• Title/Summary/Keyword: 타당성 평가시스템

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Needs and Implementations of Enhanced Capstone Design Course in the Field of Civil Engineering (토목공학분야의 개선된 종합설계과목의 필요성 및 적용)

  • Kim, Jang-Ho Jay;Park, Joon-Hong;Choi, Sung-Uk;Heo, Jun-Haeng;Han, Kyong-Hee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2010
  • Civil engineering based on construction and maintenance of infrastructures for social and human development, it has a conservative aspects to adopt the high-technology and pace of change from ancient society. Therefore, the education of civil engineering consists of very similar contents from the past until now. Also, civil engineering, area is established the infrastructure widely included structure, geotechnical, hydraulic, environmental, surveying, construction management. Civil engineering have totally difference characteristics compared to manufacturing industry field for market interests such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, material engineering etc. Therefore, the capstone design concepts of civil engineering for public interests must be changed and applied unlike any other engineering areas capstone design. In this paper, the modified capstone design contents and instruction in civil engineering of Yonsei University is informed and evaluated using undergraduate students' course evaluations and learning assessment to verify the efficiency of modified capstone design in civil engineering.

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Performance Analysis of the Channel Equalizers for Partial Response Channels (부분 응답 채널을 위한 채널 등화기들의 성능 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Kyung;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.8A
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    • pp.739-752
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    • 2002
  • Recently, to utilize the limited bandwidth effectively, the concept of partial response (PR) signaling has widely been adopted in both the high-speed data transmission and high-density digital recording/playback systems such as digital microwave, digital subscriber loops, hard disk drives, digital VCR's and digital versatile recordable disks and so on. This paper is concerned with adaptive equalization of partial response channels particularly for the magnetic recording channels. Specifically we study how the PR channel equalizers work for different choices of desired or reference signals used for adjusting the equalizer weights. In doing so, we consider three different configurations that are actually implemented in the commercial products mentioned above. First of all, we show how to compute the theoretical values of the optimum Wiener solutions derived by minimizing the mean-squared error (MSE) at the equalizer output. Noting that this equalizer MSE measure cannot be used to fairly compare the three configurations, we propose to use the data MSE that is computer just before the final detector for the underlying PR system. We also express the data MSE in terms of the channel impulse response values, source data power and additive noise power, thereby making it possible to compare the performance of the configurations under study. The results of extensive computer simulation indicate that our theoretical derivation is correct with high precision. Comparing the three configurations, it also turns out that one of the three configurations needs to be further improved in performance although it has an apparent advantage over the others in terms of memory size when implemented using RAM's for the decision feedback part.

Designing A V2V based Traffic Surveillance System and Its Functional Requirements (V2V기반 교통정보수집체계 설계 및 요구사항분석)

  • Hong, Seung-Pyo;Oh, Cheol;Kim, Won-Kyu;Kim, Hyun-Mi;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.251-264
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    • 2008
  • One of the crucial elements to fully facilitate the various benefits of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is to obtain more reliable traffic monitoring in real time. To date, point and section-based traffic measurements have been available through existing surveillance technologies, such as loops and automatic vehicle identification (AVI) systems. However, seamless and more reliable traffic data are required for more effective traffic information provision and operations. Technology advancements including vehicle tracking and wireless communication enable the acceleration of the availability of individual vehicle travel information. This study presents a UBIquitous PRObe vehicle Surveillance System (UBIPROSS) using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless communications. Seamless vehicle travel information, including origin-destination information, speed, travel times, and other data, can be obtained by the proposed UBIPROSS. A set of parameters associated with functional requirements of the UBIPROSS, which include the market penetration rate (MPR) of equipped vehicles, V2V communication range, and travel time update interval, are investigated by a Monte Carlo simulation- (MCS) based evaluation framework. In addition, this paper describes prototypical implementation. Field test results and identified technical issues are also discussed. It is expected that the proposed system would be an invaluable precursor to develop a next-generation traffic surveillance system.

A Study on the Braking Force Distribution of ADAS Vehicle (첨단 운전자 보조시스템 장착 차량의 브레이크 제동력 분배에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Pil-Hwan;Lee, Seon Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.550-560
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    • 2018
  • Many countries have provided support for research and development and implemented policies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for enhancing the safety of vehicles. With such efforts, the toll of casualties due to traffic accidents has decreased gradually. Korea has exhibited the lowest toll of casualties due to traffic accidents and is ranked 32nd in mortality among the 35 OECD members. Traffic accidents typically fall into three categories depending on the cause of the accident: vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to pedestrian (V2P), and vehicle independent. Most accidents are caused by drivers' mistakes in recognition, judgment, or operation. ADAS has been proposed to prevent and reduce accidents from such human errors. Moreover, the global automobile industry has recently been developing various safety measures, but on-road tests are still limited and contain various risks. Therefore, this study investigated the international standards for evaluation tests with regard to the assessment techniques in braking capability to cope with the limitations of on-road tests. A theoretical formula for braking force and a control algorithm are proposed, which were validated by comparing the results with those from an on-road test. These results verified the braking force depending on the functions of ADAS. The risks of on-road tests can be reduced because the proposed theoretical formula allows a prediction of the tendencies.

A Study on the Evaluation of Economic Benefit for Railway Transshipment System with Non-Powered Turntable (무동력 회전장치를 이용한 철도환적시스템의 경제성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kwanghee;Kim, Hyundeok
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to estimate economic benefits for the investment of railway transshipment system with non-powered turntable. The freight transport by railway can have decided advantages over trucks in terms of energy efficiency, emissions and cost for certain freight movements, just as transportation in the metropolitan region can have great advantages over driving truck. But the freight transport by truck should gain significant mobility benefits from a freight railway system. Thus, the railway transshipment system with non-powered turntable which is coupled railway transport advantages with load transport advantages has been developed and used in the european countries. This research has conducted the empirical analysis, by calculating the investment of railway transshipment system with non-powered turntable. The key factor for the economic benefits for the non-powered turntable is the utilizing throughputs. This demand is influenced by the throughput in the railway transshipment system. The main results of this paper are as follows: railway transshipment system with non-powered turntable does not have economic benefit for investment. We recommend that the plan for investment has to be considered the modification.

Design Criteria Derivation of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycle based on Levelized Cost of Electricity(LCOE) (전력단가추정기반 초임계 이산화탄소 발전 시스템 최적 설계 인자 도출)

  • Park, Sungho;Cha, Jaemin;Kim, Joonyoung;Shin, Junguk;Yeom, Choongsub
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.441-447
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    • 2017
  • The economic analysis for the power plant developed in the conceptual design phase is becoming more important and, research on process optimization for process development that meets the target economic is actively carried out. In the filed of power generation systems, economic assessment methods to predict the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) has been widely applied for comparing economic effect quantitatively. In this paper, the platform that design criteria of key component required to optimize economic of power cycle can be calculated reversely was established roughly and design criteria of the key equipment (Compressor, turbine, heat exchanger) required to meet the target LCOE (the LCOE of supercritical steam Rankine cycle) was derived when the supercritical $CO_2$ power cycle is applied to the coal-fired power plant.

SPARQL Query Processing System over Scalable Triple Data using SparkSQL Framework (SparQLing : SparkSQL 기반 대용량 트리플 데이터를 위한 SPARQL 질의 시스템 구축)

  • Jeon, MyungJoong;Hong, JinYoung;Park, YoungTack
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.450-459
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    • 2016
  • Every year, RDFS data tends further toward scalability; hence, the manner of SPARQL processing needs to be changed for fast query. The query processing method of SPARQL has been studied using a scalable distributed processing framework. Current studies indicate that the query engine based on the scalable distributed processing framework i.e., Hadoop(MapReduce) is not suitable for real-time processing because of the repetitive tasks; in addition, it is difficult to construct a query engine based on an In-memory Distributed Query engine, because distributed structure on the low-level is required to be considered. In this paper, we proposed a method to construct a query engine for improving the speed of the query process with the mass triple data. The query engine processes the query of SPARQL using the SparkSQL, which is an In-memory based, distributed query processing framework. SparkSQL is a high-level distributed query engine that facilitates existing SQL statement. In order to process the SPARQL query, after generating the Algebra Tree using Jena, the Algebra Tree is required to be translated to Spark Algebra Tree for application in the Spark system, and construction of the system that generated the SparkSQL query. Furthermore, we proposed the design of triple property table based on DataFrame for more efficient query processing in the Spark system. Finally, we verified the validity through comparative evaluation with the query engine, which is the existing distributed processing framework.

Comprehensive Study on Security and Privacy Requirements for Retrieval System over Encrypted Database (암호화된 데이터베이스 검색 시스템의 보안 요구사항에 대한 통합적 관점에서의 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-A;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Chung, Taik-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.621-635
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    • 2012
  • Although most proposed security schemes have scrutinized their own security models for protecting different types of threats and attacks, this naturally causes a problem as follows-- if a security analysis tool would fit a certain scheme, it may not be proper to other schemes. In order to address this problem, this paper analyzes how security requirements of each paper could be different by comparing with two schemes: Agrawal et al.'s scheme OPES (Order Preserving Encryption Scheme) and Zdonik et al.'s FCE (Fast Comparison Encryption). Zdonik et al. have formally disproved the security of Agrawal et al.'s scheme OPES. Thereafter, some scholars have wondered whether the OPES can guarantee its applicability in a real world for its insecurity or not. However, the analysis by Zdonik et al. does not have valid objectivity because they used the security model INFO-CPA-DB for their scheme FCE to analyze Agrawal et al.'s scheme OPES, in spite of the differences between two schemes. In order to analyze any scheme correctly and apply it to a real world properly, the analysis tool should be comprehensively standardized. We re-analyze Zdonik et al.'s analysis for OPES and then propose general formalizations of security and privacy for all of the encrypted retrieval systems. Finally, we recommend the minimum level of security requirements under our formal definitions. Additional considerations should be also supplemented in accordance with the conditions of each system.

Quantitative evaluation of collapse hazard levels of tunnel faces by interlinked consideration of face mapping, design and construction data: focused on adaptive weights (막장관찰 및 설계/시공자료가 연계 고려된 터널막장 붕괴 위험도의 정량적 산정: 가변형 가중치 중심으로)

  • Shin, Hyu-Soung;Lee, Seung-Soo;Kim, Kwang-Yeom;Bae, Gyu-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.505-522
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    • 2013
  • Previously, a new concept of indexing methodology has been proposed for quantitative assessment of tunnel collapse hazard level at each tunnel face with respect to the given geological data, design condition and the corresponding construction activity (Shin et al, 2009a). In this paper, 'linear' model, in which weights of influence factors are invariable, and 'non-linear' model, in which weights of influence factors are variable, are taken into account with some examples. Then, the 'non-linear' model is validated by using 100 tunnel collapse cases. It appears that 'non-linear' model allows us to have adapted weight values of influence factors to characteristics of given tunnel site. In order to make a better understanding and help for an effective use of the system, a series of operating processes of the system are built up. Then, by following the processes, the system is applied to a real-life tunnel project in very weak and varying ground conditions. Through this approach, it would be quite apparent that the tunnel collapse hazard indices are determined by well interlinked consideration of face mapping data as well as design/construction data. The calculated indices seem to be in good agreement with available electric resistivity distribution and design/construction status. In addition, This approach could enhance effective usage of face mapping data and lead timely and well corresponding field reactions to situation of weak tunnel faces.

A Study on the Ecological Indices for the Assessment of the Function and Maturity of Artificial Reefs (인공어초의 기능도와 성숙도 평가를 위한 생태학적 지수에 대한 연구)

  • Yoo, Jae-Won;Hong, Hyun-Pyo;Hwang, Jae-Youn;Lee, Min-Soo;Lee, Yong-Woo;Lee, Chae-Sung;Hwang, Sun-Do
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.8-34
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    • 2014
  • We reviewed foreign evaluation systems based on the macrobenthic and macroalgal communities and developed a system, composed of a set of ecological indices able to evaluate the functionality (FI, Functional Index; estimation of stability and productivity) and maturity (MI, Maturity Index; comparisons with biological parameters of natural reefs) of artificial reefs by comparing the status in the adjacent natural reefs in Korean coastal waters. The evaluation system was applied to natural and artificial reefs/reef-planned areas (natural reefs), established in the 5 marine ranching areas (Bangnyeong-Daechung, Yeonpyung, Taean, Seocheon and Buan) in the west coast of Korea. The FI ranged between 31.6 (Bangnyeong-Daechung) and 72.5% (Buan) and MI did between 53.1 (Seocheon) and 76.9% (Taean) in average. The evaluation of artificial reefs by the two indices, showed the most appropriate status in Taean. The FI between the adjacent artificial and natural reefs were in significant linear relationship ($r^2=0.83$, p=0.01). This indicated the local status of biological community may be critical in determining the functionality of the artificial reefs. We have suggested an integrative but preliminary evaluation system of artificial reefs in this study. The output from the evaluation system may be utilized as a tool for environment/resource managers or policy makers, responsible for effective use of funds and decision making. Given the importance, we need to use the options to enhance and improve the accuracy as follows: (1) continuous validation of the evaluation system and rescaling the criteria of indicators, (2) vigorous utilization of observation and experience through the application and data accumulation and (3) development and testing of brand-new indicators.