carrying Cf-4, Cf-5, and Cf-9 were tested. All the isolates showed strong pathogenicity on Cf-9 cultivars, 'Cutie' and 'Dotaerangdia', and Cf-5 cultivar, 'Yoyocaptain'. In contrast, on Cf-4 cultivar, 'Superdotaerang', five isolates were virulent and the other isolates were not. In addition, two fungal isolates, infecting Cf-9 cultivar and non-infecting Cf-4 cultivar, were selected and their pathogenicity was tested on 17 commercial cultivars reported as tomato having Cf-9 resistance gene. Among them, 15 cultivars were susceptible and 2 cultivars were resistant. It is likely that the two cultivars include other resistance gene. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the occurrence of Cf-9 infecting F. fulfva strains in Korea.

Downy Mildew Resistance of Grape Cultivars (Vitis spp.) under Greenhouse and Field Condition (포도 주요 품종간 노균병 저항성 검정)

  • Yun, Hae-Keun;Park, Kyo-Sun;Rho, Jeong-Ho;Jeong, Sang-Bouk;Kim, Whee-Cheon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2001
  • The objective of this research was to develop a screening system for selection of grape downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola)-resistant grape cultivars or seedlings under greenhouse condition. Inoculum concentrations ranging from $10^4$ to $10^5spores/mL$ for screening of resistance were evaluated and $5{\times}10^4spores/mL$ was optimum. Of the tested 14 grape cultivars, Campbell Early and Niagara were resistant to grape downy mildew, Sheridan and Cheongsoo were moderate resistant, while Kaiji, Red Queen and Ruby Okuyama were susceptible under both greenhouse and field conditions. Vitis vinifera grape cultivars were more susceptible to grape downy mildew than V. vinifera-labrusca hybrids and V. vinifera-labrusca-aestivalis hybrids. In V. vinifera-labrusca hybrids, tetraploid grape cultivars were more susceptible than diploid culivars. The evaluated results of grape downy mildew resistance under greenhouse condition were in accordance with those of field condition. Results of this study indicated that both greenhouse and field procedures could be used to screen grape cultivars and seedlings for downy mildew resistance.

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Resistance to Phytophthora Blight of Commercial Pepper Cultivars in Korea (국내 시판 고추 품종의 역병 저항성)

  • Kim, Byung-Soo;Kwon, Tae-Ryong;Hwang, Ji-Eun;Lee, Jae-Moo;Park, Dong-Guen;Ahn, Joon-Hyung;Kim, Hye-Yeon
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2010
  • Resistance to Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora capsici Leonian) of commercial cultivars of Capsicum pepper in Korea were evaluated from 2008 to 2010. In 2008 and 2009, the cultivars were tested for resistance to the Pc003 isolate collected in Youngyang, Gyeongbuk province. In 2010, the selected cultivars in the previous years were tested by inoculating with 3 isolates obtained from the pepper plants in Miryang in Gyeongnam province, Youngyang in Gyeongbuk province, and Goesan in Chungbuk province. A continuous variation in resistance from highly resistant to susceptible was observed among the commercial pepper cultivars. It was also noted that some cultivars, although their names were initiating with 'Yeokgang' or 'PR' meaning Phytophthora resistance, were very low in resistance or susceptible. When the resistant cultivars selected in 2008 and 2009 experiment were inoculated with the 3 isolates, all the commercial cultivars except a rootstock, 'Tantan', succumbed to the exceptionally virulent Pc005 (Miryang) isolate. Pc002 (Goesan) was a little more virulent than Pc003 (Youngyang). A few cultivars resistant to Pc003 (Youngyang) were severely infected by Pc002 (Goesan). Significant interaction in analysis of variance suggested the differential interactions between cultivars and pathogen isolates. Strategies to breed cultivars having high level of resistance to the highly variable pathogenic fungus, Phytophthora capsici, were discussed.