• Title/Summary/Keyword: 초등 고학년

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초등학교 고학년 수학영재의 창의성 신장을 위한 프로그램

  • Sin, Hyeon-Yong;Han, In-Gi;Lee, Jong-Uk
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.10
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2000
  • 초등학교 학생들의 창의성 신장은 수학 교수-학습 과정에서 꼭 고려해야 할 목표들 중의 하나이다. 창의성 신장을 위한 많은 시도들이 있었지만, 창의성 신장을 위한 학습자료들은아직 많은 연구 문제들을 남기고 있다. 본 연구에서는 초등학교 고학년 영재 아동들의 창의성 신장을 위해 100시간 분량으로 개발된 학습 프로그램을 소개하고, 개발된 자료들을 초등학교 교수-학습에 투입하여 얻은 긍정적인 결과들을 제시할 것이다.

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A comparative research between 4th-grade and lower grades in elementary mathematics (초등학교 4학년과 저학년 수학의 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.415-435
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    • 2007
  • A transition from elementary to secondary school, and among grades, among learning contents is a essential problem in education. A connectivity between learning contents is important in student's growth and development. A gap between lower grades and higher grades in elementary school is no less extensive than a gap between elementary mathematics and secondary mathematics. In this paper, we start with a critical mind about a transition and connectivity between lower grades and higher grades in elementary school. In order to compare between elementary grades, we firstly focus 4th grade mathematics which finish lower grades and start higher grades at the same time. First, we make up a questionnaire to 4th grade students and teachers in charge 4th grade. A questionnaire is composed of questions about the degree of difficulty in the learning(and teaching) of 4th grade mathematics comparing with 3rd grade mathematics. Second, we compare to lower grades lessons(1st grade) and 4th grade lessons using a qualitative method. we analyze the lesson contents, activities and time through 'analysis of the learning course'. And we compare the pattern of eliciting questions, question patterns, nomination patterns and feedback patterns between 1st grade and 4th grade lessons. We hope that this paper is a fundamental sources in investigating a connectivity between lower grades and higher grades in elementary mathematics in the future.

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Factors Affecting Smartphone Addiction in High Grades of Elementary School using Local Children's Centers (지역아동센터 이용 초등학교 고학년 학생의 스마트폰 중독 영향요인)

  • Do, Keong-Jin;Lee, Eun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2021
  • This study is a descriptive research conducted to identify smartphone addiction and influencing factors of high grades of elementary school students. The subjects were 294 elementary school students in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades at 31 regional children's centers located in C city. Data were collected from May 13, 2019 to June 10, 2019. For data analysis, frequency analysis, 𝑥2-test, and logistic regression analysis were performed using SPSS Win 23.0 program. The result of the study were 16% in the addiction risk group and 84.0% in the general group. Factors influencing smartphone addiction were smartphone usage time on weekdays(95% CI: 1.263~827.849, p=.036), and main usage time of smartphone(95% CI: 1.028~29.574, p=.046). Therefore, in order to prevent smartphone addiction of high grade of elementary school, it is necessary to develop a smartphone addiction prevention education or nursing intervention program by identifying usage time and main usage time of smartphone.

Status and needs of nutrition education for children's sugars intake reduction in elementary school (초등학교 기반 당류 섭취 저감화 영양교육 실태 및 요구도)

  • Kim, Mi-Hyun;Yeon, Jee-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.433-444
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study examined the status and needs of school-based nutritional education programs for reducing sugars intake in elementary schools. Methods: A total of 230 elementary nutrition teachers participated in this study through an online survey in July 2017. Results: Approximately one-third of the schools conducted nutrition education on reducing sugars intake as a main topic. The most frequent educated grade and education period were $4^{th}$ and $3^{rd}$ grade, and once a year. Most of the nutrition teachers answered that nutrition education related to reducing sugars intake for children was necessary. The nutrition teachers answered that first graders were the recipients in most need of nutrition education for reducing sugars but, realistically, third graders were the most suitable for nutrition education. The appropriate education topics were limited to the lower grades, such as sugars consumption related health problems, foods containing high sugars, and behaviors to reduce sugars intake; however, a wider variety of topics were selected for the upper grades. The experiment was considered to be an effective educational method for both the lower and upper grades. The most appropriate nutrition education media appeared to be a mock-up in the lower grades, and an experiment kit in the upper grades. Games and videos were highly considered to be effective media to educate students in reducing sugars consumption by voluntary participation in free time in the classroom in both the lower and upper grades. Conclusion: Nutrition education programs focusing on sugars intake reduction were conducted in some elementary schools, but the training time was short and the types of activities were limited. The perception and demand for nutrition education was very high. Therefore, the development and dissemination of elementary school-based nutritional education programs for sugars intake reduction is urgently needed. Moreover, to develop an effective nutrition education program, the education environment and demand in the field should be fully considered.

Development on Integrated Learning Program Using Robot Programming at Science Education (과학교육과 로봇 프로그래밍을 통합한 학습 프로그램의 개발 - 초등학교 고학년 에너지 단원 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Yoo, In-Hwan
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.01a
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    • pp.327-331
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    • 2010
  • 로봇 프로그래밍은 학생들의 논리적 사고와 문제 해결력, 창의력 등의 고등 사고능력 함양에 적합한 학습 도구이다. 본 연구는 초등학교 교육과정 중 고학년 과학의 에너지 단원에서의 학습 도구로서 로봇을 활용한 프로그래밍 교육방법을 제안하는데 목적이 있다. 초등학교에서 로봇 프로그래밍을 활용하여 통합교육 프로그램을 개발하였다. 차후, 개발된 프로그램을 적용하여 학교에서 교육적 활용 및 일반화 가능성과 학생들의 고등 사고 능력 증진과의 관계를 알아볼 계획이다.

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The Effect of an Elementary School Senior Parental Excessive Interference on Internet Addiction: Mediating Effect of Learning Amotivation (초등학교 고학년 학생 부모의 과잉간섭이 인터넷 중독에 미치는 영향: 학습무동기의 매개효과)

  • Yoo, Kae Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.383-391
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    • 2019
  • This study confirms the mediating effect of learning amotivation in the effect of an elementary school senior parental excessive interference on Internet addiction. To this end, 329 elementary school students in fifth and sixth grade were analyzed by collecting data on parental excessive interference, learning amotivation and Internet addiction. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, there was a significant static relationship between parental excessive interference, learning amotivation, and Internet addiction. Second, parental excessive interference had a significant effect on Internet addiction. Third, parental excessive interference had a significant effect on learning amotivation, and the learning amotivation affected a significant effect on Internet addiction. Through this process, it was confirmed that the learning amotivation has an indirect mediated effect on the effect of parental excessive interference on Internet addiction. Based on the results of this study, the educational implications of preventing Internet addiction among elementary school students and suggestions for follow-up research were discussed.

Factors Affecting Higher Grade Elementary school students' Internet Game Addiction: Focus on Gender Differences (초등학교 고학년 학생들의 인터넷 게임중독 영향요인: 남여비교)

  • Jee, Young-Ju;Kim, Kyoung-Nam;Kim, Young-Hae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.5023-5030
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the factors predicting internet game addiction in higher grade elementary school students according to gender in two cities. The participants were 300 elementary school students who were in the $4^{th}$, $5^{th}$ and $6^{th}$ grades. Data was collected by structured questionnaires from April 1 to June 15 2013, and analyzed using SPSS WIN 14.0. The scores of internet game addiction for elementary school students were 28.82 and 24.61 for boys and girls, respectively. The adjustment to school life predicted internet game addiction in 14% of boys. The adjustment to school life and satisfaction with school life predicted internet game addiction in 15% of girls. The factors affecting highly effective intervention techniques need to be applied to the development of programs to prevent Internet game addiction in elementary school students in the $4^{th}$, $5^{th}$ and $6^{th}$ grades.