• Title/Summary/Keyword: 태양열 제어

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A study of geothermal heat dump for solar collectors overheat protection (태양열 집열관 과열방지를 위한 지중열교환기 연구)

  • Hwang, Hyun-Chang;Chi, Ri-Guang;Lee, Kye-Bock;Rhi, Seok-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.616-622
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    • 2016
  • The heating load using solar hot water is lower in summer than in the other seasons. This decreased heating load leads to the overheating solar collectors and related components. To prevent overheating of the solar collectors, air cooling and shading shields were used. On the other hand, it requires additional mechanical components, and reduces the system reliability. The geothermal heat dump system to release the high temperature heat (over $150^{\circ}C$) transferred from the heat pipe solar collectors was investigated in the present study. Research on the heat dump to cool the solar collector is rare. Therefore, the present study was carried out to collect possible data of a geothermal heat dump to cool the solar collector. A helical type geothermal heat exchanger was buried at a 1.2m depth. Experimentally and numerically, the geothermal heat dump was investigated in terms of the effects of parameters, such as the quantity of solar radiation, aperture area of the collector and the mass flow rate. A pipe length of 50m on the geothermal heat exchanger was suitable with a 0.33 kg/s flow rate. The water reservoir was a possible co-operation solution linked to the geothermal heat exchanger.

Numerical Investigation of On-orbit Thermal Characteristics for Cube Satellite with Passive Attitude Stabilization Method (수동형 자세제어 안정화 방식을 적용한 큐브위성의 열적 특성분석)

  • Oh, Hyun-Ung;Park, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2014
  • Passive attitude stabilization methods using the permanent magnet combined with hysteresis damper and the gravity gradient boom have been widely used for the attitude determination and control of cube satellite, due to its advantage of system simplicity. In this paper, on-orbit thermal characteristics of the cube satellite considering the attitude profiles obtained from the above passive attitude stabilization methods have been investigated through on-orbit thermal analysis. In addition, the effectiveness of the various thermal coatings on the panel for the communication antenna installation has been verified.

MSC(Multi-Spectral Camera) 열제어 시스템 소개

  • Kong, Jong-Pil;Heo, Haeng-Pal;Kim, Young-Sun;Park, Jong-Euk;Jang, Young-Jun
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2005
  • As a unique payload of Komsat-2, MSC, comprising EOS(Electro-Optical Sub-system), PMU(Payload Management Unit) and PDTS(Payload Data Transmission Sub-system), is supposed to take pictures of one panchromatic and 4 multi-spectral image between wavelength 450mm~900mm, and is being under final Satellite I&T. It will perform the earth remote sensing with applications such as acquisition of high resolution images, surveillance of large scale disasters and its countermeasure, survey of natural resources, etc.. Under the hostile influence of the extreme space environmental conditions due to deep space and direct solar flux, the thermal design is especially of major importance in designing a payload. There are tight temperature range restrictions for electro-optical elements while on the other hand there are low power consumption requirements due to the limited energy source on the spacecraft. This paper describes details of thermal control system for MSC.

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Development of Heliostat Field Operational Algorithm for 200kW Tower Type Solar Thermal Power Plant (200kW 타워형 태양열발전시스템의 헬리오스타트 필드 운영 알고리즘 개발)

  • Park, Young Chil
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2014
  • Heliostat field in a tower type solar thermal power plant is the sun tracking mirror system which affects the overall efficiency of solar thermal power plant most significantly while consumes a large amount of energy to operate it. Thus optimal operation of it is very crucial for maximizing the energy collection and, at the same time, for minimizing the operating cost. Heliostat field operational algorithm is the logics to control the heliostat field efficiently so as to optimize the heliostat field optical efficiency and to protect the system from damage as well as to reduce the energy consumption required to operate the field. This work presents the heliostat field operational algorithm developed for the heliostat field of 200kW solar thermal power plant built in Daegu, Korea. We first review the structure of heliostat field control system proposed in the previous work to provide the conceptual framework of how the algorithm developed in this work could be implemented. Then the methodologies to operate the heliostat field properly and efficiently, by defining and explaining the various operation modes, are discussed. A simulation, showing the heat flux distribution collected by the heliostat field at the receiver, is used to show the usefulness of proposed heliostat field operational algorithm.

The Heat Transfer Performance of a Heat Pipe for Medium-temperature Solar Thermal Storage System (중온 태양열 축열조용 히트파이프의 열이송 성능)

  • Park, Min Kyu;Lee, Jung Ryun;Boo, Joon Hong
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.69-69
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    • 2011
  • 태양열 발전 플랜트에 사용되는 중고온 범위의 축열조에 고체-액체간 상변화를 수행하는 용융염을 축열물질로 사용하면 액체상 또는 고체상만으로 된 열저장 매체에 비해 축열조의 규모를 축소함과 동시에 축열온도의 균일성 향상에 기여할 수 있다. 중온인 $250{\sim}400^{\circ}C$ 범위에서 이용 가능한 용융염으로는 질산칼륨($KNO_3$), 질산리튬($LiNO_3$)등이 있다. 그러나 이러한 용융염의 가장 큰 단점은 열전도율이 매우 낮다는 것이며, 이로 인해 요구되는 열전달률을 성취하기 위해서는 많은 열접촉면적이 필요하다는 것이다. 이러한 단점을 극복하는 방법을 도입하지 않고서는 축열시스템의 소규화를 성취하는데 큰 효과를 가져올 수 없다. 한편 열수송 성능이 탁월한 히트파이프를 사용하면 열원 및 열침과 축열물질 사이의 열전달 효율을 증가시켜 시스템의 성능 향상과 동시에 소규모화에 기여할 수 있다. 중온 범위 히트파이프의 작동유체로서 다우섬-A(Dowtherm-A)는 $150^{\circ}C$이상 $400^{\circ}C$까지의 범위에서 소수에 불과한 선택적 대안 중 하나이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 용융염을 사용하는 중온 태양열축열조에 적용 가능한 다우섬-A 히트파이프의 성능을 파악하여 기술적 자료를 제시하고자 하였다. 열원으로는 고온 고압의 과열증기, 그리고 열침으로는 중온의 포화증기를 고려하였다. 용융염 축열조를 수직으로 관통하는 히트파이프는 하단부에서 열원 증기와 열교환 가능하며, 중앙부에서 축열물질과 열교환하고, 상단부에서는 중온 증기와 접촉할 수 있도록 배치하였다. 축열모드에서는 히트파이프의 하단부가 증발부로 작동하고, 중앙부가 응축부로 작동하여 용융염으로 열을 방출하면 용융염의 온도가 상승하고 용융점에 도달하면 액상으로의 상변화가 진행되면서 축열이 활성화된다. 축열모드에서 히트파이프의 상단부는 단열부로 작동한다. 방열과정에서는 히트파이프의 하단부가 단열된 상태이고, 중앙부는 용융염으로부터 열을 받아 증발부로 작동하며, 상단부는 중온 증기로 열을 방출하므로 응축부로 작동한다. 즉, 축열시스템의 작동모드에 따라 하나의 히트파이프에서 증발부, 응축부, 단열부의 위치가 변하게 된다. 특히, 히트파이프의 중앙 부분이 응축부에서 증발부로 전환될 때에도 작동이 보장되려면 내부 작동유체의 연속적인 재순환이 가능해야 하므로, 일반 히트파이프에서와는 달리 초기 작동액체의 충전량을 증발부 전체의 체적보다 더 많이 과충전해야 한다. 이러한 히트파이프의 성능 파악을 위한 실험에서 고려한 변수들은 열부하, 작동액체의 충전률, 작동온도 등이며, 열수송 성능의 지표로서는 유효열전도율과 열저항을 이용하였다. 중온범위에서 적정한 작동온도를 성취하기 위해 실험에서는 전압 조절기로 열부하를 조절하는 동시에 항온조로 응축부의 냉각수 입구 온도를 제어하였다. 하나의 히트파이프에 대해서 최대 1 kW까지의 열부하에서 냉각수 입구 온도를 $40^{\circ}C$에서 $80^{\circ}C$ 범위로 변화시키면 히트파이프 작동온도를 약 $250^{\circ}C$ 내외로 조절 가능하였다. 히트파이프 작동액체 충전률은 윅구조물의 공극 체적을 기준으로 372%에서 420%까지 변화 시켰다. 실험 결과를 토대로 열저항과 유효 열전도율을 각각 입력 열유속, 작동온도, 작동액체 충전률 등의 함수로 제시했다. 동일한 냉각수 온도에서는 충전률이 높을수록 히트파이프의 작동온도가 감소하였다. 열저항 값의 범위는 최소 $0.12^{\circ}C/W$에서 최대 $0.15^{\circ}C/W$까지로 나타났으며 유효 열전도율의 값은 최소 $7,703W/m{\cdot}K$에서 최대 $8,890W/m{\cdot}K$까지 변화했다. 최소 열저항은 충전률 420%인 경우에 나타났는데 이때의 작동온도는 약 $262^{\circ}C$이었다. 히트파이프의 작동한계로서 드라이아웃(dry-out)은 충전률 372%의 경우에 열부하 950 W에서 발생하였으나, 그 이상의 충전률에서는 열부하 1060 W까지 작동한계 발생이 관찰되지 않았다. 실험 결과 본 연구에서의 히트파이프는 중온 태양열 축열조에 적용되어 개당 약 1 kW의 열부하를 이송하면서 축열물질 및 축방열 대상 유동매체와 열교환을 하는데 사용하는데 충분할 것이라 판단된다.

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Development of Optimal Control of Heliostat System Using Configuration Factor and Solar Tracking Device (형상계수와 태양추적장치를 이용한 헬리오스타트 제어 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Dong Il;Jeon, Woo Jin;Baek, Seung Wook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.1177-1183
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to develop a system that maximizes the radiative heat transfer from the heliostat to the receiver by using the configuration factor and a solar tracking device. As the heat transfer from the heliostat to the receiver is delivered by solar radiation, the configuration factor commonly utilized for radiation is applied to control the heliostat. Tracking the sun and calculating its position are possible by using an illuminance sensor (CdS) and Simulink. By applying optimized algorithms programmed using Simulink that maximize the configuration factors among the heliostat, receiver, and sun in real time, the solar absorption efficiency of the receiver can be maximized. Simulations were performed on how to change the angle required to control the elevation and azimuthal angle of the heliostat during the daytime with respect to various distances.

A study on the performance evaluation and technical development of an eco-environmental photovoltaic solar leisure boat with applied sail control device (접이식 풍력 Sail 돛 제어장치를 적용한 친환경 태양광 레져보트의 성능평가)

  • Moon, Byung-Young;Lee, Sung-Bum;Lee, Ki-Yeol
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.240-248
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    • 2016
  • As a new technical approach, the achievement of an eco-environmental leisure boat with a photovoltaic system is attempted by simultaneously actuating nine photovoltaic solar panels, in association with an applied sail control system by use of wind. In this approach, the photovoltaic system consists of a solar module, an inverter, a battery, and relevant components, while the sail control device is equipped with a sail up/down and mast-turning instrument. Furthermore, this research conducts a performance evaluation of the manufactured prototype and acquires the purposed quantity value and the development purpose items. The significant items-sail up/down speed (seconds) and mast turning angle (degrees)-are evaluated during the performance test. In the process of the performance evaluation, a wind direction sensitivity of 90% and a maximum instant charging power of 900 W were also obtained. In addition, the maximum sail time is evaluated in order to acquire the optimum quantity.

A study on the thermal performance of all glass evacuated tube collector and refrigerator using solar energy (태양열을 이용한 이중진공관형 집열기와 냉동기의 열성능에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Jun-Kyu
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.324-331
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    • 2013
  • All evacuated tube collector is being constantly studied since it can reduce the conductive heat loss in absorber by using vacuum technology and has advantage of heat transport capacity and quick thermal response in comparatively small temperature difference. This study investigated the dynamic thermal performance of the solar collector with the control condition of solar irradiance and fluid temperature by using performance experimental apparatus which is combined with solar collector and refrigerator, examined the thermal characteristics in definite temperature range of fluid in constant temperature tank by simultaneously measuring refrigerating performance. As a result of it, I deducted the related equation of collector efficiency and found that mean collector efficiency has increased through quick heat transfer characteristics according to increase of outdoor temperature and irradiance in case of outlet temperature of constant temperature tank $22^{\circ}C$ when set outlet temperature of solar collector $25^{\circ}C$ with outlet temperature of constant temperature tank $18^{\circ}C$ & $22^{\circ}C$. Also COP of refrigerator was acquired value of 6.2~7.1 at outlet temperature of constant temperature tank $18^{\circ}C$.

IT융합 UVC대역 코로나방전 영상검출 기술 개발에 관한 연구

  • Jeong, Gyeong-Yeol
    • 기계와재료
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 전력설비의 절연성능을 주간에도 육안으로 확인 할 수 있도록 태양광에서 지구에 도달하지 못하는 UVC 파장대역을 선택적으로 투과한 코로나 영상과 방전 횟수를 보여주는 시스템을 개발하였다. 선택적인 파장대역을 투과하기 위해 광학계를 개발하였고 광증폭기를 거쳐 나오는 코로나 방전 영상과 가시광 영상을 동시에 확인할 수 있는 영상합성 및 제어기를 개발하여 휴대하기 편리한 코로나 방전 영상시스템을 구축하였다.

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Characteristics of Heat Transfer in a Heat pipe Controlled by Solenoid Valve (전자 밸브에 의해서 제어되는 히트파이프의 전열 특성)

  • Jun, C.H.;Jang, Y.S.;Kim, O.G.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this research is the study of characteristics of heat transfer in a heat pipe controlled by solenoid valve. A solenoid valve located to the adiabatic section between evaporator and condenser of heat pipe was used to control the valve action for effective energy transfer of the industrial exchanger machine. By the results presented in this study temperature difference between evaporator and condenser increases with increasing the temperature frequency and with decreasing the temperature amplitude. When inclination angle and flow rate of cooling water increases, the temperature amplitude is reached to the steady state rapidly with increasing the temperature frequncy.

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