• Title/Summary/Keyword: 폐 침윤

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A Case of Lung Involvement Showing Multiple Lung Cysts in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome (다발성 폐 낭종을 보인 쇼그렌 증후군의 폐 침범 1예)

  • Kim, Ji Yon;Hwang, Hyun Gyu;Choi, Jae Sung;Seo, Ki Hyun;Kim, Yong Hoon;Oh, Mee Hye;Na, Ju Ock
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.230-235
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    • 2008
  • We described herein the first case of primary $Sj{\ddot{o}}gren^{\prime}s$ syndrome in Korea which presented with multiple cysts caused by only peribronchiolar lymphocytic infiltration, a rare pulmonary manifestation in $Sj{\ddot{o}}gren^{\prime}s$ syndrome, and was confirmed by surgical lung biopsy. A brief review of the literature has been included.

Presumptive Role of Neutrophilic Oxidative Stress in Oxygen-induced Acute Lung Injury in Rats (흰쥐에서 고농도 산소 흡입에 의한 급성 폐손상 시 호중구성 산화성 스트레스의 역할)

  • Moon, Yongsuck;Kim, Jihye;Lee, Young Man
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.65 no.6
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    • pp.464-470
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    • 2008
  • Background: This study examined the role of neutrophilc oxidative stress in an $O_2-induced$ acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: For 48 h, experimental rats were exposed to pure oxygen (normobaric hyperoxia) in a plastic cage. Forty-eight hours after $O_2$ breathing, the rats were sacrificed and the parameters for ALI associated with neutrophilic oxidative stress were assessed Results: Normobaric pure oxygen induced ALI, which was quite similar to ARDS. The $O_2-induced$ neutrophilic oxidative stress was identified by confirming of the increase in lung myeloperoxidase, BAL neutrophils, malondialdehyde (MDA), cytosolic phospholipase $A_2$ ($cPLA_2$) activity in the lung, histological changes and BAL cytospin morphology. Conclusion: In part, ALI-caused by oxygen is affected by neutrophils especially by the generation of free radicals.

bovine leukosis (산재성 송아지 백혈병)

  • 임금기;장현철;강문일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Veterinary Pathology Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.150-150
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    • 2002
  • 40두 규모의 농장에서 사육된 홀스타인 종, 4개월령의 수컷 송아지에서 거세 후 고열, 식욕부진, 기침 등의 증상과 함께 전신 체표 림프절의 종대가 관찰되어 백혈병으로 잠정진단 하고 도태를 권유하였으나 축주가 치료를 원해 항생제와 해열제 및 기타 대증요법을 실시한 후 치료반응이 없어 폐사하여 부검을 실시하였다. 혈액 검사상 이상핵과 다형핵을 가진 다수의 림프구 및 백혈구, 호중구, 림프구 및 단핵구의 증가가 관찰되었다. 또한 백혈병 바이러스에 대한 분리 및 PCR 검사는 음성이었다. 부검 소견으로 체표 림프절, 슬관절 부위 및 비장과 간의 종대가 관찰되었으며 비장 중심에 12x11 cm의 종괴와 폐의 전엽부 유착 및 폐문, 종격동 림프절의 심한 종대가 관찰되었다. 견갑전 림프절을 비롯하여 대퇴골 전, 서혜, 폐문, 이하림프절 등 전신 림프절의 종대 및 소성의 연한 황색의 매끄러운 절단면을 보였다. 전지 관절의 종대와 관절강 내부는 증가된 농성 활액을 보였으며 고관절 강 내에 농성 활액의 증가와 공기 노출 후 젤리양 응고를 보였다. 심장은 장액성 위축과 함께 섬외막성 점상출혈이 나타났다. 병리조직학적 소견으로 비장은 지주 주변에 미성숙형의 세포들의 침윤이 보이며 유사분열상이 다수 관찰되었고 백색 수질에도 유사분열상의 증가와 함께 림프아구성 세포들이 다수 나타났다. 이들 주요한 비정상 세포들은 다형성의 큰 핵을 가진 다양한 림프아구의 형태를 지녔으며 핵내 공포가 인정되었다. 비장의 종괴 주변에는 증식된 섬유조직으로 둘러싸여 있었으며 미세농양 형성되어 있고, 일부 석회화가 진행된 부위도 있었다. 간소엽성 중심성 울혈과 가벼운 간세포내 지방침윤, 혈관 내 림프아구 형태의 세포와 소수의 호중구가 관찰되었다. 간삼조 주변에는 가볍거나 중등도의 단핵세포의 침윤이 미만성으로 관찰되었다. 폐에서는 중등도의 기관지 폐렴과 함께 일부는 무기폐가 관찰되었으며 폐포강과 세기관지내에는 염증성 삼출물이 다량 들어 있었다. 다병소성 미세농양과 함께 괴사가 있었고 실질의 섬유화가 진행되어 있었다. 또한 중등도의 간질성 신장염과 림프절은 지주 주변에 간극 내 비정상 림프구 세포의 형태는 비장의 그것과 유사하였으며 적수와 백수의 구이 힘들며 림프소절이 증가되어 있었다. 한 시야에서 유사분열상이 6-8 개로 그 지수가 매우 높으며 이와 더불어 큰 림프구가 전반에 걸쳐 침윤되어 있었다. 주변부 동(sinus)에는 많은 물질들이 침윤되어 있으며 렴프소절내 미만성의 성상현상이 관찰되었다. 회장은 파이어판내 심한 림프구 소실이 나타났다. 이상의 소견을 바탕으로 본 증례는 산재성 송아지 백혈병으로 진단되었다

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Bronchoscopy and Surgical Lung Biopsy for the Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Infiltrates in Immunocompromised Hosts (면역저하환자에서 발생한 폐침윤에서 기관지내시경과 수술적 폐생검의 유용성)

  • Park, Sang-Joon;Kang, Soo-Jung;Koh, Young-Min;Suh, Gee-Young;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Lee, Hong-Ghi;Rhee, Chong-H.;Chung, Man-Pyo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 1999
  • Background: Pulmonary infiltrate in immunocompromised hosts has many infectious and non-infectios etiologies. To evaluate the diagnostic yield and therapeutic implication of two invasive diagnostic methods, such as bronchoscopy and surgical lung biopsy, we performed retrospective analysis of these patients. Methods: All immunocompromised patients admitted to Samsung Medical Center from October 1995 to August 1998 who underwent bronchoscopy and/or surgical lung biopsy for the diagnosis of pulmonary infiltrates were included in this study. Confirmative diagnostic yield, the rate of changed therapeutic plan and patients' survival were investigated. Results: Seventy-five episodes of pulmonary infiltrates developed in 70 patients(M : F=46 : 24, median age 51). Underlying diseases of patients were hematologic malignancy(n=30), organ transplantation(n=11), solid tumor(n= 12), connective tissue disease(n=6) and others. Confirmative diagnosis was made in total 53 cases (70.7%), of which 70.2% had infectious etiology. Diagnostic yields of bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage(BAL), transbronchiallung biopsy(TBLB) and surgical lung biopsy were 35.0%(21/60), 31.4%(16/51), 25.0%(9/36) and 80.0%(20/25). Therapeutic plan was changed in 40%(24/60) of patients after bronchoscopy and in 36%(9/25) of patients after surgical lung biopsy. More patients survived (84.4% vs 60.5%, p=0.024) when therapeutic plan was changed after invasive diagnostic study. Conclusion: Bronchoscopy and surgical lung biopsy are helpful for the therapeutic implication of pulmonary infiltrates in immunocompromised hosts. Large-scale prospective case-control study may further clarify their limitation and usefulness.

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  • 심영수
    • 보건세계
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    • v.43 no.11 s.483
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    • pp.4-7
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    • 1996
  • 폐는 산소가 많이 포함된 신선한 공기를 혈액에 공급하여 줌으로써 우리 몸의 활동유지에 필요한 산소를 공급해 줌과 동시에 신체의 활동에 의하여 생성된 이산화탄소를 몸밖으로 배출하는 작용을 주로 하는 기관이다. 따라서 폐는 본연의 기능을 유지하기 위하여 계속적으로 외부의 공기를 흡입하여야 한다. 이 과정에서 외부에서 균으로 오염된 공기를 흡인하거나 또는 폐에 도달되기 전에 공기가 거쳐 지나가게 되는 구강 및 인후가 균으로 오염되어 있다가 오염된 분비물이 기도로 흡인되거나 하는 경우에는 폐실질에 염증이 발생할 수 잇는데, 이러한 경우를 폐렴이라고 한다. 이밖에도 다른 외부장기의 감염이 혈행성으로 폐로 전이되어서 폐렴이 발생할 수도 있다. 폐렴의 원인균은 각종 세균, mycoplasma, chlamidae, rickettsiae, virus 등 매우 다양하며, 균이 아닌 자극성 물질 또 호산구의 폐침윤 등에 의해서도 폐렴이 발생할 수 있다.

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Carcinoid Tumor Located in the Parietal Pleura (흉막에 위치한 카르시노이드 종양)

  • 홍장미;김영태;성숙환;김주현;박효진;정두현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2003
  • Pulmonary carcinoid tumors are thought to Originate from neuroendocrine Kulchitsky's cells in the bronchial epithelium. The majority of typical carcinoid tumors arc located centrally. However, atypical carcinoids are frequently situated peripherally and display malignant histologic features with aggressive behavior. Few reports arc discribing carcinoid tumors originating from the pleura. We report a typical carcinoid tumor located mainly in the parietal pleura invading the chest wall wilhout evidence of pulmonary parenchymal invasion.

Clinical Investigation of Tuberculous Pneumonia (결핵성 폐렴환자의 임상적 고찰)

  • Lee, Seung Heon;Hur, Gyu Young;Jung, Ki Hwan;Lee, Sung Yong;Lee, Sang Yeub;Kim, Jae Hyung;Park, Sang Myun;Shin, Chul;Shim, Jae Jeong;In, Kwang Ho;Kang, Kyung Ho;Ryu, Sae Hwa
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2004
  • Background : It is difficult to differentiate between tuberculous pneumonia and Community Acquired Pneumonia, so the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculous pneumonia can be delayed frequently. In this study, we attempted to retrospectively evaluate the clinical and radiologic characteristics of tuberculous pneumonia. Methods : We conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical characteristics of 58 patients diagnosed with tuberculous pneumonia from Nov. 1997 to May 2001 at Korea university kuro hospital. Result : The male to female ratio was 1:1 and the mean age at diagnosis was $54.5{\pm}18.6$ years. Fifty five patients were confirmed microbiologically and three patients pathologically. There were 20 patients(34.5%) who had diabetes mellitus(8cases), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(3cases), malignancy(3cases), bronchiectasis(2cases), chronic renal failure(1cases) or long term history of corticosteroid treatment(3cases). Many patients had multilobar infiltration in chest X-ray, dominantly in the lower lobe. thirty two patients(55.2%) had infiltration in more than 2 lobes and 5 patients in more than 4 lobes. The significant correlation between the diabetes mellitus and the infiltrated Rt lower lobe(RLL) was found on the borders of confidence limit.(P=0.07<0.1). There was significant correlation between woman and infiltrated lobe(RML, RLL, LLL) excluding the both upper lobe(P=0.029). Conclusion : We must consider tuberculous pneumonia when lobar pneumonia with consolidation resistant to antibiotics, especially in the patients who have diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, malignancy, bronchiectsis, chronic renal failure or long term history of corticosteroid treatment.

A Case of Diffuse Infiltrative Lymphocytosis Syndrome Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (사람면역결핍바이러스 감염에 동반된 미만성 침윤성 림프구 증가 증후군 1예)

  • Kwon, Sun Ok;Park, Won Wo;Lee, Hyun Kyung;Lee, Sung Soon;Kang, Youn Kyung;Lee, Young Min;Lee, Hyuk Pyo;Kim, Joo In;Choi, Soo Jeon;Yum, Ho Kee
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 2006
  • Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome is an autoimmune syndrome that is characterized by the oligoclonal expansion of CD8+ T-lymphocytes in response to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigens. The clinical manifestations include bilateral enlargement of the parotid glands, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis, lymphocytic hepatitis, neurological involvement and systemic lymphadenopathies. In addition to a positive HIV test, the diagnostic histopathological findings are CD8+ T-lymphocytic infiltrations in the lymphnodes, liver, lung, muscle and the salivary or lacrimal glands without granulomatous or neoplastic involvement. We report a case of pulmonary involvement of diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome that was associated with a human immunodeficiency virus infection.

Morphological Study of Acute Lung Injury Induced by Interleukin-1$\alpha$ Intratracheally in Young and Old Rats (젊은 흰쥐와 늙은 흰쥐에서 인터루킨-1$\alpha$로 유도된 급성폐손상에 관한 형태학적 연구)

  • 조현국;이영만;박원학
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 1997
  • In order to investigate the effect of aging and the $H_2O$$_2$ localization in association with histological, ultrastructural, and cytochemical studies in lung tissue after interleukin-1$\alpha$(IL-1) induced lung injury, an acute lung injury was induced by instillation of IL-1 into the trachea. Both of 4- and 20-months-old male rats, protein contents in IL-1 treated branchoalveolar lavage increased significantly compared to each control rats. Acute lung injury occured by oxidative stress because neutrophils accumulated in vascular lumen and formed the adhesion with endothelial cells. As these cause, tissue proteins were exuded and leukocytes migrated into the alveolar lumen. Neverthless in these lung injury $H_2O$$_2$ localization of IL-1 treated 20 months rats was not different compared to IL-1 treated 4 months rats. After all aging was not a factor to accelate IL-1 induced lung injury. Based on these results, it is suggested that neutrophil infilteration might be an important cause in acute lung injury, and aging is not a factor to change the acute lung injury by oxidative stress.

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Neutrophilic Respiratory Burst Contributes to Acute Lung Leak in Rats Given N-nitroso-N-methylurethane (N-nitroso-N-methylurethane으로 유도된 급성 폐손상에서 호중구에 의한 산화성 스트레스의 역할)

  • Kim, Seong-Eun;Kim, Dug-Young;Na, Bo-Kyung;Lee, Young-Man
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2003
  • As is well known that N-nitroso-N-methylurethane (NNNMU) causes acute lung injury (ALI) in experimental animals. And ALI caused by NNNMU is very similar to ARDS in human being in its pathology and progress. In its context, we investigated the pathogenetic mechanism of ARDS associated with oxidative stress by neutrophils in Sprague-Dawley rat model of NNNMU-induced ALI. NNNMU had increased lung weight/body weight ratio (L/B ratio), lung myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, protein content and number of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) compared with those of control rat (p<0.001, respectively). In contrast, the amount of pulmonary surfactant in BALF was decreased by NNNMU (p<0.001). Morphologically, light microscopic examination denoted pathological findings such as formation of hyaline membrane, infiltration of neutrophils and perivascular cuffing in the lungs of NNNMU-treated rats. In addition, ultrastructural changes such as the necrosis of endothelial cells, swelling and vacuolization of lamellar bodies of alveolar type II cells, and the degeneration of pulmonary surfactant were identified after treatment of NNNMU. Very interestingly, cerium chloride electron microscopic cytochemistry showed that NNNMU had increased the production of cerrous-peroxide granules in the lung, which signified the increased production of hydrogen peroxide in the lung. Collectively, we conclude that NNNMU causes acute lung leak by the mechanism of neutrophilic oxidative stress of the lung.