• Title/Summary/Keyword: 토층

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Analysis of the Effect of Soil Depth on Landslide Risk Assessment (산사태 조사를 통한 토층심도가 산사태 발생 위험성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Man-Il;Kim, Namgyun;Kwak, Jaehwan;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to empirically and statistically predict soil depths across areas affected by landslides. Using soil depth measurements from a landslide area in Korea, two sets of soil depths are calculated using a Z-model based on terrain elevation and a probabilistic statistical model. Both sets of calculation results are applied to derive landslide risk using the saturated infiltration depth ratio of the soil layer. This facilitates analysis of the infiltration of rainfall into soil layers for a rainfall event. In comparison with the probabilistic statistical model, the Z-model yields soil depths that are closer to measured values in the study area. Landslide risk assessment in the study area based on soil depth predictions from the two models shows that the percentage of first-grade landslide risk assessed using soil depths from the probabilistic statistical model is 2.5 times that calculated using soil depths from the Z-model. This shows that soil depths directly affect landslide risk assessment; therefore, the acquisition and application of local soil depth data are crucial to landslide risk analysis.

Effects of Pig Manure and Wine Sludge on Soil Nitrification in Greenhouse (돈분발효퇴비와 포도주부산물이 시설 내 토양의 질산화에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Myung-Sook;Jeon, Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control Conference
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    • 2001.04b
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    • pp.67-68
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    • 2001
  • 돈분발효퇴와 포도주 부산물의 질소 무기화 및 질산화 과정을 구명하기 위해 시설 내 고추생육시기에 토층별 암모늄태 및 질산태 질소함량을 조사하였다. 질소무기화 및 질산화는 심토층보다 표토층에서 높게 나타났다. 생육전반에 걸쳐 총 질소 무기화 및 질산화율은 처리간에 다양하였지만, 전반적으로 총 질소 무기화는 정식후 90일 까지 증가하였지만 그 이후로는 감소하였다. 표토층에 있어 최고 질소 무기화 및 질산화는 정식후 90일에 T4(포도주부산물 400kg/10a+돈분발효퇴비 1,000kg/10a)에서 관측되었다. 가장 높은 질소 무기화는 정식후 30일에 대조구에서 272.5mg/kg과 정식 후 90일에 T4(포도주부산물 400kg/10a+돈분발효퇴비 1,000kg/10a)에서 843.4mg/kg으로 나타났다. 또한 질산화는 T4(포도주부산물 400kg/10a+돈분발효퇴비 1,000kg/10a)에서 정식 후 90일에 872.2mg/kg으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 15-30cm 토층의 질산화 현상은 질소 무기화와는 다르게 나타났는데 질소 무기화는 대체로 90일에 증가한 반면 질산화는 90일에 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 마지막 조사시기인 정식 후 180일에는 급격히 감소하는 현상을 보였는데 고추 생육에 따라 양분 흡수로 암모늄태질소 및 질산태질소가 감소되었다. 0-15cm 토층, 15-30cm 토층의 질소무기화 및 질산화에서 T4(포도주부산물 400kg/10a+돈분발효퇴비 1,000kg/10a)의 15-30cm 토층 질산화가 낮게 나타났다.

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Estimating Soil Thickness in a Debris Flow using Elastic Wave Velocity (탄성파 속도를 활용한 토석류 위험지역의 표토층 두께 결정)

  • Min, Dae-Hong;Park, Chung-Hwa;Lee, Jong-Sub;Yoon, Hyung-Koo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2016
  • To estimate the stability of a debris flow it is necessary to know the mass of surface soil, cohesion, slope, and friction angle. Given that the mass of surface soil is a function of soil thickness and mass density, it is important to obtain reliable estimates of soil thickness across a wide area. The objective of this paper is to estimate soil thickness using the elastic wave velocity with a new standard velocity. Tests are performed in debris-flow hazard areas, after which four profiles are selected to obtain the elastic wave velocity. Dynamic cone penetration tests are carried out to find the soil thickness at 18 points. The elastic wave velocity shows the area consists of 3~4 layers, and soil thicknesses are predicted by utilizing the new standard. The elastic wave velocity and dynamic cone penetration tests yield large differences in soil thickness. Therefore, this study shows that the new standard is useful not only in estimating soil thickness but also in improving the reliability of estimates of soil thickness.

Soil Layer Distribution and Soil Characteristics on Dokdo (독도의 토층 분포 및 토질 특성)

  • Kyeong-Su Kim;Young-Suk Song;Eunseok Bang
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.475-487
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    • 2023
  • We surveyed the distribution of soil layers on Dongdo and Seodo of Dokdo and measured the physical properties of the soils. To investigate the distribution of soil layers, the soil depth was measured directly in accessible locations, and visual observations of inaccessible locations were carried out using drones and boats. Soil depths ranged from 3 to 50 cm, and most soil layers had depths of 10~20 cm. Based on these results, a map of the soil layer was drawn using 5 cm intervals for soil depth. To analyze the soil characteristics of Dokdo, soil samples were collected from 13 locations on Dongdo and 13 locations on Seodo, in consideration of various geological settings. According to the results of grain size distribution tests, sand contents were >75%, and soil from Seodo contained more gravel-sized particles than that from Dongdo. Using the unified soil classification system (USCS) and textural classification chart of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), most of the soil samples from Dokdo are classified as sand, and some are classified as loamy or clayey sand. In addition, well-graded loamy or clayey sands are more common in Dongdo, and poorly graded sands with gravel are more common in Seodo. These results are expected to be important for studying soil characteristics on Dokdo.

Long-Term Monitoring and Analysis of Changes in the Soil Layer on Dokdo (장기 모니터링을 통한 독도 자연사면의 토층 변화 분석)

  • Kyeong-Su Kim;Young-Suk Song;Dae-Seong Yun;Eunseok Bang
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2024
  • Changes in the soil layer on Dokdo are important both academically and with regard to sustainable conservation and utilization of the islands. Continuous investigation and observation are necessary, as the soil layer is essential to the growth of plants and, therefore, the islands' ecosystem. Such work was carried out for about 8 years using soil erosion measuring bars, which are durable and facilitate simple monitoring of changes in the soil layer. Each bar comprised a rod measuring 30~50 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter, and the use of stainless steel afforded resistance to corrosion caused by sea breezes. Six measuring bars were installed in the soil layers of each of two islands, Dongdo and Seodo, and measurements were taken one to three times a year from 2014 to 2021. The field measurements indicate that soil was deposited on Dongdo but eroded on Seodo during the observation period. As the measuring bars on Dongdo were located in the central and lower parts of the island, the observed changes in the soil layer resulted mainly from sedimentation of material eroded by weathering or soil runoff from the upper part of the island. In contrast, the measurement locations on Seodo were located in the upper and central parts of the island, where soil erosion and runoff diminished the soil layer at the observation points.

Analysis on Relation of S-wave Velocity and N Value for Stratums in Chungcheong Buk-do (충청지역 지층별 전단파속도와 N값의 상관관계 분석)

  • Do, Jongnam;Hwang, Piljae;Chung, Sungrae;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2011
  • In this study, features of correlation between S-velocity and N value are derived from 9 suspension PS layers in Chungcheong Buk-do. S-velocity to be measured on Chungcheong Buk-do is classified into 5 as conditions of stratum that are ; cohesive soil layer, sandy soil layer, gravel layer, weathering soil layer, weathered rock layer. Each correlation formulas between N value by SPT and S-velocity is proposed from these classifications. And correlation formula for whole soil body except weathered rock layer also is proposed for reference. Corelation formulas developed this study formed square expression considering existing formulas produced internationally. Strength parameter converted to linear if N value is more than 50. Features of proposed formula which came up with comparative analysis of international result of cohesive soil layer and sandy soil layer and gravel layer show similar to existing ones. But there is deference that result of correlation formula for weathered rock layer is a little smaller than domestic formula's one. Because correlations of weathered rock layer above the N value of 50 is converted into a linear formation.

Soil Characteristics according to the Geological Condition of Soil Slopes in Landslide Area (산사태지역 토층사면의 지질조건별 토질특성)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.16 no.4 s.50
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    • pp.359-371
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the soil characteristics are analyzed using the result of various soil tests as an object of the soil layer of natural slopes in landslides areas composed with gneiss, granite, and the tertiary sedimentary rock. To investigate the soil characteristics according to landslide and non landslide areas, soils are sampled from Jangheung, Sangju and Pohang. The landslides at three areas are occurred due to heavy rainfall in same time. The geology of Jangheung area, Sangju area and Pohang area is gneiss, granite, and the tertiary sedimentary rock, respectively. On the basis of the landslide data and the result of soil test, the soil characteristics at the landslide area and the differentiation between landslide area and non landslide area are analyzed. However soil characteristics have a little differentiation to geological condition, the uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of gradation of soils at the landslide area is larger than those of soils at the non landslide area. Also, the proportion of fine particle of soils at the landslide area is higher. The plastic limit of soils sampled from the granite and the sedimentary rock regions is larger than that sampled from the gneiss region. However the liquid limit is irrelevant to the geological condition. Also, the consistency of soils at the landslide area is smaller. The natural moisture content of soils in the sedimentary rock regions is larger than that of the granite and gneiss. It is mainly influenced by mineral composition, soil layer structure, weathering condition, and so on. The soils sampled from landslide area have higher porosity and lower density than those from non landslide area. It means that the soils of landslide area have poor particle size distribution and loose density. Therefore, the terrain slope with poor distribution and loose density is vulnerable to occur in landslides. Also, landslides are occurred in the terrain slope with high permeability. The permeability is mainly influenced by the soil characteristics such as particle size distribution, porosity, particle structure, and the geological origins such as weathering, sedimentary environment. Meanwhile, the shear strength of soils is little difference according to the geological condition. But, the internal friction angle of soils sampled from the landslide area is lower than that of soils from the non landslide area. Therefore, the terrain slope with low internal friction angle is more vulnerable to the landslide.

A Investigation on the Soil-Peel Methods in Conservation Method of Historical Site (유구 보존방법론 중 토층전사에 관한 고찰)

  • Wi, Koang-Chul;Seo, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2010
  • After excavation work of relics, historical site which has historically meaningful, are preserved using the various methods. There are three method in the relocation methods that are original relocation method, the remaining structure-peel method, and soil peel method. The original relocation method is restored after relocating in historical site such as residential site, iron foundry site, kiln site, old mound. The remaining structure-peel method are restored only the feature of exposed remaining structure using polymeric resin, when it is difficult to relocate the entire remaining structure. And soil-peel method is exhibited after peeling in case when soil layers such as grave of old mound, foundation of building site, sedimentary deposit layer, shell heap, and etc. Soil-peel method becomes important historical data of changes according to environment at that time, that is, flooding by storm, traces of fire and living features of that time such as heaps of shells discarded after eating shellfish and living wastes. In particular, in case of soil layer for preparing foundation sites of building by compacting in turn soils with different components such as clay soil, rough sand soil and etc, it becomes important data which can judge foundation technology of that time. It can be said to be an important data preservation method for utilizing these historical data as historical data as well as for the purpose of education, exhibitions and public relations which can be shared not only by experts but also by general public. In this paper, we present the reliable definition of soil-peel method in various preservation methods and explain the using polymer in this method. So, we will come up with the accurate index about this method that is used the eminent analysis method for soil layer.

Investigation of Soil Characteristics and Landslides Probability in East Island of Dok-Do (독도 동도지역의 토질특성 및 산사태가능성 조사)

  • Song, Young-Suk;Chae, Byung-Gon;Cho, Yong-Chan;Lee, Choon-Oh
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.665-671
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the soil characteristics and the landslide probability are investigated in East Island of Dok-do. The distribution and depth of soil layer were investigated and the soil samples were taken from the soil layer in East Island. As the results of field investigation, the soil layer was partly distributed in specific location and the soil depth was ranged from 1cm to 50cm. Also, the soil depth was mainly ranged about 10cm in the large part of soil layer. The soils were classed as the weathered residual soils and involved many organic contents such as rotten roots and leaves. The average of water contents is 23.2%, and the average of liquid limits is 42.2%. Also, the soils is non-plastic condition. Also, the soils were mainly classed as the poor graded sand including loam contents. Meanwhile, the landslide probability was investigated through a survey of the soil layer distribution in East Island. The soil depth was very shallow in the large part of the soil layer, and the distribution area of soil layer was small. Therefore, it may predict that the landslide probability is very low due to the dissatisfaction of landslide occurrence condition.

Evaluation of Infiltration Characteristics of Rainfall in Gneiss Weathered Soil by a Field Monitoring (현장 강우계측을 통한 편마암 풍화토층의 침투특성 평가)

  • Kim, Man-Il;Chae, Byung-Gon;Han, Byung-Won
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.567-576
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    • 2008
  • It is possible to understand rainfall infiltration characteristics by identification of wetting front in the soil. The wetting front by rainfall infiltration has close relationships among soil density, grain size distribution, and permeability coefficient in the soil. The infiltration velocity is a similar concept of permeability coefficient in the soil. In this study, infiltration velocity of rainfall was calculated by a field monitoring of volumetric water contents at the depths of 50 cm and 80 cm below the surface in the gneiss weathered soil. The calculated field infiltration velocity was compared with a permeability coefficient by a laboratory soil test using undisturbed soil samples in the study area. The permeability coefficient of the soil sample is $3.15{\times}10^{-3}cm/sec$, while the field infiltration velocity is $1.87{\times}10^{-3}cm/sec$. It is interpreted that the lower infiltration velocity is induced by complicate condition of porosity and grain size distribution of soil in the field. The rainfall intensity which influences on the volumetric water content and infiltration velocity is more than 20 mm/day resulting in expansion of wetting front in the soil.