• Title/Summary/Keyword: 충실도

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Study on the Impulse Characteristics for applying to the Ultra-wideband Antennas (초광대역 안테나에 적용 가능한 임펄스 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Doojin Lee;Muhun Park
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.362-368
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we presented the characteristics of the impulse signal which is applicable to the ultra-wideband antennas. In general, the width of the impulse has around sub nano or pico seconds in the time domain, where it corresponds to the wideband in the frequency domain. We confirmed by experiment that the impulse has around 130ps of the pulse width and bandwidth of 4GHz when 10MHz of sine wave excited as an input pulse. The fidelity factor was calculated in the time domain and -10dB bandwidth in the frequency domain was investigated for resistively loaded dipole antennas with different resistance per unit length. The received impulse signal through the wideband antennas is confirmed in the time and frequency domains that received pulse is to be similar to the generated impulse. The fidelity and bandwidth of the quantity value are 0.98 and 3.4GHz, respectively.

Development and Validation of the Korean Tier 3 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation Fidelity Checklist (KT3-FC) (한국형 긍정적 행동지원 3차 실행충실도 척도(KT3-FC)의 개발과 타당화)

  • Won, Sung-Doo;Chang, Eun Jin;Cho Blair, Kwang-Sun;Song, Wonyoung;Nam, Dong Mi
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 2020
  • As a tiered system of supports, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based practice in the educational system of Korea. An important aspect of SWPBS is the ongoing progress monitoring and evaluation of implementation fidelity. This study aimed to develop and validate the Korean Tier 3 School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation Fidelity Checklist (KT3-FC). The preliminary KT3-FC consisted of a 37-item, 6-factor checklist. In the first phase of the study, 10 experts reported that the range of content validity of the KT3-FC was adequate. In the second phase of the study, 185 teachers (52 men and 133 women) who implemented SWPBS completed the KT3-FC, Individualized Supports Questionnaire, School Climate Questionnaire, School Discipline Practice Scale, and PBS Effectiveness Scale. An exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 5-factor structure, with 20 items, instead of 37 items, consisting of: (a) progress monitoring and evaluation of the individualized supports, (b) provision of supports by aligning and integrating mental health and SWPBS, (c) crisis management planning, (d) problem behavior assessment, and (e) establishment of individualized support team. The internal consistency of the KT3-FC was good (full scale α = .950, sub-factor α = .888 ~ .954). In addition, the KT3-FC showed good convergent validity, having statistically significant correlations with the Individualized Support Questionnaire, School Climate Questionnaire, School Discipline Practice Scale, and the PBS Effectiveness Scale. Finally, the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the 5-factor model of the KT3-FC had some good model fits, indicating that the newly developed fidelity measure could be a reliable and valid tool to assess the implementation of Tier 3 supports in Korean schools. Accordingly, the KT3-FC could contribute to implement SWPBS as an evidence-based behavioral intervention for Korean students.

A Comparative Study on High School Chemistry Curriculum in Korea and Japan (한국과 일본의 고등학교 화학교육과정 비교연구)

  • Kong, Young-Tae;Lim, Jai-Hang;Moon, Sung-Bae;Nam, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 2004
  • This study is to compare and analyse the high school chemistry curriculum in Korea and Japan from the viewpoint of the structure, objectives, contents, teaching-learning method, and assessment plans. From the comparative analysis, we found some common and different aspects. The suggestive ideas which is useful for study of Korean science curriculum were deduced, such as more expansion of selective subjects and enhancing the guidance, more flexible teaching methods, enhancing the individualized instruction plans suitable to each student's condition, careful selection of educational contents and enhancing the base and foundation, and transition period.

The study on Alfonso Cum-on's Great Expectations (알폰소 쿠아론의 <위대한 유산> 분석:원작의 해석과 장르변용에 있어서 작가의 역활을 중심으로)

  • Park, Chur-Woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.16
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    • pp.257-272
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    • 2009
  • I analysis Alfonso Cuaron's comparing it with Charles Dickens' the original novel and David Lean's . In order to evaluate film which is based on classic novel, formal difference between film and novel, people's preference in those days and director's interpretations should be considered besides how the film follow the original novel faithfully. Regarding to these valuation basis, David Lean's film is true to the original novel and same time successful to add director's interpretation by using Mise en secne in it. Alfonso Cuaron is also succeed in filming well-made, people-like work by modifying the original novel with the convention of melo-drama genre and by using modern film form without breaking Hollywood classic film grammar.

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일본의 '어린이 독서활동 추진에 관한 기본 계획'

  • Korean Library Association
    • KLA journal
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    • v.44 no.1 s.338
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 2003
  • 일본 정부는 지난 2002년 8월 2일 각료회의에서 ‘어린이 독서활동 추진에 관한 기본 계획’을 결정하였다. 이 기본 계획은 어린이가 자주적으로 독서활동을 할 수 있도록 그 환경을 정비한다는 관점에서, 2001년 12월에 의원입법되어 공포.시행된 ‘어린이 독서활동 추진에 관한 법률’의 규정에 따라, 정부가 수립하지 않으면 안 되게 된 것이다. 이 계획을 2002년부터 2006년까지 5년에 걸친 시책의 기본 방향과 구체적인 방안을 제시한 것으로, 그 개요는 다음과 같다. 1. 가정, 지역사회, 학교를 통하여 어린이가 독서와 친해질 수 있는 기회 제공 가정교육에 관한 학습기회를 통하여 부모에게 독서의 중요성을 이해시킨다. 도서관에서의 어린이 독서활동을 추진하여 민간단체 활동을 지원한다. 학교에서의 학습활동을 통하여 독서습관을 확립하고 독서활동을 추진한다. 2. 도서자료 정비 등 제반 조건의 정비 및 충실화 도서관과 공민관 도서실 등 지역사회의 독서환경을 정비한다. 도서관 자료를 정비하고 정보화를 추진하며 사서 연수를 충실화한다. 학교도서관의 도서정비 5개년 계획, 정보화 추진, 사서교사 발령을 촉진한다. 3. 학교, 도서관및 관계기관, 민간단체의 연계.협력체제 추진 4. 사회 분위기 조성을 위한 보급.계발 어린이 독서의 날(4월 23일)을 중심으로 전국적으로 홍보한다. 홈페이지 개설로 관련정보를 광범위하게 제공한다. 일본 문부과학성은 이 기본계획에 기초하여 관계부처 등과 긴밀히 협조하여 어린이 독서활동 추진에 관한 시책을 더욱 충실히 하기로 하였다. -편집자주

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Effects of Timings and Light Intensities of Supplemental Red Light on the Growth Characteristics of Cucumber and Tomato Plug Seedlings (적색광 처리시기 및 광도가 오이 및 토마토 플러그묘의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Zhang, Cheng-Hao;Chun, Ik-Jo;Park, Yong-Chul;Kim, Il-Seop
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2003
  • This study was established to control the overgrowth of cucumber and tomato plug seedlings by controlling of irradiation timings light intensities of red (R) light. Compared with the control, end-of-day (EOD) timing of R irradiation significantly reduced the seeding heights by 21.3% and 14.2% in cucumber and tomato, respectively. In addition, both plant seedlings treated with R light at EOD timing had the thickest stem diameter. Tomato seedlings treated with R light at EOD showed th highest chlorophyll content and the smallest leaf size. Dry weights of above ground plant tissue in both plant seedlings were significantly reduced by EOD R light treatment. And both plant seedlings treated with EOD treatment had the lowest T/R ratio, and the highest compactness rates. The increased intensities of R light resulted in the shorter plant heights in cucumber and tomato plant seedlings. It also reduced the length of hypocotyls and internodes and the size of leaves in the both seedlings. Elevated R light intensities tended to increase the stem diameter and chlorophyll contents. Dry weights of above ground plant tissue and roots in both plant seedlings were reduced by the elevated R irradiation. Cucumber seedlings treated with 2 and 8 $mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$ and tomato seedlings treated with 8 ${\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$ had significantly lower T/R ratio the other treatments tested.

The Influence of TTF on GSS Usage and Task Performance : Focusing on moderating effect of COA and FOA (과업기술적합도(TTF)가 그룹지원시스템(GSS)의 사용 및 성과에 미치는 영향 : 전유방식동의 정도와 전유 충실도의 조절효과를 고려하여)

  • Kang, So-Ra;Chun, Bang-Jee
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.755-788
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    • 2007
  • This study investigates the effects of individual and group level factors on the use of GSS (Group Support System) and task performance from GSS use. GSS facilitates the group work, so that GSS adoption is not necessarily influenced only by individual perceptions on information systems. Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST) in our study to explain the adoption and success from GSS use. AST contends that the success of IS is not necessarily the technical fit between tasks and technology, instead the political outcome among user socializations. We have the following two research inquires: Are the IS use and performance maximized when information technologies are provided properly?; and, Does TTF always influence positively on IS use (or performance)? To research these issues, we investigate the influence of TTF (Task-Technology Fit) on use and performance of GSS, which is introduced to foster collaboration among organizational members. Drawing insights from the AST, we examine if COA (Consensus on Appropriation) among group members and FOA (Faithfulness of Appropriation) between those who use technology and who design it show any moderating effect. A questionnaire survey was conducted on firms using the GSS for one month from June 2 to June 27 2005 and a sample of 303 responses was used for a statistical analysis. The result demonstrates that TTF exerts a positive influence on use and performance of GSS. We find that the stronger the COA, the greater the effect of W on use of GSS and performance. FOA likewise has a positive effect on both use of GSS and performance. The TTF model has been widely applied to studies on individual performance of information system, whereas the AST theory specifically explains members' adaptation process to information system. By integrating the AST theory with the TTF model, the study contributes to heightening our understanding on if and how individual performance varies with the use of GSS.

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